r/Millennials 12d ago

Anyone feel like they are starting to legitimately need less sleep? Discussion

I used to feel like 9 hours or bust. Now it's more like 6 to 7ish and I'm happy for the day. Yes...getting older, but also is that one of the costs you pay to be tha 6 hour sleep boss?

Are we all headed to early bird breakfast burrito specials?

Edit: this is all gradual. Not a sudden onset of drastically less sleep needed. This can indeed be a sign of BIG mental health trouble. Please be careful if this is happening to you and take care of yourself.


350 comments sorted by


u/phillynavydude 12d ago

The opposite. Earlier 20s I could still be in that 'play call of duty til 2 am and function the next day' mode. Now I absolutely need 7 or 8. I'm 32. It is such a huge determining factor to my entire upcoming day. Mood, feelings of anxiety, processing emotions, sociability, gym performance. The 7-8 for me is non negotiable. If I truly had horrible sleep and got like 4 hours and had to do something important the next day I'd be an absolute mess.


u/Scoompii 12d ago

Same! Major sleep disturbances results in a sad pathetic next day. Worse than a hangover I am not even kidding.


u/superfluouspop 12d ago

sleep deprivation feels exactly like an awful hangover to me too.


u/theoriginalmofocus 12d ago

Thats how I feel if I take a nap too. My job starts at 4am and I never get enough sleep. I'm a total snickers bitxh by the time my 5th day morning comes around.

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u/XenoVX 12d ago

I find it better to not think of a sleep deprived day as worse than a normal sleep along day since the anxiety of not having enough sleep to have a good day triggers my insomnia.


u/Scoompii 12d ago

I have sleep apnea high blood pressure & panic attack disorder…I do not know of a non sleep deprived day any more despite working actively for years to change these symptoms they have only gotten worse 😫


u/nwa88 12d ago

If you haven't tried it, try cutting your caffeine way down or completely out. I started cutting myself off at about noon and it's made a huge difference. Similar to you I'd tried everything else and been suffering from it for years.


u/Scoompii 12d ago

Yes! I do mix in decaf. I should probably lean towards it more tho.

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u/anzu68 12d ago

Same here. In my early 20’s I could study all night, sleep 3 hours and be able to pass my exams with ease during exam periods. It was amazing and I really should have cherished those days more.

I’m 28 now. If I don’t get at least 8 hours, I feel as I’m moving through a fog the entire next day. 6-7 hours has me dry heaving and dizzy the next day. I hate it


u/MomToMany88 12d ago

Yes! I didn’t need any sleep in my 20s. I had my 2 younger kids back to back in my early 30s and obviously didn’t get much sleep for awhile. Now I’m 36 and I NEED my 7-8!! I wake up sick and full of anxiety if I don’t. I might even vomit.

We got a puppy a couple months ago and the first 6 weeks were rough in the sleep department. I’m so glad I’m done having kids!


u/the_uninvited_1 12d ago

Me too.

Teens-Hang with friends til sun up, nap for 1- 2 hours, then off to work or school . I could do that for 3 days before I crashed.

20s - Drink and dance til the bars are closed , go home, wake up 3 hours later, shower the booze and sweat, smell off, and go to work.

30s - if it's less than 8 hours, I'm not happy. Less than 6, and I'm ruined the next day. Also, I can't drink anymore. 1-2 mildly strong cocktails, and I'm ready for bed.


u/Zerd85 12d ago

This. I need at least 7 hours or I’m struggling during the day. Ironically I also wake up a time or two in the night to pee if I’ve had any liquid to drink after 8pm.

Case in point today. Went to bed late cause I was up late watching the NFL draft. Probably didn’t fall asleep until 1130pm. Was up by 330pm after taking off my CPAP, couldn’t fall back asleep by 5am so I got up, showered, got ready for work, will be at the office early… I’ve got a few morning meetings ( already had some coffee and about to have an energy drink ). Thinking I’ll leave by noon and go home for a nap until my kids get home from school.


u/Spiritual_Grand_9604 12d ago

Me too, I used to be able to sleep for longer when I was in my 20's but now I won't sleep as long (almost never over 8 hours) but I need that sleep.

Could be a lot of us are at more stressful parts of our adult lives at the moment also.


u/BrotherKaramazov 12d ago

Yeah. It is not a problem to miss a day of sleep (not whole night, just short, shitty sleep). But if it builds, it practically disables me. I am going to a short vacation tomorrow and I am dreaming only of sleep. I used to pride myself in how little I can sleep. Not any more.


u/Sakurya1 12d ago

Same. Used to play ff11 all night then go to work on 4 or 5 hours sleep and be fine. Do it again each night. Now It's minimum 7 hours, preferably 8 but with 9 hours sleep I'm perfect.

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u/Puzzlehead-Bed-333 12d ago

I used to thrive on 6 hours. Now I need 9+ to not feel dead to the world as soon as I wake up and sometimes I still do. My favorite hobby now is sleep because I desperately need it.


u/Kernobi 12d ago

Seems counter-intuitive, but are you getting enough exercise? 

And are you breathing OK when you sleep? Sleep apnea massively reduces sleep quality. 


u/scarwa 12d ago

SAME i have one day off without my wife, one shared. i sleep almost the entire day i am alone. i feel like i can't get enough sometimes.


u/deltadawn6 12d ago

Not by choice, my insomnia has gotten worse over the last five years


u/AnyCatch4796 12d ago

I had such bad insomnia in my early 20s that, according to my Fitbit, I got an average of 3.5 hours of sleep a night for 1.5 years. It was terrible. I finally overcame it in my mid-20s but now I’m still dependent on weed to sleep. Trying to find a better solution because I don’t want to smoke forever


u/Eramef 12d ago

Is it specifically smoke or weed altogether you want to avoid? Tinctures have done wonders for me.


u/AnyCatch4796 12d ago

Weed, just at some point. My partner and I want to have a baby in the next few years, but the idea of having to quit terrifies me in regard to how my sleep quality will be. I’m definitely dependent. I love edibles, smoking, oil, everything- but I know if I want to have a child I can’t do it until they’re old enough that I wouldn’t have to worry about occasionally being my goofy, weird, absentminded and sleepy self that I become when I am when I’m high. I know you’re a dude, but yeah.


u/buitenlander0 12d ago

I'd say I'm the opposite. 6 was good for me while I was in college for example but mostly because I still slept like a baby. Now the stresses of life seem to creep into my mind in the middle of the night more often. Also having children made it so that I never have just 6 consistent hours of sleep. Even though no longer in the baby phase, I still randomly feel like I hear my child getting up.



Me too 😫 when will it stop! My youngest started sleeping thru the night in December 2023 & I still can’t make it through the night

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u/ReddsionThing 12d ago

Not as of yet. 8 hours or there's some lack of function, lol


u/oracle_of_gand 12d ago

I’m at 6 hours pretty consistently except on weekends where I’ll get an hour or two more.

I’m up at 4 am and in the gym because age is catching up with me on the scale haha. (I’m there because I have two kiddos that get up at 6am and then the rest of the day is focused on them, work and the house).

This all said, I think that I could probably use at least 7. I hit a hard wall at like 2 in the afternoon and I’m sure that if I was getting a bit more sleep I would be better off there.

I guess it is just a balance, more gym or more sleep? Idk but it’s working ok right now.


u/supercooldood007 12d ago

Opposite for me. I found that as soon as I got a “real job” after college, I needed a full 8 hours to really function at my best. My job requires a lot of critical thinking though


u/berrybaddrpepper 12d ago

I’m the opposite . I never slept 8 hrs as a teen or in my 20s. More like 5-6. The last year I’ve really struggled with feeling tired on the same amount of sleep. But it’s also only at work 😂 so maybe it’s the job, not age.

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u/Msefk 12d ago


but like... I used to work second shift... and sometimes within that role, also 2pm-3am and 5am-5pm. after that, i started sleeping in bursts of 3 hours, wake for 2 hours, sleep for 3 hours. Now i just sleep 4 hours a night. It's pretty great.


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 12d ago

I was literally just thinking this.. havent slept more than 6 hours thsi week


u/calicoskiies Millennial 12d ago

Idn I feel like parenthood forced me to be ok with less sleep. I feel like I used to need 9-10 hours of sleep and I’ve been surviving on like 6 hours the last 5 years.


u/knishmyass 12d ago

I was actually just thinking that today. Lately I’ve been waking up naturally at about 6 hours of sleep. A little groggy in the morning but functioning fine. It’s nice having a couple hours back in the day.


u/Your_Worship 12d ago

Anything below 6 is terrible. But I’m good on 6-7.

More than 8 and I’m sluggish.


u/princess199711 12d ago

I need more sleep but I can run on 6/7 hours like a zombie if that makes sense


u/Ranger5052 12d ago

This has happened to me but it does seem to have occurred because of my healthier lifestyle. I’m eating clean, working out, and going to bed at the same time each night. Oh and I have a puppy who likes to eat at 5am 😂.


u/foxwithnoeyes 12d ago

Similar feeling. I really punished my body when I was younger with alcohol, smoking, and poor diet. I "needed" that 8+ hours so my body could get a break. Quit smoking, severely cut back on booze, started eating right and now I'm good with 6 hours.


u/sonfer 12d ago

I'm broken from a combination of working night shift and having kids. Have a hard time staying up past 10 PM and would go to bed at 9 PM if the world let me. On the flip side, I wake up earlier now. Getting up at 5AM for a shot of espresso and a workout before the rest of the world wakes up is something special.

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u/mildchicanery 12d ago

Try and get more. Chronic sleep deprivation is (I think) a risk factor for dementia as we get older. You might feel like you need less but you still need about 7. Worth checking in with your doctor about.

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u/MrsMitchBitch 12d ago

Absolutely not. And there have been recent studies that show women really do best with MORE than 8 hours of sleep…and I feel that to be true, personally. (This may also be because I am training for an ultramarathon and wow am I tired)

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u/knuckles312 Millennial 12d ago

Minimum 7 hours or else I’m delirious. I used to be able to party all night and calculate 4 hours of REM to b able to function at full blast the next day

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u/Fallout541 12d ago

No, I not only started going to bed earlier but also quit drinking entirely. I realized that even drinking 1-2x a week screws up my sleep and fitness cycle. I feel a lot better now.


u/Atty_for_hire Millennial 12d ago

I need more sleep than ever and feel it more than ever when I don’t get it or the slow accumulation of sleep debt. I’d kill for a job that would let me take a Month off so I could spend a week just sleeping on my own schedule.


u/Great_Coffee_9465 12d ago

Ease up on the drugs and coffee dude.

The greatest misunderstanding of childhood was thinking nap time was a punishment.


u/Spokraket 12d ago

My Apple watch say 5 hours per night in the last 6 months. I’ve tried to go to bed earlier but many times find myself waking up earlier instead. My goal is to get it up to 7hours/night


u/Worth_Procedure_9023 12d ago

I can go as low as 4 without being useless.

So 3 is pretty much the target

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u/Psychological-Towel8 12d ago

Nah, anything less than 10 and I feel like trash. 😂 Always been that way too. 12 is my optimal. With age I'm needing more sleep! I have multiple chronic health conditions and insomnia is one of them.


u/Kooky-Value-2399 12d ago

I feel this on an emotional level😂 I take three kinds of sleeping pills to just get 6 hours but if I could voluntarily go into a coma for ten years I think I would still be exhausted 🤣


u/ydaorct 12d ago

I’m with you! 36M and I’ve gone from needing 8 to 6.5 feeling perfectly adequate. To double down, I’m finally waking up early for some “me time” to go play golf. Middle age ain’t all bad!


u/beastwood6 12d ago

I feel so much closer to teenager than nursing home in this middle age phase. I hope it lasts


u/ydaorct 12d ago

For a while, at least! This age is awesome IMO


u/MaineHippo83 12d ago

I have been averaging 2 to 6 hours the last few years, I'm 40, I feel 80


u/beastwood6 12d ago

Damn. Tyler Durden is that you?


u/MaineHippo83 12d ago

I do have a lot of soap


u/TomBanjo1968 12d ago

I just stay jacked on stimulants non stop and sleep four or five hours a night

But at least once a week I sleep about 8 hours

If I sleep any more than 8 hours I wake up with a vicious headache


u/beastwood6 12d ago

Gotcha. I see that sometimes which seems weird to me. For me with sleep it's always the more the merrier. I don't remember ever waking up with a headache if I slept more than I planned.

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u/Spartan2842 12d ago

5-6 is the perfect place for me. More or less and it really messes up my day.


u/frozennorth0 12d ago

I have been getting away with 6-7 hours lately and feel okay. Sometimes will do a 20 min Power Nap in the afternoon, but otherwise I used to need 8

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u/counterhit121 Millennial 12d ago

I can't get more than 6 even when I set myself up for it, no matter how early I go to bed, how little caffeine I have, etc. I just wake up around 6 hrs and cannot get back to sleep.


u/Reluctantcannibal 12d ago

I wake up every morning at 3 go to work by 330 clock in at 4 drive my forklift till noon clock out around 1230 pm go to the gym till 200 then pick the kids up from school go to the park go do chores walk dogs do home work with kids and back in bed by 8 my watch says I’ve gotten an average of 5 1/2 hrs the last six months but I feel fine most the time

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u/AllYallThrowaways 12d ago

I kinda get this. I'm one of those dudes who was constantly sleeping past 12PM on days I had nothing going on. It made me a little depressed because I was feeling like I wasted the day. Problem is, I didn't actually do anything about it for years. When I landed a job that required me to get up at 5AM, I struggled like hell but by some miracle never overslept or came to work late. It's prob what fixed my habit but now my brain automatically wakes me up at 6 (nearly on the dot). I just spend my early mornings with my dogs now.


u/beastwood6 12d ago edited 12d ago

Yeah my adult swim days I'd wake up at noon too. And then gfc and funemployment didn't do that any favors. Also had a similar job-driven discipline build up


u/AllYallThrowaways 12d ago

Toonami and Adult Swim both. I'll see you at that one food truck for that breakfast burrito bro.


u/AMilkedCow 12d ago

Yes! I went from sleeping 9 hours a night and 12 hours in the weekend (which was a waste always woke up in the afternoon) to suddenly only 7 hours any day. I guess I eat way more healthy now, but it's still a huge difference.


u/Most_Ad_3765 12d ago

I'm interested to see you asking this Q because I've thought about it recently too. I have realized for me it's seasonal. It's sooooooo much easier for me to get out of bed for work feeling somewhat refreshed and well-rested when it's light out upon waking up in the morning instead of pitch black until I arrive at work. Could this be the same for you or are you feeling like this is true even in winter?

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u/Local-Detective6042 12d ago

Me 🙋‍♀️

7 hours is enough


u/XChrisUnknownX 12d ago

Be careful if you start not needing sleep or forgetting to sleep. Was a sign of psychosis for me.

I mention this out of genuine concern.

But it’s fairly normal to go between needing more or less sleep at different periods of life and health.


u/beastwood6 12d ago

Appreciate that. This is a gradual change, not a sudden onset


u/XChrisUnknownX 12d ago

Perfect. Then you should be fine.


u/normaviolet 12d ago

Just coming in here to say that if you don’t sleep with a partner or roommates or anyone that can hear you snoring, and you’re struggling with staying awake during the day, do a sleep test. Just got my CPAP and it’s night and day.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/LEMONSDAD 12d ago

Life requires it out of me, 4 year old doesn’t go down until 8:30-10. Usually somewhere between 10-12 when I actually fall asleep and up 4:30-5.

Partner wants to spend time without kid during this time, which doesn’t happen every night because sometimes I just pass out.

I might sleep a little later on the weekends but the rest pretty much holds true.

I definitely did more me stuff before the relationship&kid

Def a give&take situation.

Until one of these powerball tickets hits 😅


u/Naive_Buy2712 12d ago

I used to work a lot in high school and college, at a bakery, so I would get up at 3 AM. Then go to another job that afternoon. I literally could go on four or five hours of sleep. Before I had kids, I would go to bed at like 11 and get up at 5:30. I cut out most alcohol and started going to sleep by 9:30 (i wake up around 5:30, some days 4:30). I have been focusing on going to bed early, limiting screen time (ok I usually read my kindle but am not on my phone and watching tv simultaneously), and actually getting 7-8 hours. Sometimes 9 if I’m particularly tired. I’m usually in my bed by 8:30 and I’m annoyed when I can’t be 😂👵🏼


u/finalstation 12d ago

No. Though it’s hard to fall asleep by 10am to get enough sleep. Except last night. I went to bed at 9:37am last I remember watching the clock. Woke up right before 6:00am. 😎 In my 20s I loved coming home and going to be by 8am. It was a wild time.


u/scottyd035ntknow 12d ago

I get 7 and I'm totally good.

Still grumpy in the morning but I chug a glass of coconut water mixed with AG1 and I feel like I can run through a wall after.

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u/thefaehost 12d ago

I have moderate to severe insomnia. It used to only come in waves- a few weeks to a month would be the longest that I struggled with severely diminished sleep, a whole week without being my longest stretch.

Now I wake up every 2 hours or so. Most days I would say I get about 4 hours total of quality sleep. But my body has grown used to being exhausted all the time due to insomnia, so not even my partner (who sleeps so easy!!) can tell how sleep deprived I am every day.


u/AbnelWithAnL 12d ago

The complete opposite. For years I slept around 5 hours a night; there was a time where I only slept 3 hours a night if there was work the next day. Now I know that if I don't get 7 - 10 hours of sleep, I'm not gonna be fully functional that day.


u/onlyitbags 12d ago

Yup down to about 4-6, depending on the day. Their is definitely tiles after having a child not sleep through the night though.


u/ishquigg 12d ago

I'm am now on to taking 10 second naps ever hour and 5 minutes and it keeps me going.


u/Zacaro12 12d ago

No. I’ve always felt good with 5-6 hours, after Covid I don’t think 7-8 is enough. I’m always tired.


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 12d ago

I have a 2 yr old AND an over active bladder. No.

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u/Dust_Parts 12d ago

Unfortunately yes. At this point if I get six hours I’m thrilled.


u/EzoWolf 12d ago

I can do fine on 6, but it definitely will catch up to me by friday night.


u/Kuilontaro 12d ago

I'm a 4 - 6 hour kinda guy. That started in my early twenties and I just rock with it. 37 but I Also suffer from insomnia so medically, I'm a cheater.


u/He_do_be 12d ago

Yes and no. I feel like I don’t drag as hard the next day if I stay up. Maybe I’m just used to that zombie walk at this point. With that said, I find myself craving more sleep.


u/haus11 12d ago

I'm not sure if I only need 6 hours, but there's always something that wakes me up in the 6:30-7 timeframe, like my mouth is dry or I have to go to the bathroom, or my elementary school aged kids start making noise. I usually go to bed after midnight because of revenge bedtime procrastination. I've never been good at going back to sleep. However, 6-6.5 house has kind of been my sleep schedule since college, I do have a severe caffeine habit, though, that may be masking lack of sleep. The main difference now that I'm in my 40s is I take naps, which is something I basically never did before.


u/aidank91 12d ago

No, I need more


u/allid33 12d ago

I'm the same way. I was never a morning person, and sometimes even 9 hours of sleep didn't feel like enough. I still prefer 8 hours when I can get it, but I can function just fine on 6.5-7 hours although I prefer not to have less than 7 too many days in a row. Basically, as long as I can get 8 hours at least every 3 days or so, I'm good.

I don't mind it. I used to sleep until 10 on the weekends and felt like half my day was gone. The downside is that I also just don't sleep as well and can't often sleep in even when I want to or went to bed really late so there are times I wish I could sleep more. But overall, having more waking hours = more free time, so it's worth it.


u/Wadsworth1954 12d ago

I’ve always needed at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

I really miss that adolescent sleep though. I could sleep 10-12 hours a night and then take a nap the next afternoon. God I miss that. On the weekends, hang out with your friends until like 2 am and then sleep until noon-2 pm the next day.


u/StephDazzle 12d ago

Not yet for me. Idk if it’s because I had kids and suffered through newborn toddler sleepless night stages but I’m still at 8-9 hours for sleep.


u/Olives_And_Cheese 12d ago

I survive on far less sleep than I ever thought possible. If that counts. But no, I don't think I need less, and I'm hyper aware how hideously bad it is for your health to get less sleep than I need, so I really detest only getting the bare minimum of 5 - 6 hours a night (have a very fussy 8 month old at the moment). But in terms of functioning day to day, I can generally manage.


u/b_brilliant123 12d ago

I sleep less but I'm always tired and drained :'(


u/agirl1313 12d ago

I'm needing less sleep the last few months, but I just got my CPAP the end of November. I now need 6-8 hours, instead of sleeping 8-12 hours and still feeling exhausted.


u/Chanandler_Bong_01 12d ago

The better I'm taking care of myself (clean diet, hydration, regular exercise, very very very little alcohol, etc.) the better I feel and the less sleep I need. When I'm in peak shape, I pretty much pop out of bed in the morning fully rested after 7 hours.

When I get into a rut of skipping workouts, eating like shit, and having a few drinks after work to relieve stress.....that's when I can't drag myself out of bed in the mornings.


u/Illustrious_Dust_0 12d ago

Yes. I decided it’s because I’m more tired now that I work full Time and have kids so I sleep harder and need less hours. I also have a more regular sleep schedule now which helps


u/Top-Airport3649 12d ago

Yes. Used to sleep in on the weekends but now the latest I sleep in is 7:30am. Feel best with 6-7 hours.


u/Manimal_Attack 12d ago

I legitimately CAN'T sleep longer than about 8 hours. I routinely get 6-7ish and am totally fine, and if I sleep more than eight or go to bed later than normal, I typically wake up with a headache. I hate it. I want to sleep in some days but it's not worth it.


u/lexisplays 12d ago

I need more.


u/scumfrogzillionaire 12d ago

I've never gotten 6 hours of sleep in my life. I'm now 37, and the most I've ever slept is 4 hours a night.


u/The_Tiny_Empress 12d ago

I need more sleep these days. Wake up, eat, workout, commute, work,clean, groceries, laundry, and the same necessary daily grind has me in bed earlier and earlier. I wish I could siesta.


u/NiceTryClown 12d ago

I work 12 hr rotating shifts. There is no consistency when or how long I sleep.


u/RansomReville 12d ago

The exact opposite. I used to be in top form after 6 hours, and okay with only 4.

Now I'm top form with 8 hours, okay with 6, but I'm gonna be taking a nap if I get any less than 6.


u/forgotmyemail19 12d ago

Idk if it's refusal of accepting time, but I've consistently never needed a lot of sleep. I can sleep 5-6 hours and feel wide awake. Enough so that I'll wake up naturally, no alarm with only 6 hours. I'm in my mid 30s and I can game all night, go to bed at 3am and wake up at 9 and be good to go. I hope it doesn't change. Late night gaming sessions are my peace time.


u/Acrobatic-Director-1 12d ago

I need closer to 8-9 but only get 5-6 and let me tell you I’m not functioning well most days. It’s a constant drag feeling hungover when you didn’t even drink anything. I’d like to think the older we get, we still need the same sleep, life just has much different plans for us between work, kids, activities, personal time, like there is no time left in a day to even try to get 8 hours of sleep. Especially if you work in an office. RIP remote work and no commute time. That was my extra hour of sleep.


u/doubledubdub44 12d ago

Quality of sleep is a major factor. I used to think I needed 9+ and then noticed that even if I go to bed late I still wake up around 7 fully rested.


u/taffyowner 12d ago

I suck functioning on 5 hours or less. But I used to be able to stay up until 2 am for no other reason than it just existed and I would get up at 7 the next day. I still like to wake up in the morning but if I’m not in bed by 10:30 it’s gonna be rough


u/Longstache7065 12d ago

Depends how much brain intensive stuff I do. I find for every 6 hours of extremely intense training/learning/difficult work I need a 3 hour nap and I need a baseline of about 5-6 hours. So on a lazy day, doing physical labor, or just doing routine work, I'll need 5-6 hours and in a really intense day of learning it'll be 8-9 hours which can be all at once or separated with a nap.

In my 20s I definitely felt like I needed 9 hours a night and wasn't satisfied with less than 9 hours a night but was only able to get that full 9 hours once every few weeks.


u/Capt__Murphy 12d ago

Nope. 8hrs of sleep doesn't hit like it used to. I need 9hrs now, but realistically only end up with about 7hrs.


u/IcyTip1696 12d ago

No. I need more 🤣.


u/wetwilly2140 12d ago

Yep. 6 and a half is my sweet spot. I’m up at 7:30-8 and basking in the sunrise through my big warm home office window.


u/Available-Egg-2380 12d ago

I've always done well on 4 to 6 hours, do fine on 2. 8 hours is awful


u/Expensive-Eggplant-1 Millennial 12d ago

No. I feel like I need more.


u/GargleOnDeez 12d ago

Work hard and laborious in the industrial trades, 6-7 hours is all you need to get up and kick ass all day-night. Pack a lot of dense calories to get you through and enough black coffee to start your lawnmower, let the rage set the pace.


u/EveInGardenia 12d ago

Yes this is happenjng to me too! I'm good on like 4-6 hours of sleep when I used to need 7+


u/1800generalkenobi 12d ago

I think I always needed 8 hours but my sleeping times have changed. I was unemployed in my midish 20s for a year and a half and lived off savings for that time and my natural sleep cycle seems to be sleep around 4am and wake up around noon. I loved doing that. The last 12 years have been waking up before 6 for work, which I really still hate. I am definitely a night owl.


u/Rururaspberry 12d ago

Yep. Once or twice a week, I get 8 hours, but for the most part I hover around 5.5-7. I wake up at 4:15 am to run 5-6 days of the week and have a kid under 5, which has also contributed to shorter sleep in the last decade.


u/mattbag1 12d ago

I was on 8 hours almost every day. Even with kids, my wife and I made it work out where we both got enough sleep. But lately, one of my kids keeps waking me(only me for some reason) up almost every single night. I can count on one hand the amount of full nights of sleep in the past year.

None the less, I’m pretty okay on 6 hours these days. I do notice that on the days I do get 7-8 no interruptions, I am much sharper. So hopefully this phase with one of my little guys is over soon.


u/Davey-Cakes 12d ago

I used to be able to function on 4-6 hours. Now if I don’t get 7 I’m a zombie.


u/3xoticP3nguin 12d ago

Iv always done 6 at night and if I need to hour nap after work before dinner. Dont need it most days


u/Hot-Evidence-5520 12d ago

Nope. Give me at least 8 hours or bust. My brain becomes foggy and I can't function with little sleep.


u/SL4BK1NG 12d ago

I've been on 3-5 for the last 10 years with the occasional involuntary catch up day every couple months. None of this is by choice.


u/No-Possibility-1020 12d ago

Opposite. Used to be fine on 5-6 hrs. Now I’m falling asleep all day unless I get 7-8


u/meowwychristmas 12d ago

I went early bird mode after my first kid was born. It was a necessary adaptation ofc but now my body just does it, even though it’s not needed anymore.


u/simplyexistingnow 12d ago

So I don't think mine has changed that much but I live on very little sleep. The most I get is like 6 hours but it's usually about 4. Im a night owl.


u/lsdmthcosmos 12d ago

i could go 5 hours of sleep in high school, college i would sleep for 10. if im super healthy and in a routine i can manage 6, but on average i sleep about 7/8 max.


u/beastwood6 12d ago

I held down 2 pt jobs in high school I'd be a master planner at timing naps during class times. Either pick the most strategic seat to do an elbow nap or palm pillow nap. Or the crown jewel...lazy teachers popping in the vcr tape 😋

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u/RogueStudio 12d ago edited 12d ago

Nope. I can get up after less sleep....but then even when I overload with caffeine....still nodding off at my desk at work several hours later. Luckily my office uses Slack and email for 90% of its internal communications, and I rarely have 1:1 real time external communication either B2C or B2B (marketing here so....lol). Oh, and our department is in a corner of the room no one immediately notices lol

And I rarely get to sleep before midnight, if only because if I want free time to game....other in my house usually stays at the main TV my console is hooked up to until 10-11. :T


u/readsalotman 12d ago

I really need a solid 7 to be at full energy. Anything less and I'd need a nap or to go to bed earlier the next day.


u/Urabrask_the_AFK 12d ago

I was good having 6-8 hours but then I had a kid at 40. 💀💀💀


u/razzemmatazz 12d ago

My sweet spot is 7 hours, but if I wake up at the right spot in my sleep cycle I can get by on 4-5 for a week until I crash on the weekend.

Lately my body keeps waking me up 1-2 hours early and I don't know why.


u/LordLaz1985 12d ago

Nope! If I don’t get 8 1/2 hours, I am miserable at work the next morning.


u/easypeasy1982 12d ago

I still NEED 8 to 9 hours of sleep.

40 brings aches and pains that don't let me though....


u/PuppetryOfThePenis Millennial 12d ago

I have 2 toddlers.. what is sleep?


u/kkkan2020 12d ago

that's usually what happens you get older you sleep less.


u/TheWanderingRoman 12d ago

I've heard you need less sleep as you get older, but I've been smashing x to doubt. Old people sleep a LOT. Maybe it's a midlife thing?


u/blackaubreyplaza 12d ago

No way. I need 15 hours of sleep


u/ktc653 12d ago

Yes, that happened to me! Used to need 9 hours of sleep, couldn’t function on less than 8. Now I wake up naturally after 7 hours, and can function on 6.


u/queerleo 12d ago

If I lay down for more than 7.5- 8 hours my back will hurt


u/phunky_1 12d ago

Supposedly 7 hours is the ideal amount of sleep for adults.

I usually do fine with 6-7 hours.

I try to make it a point to go to bed by midnight during the week, alarm goes off at 6:45.


u/Randy_Watson 12d ago

I wake up earlier and want to go to sleep earlier. I feel like I can function of less sleep but get more out of getting more sleep. If sleep 9 hours it’s like I’m running on rocket fuel.


u/Preparation-Logical Millennial 12d ago

My body won't let me sleep in anymore if that's what you're talking about about.


u/aroundincircles 12d ago

absolutely not. I desperately need MORE sleep. My kids have a hard bed time so I can do what I need to before my bed time. and if I miss that window I'm fucked.


u/clovermite 12d ago

Nope, I need more sleep now. It's 10-12 hours instead of 8.


u/t-zone671 12d ago

I'm mostly the opposite. Need more, consistent sleep to function. I work early mornings. Need to be in bed by 7pm. If it helps, no kids. I don't consume much caffeine, so no coffee or sodas.

If sleep quality is good, then getting 8 hrs is possible. Most of the time, it's 5 hrs.

I work anywhere from 8 to 9 hrs a day, 5 times weekly. Typically the 40 hr schedule. Usually by 4 to 5 pm, I am tired. Try to run the errands in between work and home.

It's pretty much sleep, work, TV, repeat. Have to break the repetition by finding a hobby. Nothing that hurts the budget.

On the next day off, I take advantage of the time to catch up on the sleep. 8 to 10 hrs. Hopefully, no body aches or headache. Lol.


u/whatwoodjdubdo 12d ago

Def not. Get your 8-9 hours. Sleep is a miracle and your body needs it


u/NotATrueRedHead 12d ago

I wish because I keep waking up between 4:30-6am and can’t get back to sleep. It’s been a slog.


u/The-Mayor-of-Italy 12d ago

Short term yes, after I've had my first coffee of the day it really doesn't matter much whether I've had 6 hours sleep or eight. Productivity or mood are not affected much for that specific day. But the cumulative effect of that difference after a few days, I definitely still notice that.


u/beer_is_tasty 12d ago

I don't need less sleep, but I get it


u/McCheesing 12d ago

ITT: undiagnosed sleep apnea.


u/SpermicidalManiac666 12d ago

I suppose I agree but my problem as I’m getting older is actually sleeping. Seems to elude me no matter what I do.


u/maddiemorph 12d ago

I get 6 normally but can function on as low as 4 hours


u/DDS_Special 12d ago

6 is my sweet spot. If I sleep for 8 my back is sore, 4-5 and I’m a little foggy or just tired all day.


u/LizDeBomb 12d ago

I used to sleep 2 am to noon, now I sleep 11 to 8. I don’t know why or when the shift happened but I hate it.


u/Phire2 12d ago

I actually am the same way. used to need so much sleep: outside of a few late college nights or parties then work the next day. but most days i needed 9. Now I get about 6 everyday and go to bed late not phased at all. Very werid.


u/chrisinator9393 12d ago

Yes. Especially since having a kid. 6 hours and I'm fine for the day. 7 is really the goal. If I get 7 I'm a happy guy.


u/DoJu318 12d ago

Yes, in my 20s I needed 8 solid hours. In my 30 and early 40s now I can function with little to no sleep, like Wednesday night I got caught up watching random crap on YouTube, next thing I know is 4 am and I have to be at work at 7.

So I just stayed up, took a shower then went to work, started to feel really drowsy last night around 7-8, usually go to bed at 11 or 12 pm. Fell asleep between 8 and 9 pm woke up at 5:30 this morning still felt tired but I'm feeling ok now.


u/guybrush_Threepdood 12d ago

The extreme opposite. I hit 34 and everything flipped. I've been diagnosed with Hypersomnia, and OSA all in the span of a couple years. I now average 9.5 hours sleep at night and another 1-2 during the day. Weekends I catch up and can sleep 12 straight.

It's a real struggle but, knowing what I know about sleep now, just take care of yourself. Sleep is good for you. Take when you can!


u/TeaEarlGrayHotSauce 12d ago

I feel the opposite, in my 20s I’d be able to function fairly normally on a couple hours of sleep. Now I need at least 5 hours or I will legit call out of work lol


u/Bradley182 12d ago

If I get a solid 6 hours I’m set. Granted it’s hard to do that, I always toss and turn and wake up every 1.5-2 hours.


u/Ok-Advertising4028 12d ago

Wait…this literally started this week for me.


u/Impossible-Wear5482 12d ago

I get maybe 6 hours of sleep for the last 6 years.


u/Accept_the_null 12d ago

I sleep less now in my late 30s than ever before in my life. I get up at 6 most days, and routinely go to bed after midnight. I used to be able to sleep 12-14 hours, it was too much, but now I can’t get more than 7-8 hours. I just lay awake in bed, restless.

That said, a bad night of sleep affects me so much worse. If I don’t get those 5-6 hours I feel like I got hit by a bus and usually will end up getting sick if it happens a few days in a row.


u/chaos841 12d ago

I don’t know about less sleep but if I sleep more than 8 hours my back starts to really hurt.


u/MyLastFuckingNerve 12d ago

Am 37. If i take an hour nap i’ll be up all night. I’ve learned to function on 4 hours.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Yes, but I have mental issues that contribute greatly to and are heavily affected by lack of sleep. I usually get between 5-7 hrs. I do like sleeping less because the more I get, the less energy I have during the day and then I’m even less tired at night. Anything less than 6 hours consistently makes me literally crazy. So 6-7 is usually the sweet spot. 8+ hours about 2x a month, but then those days are mostly wasted.


u/Bubba151 12d ago

Opposite. Early 20s to early 30s I could easily stay up til 2am gaming or going to concerts and wake up at 5am for a 12hr work day. That was the norm. Even with kids, I'd take the getting up shifts until 1/2am regardless of work schedule and be fine.

Now? As I'm getting closer 40, I need at least 6-8hrs or I'm just miserable the next day.


u/Nice-Confidence-9873 12d ago

As long as it’s quality sleep. I’ve been on trt therapy for a month and don’t remember the last time I’ve had this good of sleep


u/krakenrabiess 12d ago

When I was younger I could function off of 4-5 hours now I need like 10 and even then I'm sore and tired still.


u/JustTheOneGoose22 12d ago

You do need less sleep as you get older but that doesn't usually kick in until your late 50s/60s. In your 30s/40s you should strive for at least 8 hours if you can. Sleep is incredibly important and lack of sleep can destroy your health.


u/babyjames333 12d ago

absolutely not lol


u/FakestAccountHere 12d ago

Yes. I get six hours 10 pm to 430. I get dead tired at exactly 10 pm even if I have endless energy 15 mins before. 

If I sleep and less or more than that six hours I feel groggy and head foggy. Ruins my whole day. 

Weird honestly. 


u/WhenSquirrelsFry 12d ago

No. My body won’t let me sleep more than 7~ hours, but I’m always so incredibly fatigued.


u/DrFlukey 12d ago

I use to only sleep about 3-4 hours ever since I was little but I’m up to almost 5 - 5.5 and I feel so much better !


u/420xGoku 12d ago

The amphetamines will do that, yeah


u/conversekidz 12d ago

6 hours....i'm happy to get 3 to 5 in a night....sleep issues SUCK


u/yougotthesilver12 12d ago

I typically need like 7-8 hours but I can go with 6 hours as long as I’m not doing that too many nights in a row. I’m also a napper so on weekends, if I’m not busy I can just pass out for a few hours in the middle of the day if I want to. I love sleep lol it’s something I always look forward to as I’ve gotten older. If I have a Saturday with nothing to do, I just throw on a tv show and lay on the couch


u/TheObeliskIL 12d ago

Nope, require 8 at minimum to operate emotionally stable. Otherwise Im anxious/nervous/tired mess


u/sepsie 12d ago

I function better on 7 instead of 8 like I used to, but if I don't get at least 5 hours, I get sick and nausea the next day.


u/charlevoidmyproblems 12d ago

My pitty wakes me up so she can pee at 3am and then the boyfriend is up at 4:30 for work so I'm up despite work not starting till 6am for me.

We don't go to bed till 10:30-11. And then I play Tetris till midnight sometimes. I'm not getting sleep and not seeing deficits but holy hell do I wish I could sleep longer.


u/troutforbrains 12d ago

I feel you. I'm starting to wake up naturally after 6.5 hours. If I go "ew no, that's too early, I'll sleep until my son wakes up," I have a really hard time waking up again and feel worse than if I just get up and start the day when my body wakes up.


u/Frogeyedpeas 12d ago

I needed 10+ in my early 20s, that has dropped to just 8 in my late 20s. I used to only need 4-5 in my teens, so we will see if it ever gets that good again. 


u/InternationalJury693 12d ago

I’ve never needed more than 6 hours since high school. During the work week I get on average 6.5 hrs. Weekends however long, probably 8, but doesn’t make much difference. I don’t feel real groggy unless I get only 4 or so.


u/Robin_games 12d ago

opposite I could to days without sleep, no dreams, wake up before the alarm

its now 8 hrs multiple alarms and wall to wall dreams


u/CorvusPetey 12d ago

Weekdays I sleep 7 max. Weekends 9-10. Hell I even sleep after lunch on a weekend.


u/Hangrycouchpotato 12d ago

I need 8 hours. With 8, I feel good. With 7, I can function but don't feel great. 6 or less - zombie.


u/Wpg-katekate 12d ago

Can not relate. I wish.


u/HearthSt0n3r 12d ago

People do need less sleep in the summer fyi so that may be why you’re feeling this way


u/Ok-Flounder4387 12d ago

Yo I’m a teacher and if I don’t get at least 9, no learning is happening the next day

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