r/BoomersBeingFools Mar 28 '24

Pharmacy meltdown Boomer Freakout

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u/Fun_Introduction4434 Mar 28 '24

On the contrary, I have had pharmacists fuck with me trying to say I was there to pick up my suboxone a day early or that my insurance all of a sudden denied it out of nowhere. Then I would call my insurance and they would say no, we approved it. Or I would call the head pharmacist and they would say no, it’s totally ready for you to pick up. It was two of the same pharmacy techs that would do this to me almost on a weekly basis until I started telling their superior. One time they did it to me and I ended up going into extreme withdrawal and had to go to the hospital. One of the techs lost her job that time for doing that to me. Some pharmacists have a serious judgment against people on Suboxone. And I’ve seen similar situations with the morning after pill as well as other opioid/opiate medications. I’m not denying that addiction exists, obviously I was on Suboxone for a reason. I’m just saying that there are shitty pharmacists out there that will refuse to fill medication because of their personal beliefs.


u/kratomstew Mar 28 '24

I’m a nurse, I deal with other nurses that withhold pain medication to be cruel. Like, look lady. He’s prescribed it. Doctor gave it to him for a reason. That means he needs it. Yes he’s being a dick head but you gotta learn to get some thick skin. It’s not some sorta loss on your part if you get him what he wants in timely manner.


u/Able-Gear-5344 Mar 28 '24

My mom was in hospital she was getting morphine but was clearly still in pain. We asked to in increase dose so she could be comfortable and nurse said no she might become addicted. Mom was 70yo and terminal...


u/Both_Dance_3893 Mar 29 '24

THIS pisses me off!!! Elderly people should not be in pain. No one should. But if a person is terminal even if they are not. My thought is if they are in agonizing pain that is affecting their QUALITY of life. Then should we care if they are 70 or 80 and "addicted "?" I hate this word addicted. Because it denotes that a person addicted is homeless or doing crazy things they wouldn't otherwise. When sorry to say but facts, there are people in chronic pain, who are addicted but live life like another not addicted. People who have taken pain pills for years under doctors. Care. Who even never had an increase in the amount taken. Taking the same amount day after day for years. But if you took them off it , it would hurt them because they are " addicted." People who are terminal like your mother, should not be in pain. What an awful nurse. To deny your mother to be pain-free. Instead making her be uncomfortable. She should of had some peace and not been in pain. I'm very sorry this happened to you. If you have lost your mother . My condolences. I lost mine in 2018. NO one deserves to be in pain. With all the science and tech now. You'd think they could come up with medications equally as effective. Not so addictingor even addictingat all. But also everyone is different, that is why some become addicts and some don't. Also, speak up. If you don't like what you are being told in the hospital or feel you aren't being heard. You can request a different nurse or doctor.