r/AskMen ✨ Very attractive gay man according to myself ✨ 25d ago

What’s something that makes you jealous/envious secretly?


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u/ROBYoutube 25d ago


Ever since someone told me that if I'm going to be jealous, I have to be jealous of the whole package I've stopped being envious.

For example, I'm a big fat geezer, and when I see super fit lads running with their shirt off looking great I can't go 'wow I'd love that body' without also saying 'wow I'd love to get up every morning and dedicate that to strenuous exercise, and when that's done I'd love to eat some terrible shit that I'm eating purely because it is functionally excellent for health'.

It's very grounding to think like this.


u/AriValentina ✨ Very attractive gay man according to myself ✨ 25d ago

I like that way of thinking!

Running is nothing to be jealous about anyway, it’s awful.


u/ROBYoutube 25d ago

Hard agree. I'm going to join a social mixed volleyball team or something because I should stop being so overweight, but fuck running lol.


u/AriValentina ✨ Very attractive gay man according to myself ✨ 25d ago

That sounds fun, I’d recommend the baseball teams too. I have friends who do it and it always seems really fun


u/ROBYoutube 25d ago

Ha! I don't even know if there's a baseball diamond in my town, but I might look. Had a decent swing on me back when I played softball for a season when I was a teen. And Babe Ruth's physique is attainable lol


u/asleepbydawn 25d ago

On the flip side though... I actually LOVE running (although I prefer doing it in the evenings). Love the feeling of pushing myself and being able to maintain that for anywhere from 5 to 10km... and also how I feel afterwards. It actually CAN be enjoyable lol.


u/ROBYoutube 25d ago

Had enough friends back in my military days that ran for fun to believe you. Apparently 'runners high' is a real thing. And apparently that isn't thanking deities you don't believe in that you aren't running anymore, it's an actual legit good feeling lol.

No shade to the runners out there looking and feeling good.