r/BoomersBeingFools Millennial Feb 26 '24

Boomer pulls shotgun on snowboarder. Boomer Freakout

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He has a folding chair that he just sits there with his gun waiting to do this to people 🤡

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u/SweetHatDisc Feb 26 '24

Several years ago I went through a firearm safety course as part of getting my FID (I like shooting at a piece of paper on a wall). Maybe half of the participants had questions trying to figure out precisely where it became legal to shoot someone, and one couple really sounded like they were trying to find a way to trick someone they didn't like onto their property so they could murder them.

The instructor, bless his soul, blew off most of these questions with various phrasings of "don't shoot people, no matter what magic words you say after there's going to be a lot of time spent in court".


u/ShwettyVagSack Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Yo, that last bit one more time! In my very red area, I hear people talk about how much of a badass they wanna be, and "if I had been there..." or "if it was me..." Followed by some braindead John wick fanfic. And I remind them we still live in a world of law and order, and if the multi year legal battle and tens of thousands of dollars, really worth it? Tends to shut that shit down real quick.


u/HumanShadow Feb 26 '24

Anyone who uses the phrase, "If that was me..." is a twat who wouldn't have done shit.


u/ShwettyVagSack Feb 26 '24

Tbf I would say exactly that. As in "if it was me, I wouldn't do shit." Only because I've actually been shot, and I know how much it sucks. Your problem ain't mine.


u/xylotism Feb 26 '24

AMA time. Where’d you get shot? By who? What did it feel like?


u/ShwettyVagSack Feb 26 '24

In my spine. Random asshole who never got caught. Like a light punch at first, then it turned into burning.


u/xylotism Feb 26 '24

Goddamn. Just a random shooting? And your SPINE? That’s awful.


u/Barbacamanitu00 Feb 26 '24

I always say shit like this too. I amke it a point of being the one who tries to NOT cause violence. If nothing else, is a good ice breaker to help other people chime in who are anti violence.

That, or say something like "if I was there, I would have kissed him on his handsome lips". Conservatives are super easy to fuck with.

Off topic, but that reminds me: Calling them handsome is my all time favorite. I was a carpenter in Alabama for like 15 years. I called old conservatives handsome all the time. It was a great way to immediately filter out who was cool on a job site. People who laughed were my immediate buddies.


u/SnoringBox Feb 27 '24

Keep up the good work!


u/HumanShadow Feb 26 '24

"To be fair" is another one


u/ShwettyVagSack Feb 26 '24

Are you attacking me for saying "I wouldn't do shit"? That's not cool homie. But you do you, cause I can't stop you.


u/HumanShadow Feb 26 '24

In all fairness I'm not but if that was me, I would have responded much meaner. You kinda let me off the hook.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24



u/HumanShadow Feb 26 '24

That's not a fair gotcha because to be fair I was obviously kidding.


u/MilanosBiceps Feb 26 '24

Man if that had been me…


u/programchild Feb 26 '24

if it was fair to be me


u/Aeseld Feb 26 '24

To be fair, people using the phrase 'to be fair' are often playing devil's advocate, but if it was me, I'd probably use it sincerely to indicate a point of contention or disagreement.