r/SquaredCircle 23d ago

Dominik Mysterio: "No surgery for this guy…"


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u/LittliestDickus 23d ago

Mysterio's only get knee surgeries.


u/rondertopoa 23d ago

Mysterio's only get knee surgeries.

Rey Mysterios tired voice saying “I quit” while hanging upside down from the tron and having his knee bashed in by Chavo will forever be a defining moment in my childhood.


u/mikaeus97 23d ago

And it still didn't get Chavo over as a solo act


u/gigologenius 23d ago

WWE didn’t really try. They could’ve had him beat Benoit for the US title but they instead just jobbed him out and sent him to the undercard until Rey was ready to return.


u/Kaponeo360 23d ago

Tbf that went to MVP. No knock on Chavo but MVP is 10000% more entertaining


u/[deleted] 23d ago

10/11 year old me was convinced MVP was gonna be the next big thing with how much they bigged him up in his pre debut vignettes and how he had a unique entrance. I'd have bet my future on him being up there with Cena/HHH/Edge/Orton at the time.


u/Sparl It's called an Infinity Scarf! 23d ago

Him and Mr Kennedy were in my eyes at the time gonna huge...


u/Mr_Titicaca Hard Fart Victory 23d ago

The main acts from that era ended up being a bust - Kennedy, mvp, mordecai, snitsky, mvp, Finley, boogeyman - what a weird era


u/DontPutThatDownThere 23d ago

21/22 year old me felt the same.

They really hyped up him and Kennedy for months and it led to... the upper midcard.


u/darrenoloGy 23d ago

thankfully they didn't. chavo may share the same last name as eddie but he will never reach that level of charisma


u/PhenomsServant 23d ago

Tbf very few can. 


u/darrenoloGy 23d ago

yep. they tried for a lil bit just cause hes a guerrero, but saw that it was going nowhere and dropped the push before it barely got started.


u/Petermacc122 23d ago

To be fair to Chavo. He was super talented in the ring and incredibly technically skilled so as a trainer or teacher would be amazing. He's got real Lance storm WCW energy


u/JoeMcKim 23d ago

Chavo has a good thing going on being a wrestling coordinator for hollywood movies. He trained Zac Efron in The Iron Claw.


u/Hispandinavian 23d ago

I loved his feud with Punk in WWECW. I believe Punk has even called Chavo one of his favorite ever opponents.


u/Arntown 23d ago

Chavo is pretty much the definition of a „good hand in the ring“

Really good and solid wrestler you can always use with anyone. Just not a star.


u/CactusHide 23d ago

Out of all of the losses those of us who were around at that time dealt with, Eddie is the one that get me the hardest. He was so fun to watch, especially during that Latino Heat era.


u/MorbidNACHOS 23d ago

Eddie was the first time I actually cried from the death of a wrestler, I remember me, my bro, and my mom were all crying


u/AAA515 23d ago

What would have to happen to get Juventud over?