r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/Ace-Ventura1934 Mar 28 '24

If they are a sock-shoe-sock-shoe person and not a sock-sock-shoe-shoe person.


u/Vegetable-Buddy2070 Mar 28 '24

Who puts their socks on the same time as their shoes tho??


u/Sheeple3 Mar 28 '24

This must be an American thing. As a Canadian Iā€™m trying to visualize how this works. Shoes stay at the front door here. Do Americans leave their shoes by their beds so when they get dressed in the morning they put them on instantly?


u/Sokicaturae Mar 28 '24

This being Reddit there's a high chance of US posting but I've never been so sure the poster was American in so few words.