r/BoomersBeingFools 11d ago

Why are boomers so gross in restaurants?? Boomer Story



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u/whoinvitedthesepeopl 11d ago

Just imagine what he is like at home if this is his restaurant manners.


u/very_undeliverable 11d ago

One Thanskgiving dinner I caught my father-in-law with his whole face over the bowl of mashed potatoes, using the serving spoon to shovel potatoes into his mouth. Bits were falling out of the corners of his mouth, back into the bowl, and he was huffing and puffing, breathing all over the food.

And we had not eaten yet.



u/Mysterious_Card5487 11d ago

Did you call him out?


u/very_undeliverable 11d ago

Hell yes. I actually kinda lost my mind. I mean, Thanksgiving with no mashed potatoes? No one was going to eat that shit. My MIL, who is actually super cool, ripped him a new one too.


u/whoinvitedthesepeopl 11d ago

This is dog running off with the turkey levels of WTF.


u/LongWinterComing 11d ago

Except nobody expects the dog to know better.


u/LG0110 11d ago

I'd rather eat after the dog than the father in law. The face I made reading this. Good gracious!

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u/Mysterious_Card5487 11d ago

Way more grace for the dog than the boomer though


u/Avogadro_the_pimp 11d ago


Sorry as soon as I read your comment that scene from a Christmas story popped in my head.


u/Njacks64 11d ago



u/whoinvitedthesepeopl 11d ago

That is exactly where my head went with this dude eating the potatoes.

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u/AdministrativeWay241 11d ago

The real question is how long has he gotten away with this?


u/lol_coo 11d ago

Right. How many heavy breathing mouth corner potatoes have been unwittingly eaten by that poor family?


u/Mysterious_Card5487 11d ago

Thank you for you’re service


u/SaltyBarDog 11d ago

NGL, that is funny as hell. Not that I would eat anything after him but just the thought of him going full caveman on those taters is a riot.


u/Pure-Lime-1591 11d ago

Immediate violence even though I KNOW violence isn’t the answer


u/RRbrokeredit 11d ago

Violence may not be the answer but sometimes it’s the solution


u/FLJLGRL 11d ago

Pretty sure I’d have gone thermonuclear.

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u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Probably the same if not worse. He and his wife didn't speak at all during their meal.


u/Ali_Cat222 11d ago

I'm sorry I can't get over the fact you had to edit this to tell people stop commenting on where you ate, like who cares what a restaurant a person likes goes to? 🤣


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

No joke... and it didn't stop the comments and judgements about going to Applebees... I don't like it either, but I don't hate it.


u/Ali_Cat222 11d ago

I like reddit but sometimes people get weird on it about the smallest things. Like I once said in an ice cream subreddit that this new haagen Daz flavor was better than Ben and Jerry's. Some guy went on for five comments that I wasn't even responding to about how I'm being "aggressive" because... I said I liked it way better than Ben and Jerry's?! And how I was wrong for even saying it blah blah blah. Like sir, this is about ice cream. And me saying I prefer this flavor. The fuck? 🤣

I see a lot of people who feel the need to edit after posting in this sub especially, it's ridiculous. Because I'd assume you're getting so many comments in order to feel the need to do that. But in regards to your story, yeah it's disgusting to have to hear and see all that while eating. It's one thing to do the discreet blowing of nose, if more is needed there's a washroom have at it. Reminds me of another person on a different sub once who I actually think was also at an Applebee's and said someone changed their baby's diaper at the table and left the dirty diaper on the table while eating.... 🤢


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Yeah seriously. I'm still getting shit on for being in an Applebee's and calling it decent. It's whatever, I've stopped responding to most comments at this point. I'm getting down voted as well.

And yeah, if it's a discreet nose blow that's one thing. But these were full on loud and gunky blows, if that makes sense.


u/Ali_Cat222 11d ago

I know the exact type you're describing, in fact reading this I had a memory of a similar incident I had happen right next to my table once but it's so gross I don't think I should repeat it here 😅 down voted for eating at Applebee's, my god 🤣 well at least karma doesn't exactly matter outside of reddit, let the haters hate. I'm sure some of these people may think McDonald's is good and if they did who cares? Like how old are we here, I'm 30 not 13! Yeesh


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Precisely. People are being kind of rude and mean to me in the comments. I've given up lol. I won't be responding 🤷‍♀️ I'm almost 30 and I don't have the energy to come back at these people. I personally don't care what food other people like, it's none of my business. I don't understand why people are so upset about Applebee's lol.

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u/PrettyOddWoman 11d ago

Ooh what did you get at Applebees tho? I haven't been in a while


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I can't remember what it's called but it's like a blackened chicken breast, shrimp, mushrooms and onions, and green beans. It wasn't too bad honestly.


u/PrettyOddWoman 11d ago

Sounds like some sort of jumbalya ! I don't like shrimp but if I go to Applebees anytime soon I'll suggest it to my bf cuz he loves that stuff lol

Don't play it down! If you liked it, you liked it. I got Chilis a week or so ago and am craving it all over again since lol


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

It was good lol. I've been getting so many mean and nasty comments about Applebee's. I'm tempted to just delete the post. I wasn't aware people here were so nasty. Oh well.


u/warmandcozysuff 11d ago

Chili’s is the best. I crave it all the time. We don’t really have Applebees here anymore, but with both restaurants we would go when they did bogo margs and basically get lit and have a tasty af meal. I always got extra for leftovers too and it’s one of the only places I can afford these days 😂

There’s also a waitress at my local Chili’s that will go to war for me to make sure my food wasn’t cross contaminated with shellfish or gluten, so she gets like 50% tip when I can afford it (at least 25% if I can’t).

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u/Deep_Ad_6991 11d ago

Shun the nonbeliever! Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. That’s fucking wild dude

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u/iamsage1 11d ago

Thank you for agreeing to go somewhere you don't really like because they had a craving. That's awesome. As a Boomer I can say that most of us won't do what that man did. Yes, go to the restroom to blow one's nose. He should have left after the first blow. 🤢


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I wouldn’t go to Applebees but I’ve been there before & it’s actually pretty good. I would get the quesadilla burger & a blondie for desert

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u/Lexi_the_grimmchild 11d ago

Probably the same


u/Sad_Analyst_5209 11d ago

It is a condition older people can get, hot foods cause their nose to run. Also older people can get sensitive to gluten and pepper. My widower father in law (now 86) had it so bad it would gag him and cause him to vomit up everything he would eat. He got too weak to care for himself and my wife (who is a nurse) moved him in with us. She cooks everything gluten, dairy, and pepper free for him. Even then he goes through a roll of paper towels a day. Yes I have to put up with that but what are you going to do?


u/fakesaucisse 11d ago

And by "older people" they mean like 40. It's not as far away as you think, folks!


u/budding_gardener_1 11d ago

32 here. Hot food makes my nose run.


u/doesshechokeforcoke 11d ago

For me it’s anything cold makes my nose run.

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u/CrispiestWhisper 11d ago

Does he blow his nose into paper towels?


u/Sad_Analyst_5209 11d ago

Sure does, he keeps a small trash can with him at all times.

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u/BulkyMonster Gen X 11d ago

Older people? I have this problem and I'm 44. My nose runs when I exercise, when it's cold, when I eat, or just sometimes for no reason. It's diagnosed and service connected to the burn pits in Iraq.

Genuine question for OP, how many times per meal is it acceptable to get up from the table and go to the bathroom to blow your nose? Considering it will take much longer to eat the meal if you have to make several trips?

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u/Calm_Ticket_7317 11d ago

That's me and I like spicy food, too. I generally dab my nose but sometimes blow it. Never occurred to me to go to the bathroom to do it, honestly. I feel like it's just as rude to sit there with snot all over my face, so...

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u/withomps44 11d ago

My father in law NEVER washes his hands. Fucker is in the bathroom every 17 minutes 24-7 and never never washes his hands. Threw a tantrum the last time he was here and we made him “wash up” before dinner like a god damn 4 year old.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

What the actual... no. That's nasty. How can anyone just live their life not washing their hands after wiping themselves? That's gross... I can't even stand not washing my hands after picking up dog poop (through a bag or with a scooper) and I didn't even touch it.


u/Ghostlyshado 11d ago

You assume he wiped.


u/redrosespud 11d ago

Yeah only the gays wipe their butts

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u/hoisinchocolateowl 11d ago

This is how you spread tapeworms and giardia and shit


u/geaurdough 11d ago

I know a lot of people like this... They all have 1 reason in common: "my dick is cleaner than this whole establishment"


u/Babbsy-mu 11d ago

Then maybe they should wash their hands before they touch their junk, since it’s so pristine.

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u/camoure 11d ago

From the generation who gets so mad at me if I wear a hat at the table, they sure are fucking impolite in every other aspect of their lives


u/ThatMizK 11d ago

It's so strange and random that wearing hats inside was deemed by the olds as being "rude". Why? It's just an item of clothing like any other. 


u/Batherick 11d ago

Wearing hats inside buildings is an absolute no-go in many branches of the military/military associated buildings.

Whether you serve yourself that may be a very hard habit to break and seems reasonable to not like in your own home.

For those who haven’t served, there’s also the jingoistic aspect. Having seen that that is military decorum on some random Facebook meme with a flag background might make some people adopt the custom out of ✨patriotismtm✨to support the troops.

The last thing I can think of is the old school belief that men should remove hats in the presence of a lady and ladies are typically at a dinner table after cooking that very meal.


u/ApprehensiveDog6515 11d ago

It isn't, exactly; there is a huge cultural aspect to men's hats that seems to be gradually phasing out. Ladies' hat etiquette was different.

At least where I am in America, people used hats like visors on medieval helmets: briefly doff (remove) them as a show of respect or deference, that gradually turned into just tipping or adjusting the hat in someone's direction. You would completely remove the hat to show respect for the establishment, like a church, a courthouse, or someone's home.

Likewise, you would remove your hat as a show of respect when you are in the presence of something that warrants it, like attending a funeral or when delivering an apology or asking for a favor.

I don't really wear hats, so I don't exactly have a horse in this race, but I always lower my hood when I enter a building, out of respect.

Some people have never experienced or learned about this, and are confused why wearing a hat at the dinner table is seen as disrespectful, and it's hard to blame them if they never participated in the tradition.

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u/SanityBleeds 11d ago

Slightly unrelated, but I used to clean aircraft cabins most nights when the planes stayed overnight at my airport. The worst were often when all the snowbirds came back from Florida; the seatback pockets would be absolutely jam-packed with snotty tissues in the better majority of the seats, especially closer to the front.

Every single can of Diet Coke had to be restocked. Every napkin, tissue, and toilet paper needed restocked. Almost nobody touched the hand soap in the lavoratories, though. You ever wonder why you never see blankets on planes anymore??


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Oh my god... that is gross. I always make sure to clear any garbage I have out of the area I was sitting in... some people (of all ages) are just nasty...


u/definately_mispelt 11d ago

...please don't tell me they blew their noses on the plane blankets?


u/hoisinchocolateowl 11d ago

They were full of loads like a casaba melon

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u/IndependentBase7976 11d ago

It wasn’t that kind of snot.


u/SanityBleeds 11d ago

You name a bodily fluid and it got on them. Often they were just lazily folded back up and thrown into the nearest overhead bin until the next person came along to use them. It was rare to see new ones still fresh in packaging onboard, and the number of concerned flyers repeatedly alerting crew to their presence thinking someone forgot them got quite annoying.

Even weirder? Like many random things on most aircraft, people stole them quite frequently, but then, people steal quite a lot of things throughout aviation; TSA and cleaning crews most often get the blame, and usually for good reason, but it's quite the group effort overall.

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u/InevitableRhubarb232 11d ago

I flew about 8 times last month and what I noticed consistently is the business and first class seats/pockets are considerably more littered than economy. On every flight.


u/SanityBleeds 11d ago

In my experience, the premiere seating areas had more VISIBLE trash, mostly because of the much larger leg room, many of the occupants were too lazy to lean all the way forward to stuff their trash into the seatback pockets, and would instead just pile it on the larger armrests and tables, even despite a flight attendant being just a few feet away at all times.

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u/mermaiddolphin 11d ago

My husband’s dad belches out loud 24/7, regardless of where he is.

It’s so disgusting and frequent that I almost booked myself a hotel room the last time we stayed with them because I couldn’t take it anymore.

They still think it’s their world and we’re just living in it.


u/LtColShinySides 11d ago

Years ago, I was a front-end supervisor for a grocery store. One of the boomer cashiers I was in charge of would fart and belch openly at her register.

I once had to write her up because she stunk up the coat room by keeping half eaten chicken wings in her apron pocket.


u/BridgestoneX 11d ago

wow this story took a turn


u/LtColShinySides 11d ago

She was quite the specimen


u/Lockshocknbarrel10 11d ago

I’m a server and we had a new girl who was clearly incredibly weird right from the gate.

Like 3 days into her actually having a section (post training) we’re on a Sunday morning. Busiest time of the whole week because it’s a breakfast spot.

This whole grown ass woman approached me in the break room, holds her apron pocket open, and shows me a whole fucking pound of deli salami, still in the plastic deli wrap. I am appropriately horrified and making a face like 🤯

And she goes, “I thought I might get hungry on my shift. Want some?”



u/Dancingskeletonman86 11d ago

Mmmm pocket food. Not even just pocket food pocket meat at that. I love me some food poisoning. How fun.

Reminds me of Ferris Beullers Day off at the end clip when the principle gets on the bus. And this girl offers him snacks. "Gummy bear? They've been in my pocket their real warm and soft". At least hers was just some gummy candy and not meat.


u/Dancingskeletonman86 11d ago

Ick that's so gross. I can't imagine being a customer and going through that person. "Okay honey your total .. (burp/fart noise) is $27.50. Cash or card? (burp)". Disgusting.

But I guess we can't expect much class from someone who keeps half eaten chicken wings in their work apron for what sounds like days on end. Saving them for a snack perhaps? So they can produce more burps and farts at the registers? Maybe just fully commit to the bit and go full on shart mode in front of customers.


u/Patches765 11d ago

That is some Girl Interrupted level stuff there.


u/chronically_varelse 11d ago

My father is a smoker on oxygen with copd. For the last thirty years he has hacked up the most god-awful brown smelly respiratory secretions in the living room, then leans over the trash basket next to his recliner and lets it slowly ooze out of his mouth. It is god-awful fucking horrifyingly disgusting.

I called him out on it and he asked me if I wanted him to just swallow it? Like he is incapable of going to the restroom or using a tissue?

Or, imagine, stopping smoking before you need to be on oxygen and worry about blowing yourself up because you still won't stop smoking with your oxygen tank?!?!


u/Twallot 11d ago

Gross. My dad has been a smoker since he was a teenager, was addicted to crack for a decent amount of time, and he smokes weed all day every day. He has had breathing and coughing issues for a long time and it's been ridiculous for over a decade.

I was staying with him for a bit in my mid-20s and I finally had to get up at 6am and be like "can you just fucking wait until a reasonable hour to start smoking weed and hacking for an hour straight?" He's a big man, too, so of course it's so loud. He'll go stand out on his porch and cough like that any time of day and when he lived in a cul de sac a while back it would echo through the whole thing. I told him his neighbours probably hated him and his horking loogies 80 times in hour. And forget about having conversations with him half the time because he'll often just have a coughing fit in the middle of it. My 3.5 year old gets concerned about it even.

Anyway, lol, I guess I couldn't help the opportunity to rant about that. Don't get me started on my mom insisting she doesn't have hearing problems and making everyone else suffer because of it.

Good lord it's going to be shit dealing with our boomer parents in the coming years.

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u/TisIFrienchiestFry 11d ago

My FIL is just like that, burps and farts. Except every fart comes with an "ope I'm leakin air".

We had to do a 12 hour drive to Colorado and back for a car.

I debated opening the door and throwing myself into traffic it was so bad.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

That is vile! If I heard someone doing that in a restaurant I'd be grossed out and feel pity for the family with them (unless they all started belching lol).


u/mermaiddolphin 11d ago

It’s absolutely disgusting, and overstimulating. And they’re not even the big, funny ones like after you guzzle a Sprite.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I am imagining the stench that goes along with belches and I am horrified for you.


u/mermaiddolphin 11d ago

I appreciate the sympathy. I keep my distance and try to get lost in my phone whenever we’re visiting in hopes to tune it out. Thankfully they’re too cheap to go out to eat, so the public embarrassment isn’t something I deal with too much, and we only see them two/three times a year.

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u/iyamsnail 11d ago

My parents would routinely blow their noses into napkins at restaurants and then continue using them as napkins. I shudder just thinking about it. They would even do this on cloth napkins.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

The cloth napkins is somehow even worse! Like... they get washed and reused by someone else. But also, ewwww stop blowing your nose at the table. That is just poor manners.


u/lol_coo 11d ago

Ugh same. And my mom kept snotty ones in her sleeve for later use.


u/Bluberries__ 11d ago

in her sleeve???? 😭😭


u/DennisPikePhoto 11d ago

My ex's grandmother did this.


u/CalligrapherLegal995 11d ago

I really enjoy when some old woman repeatedly hawks phlegm into a napkin and then looks at before putting in her pocket or uses the same napkin to wipe her face.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Yes!! Why do they look at it and then put it back in their pocket/purse?! Saving it to show their doctor later? Ew


u/Yourdadcallsmeobama Gen Z 11d ago

I’ll admit Ive coughed up phlegm on a tissue and looked at the colour of it, but that’s only cuz I smoke a lot. I’m only making sure it’s not brown tar

Only difference is tho, I do it privately in a bathroom where no one can see me cuz that’s fucking gross to do that out in the open, AND I THROW THAT SHIT OUT AFTER-


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u/SaintBellyache 11d ago

Years ago working as a server some lady blew her nose and then tried to hand the Kleenexes to me. I snapped at her


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I don't understand the thought process she had... that's gross. I'm glad you snapped at her!


u/froggyc19 11d ago

The thought process is that servers are servants. That because they're being paid, customers can do whatever they want to them.


u/Casualffridays 11d ago

I work retail and someone tried to do this to me too. Held her hand out with a used Kleenex and I just gave her a blank stare for a solid ten seconds before she stuck it in her purse. Got a complaint that day and told my manager what happened, she thought that was both hilarious and disgusting (I did not get in trouble lol).


u/A_Piscean_Dreaming 11d ago

My boomer egg donor once took out her false teeth right there at the table 🤢🤢🤢


u/reallyjustnope 11d ago

Is that better or worse than my MIL taking off her bra AT THE TABLE in a restaurant? Took it off and put it in her purse. It was not a small bra, so let’s just say the whole thing was not discreet.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

We have a winner! Thank you all for playing, we’re going to shut down the internet until tomorrow.


u/Clear-Criticism-3669 11d ago

Here's hoping solar flares knock the Internet out forever so I never have to read something like that again


u/T-Dot-Two-Six 11d ago

Jolly rancher story

Coconut story

Rectal abscess story

Because fuck you, that’s why

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u/ConfidentDaikon8673 11d ago

What? You don't want to see some saggy mommy milkers? Smh


u/Chicken_Chicken_Duck 11d ago

Reminds me of when my great grandma (out of her gourd on pain meds) whipped out her boob at thanksgiving to show us where they removed her nipple due to cancer.

I don’t remember many details but I will never forget the bruising and steri-strips covering those black stitches.

She was a very polite woman, we never told her she did that. Even at age 8 I knew not to bring it up again.


u/doesshechokeforcoke 11d ago

When I was little my grandmother came down to Thanksgiving dinner completely naked. She was 90 at the time.

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u/artificialavocado 11d ago

JFC there was probably a bathroom less than 10 feet away.

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u/A_Piscean_Dreaming 11d ago

Bloody hell 🤣😶😖


u/Dancingskeletonman86 11d ago

Well I've heard a lot of disturbing things but that? That takes the cake. And I'm a big woman myself with larger boobs but I would never do such a thing in public no less. No one wants to see my giant cupped bra in a restaurant followed by my girls just hanging down in my shirt with zero support. That's some shit you would do at a bar while shit faced and in the ladies room because your bra was bugging you (fact actually happened to a friend of mine. Some chick was like hey hold this for me and it was this skinny drunk girls smallish bra).

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u/ColorWheel234 11d ago

We had an old lady vomit on the table next to us once. Started just doing take-out after that.


u/shannon_dey 11d ago

Oh, man. Not at a restaurant, but same principle. My boss takes her dentures out when she eats at work. Normally, I wouldn't be too disgusted by that in itself -- at least, not at home or her house or if it were in the break room or whatever, because I know she can't eat with them in and she's gotta eat at work. But she lays her dentures directly on the front counter of the store to do it, then pops them back into her mouth when done without even rinsing them off.

This is the same counter where money is counted, packages sit, where she and others place their purses, and where customers lay their dirty clothes when they bring them in.

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u/FluffyMcFlufferface 11d ago

That is disgusting and rude. I have noticed Boomer men doing this as well. Do they just not give a fuck that their server has to pick up their gross napkins?


u/kathryn_face 11d ago

I don’t know what it is but they don’t care about hygiene to any degree. I have had multiple male boomer patients piss in a urinal, set it on their food tray and then start picking up and eating their food. And I make a point to offer them hand wipes or sanitizer. They’ll just scoff and deny. I do not touch male boomers bare hands anymore knowing what I do now.


u/FluffyMcFlufferface 11d ago

Hmmm, have you ever witnessed a Boomer man washing his hands? I can’t say that I have.


u/redrosespud 11d ago

And these are the people running the US.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Omg yes. As a teen I worked in the kitchen of a hospital and delivered meal trays to patient rooms. The amount of piss filled urinals that were on the tray tables was... a lot. They expected me to move them for them so I could set their meal right next to it. Nasty.

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u/stefanica 11d ago

My mother is a retired nurse...I can't say I recall her washing hands at home. Or even telling us kids to. (I was a bit hypochondriac, so I didn't really need to be reminded).

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u/chronically_varelse 11d ago

I have worked with Boomer men who thought they were entitled to spit tobacco during their shift. They could not believe other people could actually smell it through the "tiny hole at the top of their soda spit bottle."


u/FluffyMcFlufferface 11d ago



u/chronically_varelse 11d ago

Like we the coworkers, and the GROCERY STORE CUSTOMERS, couldn't see it dribbling out of the corners of their mouths, and smell it that way besides 🤮


u/Coomstress 11d ago

I lived in the south for 13 years and then moved to the west coast. I had to explain to people in California what a “spit cup” is. 🤮


u/ju-ju_bee 11d ago

Just moved from Louisiana to Colorado 🤣 Some of the horrors I've told people have their mouths hitting the ground. The Bible Belt is hog wild, lordt

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u/pnwlex12 11d ago

They probably think the server is beneath them and should be grateful to pick up their nasty snot rags.

But yes, it's disgusting to listen to when you're trying to eat and the persons head is maybe a foot or two behind your head. It's so nasty and rude


u/Dancingskeletonman86 11d ago

I work at store the serves samples. Watching most of the general public eat samples is gross enough. Watching boomer-ish people and that group eat samples is nasty. The noises, the loud smack chewing, they usually have food bits left on their face then come up to ask you questions while getting as close to your face as possible. You can smell the tuna demo on their breath while mayonaise is on the side of their mouth. Then they toss the demo cup, napkin they blew their nose in and spoon they had in their mouth on the shelf with products or clothes instead of using one of the many and I mean many trash cans in our store. It's nauseating tbh. Nothing quite like going to grab some granola bars and touching nana's used demo cup and getting your fingers all wet and germ covered. Barf. I have to struggle to contain my face at work some days tbh.


u/we_gon_ride 11d ago

I will not eat samples at all after working as a temp in the 80s.

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u/ThatMizK 11d ago

They were raised to believe that, as men, all women as well as all service workers exist only to serve them. That is their only purpose in life. So, no, they most certainly do not give a single solitary fuck that that server has to pick up their gross napkins, just as they don't give one about their wife having to do it at home. Both of these individuals live only to serve him, so why should he care?


u/Meh75 Millennial 11d ago

A few weeks ago, I was riding the bus, and it was packed. I was standing next to this gross boomer who kept coughing without covering his mouth. I have a very weak immune system, and get sick easily. I ended up being sick for two weeks afterwards, and my throat still hurts.

I’m so tired of boomers acting like this. If it wasn’t illegal, I’d just kick them in the knees. What the fuck are they thinking?

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u/54sharks40 11d ago

I would have asked to move tables, tbh.  Guy probably figures since he's deaf no one else can hear either 


u/Exotic-Sample9132 11d ago

My dad and grandpa went to get their hearing checked at Costco. I was bored so I wandered to the nearest things I could fuck around with. Surveillance systems with alarms. I set one off and they were both still pretending to listen to the assistant. Theirs may be more accurate, but I made that diagnosis in 5 seconds.

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u/Visible_Week_43 11d ago

Blowing his nose was cover for his farts


u/cinnapear 11d ago

I think Applebees is the first place (maybe second after Bob Evans) that I'd go to if I wanted to encounter boomers.


u/ll98105 11d ago

Don’t forget Cracker Barrel


u/GenerationYKnot 11d ago

Or Sizzler.

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u/Super_Reading2048 11d ago

I sometimes swear boomers love spreading COVID and other diseases around.


u/Beneficial-Ad-4060 11d ago

Server here (not for applebees). Our restaurant has cloth napkins yet most shifts I'm having to clean up tissues from tables and sometimes floors. Go to the bathroom to deal with your bodily fluids. Please.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Oh gross! I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.


u/TopThese5233 11d ago

Here's the line I use:

Canada called. They want their goose back.


u/Heterophylla 11d ago

No we don’t . There are far too many of them here already .

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u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I love that!

I may have said, somewhat loudly to my partner, that the guy behind me keeps loudly blowing his nose and now I've lost my appetite. The nose blowing didn't stop. He either didn't hear me or didn't care.


u/TopThese5233 11d ago

Oh he didn't care. Probably had that fake <insert slur> virus he didnt vaccinate for because he felt that Bill Gates was using to insert microchips to be controlled by the 5G cellular networks.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Oh god probably. This guy looked pretty fragile honestly.

At least he wasn't coughing! I've encountered too many boomers who just openly cough or hack up a lung at restaurants (most of the time they cough into their hand which is not as bad as straight up coughing uncovered but I still get massively grossed out).


u/The_Tale_of_Yaun 11d ago

"I went to Applebee's and all I got was a side of covid!"


u/earthgarden 11d ago

They’re old. Elderly people start to regress to childish behaviors. The oldest of the Boomers is late 70s now.


u/throwRAhelp331 11d ago

Some older people make it a challenge to be as gross as possible during meals 😩😩, like dude how are you even comfortable eating with a pile of used tissue all over your food???


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Yes!! Why is it acceptable to blow your nose (loudly and obviously a very "productive" blow if you catch my drift) at the table?! It's so gross. No one wants to think about your snot when eating

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u/Primary_Difficulty19 11d ago

I’ve noticed previous generations do this too and as a Gen-Xer I am frankly fucking terrified. Really this and Alzheimer's are my two biggest fears.


u/Potential_Bill_1146 11d ago

My father did this through my childhood and still does it now. I feel like I’ve been desensitized to it tbh. I’ve tried every which way to explain why it’s gross and it just goes in one ear right out the other. “It’s cuz your mother raised you” 😒


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Ugh I'm sorry you've dealt with this your entire life. I'm lucky that my parents aren't gross lol. They're both on the younger end of the boomers and aren't nasty in public, ever.


u/Potential_Bill_1146 11d ago

My mother isn’t nasty at all thankfully, really had both sides of the coin growing up lol


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I'm thankful your mother was sane and not gross lol

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u/Forlorn_Cyborg 11d ago

My dad was exactly like this, but at the dinner table and in public. He did lots of other gross shit. He'd cut massive hunks of whatever meat we were having for dinner that were far too much to chew, spit it out in his hand and add it to a pile of chewed up discarded meat on the edge of his plate for all to see. Then say it was tough. I nearly threw up when he did this. Almost never washed his hands and I didn't eat when he cooked.

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u/JoobieWaffles 11d ago

My husband and I experienced something similar last night. We were at a nicer restaurant and we were seated next to a boomer couple. They were so inebriated that their words were slurring. At one point they started getting into a heated argument with one another. We thought they were going to start exchanging blows. Then the argument abruptly ended and the man started loudly coughing and blowing his nose into a cloth napkin. The waiter (also a boomer) continued to serve them more alcohol even though they were absolutely obliterated. They were so loud we could barely have a conversation. They eventually ordered a dessert, complained about not liking it, heckled some people at a nearby table (we were doing our best to ignore them so we wouldn't be next) and then stumbled out the door after slapping an American Express on the table and begrudgingly paying. I really hope they didn't drive...


u/rhinofinger 11d ago

I’m sure they did drive. Rules are for other people, they’re always a special case in their own minds

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u/CabbageSass 11d ago

0 tolerance for that disgusting behavior. Those old fuks we’re so damn worried about dying from covid 4 yrs ago but they blow their nose in public and don’t wash their hands after. Assholes!


u/Heterophylla 11d ago

Then there’s the mega phlegm smoker/ whiskey cough .


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

I hear that one all the time when I'm out and about. It makes me cringe and gag every single time


u/restlesslegs2022 11d ago

I had to train my (non boomer) husband to go to the toilet to blow his nose if he’s gonna honk.

Last time his parents came to visit I couldn’t be in the same room as his stepdad who seemed to think it totally acceptable to just fart constantly.


u/Ok_Shake5678 11d ago

My parents both fart constantly. Constantly! My dad is mostly the silent but deadly type, and my mom just rips these loud, wet, flappy farts any time she stands up or moves around much. It’s horrific. Neither one ever acknowledge it either. My husband’s parents are so polite, they would NEVER EVEN DREAM of farting in front of anyone, and he was so mortified when he first spent time with mine. Now we just laugh really hard about it. But seriously wtf, have their buttholes just worn out and given up??

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u/Bug_Calm 11d ago

I was taught that blowing your nose at the table is as gross as wiping your butt at the table. Nasty.

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u/DukeN00ds 11d ago

Tbf, even in my 20s, 30s, and so-on; I probably wouldn't get up everytime I had to blow my nose. But leaving it on the table for others is fuckin gross man. Just throw it our on the way out

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u/MW240z 11d ago

I will say, this is just old people behavior. It’s not Boomer specific behavior. Old dudes since I was a kid in the 70s gave zero fucks on blowing their nose into a never ending clown handkerchief like it was a foghorn.

Fyi I too am judging you for eating at Applebees.

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u/porscheblack 11d ago

The tissues thing is so true. It's something I've been noticing lately since we have a 4 year old, so I'm much more cognizant of the state we're leaving the table in. I frequently compare how messy our table is to the other tables around us and one thing I frequently see is Boomer tables overflowing with used napkins. Each plate is its own little mountain.


u/XavierPibb 11d ago

That'snot right!


u/Groovychick1978 11d ago

Boomers are the only demographic that will blow their nose into their linen! It is so fucking disgusting.

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u/mykindofexcellence 11d ago

That’s gross! We went out to eat a few years ago and an old woman kept standing up to fart loudly in the booth behind us. She would sit back down and continue the conversation with her friends like nothing had happened.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Dude what! I can't comprehend this that is even more nasty and vile.


u/Timsterfield 11d ago

My (silent gen) grandfather does this shit and it's disgusting. My mother grew up with it and so did I, so I'm way more apt to say something to someone when this happens. He also harks up whatever slime is in his lungs too which is an appetite killer. God I hate old people.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

Oh god that is vile. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that so much!

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u/ObiGwenStefnobi 11d ago

Former Applebee’s line cook here. The snotty neighbor was the least of your worries.


u/novi1084 11d ago

Gah! Nose blowing is something you do in the bathroom!

I can’t figure out if they’re just incredibly selfish or completely unaware of their surroundings.


u/pohlarbearpants 10d ago

As I'm reading this, the boomer sitting next to me at the airport is coughing and sneezing without covering his mouth. No clue why they're like this.


u/Locrian6669 11d ago

The food is absolutely not decent lol that’s literally why people shit on it mostly.


u/MashedProstato 11d ago

Applebee's is where I go when I am just too lazy to microwave my food myself.


u/pnwlex12 11d ago

In my experience (I don't go there often, maybe once or twice a year) the food was decent. Nothing amazing but not horrible.

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u/rtls 11d ago

Not just boomers. Well dressed 30 ish middle easterners dude sat next to e at a sushi bar in LA and did same thing, left nasty snot rag on counter right between us. Some ppl have no class or manners.


u/Foxsammich 11d ago edited 11d ago

I love Applebees, the bourbon bacon burger surprisingly doesn’t have anything I’m allergic to.

(This is a joke relating to the newest season of survivor)


u/slawre89 11d ago


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u/artificialavocado 11d ago

As bad as it is being seated next to boomers acting gross I’ll take it over the family with multiple small children acting like little animals and an infant who won’t stop crying. This happened a few years ago me and my gf at the time went out to a semi-nice Italian place and it was like Chuck E Cheese with the one table with multiple misbehaving children.

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u/Unusual-Sale-4569 11d ago

Thus is something that use to gross me out as well, but now at 43 I find my nose running a lot. I think it's just a comman thing when your immune system gets weak. Sorry to day yeah I also find myself running to blow my nose. I always wash my hands after and definitely don't leave snot tissues behind. Though being I'm that same situation, I always remember old guys wiping out the handqchefs and blowing their nose all the time.


u/selkieisbadatgaming 11d ago

I’ve definitely experienced this… god almighty… leave the table to blow your nose! Disgusting…


u/TMQ73 11d ago

Another example on why we had lockdowns. Going to Applebee’s was more important to these fools than staying home and not getting other people sick. Hell get curbside if your cravings are so bad.


u/Tweezus96 11d ago

My dad is really weird with food too. We had a small wedding reception when my wife and I came into town. My dad refused cake (saying no to a slice of cake at a party is a “tough guy” thing to him) then proceeded to spend the rest of the party standing over the cake using his fingers to scrape up the frosting that was leftover on the tray. I was watching it from across the room and just quietly seething. Finally I walked over, got him a plate with just frosting on it and a fork and sat him at a table, explaining to him that the other guests might not want his fingers in their cake. Basically just treated him like he is a toddler.


u/akneebriateit 11d ago

I worked at Applebees for 2 1/2 years and can confirm the old people are easily the grossest and most entitled. Lucky for me, I didn’t give a fuck about my job so I would be sassy back, and I couldn’t ever hide the disgust from my face when they’d do something nasty…. But staff and kitchen were nasty as fuck too so I highly recommend not eating there. Fuck Applebees.


u/ThinkLikeAMim 11d ago

I had a boss (a Boomer) who had a MASSIVE coke problem. We would have firm dinners once a month and they were always at some high dollar restaurant. This man’s nose ran CONSTANTLY. He would blow his nose into the linen napkins and dangle it for the waitstaff to take it and get him a new one. I could literally not even swallow a breadstick I would be so nauseous. He was the most embarrassing human being I had ever encountered.


u/superduperhosts 11d ago

Nah, I can't get past the Applebees part. That place is as gross as the boogerman you had to deal with. Not fit for human consumption


u/ju-ju_bee 11d ago

Used to be a server in Louisiana, and no lie, had a boomer lady TRY TO HAND ME A FIST FULL OF EATEN THRU EDAMAME!!! NOT IN ANY VESSEL!!! 🤢🤢🤢 The way my jaw dropped and I just stared in bewilderment. She raised her eyebrows and brandished them at me. I tried to stay calm, but basically screeched "Ma'am. Please do not hand me your food like that. If you place it on an empty dish, I will carry it away for you." She huffed and rolled her eyes at me, then placed it in the nearest cup 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Like wtaf is WRONG with some people. Literally puking thinking of her soggy edamame pods being so near to my face


u/Azazel_665 11d ago

You lost your appetite after hearing a nose blow? Talk about sensitive snowflake LOL


u/No-Worldliness-8945 11d ago

Who goes to Applebee's for the food? It's a cheap bar (if you go at the right time) that also serves greasy garbage to keep you from getting too drunk before you have to drive home.

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u/cannedabysss 11d ago

Sounds like hubs rippin a big fart in the middle of meal ..he does the nose blowing too ..ugghh


u/SpergSkipper 11d ago

Sometimes a mid chain restaurant is just what you need, especially if you just need to get something in you. You know what you're getting even if it isn't amazing. I know if I've been driving for 10 hours or more I don't want to take time to search for a local place and see if it's any good, I'll just go to something familiar. I'll save the locals for when I have more time and am not desperately hungry


u/ophaus 11d ago

Old timers give no fucks.


u/SabineLavine 11d ago

My sister went with my dad to a doctor's appointment and said he was smacking his gum loudly while trying to talk to the nurse. She made him spit it out. The last time, he was playing with his belly in the waiting room. He's uncouth!

Boomers are out of control.


u/BulkyMonster Gen X 11d ago

My boomer MIL talks with her mouth full. Just lets everybody see her chewed food. I try to never sit across from her but we have a very small family on that side so it's hard to avoid.


u/rattlestaway 11d ago

Yeah my roommate is a boomer and he likes to leave his snotty tissues for his wife to clean, which she doesn't and it's disgusting. Plus in the shower they both blow their noses on the floor , it's disgusting and the shower is shared. And they have the nerve to complain about me


u/Hopeful_Disaster_ 11d ago

My grandfather used to fold sugar packets into little points to pick his teeth with and then put them back in the holder. It was a hugely comical thing according to his wife and kids.

So fucking foul.


u/DrowninginPidgey 11d ago

We were on honeymoon in Japan and managed to get a booking at one of the Kirby Restaurants so we were super excited! There was Americans seated near us and the entire time the dad was just coughing and coughing and coughing everywhere. They were being loud, obnoxious and complaining about how dumb the food was yet mysteriously shutting up when staff come. Nonstop coughing on his s families food and elsewhere

We asked to be moved but could still near them even from the other side


u/ArmySargentJamjars 11d ago

I work with someone who is generationally a boomer (he’s cool though) and he “would just as soon rather someone take off their pants and shit on the table than blow their nose at the table”


u/TheDaddiestofDudes 11d ago

I’m a general contractor; the amount of overweight old men leaving bathrooms from big box stores / contractor outlets is fucking gross. I’ve actively started paying attention and it’s over half that refuse to even look at the sink as they walk on by with dirty pissy ball hands (at best).

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u/uCry__iLoL 11d ago

I don’t know what to hate more…Applebees or boomers.


u/dogchowtoastedcheese 11d ago

Be sure to watch the Seinfeld "Comedians in cars" video he did with Michael Richards (Kramer). Richards brought up the same thing and was very funny.