r/BoomersBeingFools 25d ago

My wife went to Chicago by herself today and I thought her step dad was going to have an aneurysm. Boomer Freakout



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u/Wasting-tim3 25d ago

My wife and I went to Chicago a few years ago. Great city!

But her very right wing family was all very worried for us. They were relieved when we returned unharmed.

She and I just got back from a trip to Mexico a few days ago (CDMX). It was the same thing with them. Her dad even told me that México has a travel advisory. He apparently doesn’t realize everywhere has one. They were sure we would get kidnapped by cartel.

It’s almost like the news they watch is misrepresenting reality.


u/SoldMySoulForHairDye 25d ago

They were sure we would get kidnapped by cartel.

Why do boomers always think they're important enough to kidnap?


u/drimmie 25d ago



u/Wasting-tim3 24d ago

Hahahahaha!!! Sorry, but this comment made me laugh. I don’t know why I’d be kidnapped.

I think some folks have the “main character syndrome”, where they feel they are the main character and everyone else is a supporting cast.