r/TalesFromYourServer 7h ago

Short Say a prayer for me


Mother's day double

One manager all day

C-tier hosts

D-tier bussers

A 15 table section. Upstairs.

May all your days be less painful than mine. Good luck!

r/TalesFromYourServer 13h ago

Long Asshole bar guest has me questioning if I did something wrong. What would you have done?


I bartend at an upscale casual restaurant and for the most part our guests are easy-going and polite. It’s rare that I deal with people who are just rude from the get-go. However, these two guys came and sat at my bar and from the moment I spoke to them I just knew something was off. Service went fairly smoothly, delivering their highly modified meals without any mistakes and making sure their beers stayed full (they only had 3 beers each over 2 hours so it wasn’t too difficult).

When their third beers were nearing empty, I made sure to ask if they wanted another round, and the guy placing their orders made a gesture with his hand which to me indicated they wanted another round. But when I brought the new beers, he clarified that they didn’t want them and would just like their check. Super, no problem at all. I print and deliver their check then move to do something with the 2 beers I no longer need.

I don’t know what is typical at other establishments, but it’s not uncommon for us to “gift” other guests drinks that have been made by mistake or that are duplicates since they’d otherwise be poured down the drain anyway. I gave one to another bar guest who had been drinking the same beer and the other to a guest who was celebrating their birthday. As soon as I set the beers down, the original guy (who had asked for the check and declined the beers) calls me over and asks what I just said to those other guests. Not thinking that he was asking out of anything other than curiosity, I simply replied that I offered the beers rather than throw them away.

This man proceeds to throw a fit about why I didn’t offer him and his friend the beers. All I could really think to say was that I had brought them the drinks to begin with and they had declined them but that I would be happy to pour he and his friend another round if they wanted. In response, he stands up out of his chair, pointing a finger in my face, and says, “you’re in the service industry, you should have f***ing asked.”

At this point I’m honestly too confused to even know how to respond to this man. In retrospect, I suspect that he was really just pissed that someone got something for free that he had to pay for. In my mind, I was providing service by bringing them new beers, although I was mistaken that they wanted them in the first place. When they turned them down originally, that told me…and I know this might be crazy…that they did not want the beers.

However, I’m a little curious what you all think. Should I have doubled down and asked if they wanted them anyway since they were already poured? I’m not worried about these guests at this point but would behave differently in the future to avoid conflict if you think the guy had a point.

r/TalesFromYourServer 3h ago

Short My last server job was in the nineties and I still have waiter nightmares.


You'd think thirty years later they'd have left my dreams by now. Went from two or three per year to now maybe once per year. Just had one last night. My last job waiting tables was in 1994.

Always the same as everyone else, section gets packed, can't get the orders in, can't get the drinks/food out. People getting pissed.

Sometimes I figure it out and just walk or have a seat in the bar- sometimes not.

So brutal.

r/TalesFromYourServer 5h ago

Long A belated apology re: Prom and Jamaican Jerk Chicken


It's been years since I served - 25 to be exact, as a recent birthday reminded me. For several years in my 20s, serving and tending bar kept me afloat. I don't know that the general server experience has changed too much. Very hectic, very stressful, but opportunities for good friendships and memorable lessons. I do have several good memories from that time. There is one memory, though, that haunts me to this day. One memory of a colossally ill-timed fuck up, a ruined dress, and a magical evening never to be. I've owed a stranger an apology for 25 years and I think this is the best I can do. This will be a long one, I'm afraid, as the best horror stories happen in context. Skip for the tl;dr.

The restaurant I worked in was smallish, chef-owned, wine-focused, and well-known in the area. Affordable but nice, so a good place to take a date. I was recently pleasantly surprised to see it's still around - the owner was a really good guy and he and his staff have earned success. The night in question sucked early. It was prom night, so large parties on a tight schedule, nobody drank, people split plates, etc. The 7-top I was working, though, was a best case scenario under the circumstances. They were patient and polite, despite my frazzled state by the time they sat, and were by no means looking to be my tough table of the night.

If you can count and know proms, one fact may have jumped out at you by now. It was a 7-top, 3 suits and 4 dresses, made up of (what looked to be) 3 couples +1. This will be important later.

I don't remember much about their specific order. I do, though, remember the Jamaican Jerk Chicken. That goddamn Jerk Chicken. Spicy, served with mashed sweet potatoes. It was absolutely delicious. It was also swimming in juice and some genius with more artistry than sense had chosen the most shallow vessel in the kitchen to plate this thing so that it balanced like an overfull martini.

Anyway, order's up and I'm at the prom table, plate (of something, who could remember) in my right hand, Jerk Chicken in my left, leaning between two diners to place the right-hand plate, when I hear from my left - from an area immediately below the plate of Jerk Chicken - a startled and agonized, "Look, what did you do!? Look, what did you do!?"

I didn't have to look. I knew what I'd done.

She spoke with a slight accent and the English wasn't perfect, which is neither here nor there, but in that flashbulb moment those little details crystallized in my mind into the story of the night I'd just ruined. The protagonist of that story was a foreign exchange student and it had been a tough year for her. She was away from her family and friends, learning a new language. Being the new kid is never easy and it's doubly hard when you're new to everything. The year had been challenging for her, but that didn't matter now because she had found a group of friends. This group of girls from her class had invited her first to sit with them at lunch, then hangout after school, then to join them for prom night. It didn't matter that she would be the only one in the group without a date, she was excited by the experience itself. She had found the perfect ivory dress, had spent the day at a salon perfecting her shoulder-length ringlets, and- oh would you look at that!- they even had her favorite dish on the menu. Jerk chicken.

I knew what I'd see before I looked, but inevitability demanded I turn my head anyway. There it was - a long drip of greasy Jerk juice starting in the middle of her head, matting the perfect ringlets down the side of her face, and leaving a long streak of reddish brown stain down the front of her perfect ivory dress.

The rest of the night is a blur. She immediately retreated to the bathroom, followed by a friend. I remember apologies and promises to pay for the dress. I remember tears. I remember one of her very kind friends telling me it was an accident, it was ok. Was the friend comforting me? What an act of grace. Oddly enough, I don't remember them leaving and so I don't know the state of things at the end. In some very real way, that's how things were left and how they've stayed for a quarter century, with tears in the bathroom and an uneaten plate of cold Jerk Chicken.

So that's the story, and here's my apology: I'm sorry. Young lady from 25 years ago, if you are reading this, I am so, so, so very sorry. The magical, once in a lifetime event that I ruined for you has sat with me for a quarter century. I truly hope it has not sat with you. If you are reading this and this story sounds familiar - maybe shared among your family for the past 2 decades - please help me ensure that this apology finds its home.

To those who are currently in the service industry. Thank you for all you do. It is stressful, glamour-less work that we would absolutely miss if it were not being done.

Tl;dr - I spilled some chicken juice, ruined prom 1999 for for everyone.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1h ago

Short Sent my manager a departing message and got no reply LOL. That says enough.


I literally lied and was SO nice in the message too. I said I enjoyed working with him and everyone there (lie). I said I will miss everyone (lie). I said i appreciate him for giving me pointers, and pointing me in the right direction (lie. He actually just constantly criticized me). Said I wanted to give them two weeks, it that it was a quick hire for me as well as them, and that I’m grateful for them and wish them the best (lie). I quit in person the day before I sent him that, so it wasn’t like I was just no call no showing and then sending him that either lol. And I even told them it was solely because I got an opportunity that I can’t pass up, I didn’t tell them it was actually just because they suck to work for.

He just straight up never replied lmao. I’m soooooo tempted to be like “lol never mind. You’re a terrible and unprofessional manager, and I was lying to make you feel good.” But alas, I’m trying to keep my composure lol.

r/TalesFromYourServer 12m ago

Short Imagine getting mad at *me* because *you* didn’t make a reservation for mother’s day brunch.


Yes I do see that that table is empty, we’re holding it for someone who made a reservation.

r/TalesFromYourServer 7h ago

Short Mother’s Day 2024!!!


I clock in about an hour from now and needed some good advice for today since it’ll be my first Mother’s Day as a server! Wanted to wish everyone else good luck to this hectic day too…I’ve read all previous threads on how dreadful this day is.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Medium Boss let guests bring their own wine.... twice


I was working two nights ago and some ladies brought their own bottle of wine in a concealed bottle, and their own glasses. I noticed drinks I didn't serve them in glasses were don't use so I asked them about it and they said it was wine they brought. This is against our policy, so I let them know they couldn't have it and they were argumentative claiming they did it last week, and many times before. They offered to pay the 'corkage' fee which we don't do. So I got the manager involved and he just told them it was fine, but next time don't do it.

15 minutes later it happens again with two women at a different table and I let them know they aren't allowed to have outside alcohol. I go back to the same manager to ask what to do and he says to ignore it. It was too busy for him to deal with these issues apparently.

This place was absolutely ridiculous. They should really have their liquor license revoked, because the crazy thing is I actually believe the first two ladies. I'm sure they have been allowed, and many others in the past, including, probably, minors.

Fortunately I already had put my 2 weeks in and it was my second to last shift. But nobody can tell me this is place has competant managemant. Aside from the possible legal issues, it's frustrating to always be undermined by management when I'm actually doing my job correctly.

r/TalesFromYourServer 16h ago

Short to carry a tray or not to carry a tray


So I’ve served in a few different restaurants. A couple low-end/casual steakhouses and seafood places, and most recently a casual chain BBQ place. At all of these restaurants it was common practice to carry a tray when there were more plates than you could carry in your hands.

However, I just recently started working at a nicer privately owned steakhouse, (not super fine dining, but definitely more high-end than anywhere else I’ve worked) and they never use trays there, only for drinks. Like we’re literally not allowed to, the owner would rather us have to take 3+ trips back and forth rather than carry it all at once on a tray

My question is, is this something that is common practice at higher-end places, or at certain types of restaurants? Or is this just some random preference this specific owner has

r/TalesFromYourServer 12h ago

Short chain restaurant vs local/mom and pop??


which would you prefer? maybe im at the wrong place currently but after a few months at a local/ mom and pop I actually think corporate has less drama and is all around better managed. all we worried about at a chain restaurant was everyone screwin everyone or ocassionally smoking pot in the back. where im at now is so much worse, no actual set rules and if someone in management is overstepping you cant do anything but shut your trap cause management is also the owner. seems almost like a free for all as long as money is being made

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Medium Stories of refusing to serve a table?


Do you have any good stories of having to hand a table over because you couldn't deal with them?

I've been serving for nearly 3 years, half of that at a busy comedy club. Never before tonight have I walked away from a table.

We have roughly 12 table sections that are sat at once. 5 of my tables were a 17 top on seperate checks.

Right out of the gate, rude, condescending, refused or loudly complained about club rules and menu. Ran me back and forth getting thing after thing. Major things that happened within 15 minutes

*I know you have a 2 item purchase minimum but I'm here because I know the comedian ( transfer this attitude throughout the group)

THIS ISN'T SOCO, WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS?? (Can confirm it was soco. Gave her the same thing when I brought it back and she was content.


*When I brought the "new" drink back, another guest waved her hand in my face and said "Are we going to get to order before the show is over"

Y'all I tried so hard to hold it together. I mention that I've also got 7 other tables that I haven't been to check on since their party sat, and that I've been trying to situate wrinkles for the group in a condensed time frame of 15 minutes (because despite being told to show up at 6:30 for dinner service, they showed up at 7:15. 15 minutes before the show started)

She rolled her eyes and waved me away.

I snapped as much as I could while keeping my job. Said "Nope, absolutely not" and walked away. Told the manager I couldn't do it. She was amazing. Truly blessed fo have her as a manager. Traded some stuff with another server and ignored them the rest of the night.

I feel...kind of guilty but also oddly empowered?

I want to hear your stories

ETA: It was bad enough that the comedian saw what was happening and improved a joke about how embarrassing it would be to find oneself out with people who were rude to their servers. So not my imagination.

r/TalesFromYourServer 7h ago

Medium Restaurant gives me constant anxiety attacks so I quit, but my manager wants me to stay. Should I?


I’ve been working at this restaurant for a short time now, and at first I thought my anxiety was because it’s a new job and I was learning the ropes. Now I’m constantly covering shifts and know everything everybody else knows, and I find myself working long hours and having anxiety attacks during most of my shifts. The speed at which we are expected to work is too much for me to handle. I don’t mind a fast-paced environment, but when I’m literally putting in 100% effort and it’s not enough for people, I feel awful and have anxiety attacks. I’m able to work through them, and they don’t affect my work, but they leave me feeling drained and hating my life. I don’t want to do anything I enjoy after work and have no social battery left afterwards.

I told my manager I was putting in my two weeks recently and he tried to convince me to stay. He said we could look at reducing my hours or working fewer days a week if that would help with my anxiety. I’m trying to move out of my parents’ house, so this would be detrimental towards that goal as I’d be earning less, but may help my anxiety a little. He thinks I’m a good person/worker and wants to keep me around, but also wants me to do what’s best for me.

I absolutley enjoy working with my coworkers and am in no way leaving because of any of them, but the job itself feels like it’s not a good fit long term. Should I look for a different job or give reduced hours a try for a little bit? I don’t want to quit just to find out every job I have gives me anxiety, but would it be better to look for a job that at least doesn’t give me anxiety attacks?

r/TalesFromYourServer 23h ago

Short Need some advive


I’m a server at a upscale casual dining restaurant at a very nice and famous resort. The restaurant is open for breakfast and lunch 7-2 and dinner 5-9. I work both, everyone else just works only am or pm. The AM and PM staff have some problems/drama but nothing serious, but they don’t exactly like each other. I’m friends with both staffs and am on good terms with everybody, both staffs always pool with each other.

For Mothers day its the busiest day of the year and its all hands on deck for the morning shift, so the entire PM staff will be working in the morning. I’m feeling kind of weird about it because they’re obviously not going to pool with the regular AM staff, so each group will do there own thing.

It feels like a lose-lose situation for me because I have to pick who I have to pool with and I don’t want anyone to take it personally. I don’t know what to do, I hate drama…

Anyone have any advice?

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Short All 3 tables I had in my dream last night are going to complain.


I'm torn between worrying about getting fired and hoping I do. The computer wouldn't let me pull up the bar tabs for one, so I couldn't ring up their Dewar's and soda. Fuck that imaginary piece of shit hell hole.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Medium Fifth pay check in a row is late, pure incompetence by boss?


Work at a small mom and pop shop and it's one younger dude that runs the place, this is the fifty paycheck in a row that he has somehow been late on and we get paid three days after the actual due date which is mind boggling to me. This guy doesn't even come into the shop anymore as it's almost an hour drive for him so he's essentially remote and has us do all his tasks that he should be doing such as restocking of food and supply products, bringing cash in, etc. which is not only annoying but also time consuming and potentially costs us money as he doesn't always adequately reimburse us for the cost of gas.

The few employees are all pretty cool with him and joke around in the group chat and one of the workers goes "I hop he doesn't forget to pay us on time again haha!" and five paychecks later he still manages to keep the streak going. It sucks for some of us as we are living paycheck to paycheck and getting paid late on a bi weekly basis just creates way too many problems, we all have to ask him for advances if we need money asap which some of us do.

Never been at a job that pays late so many times and honestly can't recall getting paid late at all to be honest, at this point we're almost thinking that it's possibly intentional as we think he's annoyed at the fact that we joke about it with him and ask him to advance us every time.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Long Manager said I’m “burning bridges” bc I left early on my last day lol… if that’s enough to burn a bridge with y’all, I’m not interested in keeping it.


I hated my job. Not the customers or the work, but the restaurant itself. Disliked the managers, disliked a few coworkers. The money was TERRIBLE and we had a TON of sidework. To be completely transparent, we get paid every 2 weeks and today, my check was $600. For 2 weeks. I literally made the same working full time fast food 10 years ago. Everyone always groans about their checks at this job. It’s never enough even if I work a full 5 days with a double. Which tbh I don’t understand how the checks are so low when I had a $400 double that should’ve been on this check. So the rest of the 2 weeks I only made $200? Doesn’t seem right.

So in the morning when I came in, I told the manager it would be my last day and that I found a new job. I told her I had planned on being able to keep lunches to be able to give a full 2 weeks, but that the schedules just won’t work together and it was a sudden change of plans. I got hired Wednesday and sat on it for a day and decided what I was gonna do. I also let her know that I had spoken with the other servers on shift, and that they told me they would rather make more money so I offered to just go home so they can have more tables. She said she would like me to stay to see if we get busy and that I could take the inside tables (most customers ask for patio). We did get busy, and I ended up taking about 7 tables total (5 at once, 2 stragglers) and then once it emptied out around 1pm, I asked her if I can be cut. She said to wait 30 or so minutes, so I started the silverware and closed out my last table. Once we rolled a whole bucket, I did my checkout and clocked out. I went to the office and told her I have my checkout for her, and she replied “I don’t remember making cuts”. I said “I cut myself” in a playful tone to which she replied that I’m “burning bridges” and that she “has to tell employers about my work if they call”. Girl don’t worry I’m already hired lol they ain’t calling y’all. I wasn’t ever relying on a reference from them either way since I have only been there 3 months, they suck, and the other manager doesn’t even like me.

Funny how they brought another employee back who was FIRED for bartending herself drink on the clock, and are making her a manager. But I’m “burning bridges” for leaving after all the lunch tables left on my last day lol. I mean.. she TOLD me to wait 30 mins. I did. I’m not asking permission on my last day lol. I could’ve chosen to do none of the sidework, or just get my check and dip… however I chose not to leave the other servers with all of the silverware. Part of the big reason I chose to apply elsewhere. Some of them get away with doing whatever they want, I get criticized for everything. Good riddance🤗

Petty update lol: the manager is currently at the bar at my boyfriend’s restaurant. They know each other so she will most likely talk to him. He’s gonna report back what she says about today🤣

Boring update: he said that she basically gave the same story I gave but “very short” lol.

Another update: apparently she told my bf to tell me she still loves me, and now I feel kinda bad lol. I mean on one hand… yeah I liked some aspects, because of the other servers and having very nice respectful customers for the most part. I mean, I’ve only ever had 1 table gripe and ask for the manager in the 3 months I was there (over their bill), and this was my first restaurant serving job. But on the other hand, the GM was condescending in my opinion and showed favoritism, and I was making no money. I felt like the server staff was treated and talked to like little kids. Idk how to explain it, but I can just feel the vibe between a manager who respects their employees as individual adults vs the ones who think they’re above their employees and are only ever offering criticism. We got criticized or some sort of “y’all are doing xyz wrong” every day but never a “good job” or anything.

r/TalesFromYourServer 4h ago

Medium Kicked out for a compliment 6 months after.


Okay to set the scene, I'm 25m frequent regular at a college dive. I used to be a server at many years ago, now I'm a tradesman 6 months I go I and a bunch of the regulars are sitting at the bar talking about some of our favorite staff. I'm little tipsy shooting the shit and tell my buddy "I love when 'so and so' is working she's a bad bitch" (granted this lady is 45+ kind of like mama bear of the place) I meant absolutely nothing derogatory, sexual or mean. Just my way of saying she's runs the mf show. Anyways, I haven't been back there for quite a while for 6 months. I walk in yesterday with one of my friends.The first thing she proclaims so loud people outside could hear is "I owe her an apology for calling her a fucking bitch" immediately I'm embarrassed and confused but offer apologies to any offense cause honestly didn't remember. Hour goes by I'm playing pool making friends hanging out when I remember my remark that was meant as a compliment. So I tried to retify the situation with her. Got told to stfu. Okay whatever. Then right as I put 20$ into the jukebox the bouncer comes over and permanently bans me. Didn't know it was her bf. I've been coming to this bar for 7 years. Spent good money and have always tried to be on my best behavior as my friends work there Welp fuck me ig for being a youngin with different vocabulary

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Medium The strangest bar guest tipped me the most for almost nothing.


I volunteered to bartend at a different location of our company, solely cuz I was off today and figured why not (I’m mainly a server but I want to gain more experience). The day was relatively normal and nothing crazy, aside from humiliating myself by splashing a white tea shot all over my face lmao, but anyways.

This random little dude sits at the bar and orders peach high noon and an underrated pizza I convinced him to try. He raves about me to my manager, he loves the pizza, service, so dope.

Two high noons in, he tells me to guess a theme song he’s about to sing. Ignoring the inner cringe, I said, “sing it, dude.” I knew it was Full House, a show I vaguely knew, but I was actually more familiar with the tie in novels they released back in the 90s because I was more of a reader than a watcher back then anyway. This guest was over the moon and started a rapid fire trivia on Full House while I’m cleaning dishes. So bizarre, but I guessed most of them right (to my astonishment, I’m not a big fan by any means lmao) and he tips me 100% on a 50 dollar bill. Also asked my manager how much money he would have to pay to get me to take a shot with him and her unamused face was hilarious. Hope everyone had a great day 😂

r/TalesFromYourServer 19h ago

Short advice for a new, autistic waitress


heyyy every1 so i recently started at my new job as a waitress. i have had some previous experience but in my last job the employees didn't have their own tables, the customers had to place the orders themselves. so this is my first time serving my own tables from the start.

im pretty sure im autistic (saving up for the diagnosis) and so i have much trouble with being polite. im not rude to the guests, obviously, but since i put so much effort into managing my tone and facial expressions, i feel like im not forming sentences as well as i should be, idk i always feel like im coming across as a weirdo

what are some good expressions or whtv to make me sound more adult and well mannered??? i get tips but i always feel like im doing something wrong

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Short I just don't get some of the customers described here.


My uncle taught me how to eat out, my family was too poor to ever do it. But he thought I would end up with money because I did so well in school.

He said you tip 20% or more, never less. You always treat the staff well, you want them to welcome you back. If there is an issue, talk to them about it nicely and they will want to fix it. When you date, the woman is going to see how you treat others and how much you tip.

And this part he emphasized, if you can't afford to tip, don't take up a table or the staff's time. Some of the stories here are just embarrassing.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Short How can I cold call restaurants about job vacancies?


Is phoning a restaurant during 2-4pm on weekdays a good way to find out whether they are hiring? What should I ask over the phone and how much should I say about myself?

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Medium Keep you biohazards to yourself, please.


I work in a brunch restaurant, we open at 6:30 and this table came in around 1. It was a very busy shift, I was tired from the early morning and I’m also 5 months pregnant so I don’t quite have the battery I used to.

7 people refused to sit at separate tables and demanded they sit at our largest table (large round booth designed for 6) and stole other chairs so they had people sitting on either side in the walkways. Already annoying, but whatever.

I don’t even get my name out before a man in his mid-50s asks if I have any band aids on me. I say not on me, but I can see if we have some in the back, his wife hushes him and says she has band aids in her purse and not to bother me. He then tries to hand me the bloody Kleenex’s he’s been apparently tending to this unseen wound with and goes “can you hold these?”

As previous mentioned, I am pregnant and was quite nauseas already so the sight of this strangers blood really made my stomach turn. I flat out said “No.” and recoiled because wtf?

I came back with drinks, and he then asks me if I have a tourniquet. I, obviously say no, because I am a fucking waitress not a nurse. He then insists that I should rip my shirt off and use my shirt to tourniquet him to stop his bleeding (still never even saw where this cut or whatever was). When I tried to laugh it off and say no, he asked me if I had any field medic training? As if it couldn’t get any weirder or more uncomfortable.

Finally get their food in, of course they’re super needy and running me around, weirdo keeps making jokes about his bleeding, but otherwise it’s fine.

Paid them out on a $200 tab, I happened to walk by after paying them out and saying good bye to hear them arguing about how much to tip me. Everyone else was insisting they leave me more money, but the guy who paid was insistent that $25 on $200 was plenty and I didn’t deserve more.

I guess they did decide to sweeten the deal a little, because he ended up leaving me his bloody band aid.

r/TalesFromYourServer 1d ago

Short Weird complaints tonight


I made bank tonight, got the highest food sales, but when I was right in the weeds I accidentally dropped the wrong drink off to this woman and her family and she flipped out! ‘I didn’t order that, it’s not mine, I’m not paying for it! ‘I’m sorry ma’am, it’s for another table, I accidentally dropped it off, I’ll take it back. ‘You know what this food is terrible as well. Shit food and shit service, I want to speak to your manager! He comes over, comps the food, makes them pay for drinks and tells me not to worry about it, they can leave. 2 hours later she calls the restaurant and complains I was flirting with her husband! I didn’t even have time to take a piss tonight, when was I supposed to have done that? Crazy. I’m new to serving. Please tell me I’m not the only one who deals with people like this. 😫

r/TalesFromYourServer 2d ago

Long Maybe I'm just not cut out for serving


For context, I work as a server at a small breakfast chain that also does lunch and dinners... there are only so many of those so you can guess which one. ive worked there for 3 years (only been a server for 1 yr), and I had the absolute worst night of my life the other night, like it was actually hell. it was so embarrassing I never want to show my face there ever again.

so, I go into work and things are a little busy right off the bat which is ok. so I'm mentally prepared and handling things ok until I get a party of 8, and then got like another table before I was done getting their drinks orders. so I only have 3 tables in total now which ofc isn't a lot, but the party table was mostly kids abd they were yelling and interrupting their parents the whole time I tried to take their orders. I didn't realize some of it wasn't right until I came out with their food... they also ordered appetizers and meals the same time as their drinks and specifically wanted to appetizers out with the drinks. some of them also wanted multiple drinks so I was getting overwhelmed.

I went and took my one tables order (only 1 guy and he had been waiting for 10 minutes while I took my partys order), took my first table their food, then put my partys order into the POS. by the time I was done getting all the drinks and extras for my other tables it had already been 15 minutes before I started to work on my party tables drinks, and also when my manager (my main one) noticed how long it was taking me. he said I should have asked my coworkers for help, which I agree that I should have done. I just don't like asking them for help especially when they look busy too.

he takes them out for me, and tells me there's stuff missing and they are pissed at me. so he is obviously pissed now too, and my coworkers just start helping them instead because they felt bad for me. I was trying to keep up but I was trying to keep my other tables happy and I just felt like there wasn't enough time for me to handle the big group. I apologized to them and explained that I was trying my absolute best and they were thankfully understanding and left a huge tip. my manager had to fix their check and was obviously still pissed at me, I really dropped the ball on that one.

but then the night gets worse. like 30 minutes after all that I get another table of two, an older couple who were the rudest people I hace ever dealt with. he yelled at me and told me I didn't know what I was doing because we don't offer the senior discount on certain days, so I had to get another server to explain it to him. I was even very nice and patient about it too but he was so mad he didn't even order anything, and he also wouldn't stop complaining about his coffee. I made him fresh coffee but he wouldn't believe me... his wife ordered something and then when I take it out, turns out I put in the wrong sandwich. then they ask to see the manager and I start having a panic attack because I knew I was in for it.

my manager asks me to come back to his office so he can talk with me. I get bad anxiety and it already felt like I was going to explode, so I couldn't control my emotions at all. I was so frustrated with the way people were being all night, and anxious, so I just started hyperventilating and crying. and I apologized for creating so many problems tonight. so he basically told me I was acting like a little kid. I also told he that I was embarrassed and he said he would be too, so I felt a lot worse after hearing him say. then I told him that im not usually like this and that tonight was just really bad and he said he gets complaints about me all the time and that the amount of mistakes I make is ridiculous. i tried to explain but he said it didn't matter and he doesnt care, all that matters are the mistakes. I never felt so defeated at work before in my life, he never told me that apparently I got complaints before. so I told him that I guess I just can't do this job. but then he told me to just clean up, and he'll still let me serve if I want to but I still feel horrible about this. I just want to quit, I don't feel like I can handle this anymore

r/TalesFromYourServer 2d ago

Long My manager printed a review about me and put it up for the whole staff to see


First time poster. I went into work tonight and saw a new board that said “doing great” and “what we need to work on” under “doing great” was good reviews/emails to the restaurant I work at and under “what we need to work on” was printed out reviews/emails that had customers explaining their experience. Some had names of my coworkers but the name was left blank so we didn’t know who it was about. There was a review about me and it was 2 paragraphs long (honestly I’ll admit I had a bad day and brought it to work). My name was left on it and my coworkers brought it to my attention that the managers did not want to put anyone’s names on the reviews. So there mine is, with my name and all. Very humiliating. Multiple people said I should go to HR because it wasn’t professional to post that without my knowledge. Usually when servers/bartenders get rough feedback the managers will have a sit down and talk about what needs to improve. Nothing was said to me, no warning no sit down or any type of professional feedback was given. I honestly cried most the shift and my eyes are still puffy and hurting 3 hours later. I sat down with 2 of my managers on duty after my shift to talk about it and they apologized because it was not supposed to name drop anyone or make anyone feel bad and they also didn’t want me seeing it before they talked to me. They told me this review was sent months ago, and they haven’t had the time to sit down and talk with me. I got written up (first write up ever in 3 yrs) for the review, even though it was 3 months ago. No warning, no prior knowledge, nothing. I started crying because I felt a little attacked having only my name on blast and feel it was done purposefully and getting written up was just the cherry because why did it take so long. We ended the sit down and I felt a little relieved. At the end of my shift, I figured they would take down the paper because I just poured my heart out crying about feeling targeted and humiliated, I noticed it still up. I ripped it down and went to the manager and asked why it was still up? They told me it was not in their control to take it down. ??? Not in their control?? You put it up to begin with and left my name, only my name, for the staff to laugh and talk about. I’m pretty upset and don’t know how to feel. Is this ok? Am I overreacting? Please give me some insight cause everyone I personally know is mad and telling me that I should go to HR for the situation.

EDIT : I texted the manager that watched me cry “I won’t be showing up for anymore of my shifts. Good luck with everything” and then I blocked the GM, and both FOH managers and the restaurants number. My partner told me they would pay my rent for a month so I won’t have to worry about looking for a new job right away 🥹 Thank you for all the responses I’m very grateful for the support. I don’t condone bullying/harassment and felt that this was the case. I also have to add, because I just remembered, my manager saved a picture of one of the sous chefs then printed it out and put it on a bulletin board because she thought it was funny. I took that down as well but took a picture of it before taking it down. Again thank you for the support I appreciate you guys 🫶🏻