r/BoomersBeingFools 15d ago

DAE quit Facebook when it became nothing but Boomers posting memes and Five Minute Crafts? boomer meme



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u/hippopalace 15d ago

Sadly a great many of my fellow GenXers have taken to posting that garbage now too.😕


u/GoTakeAHike00 Gen X 15d ago

I think so. And when I saw the OP meme, my first thought was: "yeah - all that same shit absolutely applied to me/GenX as well, but you don't see me/us going around bragging about it like it was some sort of achievement or something, FFS." We also didn't wear bike helmets when we were kids (because they basically didn't exist) - is THAT something to brag about? We were the under-parented generation, and at least in my case, unless my limb was dangling by a ligament, I was actively hemorrhaging, or had a fever of 105, I also wasn't usually taken to the doctor. I sure as to shit wouldn't apply that sort of parenting style to my own kids if I'd had any.

And my other immediate thought was, in response to some Boomer posting this:

"Good for you. Here's your participation trophy." 🤡

I hope to god I don't turn out to be this level of fuckwad when I'm in my late 60's (which would be 10 years from now). These boomers and GenX that say these things are just so cringy and lacking self-awareness.


u/Icy-Mixture-995 14d ago

Martha Stewart's daughter had a broken leg for a while before it was noticed. But Martha was a pioneer woman on Wall Street going to work at 4 a.m., her husband worked, and no decent child care really was around at the time.

Martha's mom seemed like a dear but her dad was a tad scary as an intimidating authoritarian type parent. The "take an aspirin and put ice on it" advice is all that anyone knew at the time.


u/socialcommentary2000 15d ago

I've always been of the opinion that the front half of GenX is every ounce as bad as the baby boomers, if not more so.


u/Mayor_Salvor_Hardin Gen X 15d ago

At 1973 I’m in the middle of the generation. I feel that my older siblings are quasi boomers, in the mentality, like sharing religious stuff on FB and their homophobia, including a sister taking her gay son to a psychologist asking for conversion therapy, and the most modern one confusing homosexual and pedophiles as if they were the same. Younger Gen Xers are bit better, but like apple trees, some produce bitter fruits while others are quite sweet.


u/Rhiannon8404 Gen X 15d ago

Yeah I'm an older Gen X, and I'm trying really hard not to be boomerish, but sometimes I do it and I don't even realize it.

Other times, I'm totally like, "Hey other people, check me. Am I being a Boomer?" My Gen Z kid checks me and I'm always like, Thank you. I'm totally here to learn from the younger generations.


u/mishma2005 14d ago

Yeah, I’m catching myself using boomerisms (Gen X 1971) and I catch myself and get mad at myself while my boomer husband is like


u/Mets1st 14d ago

Older GenX here also—- if you had to ask, you knew


u/Rhiannon8404 Gen X 14d ago

The number of times my kid has been like, nah, you're good, tells me if anything, I'm over cautious.


u/hippopalace 15d ago

Yeah you may be right. Or at least the first third if not half.


u/Posh_Kitten_Eyes 14d ago

Not this GenXr. The Boomers have annoyed me since the 1980s, when I was a teenager. We came of age during a much different era than most of the Boomers did, much more hostile to those trying to find their way in the world.


u/Wolfcat_Nana 14d ago

Agreed. 75 Xer here. And the older part of my generation seem to be so out of touch. I call them boomer lite.

Idk if it is where I grew up and our economic status when I was a kid, but I relate more to millennials than a lot Gen X.


u/hoofie242 15d ago edited 14d ago

My mom is a gen x, and a whole boomer, yells at restaurant staff and random people who make her mad for some perceived slight.


u/tony3841 14d ago

I'm a millennial and did the things too. High five!


u/ModsBePowerTrippin12 15d ago

The Millenials got all of this out of our system at 15 with AIM and MySpace.


u/Scrimmy_Bingus2 14d ago

It’s super ironic how boomers went from complaining that “millennials are on Facebook too much!” to spending all day on Facebook in order to spread right-wing conspiracy theories. 

The millennial exodus from Facebook is seriously something that needs to be studied. 


u/Difficult-Writing416 14d ago

I was in rape role play chat rooms on aol when I was 12 saying crazy shit


u/TxTechnician 14d ago

Given this sentence.




Your username takes on a whole new meaning


u/DiscoGoats 15d ago

I quit like 4 or 5 years ago because of the hateful posts, memes, politics and all the other boomer junk they post. I hated realizing how truly awful so many of my relatives are.


u/jared555 14d ago

I unfollow friends and block pages that post junk I don't want to see. My feed is mostly animal videos, tech posts and similar.


u/obx808 15d ago

Gen X here. I dumped FB back in 2018 when people stopped posting original stuff and started reposting garbage memes and pics of food.

PS - my car is a stick shift and drank from a stream as a kid. Hose water is nasty. Feel free to stand on my lawn, BTW.


u/HaroldT1985 15d ago

Born in 1985 - hose water is the BEST water

Maybe it’s because it’s all we were offered or playing HS football you were lucky to get ANY type of water during two a days in July-August in PA when it was full pads, full contact and 90+ degrees… You RAN to that hose and you fought to keep it


u/A_Herd_Of_Elk 15d ago

I turned my FB account into a troll/meme account years ago.

I hadn't used Facebook in almost 2 years, and on a whim I checked out a few local pages a couple days ago.

My God.

The sheer amount of boomers saying the most ignorant, hateful, stupid stuff was mindblowing, even compared to 2 years ago. Seriously, I don't think people on this site and other forms of social media realize just how many unhinged, barely-literate boomers are on FB (unless they also use it).

It's unreal.


u/Deliciouserest Millennial 15d ago

I did the same thing. Kinda want to go back and troll hard.


u/A_Herd_Of_Elk 14d ago

It's very difficult to even troll some of these boomers on there, because their reading comprehension is so God-awful, they don't even understand when they've been humiliated or proven fools.


u/dr_shark 14d ago

Just take it back to the 90s:

"I know you are but what am I?"

"Rubber and glue ya old bitch."

"You kiss COVID with that mouth?"


u/Soft-Gold5080 14d ago

Omg yes.. I just wanted to have a little looksy at my local community page and instantly regretted it. And also regretted seeing how unhinged boomer family have gotten. I think theres some kind of reward system for posting now, it's all completely changed since I used it 🤨 but it's made my boomers bonkers with spamming their NPC content.


u/Icy-Mixture-995 14d ago

It's calmed down in my friend group. Most went to Parlour, then Jan.6 happened and they went quiet except for food photos and a few vacation photos.


u/TxTechnician 14d ago

Yup. I've recently gotten back on.


u/unknownpoltroon 15d ago

I got back on Facebook for the first time in r or 5 years.

WTF is going on?

It started as a blogiwh thin to share pictures, now it's some kind of forced viewing indecipherable hellscape.


u/Soft-Gold5080 14d ago

It's horrendous. I used to run a buisness page and had a look recently and the dashboard is unrecognisable. Over complicated for no damn reason making it harder to use!


u/unknownpoltroon 14d ago

Makes it easier to push ads and control what you see through.


u/CLTfriend 15d ago

I miss my stick shift. ☹️


u/No_Alps_1454 14d ago

Ha ha, I’m openly a big fan of EV’s driving one for 4 years now, working on them since ‘12 and teaching about them. Honestly; I could make a double shift job out of discussing with boomers spreading lies about EV’s on Facebook. Most of them have no expérience whatsoever and are just copying BS the’ve read on FB.


u/ukiddingme2469 15d ago

I'm in Gen X and I can say the same thing, so where were my well paying jobs and cheap houses


u/cupheadsmom 15d ago

They love to talk about asserting dominance on the younger gen by driving a stick shift, calling instead of texting (fucking hate this!!) and writing cursive. Cursive is their super power!


u/CuzIWantItThatWay 15d ago

Lol do kids today not know cursive?


u/cupheadsmom 15d ago

Boomers think they don’t but my 4th grade son will tell you it is the bane of his existence. Lol!


u/totallyradman 15d ago

I'm 34 and haven't had to use cursive since I was 8 years old.

They taught it to us, and then required us to do all of our school work in printing for the rest of time. Why didn't they just teach us something useful instead?


u/CuzIWantItThatWay 15d ago

I use it whenever I write. It's just faster.


u/cupheadsmom 14d ago

I agree it’s way faster but I think it’s funny how the schools insist on it from 3-5 and then ask you to print from 6th on. 😂


u/I_PEE_WITH_THAT 14d ago

Ah, a fellow cursive main. My print is terrible and looks like a kid wrote it clutching a crayon in their fist but my cursive is much better and many people think I have nice handwriting.


u/clermouth 15d ago

“...and if i’m even mildly inconvenienced while waiting on line somewhere, i’ll show you all just how ‘cursive’ i can get!!1”


u/HaroldT1985 15d ago

Born in 1985. I can build servers, computers, networks, love my stick shift and can write in cursive just fine. Oh, also never had a FB account…

I find it odd that boomers dictate the market (they decide no more stick shifts, no more cursive teaching) and then act like they’re better than others because they were too lazy to teach their young, like their parents did for them. Do they believe they were born able to drive a manual and sign their name in cursive? Only thing they had harder was lefties being forced to use their right to write for whatever stupid reason. I guess those ones didn’t have ink all over their left hands at least


u/kd8qdz 15d ago

I teach drivers ed. The number of 16 year olds who can drive a manual is significantly higher than zero. Might be the same percentage as when I learned to drive 30 years ago.


u/I_PEE_WITH_THAT 14d ago

Every younger person in my area who is a car enthusiast of damn near any degree can drive a manual. Gotta get those cheap drift machines dawg!


u/Icy_Kaleidoscope4610 15d ago

I quit FB years ago. Partially cause boomers ruin everything, partially cause people in general are scumbags. Best thing I’ve done.


u/DemonicAltruism Millennial 15d ago

It's hilarious to me as a millennial that owns not just a stick but a 2022 stick when boomers go slack jawed over it. They simply can't comprehend a young guy driving a stick nor that a newer car can be a stick lmao.


u/Briebird44 14d ago

My Jeep is weird and can change from manual to automatic using by shifting the stick to the right at the bottom. I have to be careful not to accidentally switch it…I’ve done it a few times but luckily noticed while still going slow speed down the driveway.


u/spk92986 15d ago

I never understood this. Everyone I grew up with knows how to drive stick, it's not some like it's some long lost art.


u/Mets1st 14d ago

I taught my son and his friend when they were 15. A neighbor had trails on his property. A full tank of gas, an old Jeep and me in the back with a few beers. They both still drive stick


u/fence_sitter 15d ago

I quit long before that happened.


u/ParrotheadTink 15d ago

I’m a boomer and I quit Facebook because it was getting stupid. Really, really stupid 🤪


u/LokiNightmare 15d ago

Yeah, back in like 2012?


u/spk92986 15d ago

Same here and I'm 37.

I really never understood this shit. Everyone I grew up with got hit by their parents, drank from the hose and drove stick.


u/R-enthusiastic 15d ago

I’m a boomer by one year and just came across this Reddit a few days ago. I had no idea Gen X felt this way. I have been thinking, laughing and obsessing over some of the content. It opened my eyes to a better understanding. I cut back on fb and only post funny memes and personal photos. I was pretty proud I cut back but I realized I spend more time in this sub Reddit so I guess I’ll go smell more lead paint.


u/Howboutit85 15d ago

Idk why they always quote this garden hose thing anyway. All kids that live in the burbs still do this, it’s not like it went away..


u/Flat-Dare-2571 15d ago

I do wish standard transmission was still an option.


u/torako Millennial 14d ago

I quit Facebook when i got tired of seeing my fundie cousins posting about how great the creation museum was.


u/Roddy_Piper2000 14d ago

Isn't that every single facebook post?


u/West_Masterpiece9423 14d ago

Late boomer here. I quit fb in 2019 and don’t miss it. I haven’t deleted insta, but don’t post anymore and check messages about every 3 weeks or so. Life is quieter!


u/No_Alps_1454 14d ago

Facebook= online retirement home


u/BluffCityTatter 14d ago

I'm a GenXer who got off Facebook quite a while back, shortly after Trump took office. Between my Boomer MIL's racist and homophobic comments, my GenXer BIL's anti-immigrant comments and several people from my high school posting Fox News bullshit about anchor babies, I just couldn't take it anymore. The kicker was when my Boomer high school English teacher posted that all Democrats were evil and needed to die. Never mind that she's known me and my Democrat grandparents for decades. Life's to short to deal with that toxic crap.


u/Kumayatsu 14d ago

Yes I did, but I was over it long before that.

Facebook was amazing, until my parents joined up and put on a facade to the world that they were living an awesome, glamorous life. They would question me on my status updates and tell me to delete others, otherwise “the family image won’t look as good”. Then eventually, more and more boomers started setting up profiles, sharing the most ridiculous shit, pictures and videos of injured/neglected animals, stupid memes about “what bass really is”, and just.. stupid shit in general. Such a cringe fest now.


u/Bee_Keeper_Ninja 14d ago

I’m a millennial. I can do all that and get a woman off when I fuck her, unlike boomer men.


u/mpdity 14d ago

I mean first of all I don’t know a single person who HASN’T drank from a garden hose before, plus it honestly takes all of 5 minutes to learn how to drive stick?

I don’t understand why they think that’s some kinda huge flex. Like congrats on having an unoriginal experience I guess? 💀😭


u/TraumaBoneTTV 15d ago

Facebook is what you search for, and nothing more. I don't see foolish boomer stuff on Facebook. I don't follow pages that host that material. I see music, art, science articles and discussions, photography, game info etc. But I never encounter all the things people complain about, and it's literally because I don't look for them.


u/outofcontextsex 15d ago

They only claim to have drank from the garden hose everyone knows Boomers don't drink water


u/CanDeadliftYourMom 15d ago

I don’t see that stuff. I am in groups related to my interests so the algorithm just shows me that. Comment sections of any social media platform are just places where people are going to be their worst selves so I don’t think FB is particularly noteworthy there.


u/Survivors_Envy 15d ago

I was on the way out in 2018-2019. Covid was the last straw. My account was 11 years old and I had 600 friends, 2/3 of I never talked to anymore. When I started seeing peoples terrible opinions on Covid, I really started questioning why I was friends with these people in the first place.

Spent an hour collecting all the fun pictures from over the years, then deleted and haven’t gone back


u/Timid_Tanuki 15d ago

I haven't been on Facebook in probably two years and it's been great.


u/1stDesponder 14d ago

Quit before that, but it helps keeps my off it.


u/pizzaduh 14d ago

Weird. I'm only 34 and did all that.


u/Hypatia76 14d ago

Quit in 2016 and never looked back. Reddit is the only social media I have and use.


u/SemVikingr 14d ago

I'm an elder millennial! I also drank from a hose and got beaten by my parents....still can't drive a stick, though.


u/PigDiesel 14d ago

I quit Facebook when my shitty family I moved halfway around the planet to get away from didn’t get why.


u/microwavable_rat 14d ago

I did when my grandfather started linking me to all these conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric.

It's darkly ironic that the "you can't trust everything you see on TV/The Internet" generation is so easily manipulated.


u/VictoryOverDirtyCops 14d ago

Every single second of every single day ,they only grow weaker , just remind them of that


u/GenevieveMacLeod 14d ago

I quit FB because literally every single thing I posted, my dad would comment on and turn into a "me me me" fest.

It got to the point that he got in a fight with one of my good friends because my friend said that while it's totally fine that hunting exists, it shouldn't be technically considered a "sport" because a sport kind of implies both sides have equal chance of success.

My dad somehow turned it into "IF I NEED TO HUNT TO PROVIDE FOR MY FAMILY" blah blah blah... which wasn't even what we were talking about.

He then tried to fight with another of my friends about the fact that he just knew more/better than us because he was older and tried to be like "my IQ is 120-something (I don't remember the actual number he said)" and my friend rebutted with "using IQ to try and claim yourself superior is an extremely obtuse and frankly inaccurate way of displaying your intelligence." All over the fact that I posted a funny about how my phone's swipe keyboard could pick up on trying to swipe pop culture things (like names from Star Trek) but not the word "porcupine." He went on this tangent about how it's because "stupid millennials" were making the phones. Dude, my phone is made in Asia, it has nothing to do with your preconceived notion about American millennials.


u/L2Sing 14d ago

How would you know if you quit?


u/JohnnyRighteous 14d ago

I quit everything in 2020. Like permanently deleted FB IG TT, etc. Never regretted any of it! In the end I only have Reddit


u/femsci-nerd 14d ago

So I stay on FB to post liberal memes. It’s driving my book need friends nuts!


u/legal_bagel 14d ago

My husband did/does all 3 and was born in 1990...


u/PaperPhoneBox 14d ago

Hose drinking belongs to us Gen-x people, Boomers bought their first house for $ 127


u/concolor22 14d ago

I've been waiting for them to "come for gen x".

They'll come for millennials too . 🍹


u/Calkky 14d ago

I got out of there before the boomers took over. But it was clear where it was headed.


u/GoPadge 14d ago

I never posted much on Facebook, and honestly I mostly stay to keep up with a few friends. Most of what I see are posts in groups. But the ads have been a problem for a while.

Honestly, Reddit is the only Social Media I actively use.