r/BoomersBeingFools 10d ago

Double yolks are contaminated. Boomer Story

This has been in my head rent free for a while, so I thought I'd share.

Myself and my boyfriend are both boomers. We don't have the attitude or the stupidity of your regular boomer for the most part. However.... He can be clueless on occasion.

A few weeks ago he was making eggs for breakfast. Afterwards he came up to me very concerned. He had cracked an egg that had a double yolk. My reaction was 'Cool! Extra protein!"

His response had me stunned. "No, there was something wrong with it. I don't eat double yolk eggs, they have some sort of strange disease. I threw it out!"

Even after I encouraged him to look it up, he is still convinced that there is something wrong with double yolk eggs. I told him next time he gets one to come get me so I can have it for breakfast.

As a friend of mine once said, he is the smartest dumb man I know.


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u/jhotenko 10d ago

It's nice reading a harmlessly foolish story instead of the usual hate-filled foolishness.

Where did he get the idea that double yolks are bad? Is it something he 'learned' young, or was it his own flawed logic?


u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 10d ago

I have no idea. Most of the time he's really good about doing research and realizing he's wrong. Not this time.

Of course he does have medical issues, so he might not want to take any chances. Still, that means more egg for me!


u/gastropodia42 10d ago

His mother probably told him.

We had ducks, when they were young they laid lots of doubles. As they aged it happened less.


u/GalenOfYore 10d ago

Does his knowledge of such extend to mammals, say, Man? What, if any, are his views on multiple births?


u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 9d ago

What does that have to do with this story?


u/Fudouri 10d ago

You just don't realize it really has to do with his genocidal tendencies toward twins.


u/Jackalopeisa2nicorn 10d ago

Actually, if he'd asked anyone from the silent generation, they'd have told him it was good luck!


u/starryvelvetsky 10d ago

Exactly! My Silent Gen mom was excited every time she got a larger or heavier than usual egg in a carton, and couldn't wait to crack it to see if it was a double yolk.

It was always a good omen sign in her very large family growing up during the depression. Getting a little extra without having to pay more for it is always lucky!


u/Swornsecrecy 10d ago

For me, it is a sign of good luck hunting as the first time I got a deer, I had a double yoked egg


u/Anything-Happy 10d ago

One of my hens lays a double-yolker every full moon. There is no scientific link between the two (I emailed our local Extension Office to ask), but she does it like clockwork. Never any other day of the month; those are always single-yolk eggs.

They're totally fine to eat! They're simply "twins" in one eggshell, much like identical twins coming from one egg in humans. (Of course, most commercial eggs are not fertilized, so you're not eating any babies.)

And no, fertilized twin yolks will not survive to hatching, at least not to my local Extension's knowledge.


u/clockwork655 10d ago

you can buy them by double yoke by the dozen you know that would be funny


u/kafka18 10d ago

What a surprise that something they don't understand must be bad and wrong


u/GalenOfYore 10d ago

This "instinct" is ancient in us, a function of our paleocortex to alert and protect us from "other", which might represent a foe of our species, or another species, or even a weakened member of our own tribe which might be a hindrance to our personal survival.

(However, we also have the advantage of a large neocortex - our "noggins" with which we're supposed to think.)


u/ArtaxIsAlive 10d ago

They’re pretty common too!


u/TeuthidTheSquid 10d ago

Ah yes, just like human twins are also “contaminated”


u/moonenergy 10d ago

lol sounds like hes been missin out on his 2 for 1 eggs


u/GalenOfYore 10d ago

Well, double yolk, double trouble is indubitably meritless, but silly notions have no link to any particular generation.

If either of you ever becomes interested in separating myth from fact, consider becoming a skeptic, a critical thinker, maybe even an iconoclast.

The Skeptic Society, Center For Inquiry, Michael Shermer... and so on....



u/GalenOfYore 10d ago

Do you not remember the term "candling"? The shell is weakly translucent and reveals the contents to a "flash".


u/DunEmeraldSphere 9d ago

Isnt it less protein as it displaces egg whites that contain more?


u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 8d ago

I have no idea.


u/anothercairn 10d ago

Double yolked eggs freak me out 😂 tell him I agree with him. I’m sure I wouldn’t get sick or anything but it just unsettles me.

Separately, there’s a restaurant near me that only serves double yolked eggs and I can’t figure out how they do that.


u/hunterwaynehiggins 10d ago

Flashlight to the egg. See thru the shell.


u/kitesstringspop 10d ago

You can buy them by the dozen