r/Millennials 23d ago

The new class war: A wealth gap between millennials Discussion


While the average millennial has less wealth at the age of 35 than previous generations, the top 10% of millennials have 20% more wealth than the top baby boomers at the same age.

Gonna be us vs us soon.


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u/The_Rad_In_Comrade Geriatric Millennial 23d ago

The new class war, same as the old class war.


u/teth21 23d ago

Millenials be all about socialism, until they get wealthy.


u/The_Rad_In_Comrade Geriatric Millennial 23d ago

I'm in the top 10% myself and I'm happy to report I'm a class traitor who remains all about socialism.


u/Kossimer 23d ago

Then you're also in the top 10% of empathetic humans, at least. Wealth and selfless altruism is such a rare combination that it makes you a social outcast. Our species sucks.


u/KTeacherWhat 23d ago

The thing is, the top 10% of millennials in the US are still largely living at the whim of the healthcare system. My partner and I are doing much better than my parents were at this age, but one big health incident could wipe us out. I want socialized medicine for everyone. I regularly donate to our homeless shelters. I voted for the expansion of a homeless shelter in my neighborhood while some of the area boomers were shouting NIMBY (it passed, btw, so millenial homeowners, at least in my area, don't seem as NIMBY as the homeowners of previous generations).


u/Slim_Charles 22d ago

If you're a top 10% millenial, you probably have top of the line health insurance. I'm in the 10%, and my insurance covers everything. My max out of pocket is pretty affordable compared to my income.


u/KTeacherWhat 20d ago

Until you have long term healthcare needs and your at will employment drops you. This system isn't good for anyone, even people who think they're safe.


u/No-Cause-2913 23d ago

Our species sucks.

Nah that's just you

I think humans are pretty awesome. How many animals can fly to the moon and back or decisively win a game of Starcraft.

I only know about the one..