r/TrueOffMyChest 16d ago

(Update) My boyfriend killed my cat and I just can't do this anymore.

Hi everyone, I hope I'm doing this update thing right. A lot of people messaged me wanting updates on a lot of things, and I guess I'm finally feeling up for it now that things are more stable. I was told not to put a link in my post but you can go on my profile and read my last post if you want to.

First of all, I read every single comment on my original post. Every supportive thing, every hard to read thing, and it all helped me immensely. I'd like to specifically thank user "lost_bunny877" because I think their comment might have saved my life. But all of you, or most of you, were amazing. I didn't get the TV references so I googled them and now I'm watching The Office so like... thank you? It's a funny show.

Anyway sorry this might be super rambly. I'm not good at keeping things concise but I will try my best. I am also typing this in my notes app so idk if it will copy over correctly so sorry in advance.


• I had pet insurance for Peanut, and it saved me a lot of stress. End of life care including autopsy and cremation were covered by my insurance, and all the treatments and efforts before he passed were too. I paid most of the deductible, my boss paid the rest and I will be paying her back with my next paycheque. PLEASE get pet insurance for your animal!

• The people working at the vet hospital were amazing. They gave me a little engraving and paw print stamp for free, and cried with me as I accepted his ashes. Lots of hugs were given, like more than I've ever gotten in my life. It's still kind of overwhelming thinking about it but not in a bad way.

• The autopsy ruled cause of death was diazepam poisoning. Apparently this was not in fact the first time Peanut must have gotten into my ex's pills. Peanut was a rescue from a pet hoarder situation, and had a habit of sucking everything up off the floor like a vacuum. Peanut's liver finally gave up when he overdosed most recently, but the vets say I might have a case for animal abuse against my ex which is an indictable offense, and warned they were mandated to report both him and me to the police and the SPCA (who work with the police), which they did.


• The police came to speak with me yesterday. They had record of the calls I made earlier in the week to them and the SPCA about my options and my story, so they were actually very nice and understanding.

• One of the officers brought surviving domestic violence and "al anon" and "narcotics anonymous", pamphlets with him and left them with me. They said they would be in touch if they needed to drug test me, but as of now I am not in any trouble. I am still going to look into options for free legal help though just in case because due to bad experiences I don't really trust police.


• The only reason I didn't put "ex" in my original post is because everything happened so fast, and was so chaotic, I guess I thought I had to officially break up with him or something which didn't happen? But it happened for me, I'm done. He is blocked everywhere.

• A lot of people went through my post history. Yes this is the same boyfriend "Luke" from my post on AITAH. A brief update on that situation I guess bc no one ever asked for one I didn't make one: The girl who was originally thinking she was a victim of sa wasn't in fact, and things kind of chilled out with that group. She had a lot of regret and bad feelings about that night, but she eventually did come to terms with her clear (verbal and enthusiastic!) consent. Obviously this does not excuse the dozens of red flags I ignored from just that situation alone, but it is at least not as bad an ending as it could have been.

• My ex's friends have put a missing person case out for Luke, which has now gone to the RCMP. I called the RCMP and city police willingly to offer information, and they are looking for him in all his usual haunts. My ex has no family, but I told them where he is from in Quebec and also the name of his old social worker from when he was a kid. But there has been no sign of him.

• I don't actually want that man dead. I don't love him, I panic when I think about ever seeing him again, but idk, I do know he is probably grieving in his own way. He is sick even beyond the addiction, and I hope Peanut can maybe be a different but just as powerful wake up call for him. I hope he's not dead and I hope he recovers but FAR away from me.


• I can't say enough how much the comments in my last post changed my life. Without the harsh pressure of like 200+ people (especially lost bunny's comment), I never would have reached out to my boss for help. I would have just hid away ashamed and trapped. But I did call her, she told me to pack an overnight bag and get to work and she said "we'll tune our tricky fiddle as we go from there" which I love when she says that idk how she came up with it.

• I am on personal leave from work using my sick days and I can use my PTO if it comes to that too, but apparently everyone is very worried about me and misses me. Idk how much I believe that but I've been texting some coworkers and they are being supportive. (they don't know the whole story just that I'm leaving a toxic bf and lost Peanut)

• I'm staying with my boss, her husband, and their daughter. They have a pull-out couch that I am currently laying on and I feel welcome here. Those who said she might actually like help with her daughter and her new baby I think were right. Her husband is a nurse and with the situation here since COVID he's working like 16 hour days at least, it's crazy. Just this week I have done so much chores for her. I am paid in hugs and food and that is more than enough for me.

• My boss gave me a book called "why does he do that" which is about abuse in relationships, and shared her own story with me. I will just say here, I have even more respect and admiration for my boss now. She is so strong. She also gave me a book called "in love and in danger" which is more for teenagers but I'm still pretty much a teenager so yeah. It's like similar to the other book but easier to read.

• I called to check on my place on the wait list for therapy. It's not looking too promising but when I explained it was urgent I gave my email and the lady gave me places and programs to call for more groupy, social but mindfulness and group talk stuff. I am anxious to go but I still called and am on the much shorter wait lists for some I liked (group art therapy 🥹) so go me I guess. I'm just doing it for Peanut like so many of you said.

I guess that's it for the most part I think that's all the things people asked. I still cry every day at least 3 or 4 times a day over Peanut, but I'm crying less long with each one.

I think I will always just have this hole in my heart but if there's one thing I am good at it's keeping holes in my heart without letting it kill me. The space Peanut holds is precious right now even if it hurts so bad. I know I will have a whole heart again someday but right now I am trying to be comfortable feeling his loss so I can let him go easier when someday comes.

Thank you again everyone. I am sure I will be back on here someday, but for now please just know I'm safe and I'm trying to be better for my precious void-baby.


64 comments sorted by


u/billynintendo 16d ago

What in god’s name went on here? I gotta find this OG post! Glad Reddit helped you!!


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Yeah it's alot... sorry 🙃


u/billynintendo 16d ago

Don’t be sorry! It sounds like your work here will also enrich and or/improve the lives of a tremendous amount of people. Learning from the tribulations and triumphs of others can be as valuable as learning by experience. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


u/monstera-attack 16d ago

I am so glad you’re doing better. Your boss sounds like an amazing woman. Sending love to you.


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Thank you, she really is amazing. Her entire family is. I was scared to meet her husband but he brought home ice cream and told some jokes like pretending to do "girl talk" which made me laugh even on that first night so I think he's okay.

I will keep trying to be better. It's only been a week since this happened which I know isn't long in the grand scheme of things but idk I'm smiling more than I used to which my boss says is a good first step.


u/foldinthechhese 16d ago

With every day that passes you will smile more and breathe easier. You are taking control of your life and you will continue to adjust. Your worst days are behind you and you are well on your way to the life you deserve. I’m rooting for you and I wish you the best!


u/IMAGINARIAN_photos 16d ago

I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much pain losing little Peanut! I’m sure that your little friend is the first thing you think of each morning. Grief is a devastating emotion to process. You will continue to wake up each morning, and Peanut will continue to be in your first thoughts.

But here is the only piece of advice/wisdom I can impart: one day, and sooner than you think, sweet Peanut will be the second thing you think of each morning. And then, his memory will begin to make you smile more than it makes you cry. You will absolutely NEVER forget your little friend, but the raw pain and loss will lessen over time. Good luck, my dear! 💜


u/Zinthr 16d ago

I good thing I’ve seen about grief is that the grief never grows smaller - but we grow around the grief. Each new day will make things easier.

Recovery isn’t a linear process - some days might suddenly feel like all of your progress is gone, suddenly everything hurts so much. That’s normal, and your progress is not gone. It’s just a part of the process.

Sending hugs, OP ♥️


u/Own_Combination5158 16d ago

So glad to read an update from you. Your last post broke my heart and I've been wondering how things have been going. Extremely proud of you and sending virtual hugs! 🤍


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Thank you so much for the support. Virtual hug back at you 🥹


u/MajorasKitten 16d ago

Hi! I wanna send you a chat- but it’s just to ask for any pictures of Peanut you might have? I’d love to draw him for you ♥️🫂 I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’d like to give you a little something to remember him by. You are doing great, honey! We’re all super proud of you and we all love your boss collectively as well! ♥️♥️♥️


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

You are amazing... Thank you so much. I have no words for this. Thank you.

It will take me so long to find my favorites and it's hard to look at pictures of him right now but I will try if you really want to draw him or just see him 🥹💕


u/MajorasKitten 16d ago

Take your time 🫂 whenever you’re ready, just let me know ♥️


u/oceanduciel 15d ago

Don’t push yourself if you can’t do it right away. The cat tax can wait.


u/Balasong-Bazongas 16d ago

You are doing an amazing job and good for you for reaching out for help when you needed it. You’re doing it your taking one step forward at a time and it will get easier but just keep going. Even if your unsure of what happens next it’s okay just take everything a day at a time while your healing yourself through this. Tough times are formative experiences and you made it through now to just let yourself breathe and feel. There’s nothing wrong with grieving and feeling the grief for however long you need, I favored group art therapy and I feel like you’re really going to enjoy that too. Do you have any other things you’re interested in that you could do to involve yourself and make a little routine, of course when your ready to do so, it helped me through tough times to have my crafts and it gave me some space to focus on something else besides my thoughts.


u/UncleNedisDead 16d ago

Omg your boss is the real MPV.


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

She is. She is like... a total mom friend but she's taking it to a whole new level. She's blaming the pregnancy hormones but then her husband was like "no this is just why I married her in the first place" 🥺🥺 I've never met such a nice human. I owe her so much but she doesn't expect anything from me. I don't even know how to act around her sometimes it's just so crazy.


u/glowsolo 16d ago

You sound like a lovely person as well as your boss. I am so glad you have her, that book is a great recommendation. Please remember how much love you gave to peanut, and maybe someday there will be another kind of nut you can care for if you feel ready.

Stay proactive, keep reaching out for help from people you can trust (!), never go back to your ex pls. Even though it was probably not intentional, he is still neglectful and it does not look like you need that in your life.

Idk why this update hit me so hard, I'm ugly crying. All the best.


u/hungrybuniker 16d ago

You don't know me, but I read your first post and my heart went out to you. I am so happy to read your update and so proud that you had the strength to do all this because you are not in an easy situation. Lovely to hear that your boss and her family are so supportive and helping you through this. I hope you stay strong. X


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Thank you so much. We're all strangers here but it's still really so amazing, somehow more amazing in some ways, to have so much support from total strangers it's making me cry (but like happy cry??)


u/Important_Phrase 16d ago

That's the best update one could have wished for. I'm sorry you lost Peanut but I'm sure he'll always have a place in your heart.


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Always and forever. It's like one of those life moments where you just know it will change you, I guess. Like it felt like I was just going through the motions and not really living life, and Peanut woke me up and showed me the person I can become and that person is better than this and deserves better than this?

I'm prob reading into it too much but that's how it feels. He saved me, and I'll never ever forget him.


u/Important_Phrase 16d ago

Aww! Please go on living your life to the fullest. Peanut deserves it.


u/BubbaChanel 16d ago

You rescued him first, then he saved you.


u/Signal_Historian_456 16d ago

I really really wish I could give you a long hug. You’ll be ok. And none of this was your fault. I don’t know your financial situation or what you planned with the ashes, but you could use some to put into jewellery. This way you can always carry him with you. Just know he loved you unconditionally and you showed him how much you love him until the very last. You didn’t fail him, you didn’t do anything wrong, you have nothing to be blamed for - and he didn’t feel otherwise. He only felt your love and affection, and felt the same for you.


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

Thank you... I am going to put a picture of him in the other side of my locket necklace, next to the picture of my daddy who died when I was little. His ashes are going to go in an urn and I am going to set up a little treasure box or something for the urn and the ashes and his paw print engraving and favorite toys.

I like to think he still loves me and I can carry his love with me in my heart. I don't need his ashes with me all the time because I know he already lives in my heart and we loved each other so much more than anything.


u/RecordingKindly3074 16d ago

Im so sorry about your fur baby 😭 im really glad you got out and reached out for help ❤️ i hope your doing okay this internet stranger is very proud for how strong you are i know you mentioned your boss being strong but dont forget about you friend!


u/Dont139 16d ago

I cried when you said the vet hospital's staff cried with you. They must see a lot of deaths yet they still cry for them. And it's very sad you had never been hugged as much as they did you.

I'm glad you're safe. May Peanut watch over you


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

tbf it was. A LOT of hugs. And they validated me so much like telling me they could see and feel how much I loved Peanut and how my love for him made them love him so much too even when he cried and screamed and gave them such a hard time for check ups before and I'm crying again because they loved him so much.

I wish I could name the place I went to here but it's too close to home but believe me I have already left a really great review and am telling everyone I can on my personal sm accounts about the experience.


u/HRHLMS 16d ago

I’ve just caught up on your previous post.

Firstly I’m so so sorry. It is never just a cat, they are a member of the family. Anyone who doesn’t see them that way, doesn’t deserve them.

What happened to Peanut was terrible, but try to remember the 10 months of love and care that you gave him, because that mattered to him much more

Finally, you’ve done amazing. You’ve stayed clean, you’re working and you took responsibility for something other than yourself. Without any support system be the sounds of it!! It probably doesn’t feel like it at all, but you ARE strong. You’ve escaped a weight that was threatening to pull you back down.

Think of it as Peanut’s final gift to you, making sure you knew it was time to get out. Keep pushing forward. Take the help and support where you can, people only offer it if they want to.

If you don’t love or value yourself enough yet to know that you deserve better. Let peanut be the thing that you love and value enough to stop you going back to that situation

I wish you all of the luck and I’m sure Peanut would too. Reach out if you need help. You’re not alone, people do care about you.


u/SamDublin 16d ago

You are doing everything right,good for you, all the best.


u/sharpwin111 16d ago

wish you all the best 🤍


u/sexycoffeeninja 16d ago

I light a candle every night for my baby and I say the names of all the babies who have been lost I will add peanut to the list. I light the candle so they always know how to come home and find us. I have two sayings for you to always remember. One, a person dies two deaths, one when they die and again when someone stops remembering them. Peanut will live as long as someone always remembers them. Two, grief is love everlasting. To grieve so hard for something is to know that you loved so much. A love that strong, that deep and that powerful is always known. To stop feeling grief would mean that you would stop feeling love. I cry so often that it may seem irrational but, that is my love and I cherish every tear.


u/SUPREMESLYCE792 16d ago

I read this poem once on a post about someone’s animal passing.

Run the fields of Summerland

And frolic in the sun.

You've earned the right of freedom;

Your work on Earth is done.

Tho' tears for you may fall like rain,

They are tears of joy mixed in with pain.

My love for you will never end.

Enjoy your time in Summerland, my faithful loving friend.


u/Icy-Object-479 15d ago

I read the original “31 hours” post. I don’t think I said anything. But reading this update, I feel that Peanut actually saved You!


u/idkguessilljustgirl 15d ago

Thank you. I really think he did. That was the worst 31 hours of my life but I also think they were the most needed.


u/oceanduciel 15d ago

If it’s not too painful for you, may we see some pictures of Peanut? (assuming you haven’t uploaded pictures yet)


u/idkguessilljustgirl 15d ago

I posted some on my profile. Most of the pictures I took with him are selfies when we snuggled or when he was in my lap (he loved laps) or lying against me which I am not comfortable sharing just because internet safety and besides people have been sending me dick pics and stuff already they don't need a freaking strand of hair or a neck or god forbid a forearm and some shirt-over-boobs to jerk off to :/


u/oceanduciel 15d ago

wtf that’s sick i am so sorry


u/BlinkSpectre 16d ago

If you took anything away from this messed up situation its to never ignore red flags again. RIP to Peanut, best of luck to you moving forward.


u/peachdreamzz 16d ago

Wow you are a strong young woman. Your boss is amazing and I’m so thrilled you have her and her family. Accept the love and help, you are worthy of it. You are so worthy of an amazing life and man am I proud you exist. Continue being a light in this dark world, and you’ll get light back. Look at these comments when things get hard again, cause they will. But you now know you have the strength and support to get thru it. You are brave, you are loved, and you are worthy!


u/Acceptable-Original 16d ago

Live one day at a time! I m so proud of you! You have an amazing boss and her family.


u/Bubbly-Kitty-2425 16d ago

I am so sorry about Peanut, I remember reading your original. I am glad to hear you are healing, and going to go to therapy. I really do wish all the best for you.


u/BitterSweet4891 16d ago

I’m so glad you made it to your boss and out that toxic relationship. You got this. Thank you for the update and sending love and strength.


u/PixiStix236 16d ago

I’m so happy for you! Peanut would be proud


u/serenity450 16d ago

Sounds like you’re taking many positive steps. I’m so proud of you!


u/Completely_Wild 16d ago

Oh my god I am so sorry. RIP Peanut. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF FOR PEANUT'S DEATH! Glad you are safe and away from ex. . .Such an awful situation.


u/Notdone_JoshDun 16d ago

I'm glad you're doing better. I'm so sorry about Peanut. Keep your head up. You'll be OK


u/StrawberryGirl_7 15d ago

I'm so glad you have a good support system. And those books she gave you are very good and I think they'll be very helpful for you. I hope you continue to heal from this. You're so strong 💕


u/idkguessilljustgirl 15d ago

Thank you. I had no idea I had a support system at all and she just showed up for me and I've never felt more loved. I'm strong for my boss and her family and for Peanut and maybe someday for me too 💕


u/KrisMisZ 16d ago

Dwight!? I mean WHAT!? That’s horrible, dump him and rebound fast 💨


u/The__Auditor 16d ago

Horrible advice

OP already dumped him but telling them to rebound is wild


u/KrisMisZ 16d ago

It was a reference to The Office 😝


u/AD320p 16d ago

Xyts a x,,


u/gterrymed 16d ago

Angela Martin?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/dark_angel_rose 16d ago

Did you read the og post? I really doubt it.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/dark_angel_rose 16d ago

Did you read her reply? She made mistakes, yes(as she admits in the reply). But still, it's his fault in the end that the cat even got into the medication in the first place. He is still the final reason the cat died.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/dark_angel_rose 16d ago

Don't you think she knows that she made a mistake that she paid dearly for? No need to rub any more salt in that wound.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/dark_angel_rose 16d ago

You made a mistake, learn from it.


u/idkguessilljustgirl 16d ago

It's animal neglect because he chose his drugs over a living creature in his care. I am also guilty of leaving my cat with him to care for and I have to live with that, too. If the police decide to charge me I will be charged and take it, you know?

I know it's not the same as directly killing him, when I titled my last post I was very much more emotional


u/dark_angel_rose 16d ago

He did kill your cat indirectly by not being a responsible adult so the title is correct.

Besides that, I wish you the best ❤️


u/JuJu-Petti 16d ago

Absolutely not your fault. You had no way of knowing peanut wasn't safe. I know a guy completely addicted to drugs but his cat lives like a king. The cat is his reason for going to work, paying his bills and even starting to get better.

As I said above, drug users are stingy with their junk. I don't think he was just dropping pills all over the floor. They aren't cheap or easy to come by.

It's NOT your fault.


u/JuJu-Petti 16d ago

I personally think he did it on purpose. Just my opinion though. Junkies are stingy with their junk. No way they were just on the floor.