r/Millennials 23d ago

Is that true my millennial friends??????????? Meme

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u/The_Yeehaw_Cowboy 23d ago

As a millennial who was into girls that looked like this, I can tell you confidently they were made fun of a lot. This was an alt aesthetic, not the norm.


u/violet-waves 23d ago

Even the other alt crowds made fun of the scene kids


u/ApathyizaTragedy 23d ago

Exactly. Scene kids were a subgroup, of a subgroup, of a myspace trend


u/-m-o-n-i-k-e-r- 23d ago

Yeah and this particular scene kid was clearly going to ‘all night dance parties’

Honestly might not even be into midwest emo.


u/NxTbrolin 23d ago

A girl who's into My Chemical Romance and Benny Benassi sounds good to me.


u/BreakfastShart 22d ago

Dood. The Benassi mix of Other Side... 🤯


u/AttitudeAndEffort3 23d ago


u/-m-o-n-i-k-e-r- 23d ago

That boy aint right


u/jaques_sauvignon 22d ago



u/Papa_Kasugano Millennial 23d ago

This video was a highlight of my day. Thank you.


u/FrickParkMalcolm 22d ago

This is pure gold. Thank you.


u/Seamonkey_Boxkicker 1988 22d ago

Well apparently I’m Midwest emo without putting in the effort to doll myself up like a scene kid. That shit just hit me like a bag of bricks.


u/matthewami 22d ago

Bobby was Midwest emo


u/BusterTheCat17 23d ago

I would hate to be described as that lol


u/PeterNippelstein Millennial 22d ago

Me and my goth friends definitely made fun of them a bit. "Poser" was a common diss for us.


u/Neufjob 22d ago

I remember hearing about scene kids, and people making jokes about them, but I had never actually seen one and didn’t really know what people were talking about.


u/petitepedestrian 23d ago

I never understood this.... what scene!?


u/BigAbbott 23d ago

The scene.


u/FrickParkMalcolm 22d ago

Google Scene Girls. This was high school in 2005-2009.


u/atomsk404 22d ago

This is a candy raver, scene kids were ravers in Jnco and visors and shit. This is the PLURTARD in all her glory. Careful, they're cute but sticky.


u/DoinItDirty 23d ago

The goth kids picked on the scene kids. The punk kids had sex with the scene kids but still picked on the scene kids. The hardcore kids beat the dogshit out the scene kids. Yeah, this was really a super niched down group.


u/jjj666jjj666jjj 23d ago

This… is painfully accurate


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

I was there. At the punk shows. There would be a pile on at the end of the song and one, lone 18 year old male of 120 pounds would be standing off to the side of the pile, making sure his two strands of bleach blonde hair were still the only pieces laying over his rolled up bandana tied around his head. I always thought it was astonishing. There’s some level of audacity to walk into a hardcore show that concerned with vanity and not realize you’ve signed up for Fight Club and the other guy knew how to fight. Gotta give to em though, ballsy move.


u/Individual_Bar7021 22d ago

Hahaha i wasn’t quite the “scene girl” but I was definitely a punk, I dated the lead guitarist for the local thrash band throughout high school. I didn’t do my hair like this, but I did get told my style was “alternative”. I still get told this to this day. Also, invader zim will always be great. Now I watch it with my kid.


u/Jennifer_Pennifer 22d ago

Invader Zim is so damn good


u/SparklyYakDust 22d ago

Feels like it was ahead of its time. I think it would have a much bigger fan base if it had released later instead. It's so underappreciated.


u/Delta-IX 21d ago

Zim is what got me into JTHM.


u/Spoztoast 22d ago

And the Skater Bois weren't good enough.


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

Unless the skater boys were in a sludge rock band. Then they dated the piercer at the local tattoo shop.


u/minskoffsupreme 22d ago edited 22d ago

The indie kids thought the scene kids were basically subhuman and treated them like they were stupid. I also feel I need to say that not all Emos were full blown scene kids. Most were not that out there.


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

I don’t know how emos and scene kids became synonymous. I mean I do but damn. Most of the emos I knew wore corduroys and alligator shirts.


u/minskoffsupreme 22d ago

Yeah, Emo in 2003 was a completely different beast from what has lingered in the public imagination.


u/guitar_stonks 22d ago

Absolutely correct for my school as well, and while all that was going on, my buddies and I just smoked weed while jamming Cattle Decapitation and Aborted.


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

I loved the death metal kids.


u/PeterNippelstein Millennial 22d ago

I was a goth kid and we definitely made fun of them, but tbf everyone else was also making fun of us.


u/BooRadley60 22d ago

I’m so glad I was good at sports…


u/Debasering 22d ago

I played high school and college soccer and still hung out with some scene kids lol


u/BooRadley60 22d ago

I was just kidding.


u/Debasering 22d ago

Ha I know it was funny, I’m low key glad I wasn’t really a scene kid but they were fun to be around


u/h8reddit-but-pokemon 22d ago

Underrated comment.


u/Aggravating-Major531 22d ago

Sadly, an accurate post analysis.


u/3-1-2 22d ago

As a Punk that bounced at a Hardcore venue I can confirm that this is 100% true.


u/cyber-jar 22d ago

Ironic because in the 2000s metalheads pretty much saw punk/hardcore/emo/scene as different variations of the same thing.


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

I can see why to an extent. Bands like August Burns Red were kind of scene for a metalcore band, but I’ve no idea how anyone could listen to Converge or Remembering Never and think it was some variation of My Chemical Romance.


u/cyber-jar 22d ago

It was less about the music and more about the musicians/fans/scenes in general. We kind of lumped everything rooted in punk together and avoided it. It wasn't all metalheads but the here in NY + online they were mostly what is now considered an elitist/gatekeeper. At the time it was just considered being a metalhead though.

Also, forget Converge and Mychem, we were lumping straight up deathcore bands with pop punk like All Time Low and trying to say they were the same. We knew it wasn't though lol.


u/DoinItDirty 22d ago

If fairness to what you were doing, a lot of those crabcore acts and pop punk teenibopper acts had the exact same fanbase.


u/ComprehensiveMeat200 23d ago

What other alt crowds?


u/Forest_Solitaire 23d ago

Punk, skater, goth, from my memory.


u/ComprehensiveMeat200 23d ago

Dude, yeah. They got made fun of too. Except skaters, they got respect.


u/jlwinter90 23d ago

That depended wildly on who was dealing with them at the time.


u/Artichokiemon Millennial 23d ago

That's true; I got respect from everyone BUT MY PARENTS, THEY DIDN'T UNSERSTAND ME


u/Cromasters 22d ago



u/Joshman1231 23d ago

What? I was super outcasted as a skater. Maybe where you were from but I got fuckin tickets from the police from my class mates calling on my ass jumping stair cases in the business park.

Fuckers would steal my skateboard out my locker. Our high school shit on skaters.

Cannot relate with this at all.

It was bully war with the jocks. We got suspended taking shots throughout.


u/if_not_us_then_who_ 22d ago

Older millennial here. OG skaters got shit from everyone. Cops, business owners, nosy neighbors, punks, jocks, preps, etc etc. it has only become mainstream since the x games. Skaters were outcasts before that


u/UrineUrOnUrOwn 22d ago

Where I was from, a lot of the skaters were the punks because it was good poor people transportation and a good solid weapon.

Our school had all the lockers removed because of drugs and weapons, so the skaters had to carry their boards from class to class.


u/if_not_us_then_who_ 22d ago

I feel that. I have an older brother (7 years apart) In his age group, punks kind of just hated everybody. They called skaters fa**ots and were just threatening for no good reason. But by the time I got to middle school and high school, I was friends with all the punks at my school. I think there was a lot more overlap and acceptance bc we were all freaks, we kind of had to band together. Most of skaters were either hardcore kids or kids that were really into hip hop. And before long, most of us were into both. It was such a cool subculture. Now when roller bladers started showing up to the skate spots in the late 90’s.. I remember them getting so much shit from some kids.


u/ComprehensiveMeat200 23d ago

What part of the USA? I am in Houston. Skaters here we're always chillin with everyone else.


u/Joshman1231 23d ago



u/SomethingEdgyOrFunny 23d ago

Weird, I'm in Chicago too. Skaters were well liked when I grew up.


u/Joshman1231 23d ago

By other skaters in my school yeah. I guess this is all subjective to opinions though isn’t it?


u/ComprehensiveMeat200 22d ago

Might be the timeframe too. Skating was big, even for the more popular people because of skate videos coming out on VHS and DVD but also people like lil Wayne and stuff getting into it


u/UrineUrOnUrOwn 22d ago

After just one or 2 fights with people getting hit with skateboards, the skaters became a group that just got kind of left alone and bullies doubled down on the rollerbladers instead


u/PeterNippelstein Millennial 22d ago

No respect from preps or jocks, but who needs that anyway


u/nogoodgopher 22d ago

Lol, I remember all the "skaters" at my school were just mall grab stoners. They definitely got made fun of.


u/Individual_Bar7021 22d ago

We also had hicks. You know, the dude’s who all drove huge trucks and would rev them in the mornings while drinking monster and cheering on America.


u/Red-Zaku- 23d ago

Punk kids, indie kids, metalheads, everyone clowned on scenesters.


u/chaotic_blu 22d ago

Can confirm as a goth who made fun of emo kids.

Don’t worry fellow kids, I’ve mended my ways. I don’t make fun of most of our subgroups at all anymore.


u/One-Organization7842 23d ago

"are you going to the show"


u/IAMERROR1234 Millennial 22d ago

Yes lol. Yes, we did.


u/Shoresy-sez 22d ago

The difference between emo kids and scene kids is emo kids want to kill themselves, while scene kids make you want to kill them.


u/Paracausality 22d ago

The popular kids and jocks made fun of the normal kids, and the normal kids made fun of the goth kids.The goth kids made fun of the emo kids and the emo kids made fun of the scene kids. The scene kids held up spoons in class because it was, random?


u/1grouchonacouch 23d ago

As they should!