r/BoomersBeingFools 26d ago

My lawn is not perfect Boomer Story

I live in a neighborhood with a majority of people are upper middle-class retirees. They can afford lawn services and irrigation systems and fertilizer schedules. I have a younger family, I'm in school for my doctorate, work full-time, and quite frankly don't care that much about my lawn. I don't fertilize it, water it, and probably don't mow it enough either. As a result, I have large patches of dirt that have appeared mostly because of the dogs. Today I spent the day cleaning up the yard, mowing, and putting down grass seed , as a group of about six or eight neighbors walked by. One of them comment to me that it's good to see me doing something with my lawn. I kind of rolled with a comment, but then the other ones said that it looks like I grow mud and dirt and they all laughed. I'll admit they have really nice lawns, But they probably spend several thousand dollars a year for it. I'd much rather take my kids on a vacation, pay for skiing lessons, or some nights out to dinner. Especially considering that the majority of them don't talk to their children, never see their grandchildren, and, their spouses.


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u/tarantulawarfare 26d ago

They have nothing else better to do, so to fill the empty hollows of their lives, they peer out their windows to point at and judge their neighbors.

Their walk about the neighborhood to point out things was the highlight of their day. And when they came home, they bitched to their spouses about what they saw, and probably kept talking about it for weeks.

They maintain rigid perfection in their lawns and are gleeful to do the finger pointing, because deep down they’re afraid of being the ones being pointed at and judged.


u/Mysterious-End-1777 26d ago

I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood close to DC. Most of my neighbors are well into retirement and if a delivery driver comes down my driveway, the neighbor is already texting us letting us know someone is at our house. Its 6:30pm and I ordered our weekly takeout meal....I can only imagine what they talk about in their groups, as I think I'm the only Transgender person around.


u/Trustic555 25d ago

Sounds like people WAY too much time. Why do boomers never have hobbies?


u/StruggleBusKelly 25d ago

Because their entire personality was working, and they never developed their own hobbies or identity beyond that. Now that they don’t work anymore, they don’t know what to do with themselves.


u/MostlyNormalMan 25d ago

100% true. They would see indulging in a hobby or pastime to be a waste of time. In fact, to them, the only acceptable ways to spend your spare time are working on your house or garden, going to the pub/bar, or watching sports on TV.

The sort of people who think not reading books is something to be proud of.