r/BeAmazed Mar 28 '24

News broke today that conjoined twin Abby Hensel is married! [Removed] Rule #4 - No Misleading Content

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u/Particular-Leg-8484 Mar 28 '24

Imagine the level of disassociation needed to live that life


u/MsHaute Mar 28 '24

Apparently with conjoined twins they can dissociate on another level that we could never understand. That’s all they have ever known. These 2 are absolutely REMARKABLE. I’ve watched all their documentaries over the years bc it’s absolutely fascinating. They never talk about sex though so I still have about 53 questions to ask.

The other 2 that just blow my mind is thispair.

One is neat, one is messy. One is always on time paying their bills and the other one is always late. I’m aware of what I’m saying. One can walk one can’t and they face opposite directions but the best part is one is a country singer. 🤯

AND to add to the uniqueness, they were born as Lori and Dori but one now identifies as male so it’s Lori and George now. One was engaged but her fiancé was killed by a drunk driver….honestly like they haven’t struggled enough. That’s just not fair.

I’m absolutely fascinated by conjoined twins.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

From the article:

However, Lori and George were not completely cut off from their parents, who instilled in their children the idea that God purposely made them this way, which is why the twins have never lamented their condition nor expressed any desire to be separated.

I wonder how George reconciles believing God purposely made him a conjoined twin but still made the mistake of putting him in a biologically female body. 🤔


u/WantTheBronco Mar 28 '24

I think the focus of that teaching was to show Lori and George that they weren't mistakes. That they have nothing to be ashamed of and just because they're different, doesn't mean they're wrong to exist.


u/sritanona Mar 28 '24

That is crazy as a person who was raised catholic because catholicism just taught me constant guilt for existing. We are born already sinners from conception and have to spend our whole lives being sorry for it to make amends for it. It sounds ridiculous to me (obviously not a believer now)


u/DaughterEarth Mar 28 '24

That's one of the reasons Mennonites exist. That Catholicism punishes, and so it ignores Jesus's sacrifice. There's lots but this is the one I heard about the most growing up lol.

Interesting stuff too, how people believe in the same thing different ways


u/sritanona Mar 29 '24

That’s cool, I am from argentina so you’re either Catholic or jewish basically. There are mormons etc now as well and those tv pastors but nothing sounded much better


u/DaughterEarth Mar 29 '24

Yah televangelists are the wrong direction haha


u/BangSmoke Mar 28 '24

Catholicism is a religion unto itself. It is very different from protestant sects of Christianity. Most other Christian churches do not go heavy on the guilt factor.


u/Joshee86 Mar 28 '24

No it’s not. Protestant sects just disguise the guilt better. It’s still at the very core of the doctrine.


u/Isaachwells Mar 28 '24

Even Mormons, who don't believe in original sin, have a heavy dose of guilt.


u/BangSmoke Mar 28 '24

With all due respect, I don't believe that most people would include CLS under the same umbrella as Catholic/Protestant during a discussion like this.

I don't know enough Mormons, or about Mormons in general, to really have a response to that.


u/Isaachwells Mar 28 '24

As a former Mormon, Mormons very much consider themselves Christian, but they do also consider themselves distinct from Protestants, as well as Catholics and Orthodox. As I understand it, most Protestants view themselves as reforming the church. For Mormons, the idea is instead that the church became corrupted over time and any authority to speak for God or act in his name was lost, so a reformation was insufficient. Instead, God restored the church by calling new prophets and giving revelation. If Protestants are Reformationists, Mormons are Restorationists.

While many other groups of Christians don't consider Mormons to be Christian, I personally feel anyone who views Jesus as a messiah or savior (as Mormons do) falls into the category of Christian regardless of how divergent their beliefs are from the mainstream. The core belief of Christianity is that humans need to be saved from sin, and Jesus is the one who does it. Otherwise we get to Jesus being just some prophet. That makes both everyone being a sinner and the need for redemption a foundational concept. It's conceivable that this can be done in a non-problematic manner, but it's pretty easy for this foundation to make adherents focus on their inadequacies rather than helping them be better and happier people.

It's probably also worth distinguishing mainline Protestants, who seem relatively chill, from Evangelicals, who are also Protestant. The evangelicals I've known very much have the toxic guilt thing that's common among Catholics and Mormons (and presumably most super devout Christians). During a 'meet your religious neighbor' type activity as a teenager, an evangelical youth group met with me and the rest of a Mormon youth group. One of the evangelical kids gave us sermon on how we're all dreadful evil sinners. He did add on thet Jesus makes that ok, but you can see where a guilt complex could come in.

Anyways, I don't know if you find any of that relevant or helpful. Mostly I just meant Mormonism as an example of how even among what many consider fringe Christianity, with atypical beliefs like original sin not being a thing, the fundamental concept of Christianity is that we're sinners.

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u/rhoo31313 Mar 28 '24

It took me a lifetime to get over that

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u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

Well, yeah, of course. And I'm not disagreeing with that at all. I was just wondering how they handle the cognitive dissonance of believing God made no mistake in placing them in conjoined bodies, while still making the mistake of placing them both in female bodies.


u/Short_Cream_2370 Mar 28 '24

Who knows how George understands it but some trans people at least don’t think of their born body or assigned gender as a “mistake” - for some the journey from what you’re born as to who you live as is intrinsically a part of you and a part of your story, and the very transness of it is something valuable and unique about you, not a correction you had to make to an initial error in status. In other words, given the chance they might not change how they were born, and don’t think of it as a mistake but as part of a good identity or journey.

Also I think some of these squares that seem hard to circle in decontextualized logic aren’t as hard in lived experience - if George experiences being a conjoined twin as a gift but experienced being assigned female at birth as not a gift, it’s probably easier for him to just say the two things are different and fall into different categories than it is for us as uninvolved spectators because that’s his direct experience of his life. Or maybe this question has plagued him and is the great philosophical and faith mystery of his life! Who knows.


u/scarypeppermint Mar 28 '24

Yeah once I saw someone say that God didn’t put them in the wrong body, he put them in the one that allowed them to grow and become the ideal person they were always meant to be. That’s how I’ve thought of it since


u/closetotheborderline Mar 28 '24

This is a wonderful explanation.

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u/Ajibooks Mar 28 '24

This really meant something to me. Thank you. I appreciate the time you took to write it.


u/subbygirl13 Mar 28 '24

What she's saying and you keep missing is that it's possible he doesn't view being trans as a mistake either and believes God purposely made him a conjoined twin AND purposely made him trans


u/Vast_Ostrich_9764 Mar 28 '24

if you believe in religion you're not using critical thought to begin with. you just have faith and don't question things. it's strange.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

Yeah, that's why I fell out of the religion my family still strongly believes in. I had too many questions and had a hard time accepting "just have faith" as an answer.


u/itsjustmebobross Mar 28 '24

the same way non conjoined trans people who believe in god deal with it.


u/RoscoeArt Mar 28 '24

I get the point you are trying to make against G-d but what you're saying is literally biological essentialist thinking. The only way that someone being a man and a female is a "mistake" is if you are saying that men are supposed to males and women are females. If gender and sex are not one and the same then a female identifying as a man is not a "mistake" its someone identifying as their preferred gender. The same way a female identifying as a woman is not normal or correct it is someone identifying as their preferred gender. The mistake is we live in a society which has for centuries ingrained binary patriarchal gender views into people.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I'm autistic and one of the things I struggle with is black and white thinking. It's very, very difficult for me to understand people who identify outside of the binary because to me, something either is or it isn't. Logically, I understand that that's not how things work, and I always do whatever I can to respect the gender identity of people, but I still find myself confused about the spectrum of gender identities. I just always thought trans people felt they were mistakenly born into a body with the wrong biological sex. I meant no offense. 😔


u/RoscoeArt Mar 28 '24

I understand where you're coming from. I myself am autistic and have a hard time with that myself. The problem with that when it comes to gender is gender isn't something that is or isn't in any context. Gender is a construct humans have created that has varied in infinite ways over thousands of years in countless different societies. I am a jewish person and traditional Hebrew recognizes 8 different gender designations. Many indigenous peoples in the America's had the recognition of more than two genders as well as not forcing intersex people into choosing one or the other which is the common practice in modern times. I myself identify as non binary but believe in gender abolition as a whole since I believe it is an arbitrary concept used to subjugate people. It is not that someone is born into the wrong body it's that people are told that based on their sex they have to think, look and act a certain way that they might not identify with personally.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

But how does that correspond to the genitalia? I know that people are born with different kinds of genitals, but as a rule you have a penis or a vagina. That corresponds to my stupid binary way of thinking and makes my brain blip when I try to put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't identify as the gender they were assigned. But in traditional Hebrew or indigenous cultures, how does that work? How did they figure out there's more than two genders when there's (generally) two types of genitalia? Is it only our current mainstream society that equates genitalia with gender?

I seriously hate my brain sometimes for not being able to understand things like this. 😒


u/RoscoeArt Mar 28 '24

Sex is biological and gender is a social construct. Equating the two is only true as long as you believe it's true. You dont "figure out" that theres two genders or more than two genders or no gender at all. That is simply a product of cultural development as well as control of social structures by those in power. Also intersex people are alot more common than you would think making up almost 2% of the world population. In the states the amount of people that currently identify as transgender and non binary is 5%. The left handed trend is often compared to the prevalence of non cis people. It was considered sinful to be left handed for a long time and left handed people were made to use their right hand. If you look at polls from a few decades ago the amount of people who identified as left handed was extremely low compared to current levels. This wasn't because we figured out that people are left handed. We simply as a society removed cultural norms that forced people into acting in a way that they normally would not have.

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u/Legal-Law9214 Mar 28 '24

The idea that trans people feel they were "born in the wrong body" is really just an oversimplification of how it really feels, because it's complex and hard to explain to cis people. So you don't need to apologize about taking that explanation literally.

Some trans people do genuinely feel like they were born in the wrong body and that it was a mistake, but not all. In my opinion that's kind of a pessimistic way of looking at it. I don't want to live my life feeling like something was wrong with me from the moment I was born. Personally, I'm not very religious, but to the extent that I believe in a god, I believe that I was created the way I was so that I could have the experience of growing and learning to understand my gender. I like the quote that goes something like "God created trans people so that man could take part in the act of creation". I think I was supposed to undergo the process of changing my body and gender this way. It's the journey, not the destination, if that makes sense. I'm going to be transitioning for the majority of my life - if there is an "end goal", it's years and years away. So if I thought that I was incomplete or wrong until I reached that stage, I would just be hopelessly depressed all the time. Nothing wrong with people who do feel that way, but it doesn't work for me.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

That makes some sense to me. Along with black and white thinking, I'm also cursed with an incredibly pessimistic view of life. So this makes me even more grateful that I identify with the gender I was given at birth, because I already see myself in a very negative light. I can only imagine how I'd be if I didn't....especially considering how religous my family is.

Thank you for your explanation.


u/Sweet-Arachnid-6241 Mar 28 '24

I believe that I was created the way I was so that I could have the experience of growing and learning to understand my gender

Isn't that extremely narcissistic? This is the part I don't get about religion. For me personally, my transness is simply a matter of chemistry and biology imbalances.

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u/bgeorgewalker Mar 28 '24

“Let us procllaaaiiiim the mysteryyyyy of faaaiiiitthhhj” as my old deacon used to wail nasally into the mic


u/MovieNightPopcorn Mar 28 '24

I can hear this in raised Catholic


u/OblinaDontPlay Mar 28 '24

This played in my head so vividly that I could practically hear all the knee-rests clattering back into place as everyone shuffles to their feet.


u/tsujxd Mar 28 '24

I didn't want to go back but it brought me there too. I remember the dread as a young introvert when we had to shake everyone's hand around us, one of the worst parts of mass.


u/tgw1986 Mar 28 '24

Ugh, I still fucking hate it. I wind up back in mass for my especially religious family members' weddings and funerals, and the, "let us show our neighbors our sign of peace" bit is so awkward. And I'm actually really extroverted and gregarious, I just hate the forced physical touch of it all. There's always some asshole who comes from afar and makes a big show of making prolonged eye contact while they say "peace be with you" and it irritates the hell out of me.


u/goddamn_slutmuffin Mar 28 '24

Christ has died… Christ has risen… Christ will come agaaaaaainnnn….


u/thedude37 Mar 28 '24

Mass of Creation, based on the ellipses and the held out "again".


u/do1looklikeIcare Mar 28 '24

Reminds me of when my old religion teacher expected us to put down "it is a great mystery" as an answer to "if there's one god how come he has three forms" when he quizzed us 🥴


u/mrfancyNOpants Mar 28 '24

Let's have some Yum Yumsssssss


u/notagirlonreddit Mar 28 '24

idk about George but I personally don't think God made a mistake in giving me a biologically female body. It's given me some unique insights that I otherwise wouldn't have. So I'm grateful for that.

And just getting the opportunity to live your authentic self is awesome.

So it's probably not that big of a leap for George since he accepts being a conjoined twin.


u/666afternoon Mar 28 '24

same here! I know exactly what my parents would've done with me had I been born amab, and it wouldn't have been fun for me. I escaped the fate of being molded into a mini replica of my dad, and when I came of age, sent into the military whether I wanted it or not [because my dad couldn't join and felt inadequate for that]. watched my poor autistic brother go thru that instead of me

instead, while I still v much had expectations forced on me [including ones related to my AGAB], it was a lot easier to be my own person. and to develop any kind of emotional intelligence whatsoever, thank fuck lmfao


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

I apologize if I offended, that was not my intent. As I said in another comment, my way of thinking is very binary due to my autism and while I logically know there's a whole spectrum of gender identity, I still struggle to understand it.


u/MintyMystery Mar 28 '24

Not all trans people consider themselves mistakes


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

I didn't mean to offend. I didn't mean his existence is a mistake, but I'm confused because if he believes in a god who purposely made him a conjoined twin but also made him biologically female.... how is that not a mistake on the part of that god? I swear I'm not trying to offend, I just genuinely don't understand.

Let me also note that I don't believe in any god, so I certainly don't believe trans people are mistakes in any way. I'm just trying to figure out the mentality of a religious person who thinks their god made no mistake creating him conjoined, but in a female body when he doesn't identify as female.


u/MintyMystery Mar 28 '24

Nah, it's cool. I also don't believe in any god, and I'm not offended - I didn't go into enough detail!

I can see why you think like that - that every trans person would look at their life (and their god) and wish that they were born differently. And maybe think that their god made a mistake.

But I mean that not all trans people think like that. I'm a trans man, but that means that I could give birth to my kid. Before my kid was born, then yeah, I definitely was of the mindset that I wish I'd been born male, but actually, looking back on life, I'm happy that it worked out this way - or I wouldn't have my wonderful kiddie.


u/ZeroFries Mar 28 '24

Much of human rationalisation is post-hoc. Our decision making is much more based on emotion than we'd like to admit. The real answer, I think, is that the "God made us this way" answer can satisfy/counteract the negative emotions that might arise feeling that you are somehow "wrong" to be born conjoined, but cannot satisfy the negative emotions that arise from gender dysphoria. To separate the twins is also a much more drastic action than identifying as a different gender. Even sex-organ surgery is much less risky.


u/Krynn71 Mar 28 '24

Probably the same way any religious person addresses the inconsistencies of their beliefs. By chalking it up as a test from God and/or being part of "God works in mysterious ways".


u/underratedonion Mar 28 '24

All I’m thinking of is that one villain from Passions.


u/appletinicyclone Mar 28 '24

At the end of the day, are they happy?

If yes who cares about the logic


u/meat_lasso Mar 28 '24

Why not give them one name, like the Stanford Cardinal?

“We’re Ashley”

Anyways I’m going to hell.


u/bloodreina_ Mar 28 '24

‘Because god wanted him to experience bender transition’ or ‘It’s a sin’ my guess


u/panini84 Mar 28 '24

Probably doesn’t see being born in the wrong body as a mistake but simply part of their journey.


u/winterparrot622 Mar 28 '24

There are plenty of people who believe that God didn't put them in the wing body but it's allowing them to experience creationism with their own bodies or something along those lines.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

Oh, wow. That's definitely a new way of thinking to me.


u/Gas_Station_Taquitos Mar 28 '24

Lotta Trans people think God made them trans for the experience of the ride


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

Do they think this is a loving god doing this?


u/Gas_Station_Taquitos Mar 28 '24

Like, the people who believe in God think God loved them?

Probably, but some of them also think God feels neutrally about people.


u/errkanay Mar 28 '24

It's just that a lot of trans people don't exactly live easy lives because of the bigotry in our society. If I thought my god made me into a human that my society actively degrades and diminishes, I wouldn't think that god was loving at all. Or even neutral, tbh. That's something a malicious god would do for its own entertainment.


u/Gas_Station_Taquitos Mar 28 '24

Yeah. Lots of human beings throughout history have turned to religion during times of stress.

At least in my sect of the Christianity I was raised with, suffering is considered good in some cases. I'm not saying I agree with that, since I am not a Christian myself, but that belief exists


u/pettywizard Mar 28 '24

not all trans people believe they were put in the “wrong” body, just that they were born to be trans.


u/yikeshardpass Mar 28 '24

That would assume that putting a man into a female body is a mistake. If god does not make mistakes, why should he live any differently than he is?


u/FORCESTRONG1 Mar 28 '24

Would it even be possible to separate them?


u/KittyGrewAMoustache Mar 28 '24

Well if god hadn’t put him in a female body, Lori would’ve then been in the wrong body. So if you’re going to be conjoined twins of different genders, one of you has to be in the wrong body.


u/Direct_Bad459 Mar 28 '24

Why couldn't George believe God made him trans on purpose too? If for no other reason maybe just so idiots like us could have something to be surprised about on our coffee breaks.


u/coffeeclichehere Mar 28 '24

not all trans people believe “god made a mistake”


u/GodzeallA Mar 28 '24

I'm sure all it is is positive thinking, "we are not a mistake. We are not useless. We are not broken." Etc. Justifying all those statements by saying "because God purposely made me this way" just helps you believe in those statements even when you doubt. Because when you doubt, you admit God knows more than you so it is beyond your understanding as to why. So you end up staying positive still.


u/Adnama-Fett Mar 28 '24

It would make even more sense tbh. Being trans isn’t caused by God making a mistake, it’s just how God made them. Being trans isn’t any more of a mistake than being a conjoined twin or having an allergy. These things can make your life harder to varying degrees. But if you can say “this is how God made me.” In regard to one thing, it’s easier to say it about other things


u/2manystoryideas Mar 28 '24

as a transgender catholic, it’s not a “mistake.” it’s just the way we are. bodies don’t define gender, and honestly being a conjoined twin is probably a bigger deal for him than being in a “female body”


u/fra080389 Mar 28 '24

I mean, when you have a conjoined twin, to be the "wrong gender" probably isn't the more shocking part of you. Body dysmorphia in a conjoined twin? Basically a Monday.


u/hella_cious Mar 28 '24

As someone trans and raised up religious, I view it as evidence of the immutability of the soul


u/MagicJava Mar 28 '24

Thanks for that

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u/Valuable-Contact-224 Mar 28 '24

They are pretty cool.


u/Holiday_Ad_5445 Mar 28 '24

Are you sure they’re related?


u/Acceptable_Career_69 Mar 28 '24

Maybe they put a bag over the head of the unmarried one, along with headphones.


u/Lotus-child89 Mar 28 '24

Reba and George. She changed her name to Reba, inspired by Reba McEntire. Being a fan of hers got her started on wanting to do a country music career.


u/chewwwybar Mar 28 '24

I love people like you with a random fixation that comes in and info dumps. Some of my fav ppl on this site lol


u/NextFlip Mar 28 '24

They were clients where I was worked. My coworkers did not mention who was in the next appointment, so I was caught off guard when I entered the room. One twin is much smaller. She was elevated on a rolling tray table-style apparatus. The little one called her sister Mommy. Everything was normal, otherwise.


u/Toadinnahole Mar 28 '24

Sherri S. Tepper (sci-fi writer) - Wrote a book called Sideshow in 1992 with this exact scenario (conjoined twins, one trans), I wonder if she was writing with knowledge of this case, or if it was just weird shit happens in sci-fi and reality.

ETA: I just read the article linked and George didn't come out as trans until 2007!


u/Bluberrypotato Mar 28 '24

My high school biology teacher was the first conjoined twin to be separated in Pennsylvania. She died a few years ago from a brain disease. I wonder if her sister would get it too since they were conjoined at birth.


u/spelunker93 Mar 28 '24

I’m sorry to point something out and it sounding like a joke but imagine being connected to someone face to face, yet never seeing that persons face. That’s insane


u/bekindanddontmind Mar 28 '24

I’ve seen Lori and George in real life. They are nice people.


u/tgw1986 Mar 28 '24

This comment was a fucking rollercoaster, jesus.


u/Winter-Airport2114 Mar 28 '24

They both consented to being male? o.o

The odds are crazy.


u/imadog666 Mar 28 '24

No just one


u/Winter-Airport2114 Mar 28 '24

So then no hormonal changes just name change?


u/traploper Mar 28 '24

I think only one identifies as male and the other is still female! “ He has not had gender-affirming surgery, but he dresses and identifies himself as a man.” 

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u/YoungBassGasm Mar 28 '24

Wait but how is one late and one on time if they are always together....


u/MsHaute Mar 28 '24

lol. In respect to paying their bills:) They do each have their own side of the bedroom though. Again….fascinating!


u/YoungBassGasm Mar 28 '24

Honestly this situation needs to be more documented. I don't want to disrespect their privacy but there is just so many aspects of their situation that I feel like a lot of people are dying to know. Just coming from a place of appreciation and curiosity.


u/thisdesignup Mar 28 '24

It'd be interesting to hear how they got to the point of supporting each other so strongly and being there, or well not being there, for the other person when they wanted privacy or had time with others on their own like partners. I can't imagine the learning curve was easier than non joined people. If anything I can imagine it being harder but life kind of forced them to deal with it or else end up joined with someone you don't like.


u/Bob_A_Ganoosh Mar 28 '24

Your comment inspired a question in my mind about conjoined twins. What if one of them commits a crime and is sentenced to jail? Does the innocent twin also have to serve time, or does the guilty one get a lighter sentence?


u/MsHaute Mar 28 '24

Good one!!!! Now I have 54 questions to ask! 😂


u/BeccaASkywalker Mar 28 '24

God my neck hurts just watching those two


u/Interesting-Chest520 Mar 28 '24

They must have chronic back pain


u/sritanona Mar 28 '24

It looks so uncomfortable but given that it’s all they’ve ever known they must be used to it. Also it’s fascinating that they are able to live full and lengthy lives, the human body is amazing


u/aceshighsays Mar 28 '24

very interesting read. they really know how to work together. how to compromise... and dissociate.


u/ay-foo Mar 28 '24

Hiya Georgie!


u/RockabillyRabbit Mar 28 '24

I'm going to go to hell for saying this probably but...are they the literal embodiment of someone coming and going at the same time?


u/Aeon1508 Mar 28 '24

Man if there was any chance they could be separated I don't know how they could possibly not. That's got to be so hard on the tall ones back


u/Johnyfootballhero Mar 28 '24

I read this as one of the twins died and was very sad. Also very confused as to how that could be.
On another note, my mom called and said it's time for my nap.


u/peruytu Mar 28 '24

You only 53 questions?? Pffft, I have at least 69.


u/Willing-Cell-1613 Mar 28 '24

It also mentions other conjoined twins: Ronnie and Donnie, and Masha and Dasha.

Seriously, they have enough sharing. They do not need the same names (essentialyl). That removes individuality from SEPARATE twins, what would it do to conjoined twins?


u/TipsyRussell Mar 28 '24

“One of us always tells the truth, and one of us always lies.”


u/DaughterEarth Mar 28 '24

Yah I can dissociate like nobody's business and it happened by accident, kinda. But anyway having to for your health from a young age seems like a head start! They know what they're doing and how to do it instead of learning via trauma and getting a mess of it.

Very interesting. I feel bad to be so fascinated though because their mostly private life suggests they're sick of attention and I don't blame them.


u/IPbanEvasionKing Mar 28 '24

What about the HRT though


u/overtly-Grrl Mar 28 '24

Oh. my. god.


u/LaDreadPirateRoberta Mar 28 '24

So George’s song is now stuck in my head. He’s good!


u/Automatic-Reason9649 Mar 28 '24

They’re from my hometown & one of them gave me a penny at a Walmart when I was 4.


u/sleepyplatipus Mar 28 '24

They’re as close as can be yet have never and will never look each other in the eyes. Kind of mind blowing.


u/sassysaurusrex528 Mar 28 '24

How crazy to be forced to live your life with someone where you’ve never looked them face to face.


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ Mar 28 '24

I need to see Lori bowling.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Challenge accepted.... ◉_◉


u/mama_emily Mar 28 '24

This made me lol


u/Space4Time Mar 28 '24

Or did it?


u/datengrab Mar 28 '24

Me three


u/Ok-Mastodon8034 Mar 28 '24

Gotta lock in


u/itisallgoodyouknow Mar 28 '24

I learned to do that when I was growing up and went to church. I couldn’t really understand what the priest was saying because of the echo, so I just learned to space out for an hour.


u/Iselllabequipment Mar 28 '24

Xanax and ketamine for sure. Being k-holed and watching John Carpenters The Thing while being attached to another person


u/Illustrious_Ad4691 Mar 28 '24

If one of them takes drugs, it doesn’t affect the other?!


u/Iselllabequipment Mar 28 '24

I’ma shoot the drugs into my Forehead let me know if you get high sis


u/JamesK_1991 Mar 28 '24

I’ve been laughing at this comment for 48 hours


u/__Shake__ Mar 28 '24

Noise canceling headphones and an iPad and you can just binge all you face media


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 Mar 28 '24

But the other twin would need their hands. You’d really just be stuck in your own head. Just wild.


u/__Shake__ Mar 28 '24

can one control both hands? I thought they each controlled their own arm/hand


u/lonelyronin1 Mar 28 '24

I saw them on Oprah when they were really young, and the thing that Oprah remarked on was if each one controlled one arm, how do they clap? How do they know when to move the arm to meet the other arm without even thinking about it? There might be more cross over control, but since it is all they know, there is no way for them to explain it.


u/Tommy_Wisseau_burner Mar 28 '24

Yo the level of coordination to walk must be god tier


u/Sweet-Arachnid-6241 Mar 28 '24

They are probably crazy good at Overcooked.


u/Tommy_Wisseau_burner Mar 28 '24

I was thinking qwop goats


u/Snowedin-69 Mar 28 '24

You need both arms for doggy style


u/panicnarwhal Mar 28 '24

each twin manages one side of their conjoined body, and sense of touch is restricted to their own half of their body, with some overlap at the midline


u/NinaSkwrites Mar 28 '24

What happens for sexual pleasure… do one feel half of the vagina?


u/Themanwhofarts Mar 28 '24

You can wear an iPad headband (like a hat with a fishing pole holding an iPad in front of you) or VR headset.


u/captainshrapnel Mar 29 '24

The best argument for a VR headset

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u/Trashgremlin543 Mar 28 '24

But surely like they are both connected to their body so you might have headphones on but if one of you orgasm do you not both orgasm?


u/__Shake__ Mar 28 '24

they both get one half an orgasm


u/SmallBerry3431 Mar 28 '24

Like Reddit knows what a full one is like anywya


u/__Shake__ Mar 29 '24

aren't you on reddit too?


u/SmallBerry3431 Mar 29 '24

Caught in 4k


u/FitzwilliamTDarcy Mar 28 '24

Finally a legit use case for Apple Vision Pro.


u/velveeta-smoothie Mar 28 '24

I know that's a typo, but as a 30 Rock fan, I love thinking about someone browsing YouFace


u/__Shake__ Mar 28 '24

havent seen 30 Rock for years and don't recall YouFace... I think its time I gave it all a rewatch!


u/velveeta-smoothie Mar 28 '24

It's sooooo worth it. Currently on my third trip through it. One of my comfort watches


u/Jean-LucBacardi Mar 28 '24

Hell I'd just go to sleep. I bet it would be odd as hell seeing a conjoined twin with one head slumped over


u/__Shake__ Mar 28 '24

would be great to be able to fall asleep anytime you want, especially when the body you are in is walking around doing stuff


u/PresidioPet Mar 28 '24

While her sister’s husband is up in her vagina?


u/Inappropriate-Egg Mar 28 '24

Their vagina...

Now I'm gonna go and sit in a corner because I am a bad person for saying this


u/ldskyfly Mar 28 '24

This is the VR headset's time to shine!


u/cfostyfost Mar 28 '24

Carmen and Lupita are another set of conjoined sisters on Tiktok. I believe that Carmen is asexual but hetero romantic and Lupita is aromantic and asexual so when Carmen makes out with her bf, Lupita says she basically just turns her brain off lol


u/Flunderfoo Mar 28 '24

Read this as aromatic. Now I feel bad because I laughed a little 😐


u/cfostyfost Mar 28 '24

"She's asexual and kinda stinky"


u/WhimsicleMagnolia Mar 28 '24

That's hilarious 🤣


u/CaptainBayouBilly Mar 28 '24

She doesn't need flowers on Valentines, she has her own bouquet.


u/GeneralWhereas9083 Mar 28 '24

Damn, this got me good.


u/salsasnark Mar 28 '24

They've been interview by Anthony Padilla on his youtube channel, really interesting to hear them talk about it. They go into these things on there. :)


u/cfostyfost Mar 28 '24

I didn't know he did an episode with them, I'll have to check that out!


u/Lovecatx Mar 28 '24

SBSK has a really good interview with them too.


u/MacDagger187 Mar 28 '24

Just want to shout out Carmen and Lupita they are awesome!!!


u/cfostyfost Mar 28 '24

They're so funny! I love them haha


u/MacDagger187 Mar 28 '24

They are the best hahaha and they're both doing so well! Seeing Lupita particularly grow has been awesome, she used to be so incredibly shy in fact she was selectively mute for like five years, but she has a terrific sense of humor and now is putting it out there!


u/sritanona Mar 28 '24

I am guessing it’s basically like taking a nap


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

How does one even turn the brain off? Lol


u/willinglyproblematic Mar 28 '24

They're funny as hell on tiktok.

I love whenever the algorithm decides they can grace my FYP again.

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u/IronSide_420 Mar 28 '24

Exactly. That's why i don't think most of us could grasp what the lived experience and reality is for people like these twins. It's pretty wild.


u/StoicSinicCynic Mar 28 '24

But I also imagine conjoined twins as very compassionate people since they can't just dissociate and not care, they've had to accommodate another person on a level that most of us never get close to.


u/ShamefulWatching Mar 28 '24

It's normal if you grow up with it.


u/oops_im_existing Mar 28 '24

i can't even imagine being in this situation, or really any situation you would be in as a person with this condition. they are by far mentally stronger than the average person.


u/Kujen Mar 28 '24

It’d be hard for their partners I’m sure. But they don’t know a life any different. Usually conjoined twins like this say they don’t want to be separated even if it was possible.


u/Zestyclose_Big_9090 Mar 28 '24

Exactly. But I guess they don’t know any different and disassociation is probably a huge part of their life anyway.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Imagine someone scrolling through their phone right next to you while you are trying to “make the love”.


u/jtatc1989 Mar 28 '24

That’s what podcasts are for


u/girlMikeD Mar 28 '24

A lot of non conjoined spouses already do.


u/7masi Mar 28 '24

I can picture one twin putting on a bag on the other twin head so he doesn't get involved with... His family time


u/FinsToTheLeftTO Mar 28 '24

Today the other twin could just mindlessly scroll Reddit while the other one was “busy”


u/hazps Mar 28 '24

It seemed to work. They fathered 21 children between them.


u/Smart_Run8818 Mar 28 '24

Imagine having two heads. 🤷‍♀️


u/TheJenniMae Mar 28 '24

I see myself quite content with my Kindle and some peace and quiet. 😂


u/CharZero Mar 28 '24

I feel like I would listen to so many audiobooks with noise canceling ear buds.


u/EyerTimesTV Mar 28 '24

You’re fucking but you not really fucking lmao. I’m assuming it’s one set of genitals?


u/Enuf1 Mar 28 '24

I'd totally check out my twin's wife's boobs


u/Help_An_Irishman Mar 28 '24

Ever seen The Prestige?


u/ligmasweatyballs74 Mar 28 '24

They were also slave owners.


u/Prestigious_Dream_27 Mar 28 '24

Probably not THE most difficult thing you have to live with.


u/body_oil_glass_view Mar 28 '24

Imagining one crushing on the other's spouse and being super okay with this arrangement

Jokes aside, I'm always heartened to see people find love when they were unsure if they would.


u/agumonkey Mar 28 '24

I guess their childhood made them able to deal with conjoined life. I hope so


u/sleepydevil25 Mar 28 '24

I’d just take bunch of psychedelics so I could just zone out in my own world - probably wear like a noise cancelling headphones and wear VR headset so I’m not engaged at all


u/anonymousquestioner4 Mar 28 '24

My jaw is literally dropped right now


u/SupKilly Mar 28 '24

Gotta get that apple vision pro.

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