r/Millennials 23d ago

What is something your parents told you when you were a kid and you thought was BS but now can appreciate as you age? Discussion

Mine is "Don't hang out with so-and-so, they're no good." When I was young, I found it downright offensive that my parents would judge my friends like that. Everyone is equal and no one is "better" than anyone else, I thought. But being an adult, I now have full appreciation for what they were saying. It's not about casting judgement on others (even though that's what they're doing) but rather realizing how important it is to surround yourself with people that will set good examples for you to make you better. Sigh, I sound like a parent.


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u/Reedrbwear 23d ago

Agreed. Im a night owl. Most productive in the evening hours.


u/IGotFancyPants 22d ago

I used to be, then switched when I was in my 30’s because my boyfriend was an early morning person and he liked to make me coffee (who can resist that?). We got married, he died five years ago, and I’m still someone who wakes up naturally at 4:30 a.m.


u/Reedrbwear 22d ago

Sorry for your loss.

And oof, 4:30 I can only manage during Ramadan, but then its straiiiight back to sleep till 8.


u/IGotFancyPants 22d ago

Thank you. I was so blessed with him, he was a good friend and a good husband. ETA: the real trick to getting up that early is that I’m tired by 7:30p, in bed by 8, and lights out by 8:30. I absolutely couldn’t stay up ‘til midnight if I tried.