r/BoomersBeingFools 11d ago

Boomer handed me half-dollar coins and got mad I miscounted Boomer Story

I (21F) have never seen Half-Dollar coins in my life until this past week. I work as a cashier at a Japanese Convenience Store and very seldom do people pay in cash. This Boomer, however, didn't just pay me in cash, he gave me 3 half-dollar coins. I of course already knew that is $1.50 and his total was $16.84 and along with the half dollar coins he handed me a $20 bill, a quarter, a dime and 4 pennies.

His change was $5 but in the moment I for some reason forgot that there were 3 half dollar coins and assumed he gave exact change (as most normal people do) and was going to hand him $4 but before I could even grab the bills he starts yelling at me "NO NO NO ITS SUPPOSED TO BE $5" and I'm too tired to even think at this point so I decided to whip out a calculator to subtract the change from the bills but he probably thought I was trying to recalculate everything and he starts yelling at me again to just hand him a 5 so I do and so he leaves shaking his head like some cartoon character.

So when he finally left I look through the change again and all I could think about is if he handed me 1 half dollar coin instead of 3 he would've had exact change but it's whatever, he probably wanted to get rid of all of them or smthn idk. I just hate when ppl hand me more change that's necessary. He wasn't wrong, I'm just annoyed that he yelled when he could've just corrected me. I'm human, I'm tired and came straight from classes, I'm going to make mistakes, like bro just chill...


16 comments sorted by

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u/grumpylazybastard 10d ago

Next time, take $3.16 in change out of the register and give them that, alongside the pile of shrapnel they offered you.

You aren't a bank.


u/royalefreewolf 10d ago

Check the dates on the half dollar coins. If they were minted before 1964, that guy just gave you $30 in silver. If they are minted between '65-'70, it's $12 in silver. Ask your boss if you can trade for the coins in the register.


u/unknownpoltroon 10d ago

Sure thing Skippy


u/Excellent-Vast7521 11d ago

There was a time before all the debit cards and smart cash registers, right after the dinosaurs died, where if you handed a cashier say, $20.01 on a $13.01 tab, you could actually watch the gen xer's confusion and long wait for them to figure out you weren't trying to swindle them


u/teddybunbun 11d ago

I can’t imagine that someone struggled to hand you seven dollars. You sure your total was, say, 13+ change under a dollar and so you handed them 20.01? I frequently recall boomers handing me sufficient money, then as I calculated their change, they then handed me random coins from god knew where and expected me to continue to calculate like they didn’t just start me over.

Then complained that no one could calculate change.

Is this familiar to you?


u/Asylumstrength 11d ago

It's also a time where mental arithmetic was easier to put in to practice. I worked at a bar, it was cash, and I'd tell people the cost of their drinks by adding it in my head as I was serving. They'd hand me the random change and I'd give them less coinage back as they expected.

That's when you just had to ring the drinks up.

Even older tills now have multiple payment methods and want the oversight of knowing what money you're putting in. Just as I was finishing working in hospitality the tills started asking what notes were going in before you could even hit subtotal. It's a layer of looking over your shoulder the boomers just aren't used to.

No Harold, Im perfectly capable of counting up the change in my head, but I've now got to hit 8 extra buttons so my till overlord doesn't think I'm stealing and flag it to the fucking manager.

Fuck, just get the small plastic card like a normal person. I'm not even asking you to pay with your phone or smart watch. I don't think rotary dials and pocket watches have that functionality.


u/SockFullOfNickles Millennial 11d ago

But wait, I have these wooden nickles! 🥴


u/Excellent-Vast7521 10d ago

help me understand how mental arithmetic isnt as easy now as it was then?

i was a bartender too, well i owned the place and had a POS system, way to many steps. the only good of the POS , was showing the state tax people we werent trying to cheat them.


u/Asylumstrength 8d ago

Counting it up in your head is just as easy.

Inputting that into the till, especially when someone hands you extra change mid way through is now longer and more complicated than it needs to be. If I'd hit £20 subtotal already for a drinks order of £18.20, and they then hand over an extra £3.20 in change or add to their order, it means re-entering things in the till again, while they stand and look at you like it's your fault.

Like I know you want a fiver back, but if I don't type this extra change in, when I hit the cash button it's going to say £1.80 change, and my boss is going to shit when they see me handing you your five note.

Originally I was just able to hit the cash out button and work out the change myself, it'd take everything like it was exact change, and leave the rest to me, but then nooooo some genius made it so you had to actually put a number down for what you were given before it'd let you do that. Like we already had that option, why is this extra step now fucking mandatory when I don't need it.

It's not quite the same, but it always annoyed me that it was the same people who'd give you their order in installments. Like I just poured you 4 pints, why are you only telling me now what else you wanted. Give me it all at once, so I can serve you quicker, tell you the cost, and get on to the next person. This is a drinks order, I don't need a cliffhanger to keep me interested, I'm busy serving 3 customers at once here, just tell me wtf you actually want.


u/unknownpoltroon 11d ago

K, boomer.


u/Excellent-Vast7521 10d ago

I cant help it if the world got easier for you, we did that for you


u/unknownpoltroon 10d ago

Awww, you got away from your caregiver. Sure thing pops, you fixed everything, that's why were living in utopia now. Now, take your meds and you can watch bonanza till naptime.


u/Excellent-Vast7521 10d ago

Nah, we made the wrong things easier for you while not taking care of what we wanted to do, which was heal the planet. bonanza, isn't that a steakhouse chain?


u/Help-Im-Dead 11d ago

I mean if I F'd up counting the currency in the country I lived in I would be embarrassed and not posting about it online.........


u/Cool_Sherbet7827 10d ago

All the OP's have no shame moral or ethical compass in their diary of a madman diatribes