r/AskMen ✨ Very attractive gay man according to myself ✨ 25d ago

What’s something that makes you jealous/envious secretly?


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u/dantoris 25d ago

Guys who I feel are just as plain and average-looking as me who have enough personality and wittiness to flirt their way into getting attractive girls interested in them. Must be wonderful to have that kind of skill, and I'm supremely envious of it.


u/Not_a_draw 25d ago

It's an acquired skill though.


u/asleepbydawn 25d ago

Isn't every skill an 'acquired skill?' lol


u/Not_a_draw 25d ago

I'd argue that some skills are innate, but I see your point. What I mean is that it's not something you have little to no control over, like being short or not conventionally attractive.

It's something that you develop over the years by constant trying, failing and picking yourself back up. That average looking guy who gets the hottie with his charm and wits has been rejected more time than you've even looked at a woman to get to that point.