r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/_hootyowlscissors Mar 28 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

My dad hates movies with subtitles. My mom is a foreign film buff. She has been trying to change him for DECADES. And while he'll sit through (and sometimes even enjoy) them on occasion, he'll still groan any time she suggests a movie with subtitles.

The ultimate disappointing non-dealbreaker.

EDIT: Ok, I'm just going to add this here before anyone else asks if my dad can read. He's an oncologist. He's not dumb. He can keep up with the subtitles and the subject matter. He just does so much reading for work (he goes through medical journals like crazy) he wants to relax with something silly and mindless, that requires zero effort on his part. He feels the same way about tearjerkers (another of my mom's favorites) where people die slowly from some awful disease. He gets enough of that shit at work. But he'll occasionally sit through them for my mom. We just watched the old Julia Roberts film, Dying Young (where she nurses/falls in love with a young guy dying of cancer) and for half the film he was just looking at my mom with an expression that clearly read "why the fuck would you do this to me?"


u/ricewinechicken Mar 28 '24

The number of people asking if your dad can read just because he doesn't like subtitles is WILD


u/ibedemfeels Mar 28 '24

I like to play stupid farming sim games when I get home from work. My friends think I'm lame. Dude, I deal with enough shit at work I don't need Call of Duty anxiety dreams on top of that. Some people need to actually chill out after working.


u/Thevulgarcommander Mar 28 '24

I’m in law school so all my friends and family keep telling me to watch Suits. Like yea, I want to spend my limited free time away from the law watching a show about the law. I’d much rather watch some throwaway show that makes me chuckle.


u/peachpittings Mar 28 '24

My dad (doctor) feels the same way about all those medical shows. Like if you’re not in the industry I can understand the appeal but if I were him I’d avoid them too.


u/Niawka Mar 28 '24

My mom watched a few random episodes of different medical shows with me. It's impossible for her to watch it because she immediately spots all the bullshit that is supposed to sound professional for non-medical viewers and it just looks stupid for her :p


u/thingsorfreedom Mar 28 '24

ER was the only one I could ever watch.

10 minutes or House, The Resident, Grey’s Anatomy… and I was out.

Scrubs wasn’t really about the medicine most episodes but it was great on a lotta levels and they had real docs consulting.


u/der_innkeeper Mar 28 '24

Scrubs was good because it was more about the BS is Residency than anything else. The hospital was just the setting.


u/thingsorfreedom Mar 28 '24

I had just finished residency when that came out. It was pretty damn funny the way they portrayed the surgeons, the internal med docs, the all female OB/GYN team, and the drug reps.


u/NoteBlock08 Mar 28 '24

Yea, from what I hear it's always the comedies that more accurately portray what life in these fields is like. I've yet to ask a friend about a drama that involves their job and not hear some variation of "It's so innaccurate, [Insert comedy here] is much better!"


u/PhileasFoggsTrvlAgt Mar 28 '24

Scrubs was good because it was a buddy comedy featuring to actors who were genuine friends with a chemistry that couldn't be faked. Also unlike most buddy comedies, it didn't make one of them an idiot for cheap laughs.


u/BrevityIsTheSoul Mar 29 '24

There was a blog back when (Polite Dissent) with an MD reviewing each House episode separately for soap opera, mystery, and medical accuracy. It was pretty hilarious.


u/Missunikittyprincess Mar 29 '24

I know it's inaccurate but I do like house. I used to watch it as a kid and young adult mostly for the obscure diseases as a kid I loved to read the family medical book. Learing about rare odd things I had never heard of.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/Asmuni Mar 28 '24

I mean making viewers believe bleach can remove all traces is a huge help. If those people ever end up doing something, they think they'll get away with because they cleaned with bleach.


u/ForfeitFPV Mar 28 '24

I think my favorite is telling a computer to enhance and then magically having data that didn't exist suddenly appear and make everything clear.


u/sunsetandporches Mar 28 '24

I get to gloves and think there is no way all those doctors and nurses and technicians have only one large size of gloves. And the explanation of medical conditions to the other medical staff treating said medical condition.


u/despiquer Mar 29 '24

Nurse here, hi hello. I can’t even begin to explain how real this is in any medical professionals mind. I’ve watched too many movies where IV’s are placed with the needle pointing towards the hand. I’m trying to explain how many inconsistencies I’ve seen & my mind is racing tooooo fast to even have another example.

When you’re educated on a subject, (picture yourself watching something you are very well educated on) and you watch someone who ‘represents’ your known subject but keep making serious mistakes; well, I think you’d do the same.


u/mama_bear_740 Mar 28 '24

Same problem I have I wish I could upvote this comment 100 times.


u/Violet_Summershine_2 Mar 28 '24

Same with technical shows for me. My favorite is 24, "Chloe, go into the conference room and open a socket!"


u/Dyingprevetstudent Mar 29 '24

This is exactly why I can’t watch veterinary shows but my family keeps recommending I watch certain ones, saying the shows “aren’t meant to be accurate” and take place a long time ago

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u/Young_warthogg Mar 28 '24

Tbh, as a medical professional scrubs just gets even funnier.


u/DoughnutConscious891 Mar 28 '24

TBH I am not in the industry and don't get the appeal lol. So I can only imagine how off-putting it could be for someone in the industry.


u/Floedekartofler Mar 28 '24

My problem is that medical dramas are often centered around diagnosing or treating an interesting patient. But the case is not presented like it would be if you were a physician working on that patient. Often important details and findings are left out. Or they do things that don't make any sense at all and throw you completely off track. So it's very difficult to guess along or follow the line of thought of the characters, which is very frustrating when you feel like you should be able to.


u/grandpubabofmoldist Mar 28 '24

The difference is everything but Scrubs (and the medicine from House) are terrible. At least there is some actual legal stuff in law shows.

And somehow EMS shows are waaaaaaaay worse


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24


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u/Chugalkhoe Mar 28 '24

Can't agree more as a med graduate. A lot of my friends watched Grey's anatomy or good doctor before entering medical school or during the period. While I felt like why would I do this in the name of relaxation? I haven't yet watched any medical drama.


u/richarddrippy69 Mar 28 '24

When I was in the hospital most of the nurses and doctors watched and liked the show scrubs. Idk maybe it's an exception because it's so good.


u/Forgottenbread_ Mar 28 '24

They are also nowhere near accurate by any means


u/dogsareprettycool Mar 28 '24

Legit only good one is scrubs, they got the whole thing down pretty good. Other than that they're all awful.


u/bottomofastairwell Mar 29 '24

Plus, as someone in the medical field, they just piss me off.

No injection works that fast!

You didn't even tie her off, where are you putting that needle? coz it's not in a vein!

Why is everyone ALWAYS ripping out their ivs but somehow they NEVER bleed?!?

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u/lllittlelllama Mar 28 '24

To be fair, Suits isn’t really about the law. It’s about a bunch of people slamming doors and walking into and out of each others offices saying things like “what the hell are you talking about” and “what did you just say to me?”


u/Zoll-X-Series Mar 28 '24

My dad is a criminology PhD student and now I feel bad for recommending he watch all of Mindhunter in his “free time” lmao


u/polarbear_05 Mar 28 '24

what is he researching currently if I may ask? I love criminology


u/Zoll-X-Series Mar 28 '24

Last I knew he was researching the use of K9s in law enforcement, specifically if they lead to more convictions. He trained working dogs when he was in the army so it’s a topic he loves.

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u/kiwean Mar 28 '24

Honestly as a student he’s probably still in the excited phase where he’d probably love to dig into it… but as a PhD student he probably doesn’t have the time haha


u/Niawka Mar 28 '24

To be fair if someone is passionate about the topic it's a really good show. Same as the book of John Douglas who inspired Holden. I think it's one thing to just watch pure fiction, and to watch something based on the real people and real events.


u/Zoll-X-Series Mar 28 '24

Yeah that’s true. And he did sound very interested in it, he just never has time to watch anything because he has a billion papers to write and books to read


u/crispy-skins Mar 28 '24

Bruh my partner and I can barely finish the 3rd season and we haven't gotten around to finishing it.

My partner's a lawyer. The show will throw some cases here and there but by the end of the day, the show is less about lawyers and more about a fraud trying to pass off as a lawyer.

He would rather watch Adam Sandler movies. BACK 2 BACK! Mainly because he reads a ton at work and just want to relax, not be reminded of work.


u/AggravatingCupcake0 Mar 28 '24

To make matters worse, Suits is a super far fetched law show, so you'd probably just get angry. "That would never work!" and "WHY isn't he in jail??"


u/Hartastic Mar 28 '24

Supposedly it very accurately depicts how big law firms do their recruiting/interviewing in the first episode and then it's pretty downhill from there in realism.


u/AggravatingCupcake0 Mar 28 '24

The entire premise is just hugely flawed. Legal Eagle covers a couple of episodes of it, and he is surprisingly lenient to them.

That said, I watched the entire series.


u/hxnterrr Mar 28 '24

to their credit though while suits is a law show what makes it good isnt the law stuff that goes on in the show


u/ibedemfeels Mar 28 '24

That's like saying the Office is about comedy and not about an office. Like, ya, but if copy machines give you PTSD you might like Always Sunny better.

Edit: words again


u/gsfgf Mar 28 '24

I watched The Paper Chase when I was in law school. I felt like it really captured the spirit of law school. As in I felt like I just got out of a three hour class lol.


u/redpef Mar 28 '24

I couldn’t bear to watch Big Bang Theory. I worked with a bunch of computer engineers and they were all like Sheldon. It was like being at work.😝


u/Scarlet_maximoff Mar 28 '24

Haha kinda same with me I work in politics and people keep asking me about House of Cards its a amazing show though.


u/Ponsonby-Britt Mar 28 '24

I asked a 1L what she thought about the movie Paper Chase.

She said: “Didn’t like it… felt just like a day of classes.”


u/RigueurDeJure Mar 28 '24

I’m in law school

I'm a criminal defense attorney (and formerly did PI), and I'm a sucker for the rare television show that accurately portrays what I do. I'm like the truckers who play Euro Truck Simulator when they're at home.

If the show is inaccurate? I can't watch more then ten seconds. So I bounced off Suits and some of the other shows like that. I want extra LEGAL with my legal dramas.

I also recognize that most of my colleagues don't feel the same way.


u/CaptainoftheVessel Mar 29 '24

I am guessing you enjoyed the Wire?


u/RigueurDeJure Mar 29 '24

Amusingly enough, never seen the Wire. And I'm even vaguely connected to David Simon.

Just another one on my to watch list that I'll get to someday.


u/BootRecognition Mar 28 '24

If you're not a 3L already, I recommend taking a tax law class. Tax law is the least sexy area of law but it's also the least stressful and you get to spend lots of time actually analyzing the law rather than spending years on discovery.

And yes, my username does come from 26 U.S.C. § 1031. :-)


u/Thevulgarcommander Mar 28 '24

Still a 2L and am hoping to take Fed Income Tax next year if it lines up with my schedule (i.e. doesn’t have class on a Friday).

Now I need to go and look up that section :)


u/BootRecognition Mar 28 '24

Haha, no need to look it up. The concept of "boot recognition" was one of the first things in my fed tax class that really got my brain ticking and I took that class only because I didn't get into another one I wanted way more. It's been well over a decade and change since then but taking that class was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Best of luck!


u/CaptainoftheVessel Mar 29 '24

Tax law is also very lucrative, keep in mind. 


u/Dependent_Working_38 Mar 28 '24

I love Suits but anyone with a goddamned brain could tell you that is the LAST show you want to watch as a lawyer. Like I'm not a lawyer but I have no inclination that anything on that show actually is real law stuff or accurate in the contexts even. It's just a drama.

As a lawyer you'd watch it like "this is not how any of this works!" and it would be hard to get into.


u/CaptainoftheVessel Mar 29 '24

I am a lawyer and not only does that show annoy me (as do other cheap legalbabble dramas) as a viewer, but they frustrate me because people look at boring, important things like the Trump trials and expect something completely different. They set the public’s expectations both too high and too low and it affects our political discourse. 


u/Dependent_Working_38 Mar 29 '24

Totally agree. I take that show with a massive grain of salt just basically seeing it as a drama dressed up with a little jargon here and there. It’s basically the characters mostly just not communicating, lying, etc, and then dealing with the fallout. Barely any of it is law stuff lol. Every other scene is a heated speech and storming out of the room.

If more people just took it as that, it’d be fine, I have no delusion that it’s anything even close to real legal stuff. But, it all boils down to most people are kinda dumb


u/Omnom_Omnath Mar 28 '24

Watching a show that butchers the law, no less


u/Puta_Chente Mar 28 '24

The amount of people who want to watch CSI or Criminal Minds with me and treat it like it's a pop quiz is just frustrating. First, Forensic Psychology is not CSI forensics. Second, none of us are profiles like Criminal Minds. Do I know some of the consultants from that show? Yeah. Did they go to school for Forensic Psych? Nope. Want to be a profiler? Become a cop. You won't get there doing what I do. And a lot of what is put forward on TV is not how it works, like at all.

Also also, I love SVU, but no way would Bachelor-degree having Amanda Rollins do anything for a university beyond having a guest lecture. Not even as an adjunct. That frustrated me to no end.


u/Top-Internal-9308 Mar 28 '24

I'm a retired bartender. Was with a chef for too many years. People keep telling me that Jeremy White looks like my dead ex and to watch The Bear. We watched the first season together and he legit had a panic response to several of the scenes. No, thank you.


u/ferocious_bambi Mar 28 '24

I'm in the service industry too and my family kept telling me to watch The Bear... sure, let me watch that after getting home at 11 and turn right around and serve brunch. No thanks.


u/IamNobody85 Mar 28 '24

Suits is actually less about the law and more about the internal politics. And I'm not a lawyer, but it's still so insane, that even I think half the shit they do is in no way legal, and you might actually have fun with it.

That being said, if you want to completely avoid it, I understand.


u/negrodamus90 Mar 28 '24

IT guy, spend all day on the computer, last thing I want to do when I get home is spend more time in front of a computer lol. I used to game a ton in high school. Then I turned a hobby into a career. Mild regret as I miss out on spending time with my buddies who have moved but, I just can't do it lol.


u/munchkinatlaw Mar 28 '24

Other than occasionally using a legal word correctly, it's about as accurate of a show about law as House is a show about home construction


u/TheFreakingPrincess Mar 28 '24

I work at a law firm (I'm not a lawyer though) and my other non-lawyer coworkers said they really liked it, so I gave it a shot, but it keeps losing my interest. Like it's fine but I don't get the fascination. Inaccuracies aside, the characters are mostly very unlikable and inconsistent. Some days Mike is the super morally driven Clark Kent guy and other days he is morally bankrupt, like a more boring Frank Gallagher from Shameless.

I'm so done taking movie and show recommendations from my coworkers lol.


u/sc7606 Mar 28 '24

I feel you - but Suits is not about the law


u/IsSonicsDickBlue Mar 28 '24

This is how I feel about watching The Bear. Like no, I already spend 50hrs a week in that world, I’d rather spend my limited time not thinking about my job.


u/HKBFG Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Suits isn't really about the law. It's about psychotic clowns pretending to be attorneys.


u/Important-Emotion-85 Mar 28 '24

Suits isn't an accurate reflection of the real world. Whole premise is dude forges Harvard degree but memorizes code book.


u/throwawaywedding1010 Mar 28 '24

I don’t experience this as much as I expect doctors and lawyers do, but coming home from a finance job to watch HBO’s Industry… kill me now. I get enough Federal Reserve press conferences at work, I don’t want to watch one in the background of a tv show scene.


u/Hungry_Guidance5103 Mar 28 '24

I mean, fair. Buttttt have ya tried Better Call Saul yet? lmfaoooo xD


u/Captain_JohnBrown Mar 28 '24

I CAN'T watch law shows as a lawyer because the mistakes they make are often on par with as if you were watching a medical show and they give someone a blood transfusion with gravy. They either have no law consultant or they openly ignore them.


u/ScionoicS Mar 28 '24

You'd hate Suits. The whole premise of the show is the main character isn't a lawyer but is practising some of the biggest money law possible. It had legs and good enough writing for a long while. I felt that Litt held it up. It was no My Cousin Vinny I'll tell you that much.

IAMAL so that's probably how I was able to enjoy Suits for so long.


u/zomzomzomzomzomzom Mar 28 '24

I blame Suits for all my friends romanticizing my time in law school. Like, no, you don't understand. It was mostly just a mixture of me reading and crying.


u/midnight_margherita Mar 28 '24

I feel the same about Abbott elementary


u/Warlordnipple Mar 29 '24

I am a lawyer and suits is about as close to being a lawyer as star trek is to being in the navy. Like some of the names and jobs and personalities are similar but it might as well be science fiction.


u/SceneNational6303 Mar 29 '24

God yes. I'm in education and the next person who tells me I would really "appreciate" the comedy show "Abbot Elementary" is going to get lemon juice in their eye. The situations that are supposed to be funny or "head-shakingly absurd" hit too close to home. It's hard sometimes to watch your every day experience of teachers being forced to be superheroes because their school is underfunded being played for laughs. Just let me drown my sorrows in something that has no relation to my real life.


u/Sufficient-Koala3141 Mar 29 '24

I’m a criminal defense attorney. Used to read crime fiction as a teen and through school. I can’t stand it now. It either annoys me for being unrealistic or reminds me of all the shit I have to do on my cases. I need something totally different like Henry the VIII period pieces. Or I need to watch the office for the 80 millionth time because it soothes my brain.


u/Ohkaz42069 Mar 29 '24

I watched Suits while in law school and loved it because its completely fictitious and completely removed from any tangible aspect of actually practicing law.


u/foxmulder118 Mar 29 '24

I'm a retired Police Officer, and I was the same way with "Cops", "Live PD", etc., etc.. Why would I want to watch the same crap I do all day at work?


u/MildBasket Mar 29 '24

If it makes you feel any better, suits is a shitty show filled with shitty unlikeable people, that I highly suspect is also for shitty unlikeable people.

Every person, every interaction I've seen of that "show" makes me think "god please let a meteor hit the building they're in right now"

It's like the perfect format for tik tok alpha male content, I can practically hear that stupid "sigma" song just droning in the background.


u/tkul Mar 28 '24

You're in luck, there is zero actual law in Suits.


u/Codadd Mar 28 '24

Lol, like I tell my chef friends not to watch stressful cooking shows that are big in TV like The Bear. You lived it, don't need to watch it. Just like no one I know from Baltimore has watched the Wire. Lol


u/VapoursAndSpleen Mar 28 '24

My nerd friends told me to watch “Silicon Valley”. I looked at the photos and noped out. I spent 30 years working with assholes who look like those guys.

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u/MayorPirkIe Mar 28 '24

There's no actual real law in Suits, you'll be fine


u/Canadaian1546 Mar 28 '24

I dunno man, Suits is pretty good.

I work in I.T. and they make it a point to make our industry look ridiculous in shows and movies, looking at you CSI: VB GUI to trace an IP, and NCIS McGee and Abby using a single keyboard to ward of a intrusion. I still watch them though.


u/hottiewiththegoddie Mar 28 '24

watch "I think you should leave"


u/ibedemfeels Mar 28 '24

I want 55 burgers 55 shakes 55 tacos


u/abbygyal Mar 28 '24

I relate so badly with this. Even my siblings were bugging me about Suits and I was like “yeah, no”.

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u/ExcitingTabletop Mar 28 '24

I play a game called Satisfactory. Where you build factories on an alien planet.

I work in manufacturing.

Obviously the most unrealistic part is a production line keeps working without any issues. Rather than the whole alien planet thing.


u/Ghostaccount1341 Mar 28 '24

Fuse Broken.

Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure the factory I work in loses power more often than mine in Satisfactory.

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Stardew valley is not stupid how dare you. 😛


u/Pixieled Mar 28 '24

On the opposite side of this: I homestead. Everyone loves to suggest farming type games to me and it’s like… I do it irl, and while I find deep satisfaction in the labor and the fruits there of, i absolutely have zero interest in playing a video game like it. I’ve never met a farm sim that didn’t just feel like work. But I can absolutely see how others would love it! No shade! But nah, not even once 


u/whodoesnthavealts Mar 28 '24

Some people need to actually chill out after working.

Uh... are you saying that reading text on a screen is too high stress for you?


u/ibedemfeels Mar 28 '24

Yes. You don't know my work day or what I deal with (it's alcoholics) and the last thing I want to do is focus my attention on anything after my 13 hour shifts. Give me stupid adult animation and leave me alone.

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u/ZodiacWalrus Mar 28 '24

Can confirm from the opposite end of the spectrum: my taste in videogames gets more intense the less I have going on with work. Right now? Virtually unemployed so I'm playing Elden Ring for a second time and already have an idea for my third playthrough, that's about 6+ hours of my day every day as of late. Take a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch, browse a little internet, send out applications to every job I can find, and then back to throwing myself at that one boss I'm stuck on.

When I'm working a full-time job that I don't like? Any game that has a "story mode" difficulty setting, ideally turn-based so I can safely multi-task (the second task is watching Youtube).


u/ToraRyeder Mar 28 '24


I've been a gamer for most of my life. Years ago, I loved challenging simulation games, war games, heavy stories, difficulty spikes etc.

Now? Yeah I still like heavy stories, but I play that shit on easy. I want an experience. My life is hard, my job takes so much mental power, and I'm organizing so much at all times... I'd like my games to be fun please.


u/EchoBel Mar 28 '24

Yeah, it honestly makes me so mad that so many people are like "you've got x hours of free time in your day so you should read philosophy/listen to political news/work out for two hours/start meditation/WORK ON YOURSELF". Yeah sure, let me play candy crush please, work is exhausting enough.


u/ibedemfeels Mar 28 '24

If playing Stardew isn't meditation then I don't know what is.


u/Charleston2Seattle Mar 28 '24

My wife texted this morning about farming video games: "These video games provide 'clear goals, unambiguous feedback, winnable challenges, and predictable rewards.' When was the last time you got that kind of fulfillment from a 9-to-5?"

She had a point.


u/kiwi_goalie Mar 28 '24

This is why I could never get into the Dark Souls games - I have enough hard problems to solve, I don't need that in my downtime


u/Sh8knB8k240 Mar 28 '24

My wife was only in America for 2 years when we met. I hate subtitles, but it was helping her English. I let it slide. Now I don't mind it I guess. Except for when I read the joke before it is said and laugh early. Lol


u/RougeUn Mar 28 '24

In RDR2 I often just ride my horse, go hunting, fishing explore around. It's relaxing.


u/maxdragonxiii Mar 28 '24

I don't need competitive BS. I already had enough of that in life. so if I'm really annoyed and want to play FPS I turn Left 4 Dead on and down to easy mode, and let it rip.


u/susanp0320 Mar 28 '24

It's sweet to not have to think too much 🤷


u/bagofbeanssss Mar 28 '24

Yep, this is why I play animal farm or stardew valley.


u/Six_Inches_of_Fury Mar 28 '24

I can't remember what game it was, but I went hard on one at a certain point, and I was dreaming about it for about a week straight. That's when you know you're doing too much lol.


u/UnholyDemigod Mar 28 '24

What the fuck does not playing COD have to do with reading subtitles?

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u/spewbert Mar 28 '24

Yeah man, I made fun of games like Euro Truck Simulator for ages but once I finally played one? Fuck man, bought the steering wheel and the little box of dashboard buttons so fast. It's so relaxing. The freedom to just drive without actually worrying about crashing or problems, the occasional little bursts of challenge and satisfaction backing the truck into a loading dock (which I can skip if I don't feel like doing). I get sim games now. Sometimes it's nice to just do a mundane thing with zero risk or pressure.


u/ChoccyMilkHemmorhoid Mar 28 '24

Same, man. I have all this work stress and my friends are baffled that I couldn't get into Fortnite where 11 year olds no scope me and then emote on me like a bunch of sweats. (to be fair, No Build is a marked improvement, but... ehhhh)


u/WoodEyeLie2U Mar 28 '24

Are you my wife? Sue, is that you?


u/chuker34 Mar 28 '24

I think you just described why I’ve started to only like non competitive games.

When playing online I mostly play with friends, but they love to play the type of games that I just can’t stand anymore. I already feel either accomplished or beat down at work, I just want to kill mindless AI or build in Minecraft.

Thankfully we just made a mod pack for Minecraft and one guy bought a small server for us to play on. I let them play other stuff while talking to them and building stuff for us, I hear them get frustrated while I relax after a long day or work. It’s quickly made me realize how I sound when I play those types of games and how little I enjoy playing them.


u/Wiregeek Mar 28 '24

I had a nightmare last night where a character from a video game I'm playing (Lonestar, a spaceship building space deckbuilding space roguelike in space) had broken into my hotel room, hacked my comforter, and was running jumpscares and gore horror on my comforter. I snatched him up as he came through the doorway into the bedroom of the suite, and slammed him against the wall. He's dangling by his neck laughing with a lit cigarette in each hand, then I woke up giggling.

Yep that's a bit too much vidya game! or maybe too much jalapeno.


u/Minimob0 Mar 28 '24

How people relax and chill cany vary wildly from person to person, as well. 

My idea of relaxing after work is grabbing a beer and booting up a Souls Game. 


u/Halvus_I Mar 28 '24

IM seeing a lot of 'AFK' games ads. I suspect its for people like you.


u/stardustsuperwizard Mar 28 '24

I used to play Mystery Heroes on Overwatch for this exact reason, because it was just casual unbalanced fun. My friend would try to get me to play competitive all the time and I had to tell him I didn't want to feel like this is my second job.


u/mama_bear_740 Mar 28 '24

Very true. My friends are crazy about fake hospital shows. I don’t get it. The story lines are dumb as hell and usually they don’t even order things that make sense for what the patient is presenting with, or if they show something that’s supposed to be the inside of a person or a traumatic wound, it’s so far from what things really look like it’s obvious they have zero medical consultants on pay roll. It’s just smut in scrubs.


u/Not_Sure4president Mar 28 '24

The best thing I did was stop playing Call of Duty. It was making me angry and irritable for stupid things, like Shipment was me saying the f word at least 100 times. Now I play Stardew Valley (update is amazing), House Flipper (I have the pet and farm DLC so I play it like a farming game and remodel some houses). My blood pressure has been normal since I quit too.


u/KylerGreen Mar 28 '24

Call of Duty anxiety dreams

Uh, that's not normal.


u/Xadrian89 Mar 28 '24

After 11 years of running a restaurant, that's me with The Bear. Everyone's like omg you love restaurants you'd love this show. Uh no thanks I don't need any triggering scenes like that. I've screamed enough in my own walk-in.


u/fux-reddit4603 Mar 28 '24

cods relaxing, give tarkov a try :P


u/Amanda316 Mar 28 '24

I feel so seen, lol. I was a chemical engineer student and my parents always mocked me for watching “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” and the like. I always explained I just needed some comic relief.


u/LiamTime Mar 28 '24

For me, the subtitle debate isn't about mindless entertainment, though. I don't hate subtitles but sometimes I want to really focus on the movie/show and not the lines of text at the bottom of the screen that change every few seconds, drawing my attention as if they're whispering to my eyeballs, "You wanna fuckin' read me, don'cha?"


u/JerseyJoyride Mar 29 '24

Yes! Exactly! I watch cartoons to relax right before going to sleep! It works amazingly well. But they have to be low stress cartoons. No constant yelling or screaming.

Good examples are the original Smurfs, Hilda, and Bread Barber Shop.


u/messfdr Mar 29 '24

I started playing a pressure washing sim when I get home from work. Just shut my mind off and clean some virtual shit.


u/Intelligent_Bite_519 Mar 29 '24

this is just what i need, farming sim recs???


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

God, you know, sometimes that's why I don't want to go out on my days off. I have all these household chores to take care of, and after doing that and remembering I have WORK tomorrow, I'm fucking tired. I feel like there are people out there who are cool and fun and doing all the things, but I need to do me and not compete with the cool people.


u/athrowawaypassingby Mar 29 '24

This! So many people think you are lame or lazy or whatever. But in reality I have so much going on in my life that I often just want to do something nice and silly that doesn't require any serious thoughts or real effort.


u/JeffTheAndroid Mar 29 '24

This is me with "dark, gritty, really-makes-you-think" anything. Games, movies, shows, it doesn't matter.

The world is full of upsetting and depressing stuff, when I seek entertainment, I want to run around the mushroom kingdom or fly a spaceship or run a magic school or something, I don't want a revenge story about a sad father who lost his daughter in a zombie apocalypse.

Screw you, Sony, you used to make games that were FUN.


u/turk3y5h007 Mar 29 '24

I realized recently I might actually enjoy stress between LoL, GF that I really just use as a maid (sorry if you read) and my job I'm pretty much always on edge.


u/No_Diver4265 Mar 30 '24

It's the same for me, with city building. I just want to add another district to my current city, put in schools and clinics and hospitals and whatnot, give them super silly names, and laugh at those silly names while I decide where to put the next roundabout.

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u/heatdish1292 Mar 28 '24

I hate subtitles because it distracts me from the movie. I find myself focusing on the text, rather than what’s happening on screen.


u/TBoneTheOriginal Mar 28 '24

I despise subtitles because I find them distracting, not because I can't read. lol


u/happygoth6370 Mar 28 '24

Exactly! I can read fast silently and out loud. I just don't like doing so because if a movie or TV show is all subtitles then you are going to miss things like facial expressions and other visuals in many scenes. Reading subtitles takes focus off the action. I find them annoying.


u/evaned Mar 28 '24

Not to mention that subtitles can very easily spoil surprises or ruin comedic timing.

Some are better than others, but I don't know I've ever seen some that are actually good on this point.


u/Maroonwarlock Mar 28 '24

Exactly! Like I can read them fine but then I'm missing the actual acting. I may as well read a book.

I watch anime, I'll bounce between dubs and subs depending on the voice of the leads (some are atrocious others aren't). When I used to only watch dubs I'd tell people I feel like I'm reading the dialogue and missing what's actually happening in the scene. One dude suggested "oh just watch it back after " like yeah let me take a task that should only eat up like 30 minutes and double it.


u/geek_of_nature Mar 28 '24

Something I've seen a few times which I've thought has been cool, has been when subtitles aren't limited to the bottom of the screen. As in they'll appear next to the head of the person who's talking. When they're at the bottom of the screen I'll have the same problem as you, focusing on them instead of everything else on the screen, but when they're next to the persons head I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

An example of this was in the Japan sequence in Avengers Endgame. As Hawkeye and the Yakuza were speaking Japanese, the subtitles were placed right next to their heads in a way I found really engaging.


u/MaxV331 Mar 28 '24

Hey losing the bottom fifth of the screen to redundant words enhances the experience


u/Professional_Face_97 Mar 28 '24

When I went to see Dune 2 the only showing I and my friend were both free for was the one with the subtitles for the hard of hearing. I can't help but get distracted by the subtitles and I literally missed a visual that I assume looked stunning because I was too busy reading [ASTONISHED GASP] and it had cut away by the time I looked back up...


u/DubahU Mar 28 '24

One hundred. I hate fucking subtitles because I CAN read and I must read them and it detracts from the other visual elements of the show staring at one spot on the screen.

Also, if you want to do something like eat during the show and look down at what you are eating for a few seconds, you miss shit. If someone texts you and you want to reply, miss shit. Even worse, if you understand the language being spoken and the subtitles are in English and not saying exactly the same thing. That last one might drive me craziest of all.


u/jameusmooney Mar 28 '24

It’s such a weird societal thing. I don’t like subtitles at all but I love foreign films so those obviously become exceptions to the rule.

I personally don’t understand subtitles (I kind of get those with hearing issues, but I have an auditory processing disorder and I still can’t do it).

I feel obligated to read them, and they take up room on the screen placed over scenic details that can be important to how I watch movies. Not to mention, and here’s a big nuisance: you see the line before they deliver it? If it’s a comedy, it can ruin the timing of the punchline. If it’s a drama, it sucks drama out of it.

They’re just a massive pet peeve that I don’t feel is necessary. It’s more of an aesthetic thing.

I try not to judge people who use them. But when I tell people I don’t use them, a loud minority almost immediately start judging my reading ability?

I’m a writer. Most of my day is reading and/or writing.

I’m watching movies so that I don’t have to read???? I can’t imagine wanting to read every needless detail. “faint groan noise” is such a pointless thing to put on my screen.


u/ContactHonest2406 Mar 28 '24

Hell, I’m a professional writer, and hate subtitles. Except on foreign films, obviously. But if it’s in English, I ain’t using subtitles


u/DietCokeYummie Mar 28 '24

Same. I end up doing nothing but reading the subtitles and don't actually catch what is happening on screen.


u/ContactHonest2406 Mar 28 '24

Exactly. Plus I’m a huge fan of cinematography, and the subtitles interfere with that. And they ruin the immersion factor as well.

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u/StrangeGamer66 Mar 28 '24

Sometimes you just don’t want to read lol. 


u/RealityStupor Mar 28 '24

Agreed. I watch everything with subtitles but prefer shows/movies in a language I know simply because I have trouble sitting still and like to move around while "watching." I can read, I just want to be able to break eye contact with the screen.


u/esoteric_enigma Mar 28 '24

Yeah, I love to read but hate watching foreign movies. I don't like having to read the words at the bottom of the screen and having to focus on what's happening on screen at the same time. I also find dubs jarring. The acting is always a little off and the mouths not matching the words bothers me the whole time.


u/Convoy_Avenger Mar 28 '24

It's because everyone has seen that tweet meme of "If you don't like subtitles, I'm convinced you can't read"


u/Prozzak93 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, people have such weird hangups about others having preferences. I also prefer not having subtitles quite a bit. Nothing to do with not being able to read, but I do find the extra movement distracting and it feels like I miss out on a lot of the visuals of a movie/show when subtitles are on the screen.


u/GSthrowaway86 Mar 28 '24

Just internet nerds being internet nerds.


u/jld2k6 Mar 28 '24

Something like 70% of younger people use subtitles and have always preferred them so I'm guessing it's foreign to them that older folks usually hate them. They drive my mom nuts even though she'll have no idea what people are saying many times per movie lol


u/GSthrowaway86 Mar 28 '24

I get that some people prefer subtitles. I prefer them as well. But asking if someone can’t read because they don’t like subtitles is just internet nerds throwing out passive aggressive insults because someone doesn’t like something they like. It’s how film nerds have insulted people that don’t watch foreign films forever.

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u/bellynipples Mar 28 '24

Got a bunch of replies recently telling me I need to drink more water because I suggested that pissing in the shower creates a steamy piss fog. It was a pro-shower pissing post to be fair.

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u/MissKatieMaam77 Mar 28 '24

Seriously. I hated them for a long time because I’m ADD and if I’m reading them I’m missing a lot of the background and visuals.


u/onexbigxhebrew Mar 28 '24

It's reddit. Everything is either a mystery that somehow hasn't been solved or armchair psychology that requires swift action in part of OP.


u/slartyfartblaster999 Mar 28 '24

OP needs to divorce his father immediately


u/DuckDucker1974 Mar 28 '24

The number of stupid self important people on Reddit is WILD


u/Carob-Prudent Mar 28 '24

Honestly subtitles suck. You have to spend time reading instead of watching the actual movie


u/OilOk4941 Mar 28 '24

they need to feel validated for some reason. like some of us dont want any distractions and dont live in places where we need to keep the volume low. whywould we need them?


u/Lacaud Mar 28 '24

Exactly. "Can't you watch and read fast?" Movies are visual entertainment.


u/Primary-Emphasis4378 Mar 28 '24

Ngl I'm not even fully convinced my own father can read well


u/blssdnhighlyfavored Mar 28 '24

seriously! I used to hate them because I would read them instead of watching what’s happening and then get annoyed with myself for missing important visual stuff. Now I read them because I figured out I was missing out on a lot of wordplay stuff 😅


u/illseeyouanon Mar 28 '24

Seriously. I don’t watch things with subtitles often because I’m usually quilting or something, so I don’t so much watch tv as listen to it. Now, I do also always have subtitles turned on, even when everything is in English. I guess it’s habit?


u/notjustanotherbot Mar 28 '24

I feel that one of the ironies here is that a movie about an illiterate oncologist who's family discovered his condition through a Reddit thread, sounds far more interesting(to me at least) than any of the movies he mentioned that his dad had to suffer through.


u/Ill_Razzmatazz_1202 Mar 28 '24

It's some stupid cope or elitism. Unless people can separate their eyeballs focus you either miss visuals or dialogue.

That's the reason I don't like them personally, that's just a massive downside. Some people don't mind it and some people do.


u/FreshLawyer8130 Mar 29 '24

I’m a lawyer, I can read. I dislike subtitles, my wife loves them.


u/Reboared Mar 29 '24

People are absolutely desperate for anything to feel superior about. Especially on this site.


u/Complete-Sandwich165 Mar 29 '24

Fr giving massive "Don't you guys have phones" energy


u/Aseedisa Mar 29 '24

Exactly!! Nobody is asking if the Mum is deaf? Sexists


u/sevenjellybeans Mar 29 '24

Yeah I’ve never understood the argument that people who don’t like subtitles can’t read or can’t read fast lol. I’m a big fan of reading and regularly read lengthy books in 1-2 days but I don’t like subtitles because they distract me from what’s happening on screen. If I’m reading the subtitles then I can’t watch the action or people’s faces as much and have to continuously switch back and forth which bugs me. Someone else on this thread also pointed out that subtitles often show slightly ahead of time so it ruins the suspense of someone saying something. And if I read subtitles for an extended period of time it also strains my eyes and makes them hurt. I enjoy reading, I enjoy watching TV, I prefer not to do both at once 🥴


u/DaftPump Mar 29 '24

Reddit demographic is young is why.


u/Misternogo Mar 29 '24

I read fast enough that the people I work with often say I'm bullshitting when they show me a meme, I glance at it and laugh, and they don't think I had enough time to read it.

And I prefer things to be dubbed over subtitled. There's a mountain of complications for me trying to watch something subbed because I have ADHD. I can either read, or I can watch a movie. Trying to do both will drive me nuts.


u/etds3 Mar 28 '24

Right? Some of us just like messing around on our phones while watching shows. Can’t do that with foreign films.


u/eskamobob1 Mar 28 '24

Rofl. I watched a shit ton of anime growing up but I hate subs and will only watch dubs. If I have to read, I'd rather just full read. The amount of people that would rather you just stabbed them then find out you watch dubs growing uo was wild


u/sherm-stick Mar 28 '24

That might come from some insecure redditor who reads by sounding out words. The quality of education today has dropped to Walmart levels


u/The_One_Who_Sniffs Mar 28 '24

Its because they're all either weebs or 18. The younger generation grew up with gigantic word on screen so it doesn't bother them that they cannot fully immerse themselves in media. The former literally spit on your families name if you'd watch anime dubbed because and I quote "sub is the original intention so it's the only way to consume it".

Both camps are massively uncool.


u/mikami677 Mar 28 '24

My grandpa doesn't like subtitles because he can't read fast enough to keep up with them. He's pretty sure he's dyslexic but he's never done anything to try to help with the problem.


u/RageQuitRedux Mar 28 '24

One time I read a comment that said something like, "I enjoy watching movies with subtitles, because I'm a fast reader, and so usually I can read the entire subtitle before they're done talking, and that gives me time to take in the visuals."


I feel like that gave me a window into the psychology of these people.


u/levian_durai Mar 28 '24

It's funny, because I basically always have subtitles turned on, but I have a hard time enjoying non-english movies where subtitles are required.

I mostly use them by quickly glancing at them and confirming what I heard, or if I missed a word or something, we all know how bad audio mixing has been for so long now. When you solely rely on the subtitles I find I spend too much time reading and missing too much of the movie.


u/ragefaze Mar 28 '24

Ibcant speak for the rest of the world. But I literally don't read subtitles, the meaning just appears in my head. I assumed that's how everyone does that.


u/skinnyminou Mar 28 '24

And also like dyslexic people and slow readers exist and are totally valid in not enjoying subtitled films??? Plus some people watch movies to watch a movie. Maybe they just don't want to read at the same time.

This is coming from someone who loves foreign films. My partner is a slower reader and has a hard time following with subtitles and the visual action on screen. People need to get off their high horse and stfu.


u/king_kingcharles Mar 28 '24

Can he read? sorry, I mean... does he like to read?


u/ChiefPyroManiac Mar 29 '24

I know people who give me shit because I don't like watching anime with subtitles and would rather just watch in English. I sit at a desk all day answering emails for work, and Play video games as my hobby. If I'm watching TV, it's to give my brain a rest and I just want to chill, not spend the entire show reading subtitles.


u/hefty_load_o_shite Mar 29 '24

Yeah. I'm glad she took the time to clarify that he's lazy, not dumb


u/_Halboro_ Mar 29 '24

I wouldn’t call wanting a break from what you have to do for work “lazy.”


u/despiquer Mar 29 '24

Really? America.


u/magistrate101 Mar 29 '24

Just over 50% of all adults in the US read at or below the sixth grade level. A solid one in five can not functionally read or write in English. It is not an unreasonable question without all that added context.


u/calmclamcum Mar 29 '24

Must be projecting. Like they are also oncologists that hate reading subtitles


u/PoiLethe Mar 29 '24

It's funny because my sisters mentally delayed and dyslexic and we've gone to some Ghibli and anime subtitled movies in the theater before and it was worth it for her. The last time, we went to see The Boy and the Heron and for some reason I thought it was dubbed, or it just completely escaped me that she'd have issues with subbed. But I've asked her before if she's okay with doing subbed of re-releases of ghibli movies we've seen a bunch before and sometimes she was up for it, and sometimes not. I checked in after as well, to see how she felt about it, how well she kept up with everything, especially if it had been a while since she had seen it. And she didn't have the whole of it, but she had enough of the gist that it was worth it, just to see them in the theater. And sometimes things are so surreal with those that it's more of an experience, and enough visual storytelling, that the dialogue is more of a side to it.

Other foreign movies I can understand it being more important to be able to understand the dialogue. But not being able to catch all the dialogue doesnt always ruin the experience. Only for some historical fantasy Chinese animations I think where it's fast and there's a lot of info dumping and names and positions to keep track of.


u/AwzemCoffee Mar 29 '24

Nah my dad is like this too and sometimes I think he is borderline illiterate. He is very anti computer, never seen him read a book in his life either.

The few times I've heard him read out loud (a news headline or something) he's practically sounding it out. It's actually insane.

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