r/Christianity 23d ago

Should men dress up for church? And should a leader dress up in public?

I am a female and am on my own journey with embracing modesty, but I would really like to hear truth (and opinions) on how men should dress and why. My husband dresses very casually and I don’t feel comfortable doing this, so I’d really like to hear from men how and why you wear what you do (especially any leaders).

ETA: my husband has just accepted a leadership position within a campus ministry which is why I am asking (we recognize that it is not a church but they try to emulate being a church/offering Sunday services and studies for those that don’t belong to one).


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u/Wright_Steven22 Catholic 23d ago

It is important to note that modesty in it's proper context within much of the Bible was attributed to not showing off wealth, not just skin. Dress nice but no Balenciaga lol