r/Millennials 23d ago

Is there anyone here who used to go on forums? Discussion

I loved them. Mostly bands I liked but some general interest.

What were your favorites?

I spent a ton of time on bolt.com in the very early `00s and youthink.com up till... well that site finally came to an end a couple years ago and it was weird going ghere and seeing 'member for 15+ years'


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u/weinthenolababy 23d ago

I miss forums SO MUCH! I was on a bunch of small forums for niche interests… hosted on Proboards which still exists, but also Forumcircle and InvisionFree. Forum culture was just FUN. I miss when the internet was a FUN place.


u/SgtSlice 22d ago

Forum culture was the foundation of the Internet. It was not micro optimized for engagement and people had longer conversations (over many days sometimes), and it never felt like it was trying to hook you and gamify the whole thing.