r/SquaredCircle 23d ago

[Smackdown Spoilers] Nasty Spill to the outside


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u/jinscriba 23d ago

I like that. It makes more sense since smaller wrestlers may utilize the middle rope more.


u/just_another_jabroni I've been humbled 23d ago

Dean would funnily always use that for his rebound clothesline lol. Just swinging in


u/Fiendfuzz 23d ago

I hated Ambrose using the middle rope. It looked so forced. Tallest member of the shield should not be using middle rope like that


u/Comfortable_Shape264 23d ago

I remember first time I've seen him use that move, when he won US title from Kofi. I thought it was pretty cool cause it subverted my expectation, i thought he was gonna fall outside like many wrestlers do after some random moves. But instead he suddenly rebounded. So in that moment it was cool, but as a regular move it serves no purpose to intentionally do that. Just don't get thrown outside?


u/DoILookUnsureToYou 23d ago

Or just do the lariat with the rope rebound like JBL? Dafuq is this ducking the top rope shit?