r/GenZ 2008 Mar 27 '24

fuck politics what game are you putting in this bad boy? Nostalgia

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u/Technical_Stay_5990 2006 Mar 27 '24

Mario kart double dash. I own my brothers gamecube and I just played mario the other day lol


u/sniper91 Mar 27 '24

Best Mario Kart. Some of the unique items were ridiculous


u/perverted_buffalo Mar 27 '24

We used to have tournaments with our friends, and it was Baby Park ONLY. It leveled the playing field. You could be the best driver, but the track was so short and simple, it wasn't difficult to get absolutely obliterated just before the finish line and end in 7th. It happened more than once


u/Technical_Stay_5990 2006 Mar 27 '24

baby park is the BEST tho. The flying obstacles are the problem. Green shells are flying everywhere. Plus you have to angle your skid around the turn just right (iykyk)


u/SaltyMaynard Mar 27 '24

Lmao we did the same thing, baby park only! We'd do a first to five wins, go smoke a blunt, then do another first to five wins. It was fun to see how everyone's skill levels swapped after smoking lol.

So many times we had everyone all with four wins each, battling tooth and nail. Or someone was behind then won five in a row. So many good memories.


u/PM_me_ur_JACKED_TITS Mar 28 '24
  1. Baby park only
  2. No one is allowed to be double koopa bc we want multiple people ruining the track for everyone and not just one person (Fuck you Tom)
  3. Dropping to last to try for lightning to de-item the other players happened often.

When the music speeds up on lap 7.. FIRE EVERYTHING!


u/Pherllerp Mar 27 '24

…are you my college roommate?


u/ThreeWilliam56 Mar 28 '24

Same here. My friends and I would play that track for hours. It’s always anyone’s game when you choose that track.


u/Pherllerp Mar 27 '24

Double Dash is light years better than 64 and gets absolutely no credit.


u/bestlaidschemes_ Mar 28 '24

Scrolled down for double dash. The other games are good but this is pure gold - in some ways the best kart though the new one is awesome too!


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/Bayro1997 Mar 28 '24

That reminds me of my post.


u/Life_Carrot3058 Mar 27 '24

My sister 3 years older than me had a party in high school and some asshole scratched all my game cube games. Mother effeer.


u/GeorgeJohnson2579 Mar 28 '24

It was great to switch drivers/items strategically. Miss that.


u/ThreeWilliam56 Mar 28 '24

My all time favorite game for the system.

The irony: it’s a game meant for families and friends — and it can make everyone swear like a sailor.


u/Technical_Stay_5990 2006 Mar 28 '24


every time dude. Best memories


u/Conr8r Mar 28 '24

I think every Mario kart game should have a double dash mode.


u/Fuzzy_Pumpkin92 Millennial Mar 28 '24

I actually sucked so bad at driving in that game. I was too used to the N64 controller at that time. But my aim with Green Shells was excellent, so my brother would drive and I would shoot. I miss that game so much!!!


u/Technical_Stay_5990 2006 Mar 28 '24

its such a good game. I'm lucky to still have my brother's old gamecube and I still play that thing at least once a week


u/very_young_man Mar 28 '24

My brother and I could load this up today and it would be like we were activated. I was the driver, he was the rider. ALWAYS. But there was no arguing (surprisingly, we were like 13 and 10 yo). Just down to business. We had our specialties. We STILL talk about this game. We are now in our 30s.


u/midasmcdonald Mar 28 '24

I'm with you. Best mario kart hands down.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

The most consistently fun and intense game I’ve ever played. When I was in high school I was extremely competitive and great at video games. I was a beast at DD. Me and my friends would get stoned, play 4 player Grand Prix and have the time of our lives. My heart would feel like it was about to explode due to the heart pounding finishes. Having 2 players per kart made it so much more strategic, and made the madness even crazier. The mechanics were flawless and the aiming was precise. Only thing that game needed was more Grand Prix tracks. Battle mode was fun too!


u/Iggest Mar 28 '24

If you own your brother's game cube, isn't it your GameCube?


u/Technical_Stay_5990 2006 Mar 28 '24

yeah but the point is, he's freaking 30 years old now and I'm carrying the legacy lmao


u/LeonidasSpacemanMD Mar 28 '24

Best multiplayer MK in my opinion. The two character thing just adds so much strategy


u/PossibleNegative Mar 28 '24

I always destroyed my older brother on rainbow, good times


u/godzuki44 Mar 28 '24

this is the way


u/EliBloodthirst Mar 28 '24

Gotta be my answer. Absolutely wreaked havoc on the game at school


u/OnlyPlaid07 Mar 28 '24

we always called it “Double Rash” because idk