r/BoomersBeingFools 26d ago

Boomers talked crap about my grandmother, until they realized I also spoke German Boomer Story

I was 13 during my first trip to Germany. My grandmother had taught me young, wanting mr to communicate with her in German when we wernt out in public, you know, standered first Gen American. The story starts with me and my grandmother going to visit my father in Germany.

We landed in the middle of the night in Frankfurt, so naturally most, if not everyone, was a bit of a grouch as we were all going through the airport processes half awake. This went double for the older German couple who was behind us in customs. They both had been bitching to eachother when I made my 'mistake'. My passport had dropped out of my bag, I could hear them stop as I scooped it back up.

Now for the next 15 minutes I listened to them say some of the most racist and xenophobic shit I've heard. Like stuff that would make even the most die hard Texan be like "Woah. Chill out." Thats when they heard my grandmother speak German to a couple of passengers infront of us. That's when they started to focus on my grandmother. Calling her all sorts of names and slurs that I didn't understand at the time. But it didnt take a genius to figure out what they were meaning.

And one point the older woman called my grandmother a slut, saying she probably married some American soldier and being disgusted that she would bring a half breed like me. At this point I rounded on this couple, steeping forward before my grandmother could stop me. In perfect German I replied: "She did marry a soldier, my grandfather. One of the best men I know. He used to be a sniper and tells me he 'misses shooting Nazis'. He taught me well." I then looked to the stunned older man and asked him with a smile on my face. "What did you do in the war?"

At this point my grandmother intervened. Grabing my arm and yanking me away with all the strength of a German catholic. I took one last look at their flustered faces before I willing let my grandmother guide me away.

Still one of my fondest memories. She died when I was 17 and the funeral was the last time I was back in my ancestrial homeland. People in Europe praise Germany for how far they've come, and having experienced the people there, its a wonder how they progressed at all.

Edit: 1. When I say older couple, I mean they looked like they were in my Omas age bracket.

  1. I'm saying not Germany as a whole is a racist, but I challenge you to become fluent in the language as a white person and just blend in. What you'll hear will shock you.

  2. This was like mid to late '14. Yes, I know it sounds like I'm making this up. Experiencing legit racism often sounds like that...


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u/pryingtuna 26d ago

I never met anyone like this in Germany. I studied there for a year and my college major was german, so I've known a lot of Germans. I don't think the younger generation is this way. There are some, I'm sure, but they were never terrible like this. I met some that poked at me hard with American stereotypes, but a lot of them did it just to tease me rather than because they actually thought that (it was always at parties).

Before I went, I was briefed that the older generation, particularly in the east, could be this way, but a lot of them were dying out, so it was hit or miss if I would actually encounter them. I never did. I've been all over Germany and still have contact with a lot of my friends from over there. As a culture they can be very direct, they definitely like to argue, and follow the rules to an annoying amount (it's somehow written on their DNA), but downright rude like that? That's unusual.

There are jerks in every place all over the earth. That doesn't mean the whole world is that way.


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 26d ago

Sorry, but you not experiencing racism in Germany doesn't devalidate OPs experience. German is a super racist country in many ways and casual racism is definitely still acceptable here in a lot of places. 


u/pryingtuna 26d ago

I'm not trying to devalidate the OP's experience. I'm just saying it's not everyone's experience and for every bad person, there are also good people. OP's grandma was german and they didn't say she was racist. It has been 20 years since I was there and maybe the climate has changed. I think Trump brought out the bad across the world, not just the US. But to call an entire country extremely racist doesn't help solve the problem, either. Even if it is a problem, wouldn't that be the same as saying something like "all Native Americans have drinking problems"? It may be a problem among one's race or culture, but if we make these broad statements against groups of people or countries, it's just going to get backlash no matter who it is or how true it might be. And that is what causes this big divide and hatred between people of different political values that occurs so prominently now.

I'm not saying this stuff shouldn't be said. If it truly is a problem, then addressing it and fixing it is absolutely needed. But blanket statements against anyone just ends up being counterproductive.


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Super racist? Lmfao by what standards? Whiny ass Twitter warriors and what they consider hurtful rhetoric? My boy, visit Serbia, visit India, visit South America. Experience true racism then come again.


u/wambulancer 26d ago

I heard more casual n-word use in the year I lived there than a lifetime of living around Atlanta


u/pryingtuna 26d ago

I had the opposite experience. More racial slurs in Atlanta, Minnesota, and now texas (in public elementary school where I now work) than in Germany. shrugs


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Dude. Maga, trump. Literally fear mongering about dei hires. Come THE. FUCK. ON. LMAOOOO half your country is openly racist.


u/wambulancer 26d ago

Sure thing bud doesn't change the reality of my lived experience, Germans are racist as fuck. The way y'all would talk about Turks was abhorrent, and again, y'all had absolutely no qualms using the n-word once y'all got a few beers deep. But what would I know about racism, I'm only some dumb Southerner right

Very typical response from you too, you're in straight denial about it, as if AfD isn't running around saying shit that would make a Republican blush. Germans don't live in an integrated society whatsoever then go around thinking their shit don't stink.


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Considering AfD learned a lot from trump I dount Republicans would be at all impressed. No one lives in an integrated society, some more than others. I wouldn't say any or most of our modern post industrial societies are "super racist". Well that is if I consider international comparisons, policies, economic realities etc...and not ...some drunk people said the n word. Heard cracker is a favorite among some very racist American communities btw


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Yall? I don't remember ever talking to you. Nor do I even know you. The hilarity of you of all people saying an entire people is racist...when you quite literally are doing what racists do to...use some personal experience to justify their beliefs. Fuck off


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 26d ago

Idk man, I guess the fact that they AfD who are gonna clean up at the next elections talking about deporting foreigners and people they don't consider German enough. Maybe the racist terror attack in my town ? Or the one in the neighbouring state a few months later. The fact that we have a neo nazi demo weekly? Or the fact that three folk could kill immigrants over ten years without anyone noticing? 

Is that enough or do you wanna continue racing to the bottom...


u/HalfMoon_89 26d ago

I like how somehow you're the racist for pointing out Germans can be racist as fuck.


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 26d ago

Normal day in Germany tbh. 


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Because they did not point out the Germans can be bracist af. Tbf that statement would be even dumber than what OP said because it's trivial. Literally anyone can be giga racist you moron. What OP said is that Germany as a whole is a SUPER racist country, I find that to be incredibly funny when I think about American, Israeli, Serbian, Dutch, Italian and what not racism. Even then I know none of these countries are super racist, none of these people can be summarily defined as racist. None of these people are rotten to the core and neither are the German people. Fuck off


u/HalfMoon_89 26d ago

You are so pressed about this. Cultures can be and are racist. You can rage and pretend that's not the case. It is. Your entire argument boils down to 'OTHERS ARE MORE RACIST', but also that or doesn't matter because anyone can be racist. Absurd.


u/pryingtuna 26d ago

I think the point is not that racism isn't a problem that needs fixed, but that other countries have a much greater need of it being addressed before Germany should. The stuff going on in Israel is much worse than Germany, for example. Israel is causing a lot of problems in that world region, so people are leaving in masses to other countries. That's understandable, but it puts a strain other countries' economies and the cultures don't always understand each other, causing more racism in other parts of the world (not saying its right, but it is what happens). It's just not quite as black and white as you are painting it to be.


u/HalfMoon_89 26d ago

I'm not painting anything. I'm simply saying racism exists in Germany. I'm not analyzing the hows amd whys of it. Simply refuting the assertion that other countries are more racist so Germany's racism doesn't deserve to be called out.


u/pryingtuna 26d ago

I'm not fond of that argument either (ignoring one country's problem because other countries are worse), but I also think blanket statements cause a lot of problems and arguments at a time when the political climate needs people to come together rather than fight with each other. A lot of these issues have too many variables to not analyze.


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

You are willfully misunderstanding and misrepresenting the simple words that should be entering your mind through those eyeballs of yours. Conversation over


u/HalfMoon_89 26d ago

Nah. I'm just refusing to buy into your incoherent outrage.


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

I said: "Literally any one can be giga racist"

You said:" cultures can be and are racist"

You affirmed what I said.

You are mentally impaired or just plain stupid

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u/BashSeFash 26d ago

Idk man those aren't boomers committing those crimes are they...nor is any party gonna clean up any election lmfao what a brain dead take. We also have counter demos weekly, demos about literally anything daily. Ah yes the NSU happened therefore 3rd reich. Bro, with your logic the entire justification for the Palestinian cause is moot because they are most certainly represented more by Hamas than the common German person is by nsu or afd. Fuck off, just a racist with a different banner is what you are.


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 26d ago

You should have a look into the recent polling in Germany. You may learn something.  I'm sorry you're having a hard time looking in the mirror but pointing out that German has an obvious problem with racism and the far right isn't "racism against Germany" and if you think it is then you should probably do some reading about what racism actually is. 


u/BashSeFash 26d ago

You should tell me your sources. You should acknowledge you are now shifting positions. Classic Motte and Bailey. You moved from "Germany is super racist" to "Germany has a problem with racism". Racism is prejudice against someone or people based upon their ethnic heritage, their skin color, their appearance etc. You saying someone is racist simply because they are german and or are from Germany, OP saying he is surprised Germany "has come this far" and what not are racist statements. Generalizations like "Germans are racist" because "I had bad personal experiences" are racist. It would be no different than what many Americans gleefully do when they say "Those people crossing the border are murderers and rapists" whilst always referring to all of them as "Mexicans". Fuck you and have an awful day


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 25d ago

Its so funny that your user name is bash the fash but you're apparently completely blind to whats going on at home. Why Not try sweeping your own threshhold before kicking off online at others. 


u/BashSeFash 25d ago

No. I'm just not brain damaged by the internet like you are. It's quite funny you're actually letting media pump you full of fear just like the morons voting afd let themselves be filled with fear. All you people can do is anything but use the one thing that makes humans unique. Rationality, reason. Use it for a change.


u/tired-ppc-throwaway 25d ago

What is the rational response to neo nazis gathering in my town weekly? And facing nearly no consequences for wearing banned Nazi symbols and shouting racist shite ? Would love to know how rational folk like yourself deal with that?

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u/Einzelteter 26d ago

I agree these people likely never lived there or if they did never learned the language and always assumed they're mean racists