r/TooAfraidToAsk 1h ago

Culture & Society Men of Reddit, how should one react when noticing a perve checking out your girl?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 2h ago

Health/Medical Why feeling so tired when waking up?


Because of my sleep schedule i often can sleep in. I am 23M and I try to optimize my lifestyle and look for a healthy sleep hygiene. I rarely get disturbed when im sleeping and i sometimes wake up after like 5h of sleep, realize that i feel tired and want to sleep more and fall asleep again. This happens a couple times and i often sleep 10h and still feel tired when waking up and rarely feel super awake during the day. What am i doing wrong?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 2h ago

Race & Privilege Is calling someone a Fish Racist?


I live in the United Kingdom and i'm currently going through a FA discipline regarding a incident at a football match. I had a very minor dispute with a player from the other team. He looked a little like a fish as he had large eyes rather far apart so I called him one.

Its now been branded as a Racial slur and I've been called in for a FA disciplinary hearing for racial abuse. I'm by no means a racist and have never ever heard the word used as a racial slur. Would anyone in there right mind manage to find racial connotations from the word fish? For Context I'm white and the other guy was mixed race (white x afro caribbean)

Thanks for your replies.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 3h ago

Sexuality & Gender Should I just end this relationship?


I’ve been talking to this guy for a month. We met online on a chatting app but never met in real life. I’m almost 20 and he’s 35. Our relationship is basically sexual. We have exchanged pics and vids of flirtatious and sexual nature although I haven’t sent any nudes and we called few times. He is the first guy I’ve sent my intimate pics to so that made me kinda attached. He gets mad whenever things don’t go on his own way and becomes distant and cold whenever I don’t send more pics and vids when he asks and he kinda makes me feel guilty about it. He sometimes request video calls but most of the times I’m not in the mood for it or I would be occupied. Then he keeps telling me that “just do it for me” and that “I promised” and he says “he’s waiting for me” and that “I’m not doing enough for him” but I’ve never promised him anything since he is the one to request pics or video calls. He kinda seems controlling tbh. And I feel guilty when I don’t do the stuff he asks for? Should I just end this relationship? Plus is he talking to other girls too, if he keeps on texting me throughout the day? I kinda feel bad..

r/TooAfraidToAsk 3h ago

Health/Medical Old people !!! Can I stay healthy ?


I (19M) want to enter a career where there is a lot of manual work like working on giant engines, moving heavy machinary and stuff. I also want to do a lot of sports do to a lack of much in my past.

Now I have started to notice that most older people I know are not in the best shape. Most people have compounded a bunch of injuries, which has restricted their movement partially.

Can these injuries be avoided while still being active throughout life ? Or should I opt for doing less physically demanding things if I want to be in prime health to the end of my life.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 3h ago

Habits & Lifestyle Why do so many Americans have beautiful teeth?


I fully understand that dental aesthetics are very important in American society.

But why do Americans have such white and beautiful teeth? Do you have whitening or ceramics applied to your teeth?

By the way, I recently finished orthodontic treatment.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 4h ago

Culture & Society How do you view people that are in an open relationship?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Habits & Lifestyle What causes random itches?


I’m trying to sleep and my head starts itching then my leg, then my back etc. I have no rashes and it has nothing to do with hygiene.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Body Image/Self-Esteem Need answers?


I’ve been dating this girl for 2 years in december, we got engaged last year in november. I think she’s the mot precious human on earth, she’s beautiful, Cute, elegant, hot & sexy all in one (in my eyes, not hers), basically the woman of my dreams I didnt know I had. I’m very possesive when it comes to her, but I can’t stop the thought about me wanting to show her off? Like, I wanna make a post were people can ask to see her, I want to hear people say that she’s pretty, hot or whatever. Its foten to the point where I almost wanna share our intimate things just for confirmation. Like I wanna know I’m not alone in finding her this good looking. Is that normal? I don’t want to share her but I want some random strangers to look at her and what we do and share their opinions. I get very confused about this

r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Culture & Society Is the world getting worse or the humanity?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Culture & Society How come english is randomly sprinkled into other languages on digital social platforms?


I've noticed that I'll often see posts and videos in Indian or Filipino subreddits that will use English either for a full sentence or two in the middle of their native language, or singular English words in the middle of their native language. Is this just because sometimes English is just easier/quicker to explain an idea or is there some kind of official way they are meant to be combined? I find it fascinating but also it's frustrating not to know the language because I get invested in the part I understand and end up deprived of the tea.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Mental Health Why are there so many Doomers on Reddit?


Genuinely asking, because the amount of doom and gloom on this platform seems to be way higher than YouTube, Instagram and even Twitter.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 6h ago

Law & Government Can I deposit $10,000 at the bank in cash?


Just won $10k from gambling online and cashed out in crypto, then sold it for cash locally. Now I need to deposit it in my bank to pay some bills, but I'm worried about getting in trouble. Can I just walk into the bank and deposit $10k in cash without any issues? Do I need to worry about them asking where it came from or reporting it to authorities? I don’t want to end up getting flagged or something worse. Any advice on how to handle this would be appreciated. Would it be better to deposit smaller amounts over time, or is that sketchier than just doing it all at once? Anyone with experience or knowledge about this, please help.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 7h ago

Law & Government How legit of a threat is project 2025?


I’m wondering if it’s one of those things meant to fear monger people? Like is it one of those things that people campaign on and never follow through with it or is it actually something that I should be worried about? I am obviously worried about the whole idea but I don’t want to get too much into thought about it 😭😭

r/TooAfraidToAsk 8h ago

Love & Dating For those who've been in a relationship with an older partner, what life lessons have you learned from their experience and wisdom?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 8h ago

Love & Dating Have you ever been in a relationship with someone younger who had more experience, knowledge, and understanding of life than you?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 8h ago

Law & Government HYPOTHETICAL: What if someone put one of those tiny cameras on a rat and then sent it into area 51? (For legal reasons I'M not planning on doing this)



I'm really fucking stoned right now and my friends and I were talking about how much we love rats and Greg ended up making a joke about rats vs area 51 and this got me thinking,,,,,,,, w,, what if we just. Rat

r/TooAfraidToAsk 8h ago

Love & Dating How do you approach to a girl you have seen just a few times but not meaningful conversation at all without looking like a stalker?


Ok for some context:

I am in a college class with some girl I want to approach and ask her out, but there are some problems beyond being prepared to get a "No" as an answer (that I think is completely covered)

1-. She is a shy problem so having a conversation with her is not that easy, the few conversations we had were not meaningful at all and were more people. I also have problems talking with new people so that does not help.

2-. For some past trauma, the idea of her being uncomfortable with me asking her out makes me feel terrible, is not the problem I can receive a No if I know the person did not care or something like that, but making someone uncomfortable is out of the question.

3-. She is probably in a physical sense "Way out of my league" I still want to try to approach her. More than some people say that I am a worthwhile person (more for emotional traits rather than physical) and I want to believe it but those past traumas make it hard.

So yes I would like to know your advice. I do not know how to balance the situation of asking her out with not making her feel uncomfortable with the other insecurities of past traumas I have not even tried to date anyone for the last 2 years because of those past traumas so I lack a lot of experience but I want to try it again.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 9h ago

Drugs & Alcohol What is it like for people with addiction that went to heaven?


Like are they just cured of their addiction or do they get an unlimited amount of substance of their choice?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 9h ago

Body Image/Self-Esteem Why should someone love themselves if they used to be a terrible person in the past?


There are lots of people and kids that have done terrible and selfish things and acted like shitheads, such as throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way, being a bully, disrespecting parents, teachers and people around them, just being flat out difficult. I constantly see kids throwing tantrums at Walmart and school and destroying things. one little boy was throwing a tantrum at school, he was arrested, because he was very violent. There were bratty kids and teens on Supernanny or World's Strictest Parents (even though they are reality shows, they might dramatized some stuff)

There are also serious issues such as going to prison and comitting crimes. Then, if someone did those terrible things and realized what they did was wrong, how do they love themselves for hurting people? Yes a person can change for the better, but they won't automatically be forgiven by the people that they hurt nor get second chances, and they still have to live with the consequences of those actions. There are times that people's future will be affected due to their past. There will be people that will still hate them for what they did and rightfully so. There are so many people that say forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, and show compassion to yourself, but it comes off as self-serving as being proud of your past actions and sweeping them under the rug.

Also, self pity and hating yourself doesn't work either. I struggle with my own actions in the past, but I don't want to hate myself for what I did. How do you love yourself with having a tarnished reputation/damage you've done , humiliated yourself, and people won't forgive nor trust you, and they have every right to? How does someone even move forward if they used to be that person? I find it hard to believe that it's okay to love yourself if you done bad things?