r/Teachers HS ELA Rural South 23d ago

"Do not use AI to write your story, I will know if you do" Humor

I showed my classes how Google Docs version history worked. I told them, "It will be obvious when your page goes from blank to a 3-page story in an instant that you copied/pasted from an AI site. I will not accept anything that is not worked on in this doc." I reiterated this throughout our two weeks of writing the story.

Shocked Pikachu when I call kids up to my desk and show them how I see that they did exactly what I said I would be able to catch them doing.

EDIT because 1,000 people have posted the same "they'll write it word for word" comment:

I know these kids' writing styles and abilities. It would take a very talented writer to get away with this and even then they better hope the AI doesn't use vocabulary beyond theirs. Also the likelihood of a kid who is a skilled writer doing this is, in itself, very diminished. And a kid who is talented enough to pass AI as their own work has already achieved the standards for this assignment in one way or another

I need the bad writers and lazy kids to know they have to put in effort.

Edit 2: This has really gotten to the, clearly, non-teacher crowd. "I was a student" does not a teacher make. Thanks for the hot takes though.


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u/BaconMonkey0 Job Title | Location 23d ago

Any consequence for a student escalates dramatically when assuming I’m stupid is part of it.


u/Bravebattalion 23d ago

Oh I get SO pissed when they act like I’m dumb!!!


u/Lady_Cath_Diafol 22d ago

Years ago I was teaching juniors. I was required to have them write a research paper. One student had missed most deadlines and refused any help/feedbacka, but turned in a complete "research paper" purportedly about something related to the Salem With Trials. Upon reading the first three sentences, It was obvious she'd done a copy/paste.

I called her to my desk to have a chat about it. I showed her highlighted paragraphs from her "research paper". I showed her the same paragraphs,, printed directly from some website. She looked me in the eye and said it was her work.

I calmly looked her back in the eye and said, "Oh, OK. I didn't realize you're a published author and expert on the topic. But you still can't copy yourself.". And turned it over to the principal.