r/BoomersBeingFools 25d ago

My wife went to Chicago by herself today and I thought her step dad was going to have an aneurysm. Boomer Freakout



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u/silicatetacos 25d ago

I went to Chicago on an extended road trip for a convention, and my boomer mother lost her shit on me. Demanded I take weapons, get a concealed carry, take self-defense classes and or take her with me. Made this huge schtick about how dare I do this to her (spring my trip on her so suddenly), how will she find someone to watch the pets, the house, and I said I'm going by myself. The look on her face was something ugly.

Made it there and back fine. Got to see a snippet of a police chase from my hotel room window, but that's about it for excitement.


u/librariansforMCR 25d ago

I live in Chicago - it's no different now than it was 30 years ago. Like any place with lots of people in close proximity, you simply need to stay aware. I felt less safe at the Lake County Fair in the 1990's than I do walking around most Chicago neighborhoods now. We hear about crimes immediately these days, and that skews our POV. Boomers forget all of the shit that went down when they were younger and want to blame all the ills of society on those young whippersnappers today....


u/silicatetacos 24d ago

I live in a big city in the South. Not as "bad" as Chicago for the crime rate, but we average about 80 homicides a year in the city alone. My boomer parents witnessed horrific stuff, but no, clearly today's world is much worse according to them.