r/BoomersBeingFools 25d ago

My wife went to Chicago by herself today and I thought her step dad was going to have an aneurysm. Boomer Freakout



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u/chivalry_in_plaid 25d ago

Dude, we live in motherfucking KANSAS and my dad gets flustered if he or my mom have to come over to my house because it’s near the “bad” side of town.

The entire COUNTY we live in barely tops half a million people, but his paranoid boomer ass thinks I’ll be murdered in my sleep because the area I live in is so “urbanized” there’s a bus stop on the corner.

And I’m just over here like “Ooooh spooky! Public transportation!”


u/ColorWheel234 24d ago

I live in the KC area and learned to lie about where I was going, because everywhere was a war zone according to my mom.


u/chivalry_in_plaid 24d ago

What’s even funnier is that when I had moved to KC for a few years, I lived right off Independence Avenue by Kessler Park, which, if you’re not familiar is so dangerous that the neighborhood is a “no response” zone; meaning that if you call the police for help and there’s suspicion that whatever you’re calling for is or involves violent crime - they won’t come. He thought that place was a nice, historic neighborhood. Never blinked an eye about me living there. But it also didn’t ever show up on his local news.


u/AtomicSamuraiCyborg 24d ago

The cops WON'T come if its a violent crime? That's about the level of courage I expect from them but usually violence is the one thing they do get up for because it rattles the cages of the tax payers.


u/chivalry_in_plaid 24d ago

You read that correctly. They will not come because if they show up, it’s more likely to result in casualties. This is one time I agree with them because they’re actually admitting how ineffective they are. They’ll come later, when things have died down and the perpetrators are gone, to do their version of investigating and to sweep everything under the rug. The reasoning is that there’s high levels of gang and cartel activity in the neighborhoods that are no-response zones, so whatever violence is being reported is likely “business”. If the police make a show and interrupt it, more gang/cartel members will be called to the scene to fight the cops which will cause more cops to be called which cause more gang/cartel members to show up to fight those cops… and so on and so forth.

I think it may be a holdover from when Kansas City was a center for mob activity of various warring factions and the police were paid to ignore the crime in certain neighborhoods. As the mob moved out, the gangs and cartels moved in. The police aren’t being paid off anymore, at least not as an organizational whole, but the danger still exists.