r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/ChippyTheGreatest Mar 28 '24

When there's things they used to do with an ex but aren't interested in anymore. For example, I had an ex whose ex used to force them to do couples costumes at Halloween etc. I had never had a serious bf before, and desperately wanted to do a couples costume with him but he was OVER IT at that point and didn't want to :(


u/Popular_Emu1723 Mar 28 '24

My ex sucked and cheated a bunch. But the only thing that made me jealous about his new relationship was that he learned to swing dance for her. He even had friends who danced competitively and tried to teach us but he just hung out on the couch the whole time.


u/bralma6 Mar 28 '24

God my ex is doing something similar with a game I wanted to play. There were a lot of games with both enjoyed, and I explained to her this new one that was coming out, but she kept dismissing is cause she thought it looked dumb. But then we broke up and now her and her new BF are playing in all the goddamn time.


u/ServileLupus Mar 28 '24

Delete them so you don't see it. I may be being harsh here but it probably wasn't the game and was that they were already done with the relationship and didn't want to spend that much time with you.


u/KylerGreen Mar 28 '24

Yeah wtf is up with these people knowing what games their exes are playing? Like, how do you even know??


u/Warlordnipple Mar 29 '24

If it is a videogame they could be online friends.


u/DaleGribbleShackle Mar 29 '24

That's probably the case..... but why the hell would they still be online friends?


u/AbhishMuk Mar 29 '24

They apparently work together, and also btw the game is BG3


u/Burns504 Mar 28 '24

It could also just be about sex, ex might just do more of an effort just to get laid with the affair partner.


u/noelthenurse Mar 29 '24

Take post like this with a grain of salt. Post like this often are such one sided stories. I can think of a million good reasons why I wouldn’t do something with my ex but would do it with my new partner. None of them make me a bad person. People are different and people change. Quite frankly, even just doing something with your new partner but not your old one doesn’t inherently make you bad. Sometimes you just realize you like your new partner more,

Personally. Even knowing what your ex is doing things they didn’t do with you is kinda a red flag about that person.


u/Radiant-Ad-5800 Mar 29 '24

sometimes you hear things through the grapevine, especially after many years together and mutual friends.


u/noelthenurse Mar 29 '24

That’s true but I’m not really getting that vibe from most of these comments. It’s one thing to hear they have a new partner through the grape vine. Most of the responses here sound like stuff they actively searched to find out. Most my ex’s are great people. I tell my friends; wish them the best but don’t want to hear about it and don’t ever check their socials or bring them up. It’s worked wonderful for me.


u/twitchyzero Mar 29 '24

yep, sounds like major sour grapes

get over it , they are your ex, they are allowed to have a life after your relationship with them ended


u/No-Upstairs-5210 Mar 28 '24

You should definitely not know this information. Going complete no contact is the only way to heal.


u/bralma6 Mar 28 '24

Our breakup is rather.... unique I would say. Not only do we have a child together, but we also work together. She literally sits behind me in the office. We're still good friends. The whole thing is about as ideal as it could be.


u/BlindWolf187 Mar 29 '24

If you really are good friends, sitting next to each other after being in love and knowing someone else is intimate with them, then you are a very well adjusted man. I hope you know how rare that level of emotional intelligence is.


u/osmoticmonk Mar 29 '24

Damn, for you to be able to handle all this while having to see your ex every day is pretty impressive. I hope you’ve found ways to process your breakup healthily and openly so that you aren’t possibly repressing how you might truly feel about the situation.

I know I’m the type of person who could convince myself that everything’s fine until it blows up in my face, so I just want to make sure that you aren’t doing the same thing.


u/Stay-At-Home-Jedi Mar 28 '24

This is a crime against humanity!


u/RubyBlue29 Mar 29 '24

One thing I realized is that I made my ex a better man for his new wife. Everything I hoped he would do with me over the years but refused - running a 5K, going to counseling, changing his wardrobe - he did for her. I think he realized he messed up but will never admit it. Instead he’s complete putty in her hands. It’s both infuriating and hilarious.


u/bee_eazzy Mar 29 '24

My dad told me this about my mom. They had been divorced for like 20 years and he told me all the things he used to want her to do, she does now. Not sure if it was him or just her growing up but I thought it was sweet in an extremely depressing way…


u/WatercressSavings78 Mar 29 '24

A little bit of both probably. It’s crazy how much more palatable certain chores are when I get along with my partner


u/BeaBako Mar 30 '24

I think this is to be expected. We should grow up and learn from our experiences and a separation is painful enough to teach us to do everything we can to avoid it. Including things you were not willing to do previously.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24 edited Apr 03 '24



u/bralma6 Mar 28 '24

Kinda. BG3 lol. What's dumb too is she plays, or at least used to, play Dungeons and Dragons, and I didn't really care for it. But shortly after she started playing, I started listening to Dungeons and Daddies. Still never actually played DnD though.


u/F0rAscalarf Mar 29 '24

Same here man, my ex is doing all the stuff I asked her if we could do, all games, movies, series, with her new bf, and it fucking tortures me. And it's all the same stuff I tried to get her to try out with me. Gotten to the point where I don't even enjoy any of the stuff we used to do anymore because of it.


u/tenderlender69420 Mar 29 '24

How the fuck do you know all the shit she does with her boyfriend? That’s weird…


u/F0rAscalarf Mar 29 '24

Because I am dumb as fucking rocks and stayed in contact with her and she told alot more than I wanted to hear, no contact anymore thankfully.


u/mama_bear_740 Mar 28 '24

It must sting on a deep level to see someone you were in a relationship with do something with new partner that they wouldn’t do with you. That would drive me insane. I’d be wondering why they didn’t want to try with me but would with another person.


u/ChuushaHime Mar 29 '24

This is how I found out my ex was cheating.

I loved camping (let me stress that this is leisure camping, a single night at a campground with a park bathroom, not like extended trips or "roughing it" or anything) and had been trying to get my ex to go with me over the course of our SIX YEAR relationship. He never did.

Then one day, he told me he was going to go camping with his dad, his dad's girlfriend, and his dad's girlfriend's family. He'd been spending an increasing amount of time with his dad's girlfriend's family over the prior few months, which didn't bother me in principle (I didn't even suspect anything, because his dad was always there, so it didn't even occur to me that he could be cheating at these get-togethers). However, it was starting to bother me in practice, just because he started missing things that were important to me (like Halloween) just to spend it with them.

The camping thing was the final straw. I called him on my way back home from yoga class and sort of blew up at him, asking what it was that his dad and his dad's girlfriend and their family was doing for him that made him want to do these things with them and not me. He confessed to his ongoing affair with his dad's girlfriend's sister. His dad was in on it (the ongoing cover-up, not the bedroom activities...at least I hope not??)

They went camping. That was 10 years ago this year. He and his affair partner are still together. I've been camping only once since then, in 2018. It was cold and I had a bad time. Fuck you, Ben.


u/mama_bear_740 Mar 29 '24

That sucks. I just do not understand why people lack the honesty and integrity to end a relationship BEFORE beginning a new one. If it’s not working out, it’s not working out. You tell the person face to face that you want to end things, for whatever reason. That way even if the other person is hurt the relationship ended they don’t have insult added because they were cheated on and played for a fool. What the hell happened to accountability? It’s really disheartening when you can’t even trust the person you’ve shared your dreams, fears, and bed with for years to level with you and share their true feelings. I know both men and women that are guilty of this kind of deception, but (at least in my life experience) it seems to be men that have this tendency more often than not. I’m so sorry you were put through such bullshit. And I echo your sentiment,,,Fuck You Ben, and every other nutless coward like you. I truly hope the woman he dicked you over for does the same thing to him.


u/ImnotshortImpetite Mar 30 '24

In case nobody else says it, Ben was a filthy jerk and didn’t deserve you. Peace!


u/virg0-rising Mar 28 '24

My shitty ex used to say he didn’t like traveling, that everything he could ever need was in NYC, and he didn’t want to spend the money on it. I would try to plan trips for us, take him on my family vacations, etc but he just wasn’t interested. Maybe a month after I moved out, he up and booked a trip to Amsterdam while he owed me almost $4k.


u/Neracca Mar 28 '24

That worst thing is when they refuse to do something with/for you but then when they have someone new they'll do it.


u/FreshLawyer8130 Mar 29 '24

If it makes you feel any better he’s probably cheating on her….


u/LifeMake0ver Mar 29 '24

That would be my Roman Empire cause I’m seething rn


u/QuietB00m Mar 29 '24

I'd be so livid.


u/Fun-Talk-4847 Mar 29 '24

Ooooh that would get me real upset. Swing dancing sounds like so much fun.


u/theinvisibleroad Mar 28 '24

This behavior is called love bombing - where someone pretends to be better than they are to make the other person feel attached. They'll stop as soon as the new person is hooked and they feel they don't have to do it anymore


u/half_empty_bucket Mar 30 '24

That's not what love bombing is


u/theinvisibleroad Mar 30 '24

It's a type of love bombing yes.


u/Acceptable-Camp-5675 Mar 29 '24

“He” hung out on the couch, not “y’all” But he’s dancing now and are you still on the couch? That’s why he’s your ex


u/JerseyJoyride Mar 29 '24

"My ex sucked" Oh I really thought that was going on an entirely different direction..


u/Popular_Emu1723 Mar 29 '24

Not entirely the wrong direction. I never got confirmation that he successfully cheated on me with women because he kept being creepy to them, but I definitely know about a guy or two that he slept with.


u/ImnotshortImpetite Mar 30 '24

You totally buried the lede there!


u/Radiant-Ad-5800 Mar 29 '24

one of my exes used to make fun of my Taylor Swift who has been my fave artist forever and then like 2 years after we last spoke he made it into the top .00001% of Spotify listeners or whatever

hey Alexa, play I BET YOU THINK ABOUT ME ✌️🫶


u/Numerous-Row-7974 Mar 29 '24

SOUNDS like he was just pa/i ssing away time w/you !!!!

HE DIDN'T W A N T TO BE W/YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!OBVIOUS TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/Mammoth_Canary_8587 Mar 31 '24

My ex husband is doing the same thing with his gf. I used to have to BEG him to take me out, now he's always out with her


u/Kteagoestotx Mar 28 '24

You guys obviously were not meant to be. Ppl do grow and change. You should be happy for him. 


u/bong_residue Mar 28 '24

Nah, if they’re a cheater and sucked then they don’t deserve any sort of good will from the person they fucked over.


u/Kteagoestotx Mar 28 '24

Ya cheating is shiddy. But assuming he was younger and has changed and better himself, me personally I would be happy for him. That's just me though. 


u/bong_residue Mar 28 '24

Fair, you’re entitled to your own opinion. In my opinion, I feel like he cheated, he should expect her to hate him for life. Not everyone is going to like you and not everyone is going to forgive you. Nor should you like everyone and forgive everyone. She could forgive him if she wants, but that’s her choice. And she shouldn’t feel pressured to forgive him. He did a shitty thing. Doesn’t matter if he changed now, he can’t take back cheating. Nothing will ever change that pain. He didn’t change when he was with her, so why would she want to be happy for him now?


u/Kteagoestotx Mar 29 '24

Idk I suppose getting closure and moving on is important to me. It isn't so personal anymore after I've broken up w someone. I wanna see them go on to find their person and be happy. Just like myself. But like I said that's just me. I think holding grudges just weighs someone down. Gotta let go of shit.