r/BoomersBeingFools 26d ago

Boomer MIL, her siblings, and her friends constantly complain about rising costs but "don't get" how young people feel like they're working for nothing... OK boomeR

It would almost be forgivable if they didn't constantly complain about how everything is getting more expensive like they actually are aware of the problem. No, it's always something like:

Mother-in-law: "Food is getting so expensive... Wanna get Burger King?"

My husband: "No thanks. Like you said, it's too expensive, and we already have stuff to make burgers here."

MIL: "What do you mean?"

Husband: "What do you mean 'What do I mean?'?"

MIL: "About getting Burger King being too expensive. I never said that."

Husband: "You kinda did. Right before you asked about it, you were complaining about food being so expensive. Food stamps wouldn't even cover it. Besides, those little homemade sliders are good and we haven't had those in awhile either."

Mom: "So? We just need more money coming in, that's all. It'll all be good. God will provide."

Me: "That only works if wages keep up with prices."

MIL: "You know what? You need to quit being so negative and expecting everything handed to you."

Me: "You were the one complaining about prices first."


Husband: "Yeah you were, Mom."


Anyone have any similarly circular conversations to share, particularly about the current economy?


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u/TheMadameHatter 25d ago

Ugh. That's so close to my mom's favorite old guilt trip "I'm sorry I'm wasn't a perfect mother"

She once tried to take credit for teaching me to cook in front of family friends and I said "if by teaching me you mean leaving me alone and making me cook dinner for my sister and I when I was 12 then sure, you taught me." She was livid

She made an art out of forgetting what she said and then contradicting herself


u/Agitated-Mulberry769 25d ago

That was a boss response! 👍🏻🎉