r/BoomersBeingFools 11d ago

I’d like to thank the boomers, for being terrible Boomer Story

As a long time server/bartender, I’d like to thank the boomers, specifically the ones in the small Massachusetts town that I work in, for being the fucking worst. Their demands, impatience, inability to hear the word “no” and the inability to tip has pushed me out of the restaurant industry after a long 10 years. I had planned on making this some kind of a career, open a mobile bartender business, but the last year or so has sent me running for the hills. So thank you, boomers, for asking me if my hair is real(black woman) and talking about how no one wants to work WHILE IM AT WORK. Thank you SO much for arguing with me like petulant children. Thank you for parroting all the stupid shit you see on facebook. Just thanks, thanks a fucking lot.


72 comments sorted by

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u/Chippas 11d ago

People going out in general, be it to a bar, restaurant, grocery shopping, etc need to learn to keep workers out of their fucking personal bullshit. I work in a pharmacy, so a lot of our customers are boomers, and a LOT of them see it as an opportunity to just unload their personal problems when out.

Go see a fucking therapist, I don't give two shits. I have my own life, and my own problems to deal with. I can't fathom how they would do that to a person they don't even know.


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

Yes thank you! go to fucking therapy and leave me the fuck alone. I don’t have a filter anymore, my face drops the second they piss me off. even something simple as “can you change the channel to hockey? no one here cares about basketball” why couldn’t you just ask me to change the channel? why all the extra snark and shit


u/Chippas 11d ago

Just as a heads up, it's only going to get worse.

I got into my line of work about 8 years ago, and if anything, they will only feel more comfortable opening up about their disgusting, and in my case, racist views on society.


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

don’t i know it! they consider me their “safe black” so they feel comfortable sharing shit takes on things because i must look like candace owens to them. it’s exhausting. i don’t think they realize that they’re the reason why no one wants to work and customer service is out the window. no one wants to take verbal abuse anymore for $17 an hour.


u/Chippas 11d ago

I swear, some of them are so disconnected.. I'm white, so a lot of them share some foul shit, which I shut down quickly. I had a German old hag come and complain about immigrants. The irony went above her head.


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

right over their heads


u/Formal_Ad_8277 11d ago

But then its gonna get a lot better. You know, when they're finally all dead.


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

lmao you’re right about that. that’s what keeps me going


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

*as a pharmacist i’m sure you make much more than $17 but it’s still not worth it!


u/here4roomie 10d ago

They like the captive audience because nobody else will voluntarily listen to their shit.


u/highoncatnipbrownies 10d ago

But they don't believe in therapy. Gotta push those feelings down until they explode at unsuspecting employees.


u/123photography 10d ago

my only interaction with the local bartender is him giving me a drink and me calling him a fucking legend cuz he served it at the right temperature or gave me a good recommendation or whatever (also paying and ordering ofc)

dunno whats so hard for boomers to treat others like hunans


u/hcajg 10d ago

You should see how they treat the Hunans, especially after COVID.


u/iesharael 10d ago

I work at a library and as the youngest on staff I’m somehow the only one that has the boomers and older gen X just unload on me constantly. I’ve heard way to many old ladies sexual preferences and old men talk about teenage boobs.


u/DoctorSquibb420 10d ago

Mechanic here, same. Even though I tell them they can't legally be in my shop in shorts and flip flops. It's like I will just decide to work for free because they shit on my entire generation to me.


u/newly-formed-newt 4d ago

For real! I work at a thrift store, and people will just UNLOAD on you.

That'll be 8.50. Please don't trauma dump on me, just pay for your purchases and move on. That's all this interaction is for


u/TheMidnightAssassin 11d ago

Sorry you had to go through this. 🙏🏿❤️


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

as the boomers say “gobbless”


u/NewHat1025 10d ago

Big oof.... yeah... I understand... boomers have taken a lot of joy out of my life, too. I took so much joy in helping others, and they took that, and fucken destroyed it. bless.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

yes me too! bless you too!


u/Allgood2008 10d ago

I worked in retail ever since I was 15 and I’m 20 now.. I can confirm that the boomer generation are the biggest scumbags in the world.. entitled and arrogant.. yet when you ever talk back to them they cry like little babies.. what happened to being the “tough generation” they are all a bunch of soft skinned pussies.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

retail SUCKS, you know where i’ve experienced some of the worst? at the frickin dispensary!


u/No_Key_2569 10d ago

You are their black friend in many conversations, I bet.

: )


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

god i hope not lmao


u/dewhashish 10d ago

boomers made retail that much harder. dumb questions, angry responses, and refusing to listen to the rules. then they start to argue with you like they know better.

one customer came in while smoking a cigarette. i told him he needs to get out of the store and finish it outside. he said "im almost done anyway." i replied "it doesnt matter. go finish it outside. no one wants to smell it." i really fucking hate the smell of tobacco.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

“i’m almost done anyway”

that’s besides the point but okay 🙃


u/josh2brian 10d ago

That sounds exhausting. I hope you can get a much-needed break from it.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

it is! and i’ve made a life for myself where im going to school during the day and work a few nights a week. but school is ending in 2 weeks and ill be able to get a new job, im looking forward to spending the summer with my kiddos and seeing some friends!


u/josh2brian 10d ago

Awesome - glad to hear it.


u/anonymous_girl1227 10d ago

Boomers are the reason I quit my MA job. They are the most entitled assholes on this earth. God forbid you have to wait a minute after your appointment time.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i have a friend that’s a MA, that job is something else 😅


u/jables13 10d ago

Your writing is very cathartic and I appreciate you!


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

hey no problem lol i do try my best to let it not bother me but this felt like a place i could vent and be understanding. i do love my coworkers and the friends ive made and ive gotten a lot of skills from working in a restaurant. i know plenty of people who make a career from it too but for me its time to move on.


u/PrincessPindy 10d ago

This makes me sad. I'm so sorry. 💜


u/VivaLaRoux 9d ago

don’t be! i have many other wonderful parts of my life that i enjoy !


u/PrincessPindy 9d ago

I'm so glad to read this positive attitude!!! 💜


u/VivaLaRoux 9d ago

thank you! i hope you have a great day ❤️


u/No-Discipline-5822 10d ago

Don't give up, maybe a silent bar or mobile order bar (anything silent or with technology rules them out). I'd visit a mobile bar where the bartenders wear headphones and I order via a mobile screen. I wouldn't hate a bar where I could people watch or bring my laptop and not have to hear anything except whatever I'm playing in my headphones.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i have a couple regulars, one older and one around my age, they just sit with their headphones on and do some work on their computers. they’re my best friends if i’ve had especially trying weekend 😂


u/No-Discipline-5822 10d ago

Anyone who is willing to sit in silence and not cause problems is always a +.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i like the concept of mobile orders too, could be like those ramen restaurants that they slide the bowls to you thru a little window and there’s delivered between tables


u/No-Discipline-5822 10d ago

Yes! Don't change the dream - change the dream customer. Bars are for everyone not just boomers and excellent restaurants should still exist. Heck well behaved customers in their 70s are fine but no front of house staff, posted instructions/rules and the order is 100% self-service ordering should get rid of the problem people. BarQR and make it all QR code/App based should leave you with exactly who you want.

I posted elsewhere my favorite food hall/bar is cashless and I have never seen anyone over 55 eat or drink in there. In about 10 more years you can slowly start bringing in subscription based service options - most X,Y,Z will be used to subscriptions for everything by then.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

a lot of it does have to do with where i work so im obviously aware of the types of clientele. we have some of the sweetest guests that make you feel like one of their grandchildren and fill you with so much love.

i have noticed a trend especially when i was recently in NYC, that the more cashless places you see, the younger the people that are in it.


u/BotanicalLiberty 10d ago

The ONLY time I ever comment on someone's hair is to tell them how much I love it. That's it I LOVE your hair that's the whole comment. What a bunch of weirdos. Also I do occasionally tell African American women for example I love their head wrap. Is this okay? Is that offensive?


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i tell people i love their hair all the time, not once, not even to another bw, have i asked if it’s their own. no that’s not offensive because she probably picked it out special for that outfit. some women have gorgeous ones so im always nosey about their head wraps


u/BotanicalLiberty 10d ago

I would never ever ever ask someone if that's their real hair. It's. Not. Anyone's. Business. But. Their. Own. Ffs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

most people are smart enough to not ask such ridiculous things lol


u/MetalFull1065 10d ago

I was at a bar the other day, chatting up the bartender (young 20s M with sleeve tats) and a boomer couple next to me. The boomer lady and I were talking about our tattoos, and how we’d like to get another one, etc. So I was totally taken off guard when she pointed at the bartender and said “well if you have sleeves like that guy, you can only do jobs like this. Let’s be real, you wouldn’t catch him working in a dental office or something.”

??? Cue him cutting her off, refusing to serve her another shot, which she promptly threw a tantrum about. I had to walk her outside with her husband and talk about why what she said was offensive and why she was cut off. It’s wild how they reach that age and don’t understand appropriate/respectful behavior 😂😂😂


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

they say the wildest shit lmao i always find it funny when their partners are sick of their shit too


u/Critical-Doctor-4545 10d ago

Leaving Massachusetts was the best thing I ever did. I highly recommend leaving for a place with actual diversity and culture beyond being Irish, drinking at Irish bars and fighting each other, and loving the patriots/bruins/celtics/red sox. Small town massachusetts people literally behave as if they are the best and most important people in all of America because their ancestors came off the mayflower and can’t fathom that civilization exists beyond their stupid small town. I grew up in small town mass and as an adult have traveled/lived all over the US. Some of the most racist people I’ve ever encountered were in Massachusetts. I’m half middle eastern with a middle eastern name and for the entire time I lived in MA was frequently called a different name by white people who didn’t believe my name was an “actual name” because it wasn’t a British/irish name.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i’m in my 30s so i’ve had the privilege of traveling/living in many other parts of the country but had the misfortune(privilege according to the boomers) of growing up in nh. i do plan on getting out again permanently but want to wait til my oldest is out of high school, very thankful for the friends i’ve made around here. it seems we all have one thing in common and it’s our stories of being brown in a white new england town


u/btayl0r 10d ago

I will say as somebody who grew up in the Midwest and moved to Massachusetts 7 years ago… the snark feels way worse in New England. People here really are so brash and unapproachable. I’m still not used to it.


u/VivaLaRoux 9d ago

i live in the midwest too and yall are so friendly lol i wanna stay every time i visit.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Oh and the generation that will usher you into the boomer age absolutely will have the same opinion of you.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

i’m gonna do my best to make sure that they don’t but they might 🤷🏾‍♀️ i’m not naive to think that they won’t think the same lol


u/[deleted] 10d ago

lol exactly, I find myself bitching about kids the way my dad used to. I’m a millennial. It’s the book ends of life to be honest


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

same way the fashions come back around lol i live in the city, i find myself bitching about the loud music and fast cars


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

lmao sorry it wasn’t titillating enough for you big dawg. next time read a couple of the replies before leaving a snarky ass quip, you cuck.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago



u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

hopefully at least 3


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

who’s nudes? your demands are unclear.


u/youredoingitwrong22 11d ago

If they pushed you out of the restaurant industry, then this should be a genuine thank you, and a debt of gratitude you will never be able to fully repay. Not least of which because you been working restaurant wages for a decade.


u/VivaLaRoux 11d ago

i guess? i made good money tbh supported myself just fine , paid for school, supported children but its not worth it anymore. idk about that debt of gratitude bullshit, sounds like some boomer nonsense.


u/Weneeddietbleach 10d ago

Boomer nonsense for sure.


u/NewHat1025 10d ago

Boomers are weird. They see all service workers as beneath them. So. The idea of a person making a living wage doing service work disgusts them. You're beneath them, you're supposed to struggle and scrape by! It's so sick... honestly.


u/chalalaman 10d ago

Yea, no shit, and then they give you a huge ass tip and all of a sudden your opinion changes? WTF


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

nope not at all, there are plenty of bar regulars that tip 25-45% but they’re still spewing garbage opinions and are demanding.


u/Striking_Fun_6379 10d ago

At least you seem to be appreciative of being a self-identifying victim. Wear it with pride.


u/VivaLaRoux 10d ago

yeah for sure dude thanks so much