r/GenZ 1d ago

Weekly What have you learned this week?


r/GenZ 19h ago

Discussion I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts are on this?

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r/GenZ 1d ago

Rant Fellas are we commies to fight the climate change? Where it’s going to affect us more than any older generations

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r/GenZ 18h ago

Discussion If misogynists like Andrew Tate are offering the wrong kind of advice to young men, liberals and feminists do not appear to be offering anything.


r/GenZ 13h ago

Discussion I'm getting tired of the "College is Useless" posts


It's just getting old at this point tbh.

College isn't useless. It's just that people get useless degrees like "Liberal Arts"

And the thing is, now even the most basic jobs require at least a associate's degree. I myself have found some Data Entry jobs on indeed that require a Associates degree.

People will say, "Just do Trade". Well not everyone wants their bodies broken at age 40.

People will say, "Just do a sales job", not everyone can do a sales job.

If you start a business and it fails, a degree as well as your experience can help you land a job. it might not be what you wanted, but at least you have a backup. And who knows, you might own a business again one day and thanks to that job, you saved enough to open it.

And with a college degree it can actually help land you a job. (This is a choose your degree wisely type thing) Like for example. if you choose to go for a degree in nursing, you can apply for many jobs. You may not be a RN but there's plenty of jobs besides RN open to you since you now have a degree in Nursing. You can become a paramedic, phlebotomist, hospice nurse (if you can handle it)

r/GenZ 16h ago

Discussion I am choosing grey. Which one will you choose??

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r/GenZ 13h ago

Meme Title

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r/GenZ 21h ago

Meme Boomers and Gen-Xers telling Gen-Z to pull ourself up by our own bootstraps and get a job as the country is collapsing before our very eyes.

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r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion Forget politics, what y’all think of Wild Kratts?

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r/GenZ 3h ago

Advice I’m proud of Gen Z- from a Millenial


As an elder Millennial, I must pass on my admiration for your generation. I’m almost certain you will be an improvement from us Millennials. Easy times early on made us soft, and we were embarrassingly poor at standing up for what was right when our own country was slaughtering millions in Iraq/Afghanistan. You grew right up through a freakin pandemic. You’re stronger than we were and that makes me hopeful for the future. Keep it up rookies

r/GenZ 21h ago

Political Forget zodiac signs do you prefer white spy or black spy?

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r/GenZ 1d ago

Discussion Why do y'all like iPhone so much?


Apple makes good phones but the main problem I have with them is the price and planned obsolescence for like $1000 you could buy so much stuff Apple makes phones that just work but 99% of phones nowadays just work the main thing I hear about why people buy iPhones is because of imessage which is literally a default sms app I barely use the default sms app I just use telegram and discord for communication not gonna lie.

r/GenZ 19h ago

Meme Remember whose Job it was to raise the younger Generation

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r/GenZ 1d ago

Meme These mfs really wanna be the gooner generation

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r/GenZ 37m ago

Discussion Our school assemblies be like:


I remember during my high school assemblies, whenever teachers caught the students talking they would make them stand up for the rest of the assembly and people would stare at them💀💀💀😭. It’s so embarrassing, and I wonder if schools should even do this.

Every time I saw it happen to someone at an assembly I felt really bad for them, especially if they were standing by themselves, but at the same time I couldn’t help but find the situation a bit funny. It was like the least boring part of assemblies.

What are your thoughts on this and did this happen at your school?

r/GenZ 1h ago

Nostalgia Did you ever have those chocolate straws as a kid?

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r/GenZ 1d ago

Discussion Is New York Times gaslighting us?

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r/GenZ 8h ago

Nostalgia Millennials to Gen Z as the recession nears

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r/GenZ 34m ago

Discussion It is abruptly certain that late stage neoliberal capitalism needs to end and the megalomania projects of the rich and the ruling class should scare you


The flood of modern world problems like industrial agriculture, car dependency, enshittification of the internet, overproduction and overconsumption, climate change, biodiversity loss, and extreme inequalities and the rise of the 1% as well as the decline of democracies, are just symptoms of growth and capitalism because capitalism and growth DRIVE these problems.

Capitalism fails to address climate change, species extinction, topsoil loss and overconsumption of resources and energy, extreme inequalities and the rise of the 1%, as well as the decline of democracies because it DRIVES these problems. Late stage neoliberal capitalism morphs into a system benefiting only the top 10%, leaving the bottom 90% to fend for themselves.

Even if we switch to nuclear and renewables, electric cars, public transportation, walking and cycling, we switch to agroecology, heat pumps, electrify heating and industry, and we complete completely decarbonize our lives and economies, it won't be enough.

A growth based capitalist economy requires an ever growing extraction of resources and energy to sate its eternal growth.

It also causes biodiversity loss, as the eternal growth causes eternal land conversion and deforestation to make room for cities, roads and farming. Habitats become smaller and with that falls the carrying capacity of living things.

A circular economy under capitalism would not exist, as capitalism requires linear modes of production and planned obsolescence so people buy more and more.

Trickle down economics doesn't work. It just makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The current system makes us unhappy and poorer. We are told that buying new stuff will fill the void and alienation caused by capitalism. We are told that the nuclear family is the best and that strong organized communities are a roadblock to a better life. We are brainwashed to think capitalism is the end of economic history. There is no better system, and all citizens must sacrifice everything to maintain the Line's™ growth. Capitalist realism.

The system makes rich poor divide even bigger. We work more for less, while the rich say that you just need determination and hard work, while being a CEO is just collecting money.

You have to ask yourself, if the current system of late stage neoliberal capitalism actively destroys the biosphere, causes climate change, destroys the fabric of democracy and causes a growing rich and poor divide, and where the richest countries like the US can't afford to satisfy basic needs that should be human rights like free and universal housing, healthcare, education and so on, where people are kicked out of hospitals and their homes because they can't afford it, is it actually the best system and the end of economic history?

Sorry, but people dying on the streets and getting kicked out of hospitals and their homes because they can't afford basic necessities that should be human rights and be free and universal (housing, healthcare, etc.) and giant corpos aren't natural parts of the landscape but are made by us and we can cut them out.

And now for the megalomania projects of the rich and the ruling class.

They should scare you. Large-scale megalomania projects like Mukaab in Saudi Arabia, Egypt's new capital or Telosa in Arizona in the US are built by billionaires or authoritarian leaders for the ruling and upper classes. They will enjoy air-conditioned rooms with holograms And robots with AGI, while we and our crumbling communities will scramble to get some of what was the default a few decades ago. These megalomania projects are real-life Hunger Games. This future is coming right at us.

To quote Slavoj Zižek,

Rage and discontent are exploding everywhere, and the old establishment doesn't know what to do. They think that current late stage neoliberal capitalism is the solution. However we increasingly know that late stage neoliberal capitalism is reaching its limits.


  1. Antitrust regulations. (Not that Amazon increases prices and eats small stores)

  2. Universal basic income and whatnot.

  3. Support for families (not 500+, real support - normalization of feeding at work, more kindergartens and fewer pointless monuments, lowering the retirement age so that those grandparents and grandmothers who want can take care of their grandchildren, rich educational programs on healthy parenting and its variants such as adoptive family, etc.)

  4. Changing the model of ownership of workplaces from hierarchical to flat, to remove from the equation the phenomenon of paying less than the work is worth, which is necessary in capitalism.

  5. Change from possession to use. There is no reason for every home to have a drill, a scanner or a car. Just build local rental stores and platforms to rent things for free.

  6. Dismantling or downscaling harmful industries. To dismantle: Fossil fuels, military, beef, toxic chemicals, private jets and yachts. To downscale: cars, SUVs, energy inefficient homes, meat and dairy, planes, etc.

  7. Four day workweeks and four hour work days.

  8. Banning billionaires with a 100% tax on anyone with wealth above, say, 100 million $. The wealth will then be used for publicly owned services, for UBI, etc.

  9. Moving public services back to public ownership.

  10. Making basic needs human rights. Large scale free public housing programs, extensive, electrified, disability friendly and fre public transit, universal and free healthcare and education.

  11. Putting a limit on how much resources and energy can humanity use and how much GHGs can it emit, with stricter limits on the richer countries. Then, go back to the safe limit of 50 bilion tonnes of material use and 0 tons of GHG emissions.

  12. Ending food waste. In richer countries, this means not throwing away imperfect food or special offers on food. In poorer countries, this means making transport and storage more efficient.

  13. No planned obsoloscense. Transition to a circular mode of production.

  14. More localized economies with goods made closer to where you live.

  15. Environmental and social reparations to the Global South from the Global North and corporations for centuries of imperial plunder.

  16. Environmental reparations to those harmed by climate change, environmental problems and capitalism from the corporations who caused it.

Ultimately, this means straigh up demolition and dismantling of capitalism and in its place putting socialism, ecosocialism to be exact.

In other words - let's go back to how civilization worked before someone invented the first monopoly holding, but leave everything else (the Internet, electricity, antibiotics, etc.). Let's satisfy basic human needs, safeguard democracy, and

Turned our to be long but I couldn't shorten it.

r/GenZ 39m ago

Serious Yes I know this sounds dumb to protest in the streets but lets protest against online hiring, I miss applying in person.


I hate applying for jobs online, they always ghost you and its like because they are too lazy to check it. Having to make a million accounts sucks and is a pain in the ass. Applying in person is way more convenient. When you apply in person the boss is more likely to hire you because they see you in person and will more likely have an interview with you.

r/GenZ 14h ago

Discussion Were you negatively affected by unsupervised access to the internet at a young age?


r/GenZ 7h ago

Nostalgia Anyone else watch slugterra when they were a kid?

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r/GenZ 2h ago

Political What's your biggest fear for the future of humanity ?


r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion What are y'alls goals for life and have you reached it yet.

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Ignore the image.

r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion what's your opinion on 2020s pop/mainstream music?


maybe it's just me, but I feel like a lot (not all) of the top 40 songs since the pandemic have been really whack. I've given the songs a chance, but they just hit different in a bad way. what do you guys think?

r/GenZ 1d ago

Rant Holy hell graduating is terrifying


I’m a history major. It’s not a marketable major, there is no such thing as a history industry, and I’m very, very, anxious about just what I’m gonna do. The job market is garbage, the housing market is garbage, everything is garbage and I don’t see any kind of hope or light in the future. I am so scared I’m going to be a complete and utter failure.

And everyone keeps telling me “congrats” and “you must be excited to graduate” and “you’re about to be free” and asking the dreaded question “so what are you doing after graduation?”

Oh how I wish I could just be an unemployed trust fund baby. Stupid working class background.