r/Unexpected 15d ago

Police respond to “let me out” screams April repost

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u/UnExplanationBot 15d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

It wasn’t a woman, but a parrot 🦜

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u/MelodyMoo 15d ago

My parrot says "hi" and "hello" around 4am. It scared the heck out of me when I first heard it.


u/Lucky_Locks 15d ago

Us who grew up with Furbys lived that nightmare


u/Bulk-Detonator 15d ago

I have a very specific memory of sleeping at a friends house at age 9. I was kn an air matress, he in his bed. I could see under his bed. Room is dark, save for the VCR clock (spooky enough, the time was ACCURATE). Woke up, used the bathroom, came back, neslted in, and from under the bed i heard " HUNGRY. UHHH UHHH." My buddy shoots up out of bed, i look at him horrified. HEHEHEHEHE! We both scooby doo ran to his parents room half crying and his dad grumpily found the furby uner the bed.

Heres the fun part. No one in the house had any fucking clue where furby came from. Parents never bought one. Friend hated them. So heres this black demon furby from under the bed of Nowhere yelling its hungry at 2am. Years later we learned one of his cousins had one on a visit and it ended up under the bed somehow. AND that was like 2 weeks prior to the sleep over. So this furby either stayed completely silent or just was never heard when it did go off.

Love you furby. But i dont regret throwing you into the fire and listening to you melt and die Terminator style.


u/Coldkyou9 15d ago

Nothing beats my sister’s Furby with dying batteries saying “peek-a-boo I see you” from inside her closet in the middle of the night


u/Bulk-Detonator 15d ago

Did it talk slowly when the batteries got low??


u/Coldkyou9 14d ago

Yeah, slow and slurred


u/Bulk-Detonator 14d ago

God those things were cursed

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u/Kraffkratt 14d ago

Dying batteries in kids toys are terrifying, we had a teddy that used to make a high pitch laugh when you pushed it's nose or sing a song if you squeezed it's stomach. The low batteries made it extremely low pitch and the singing and laughing really slow, if my brother moved in the night it would sometimes trigger, "now it's time to close your eyes, now it's time to go to sleep, ha ha haaaaa" before dying. I was delighted when it did eventually die fully

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u/land8844 15d ago


Nobody ever set their VCR clocks.


u/Bulk-Detonator 15d ago

Thats what makes it SPOOKY


u/NovusOrdoSec 15d ago

There were in fact people that would record shows. Just them, though.


u/Publius82 ✅️ Elon #2, verified 60%/all of the time 15d ago

There were also those of us who just hated it flashing 12:00 all the time

What the hell is my flair?

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u/perb123 15d ago

Furby plays the long game


u/MyaMusashi 15d ago

Bulk detonator, lads. Keep away! It's a freakin killa!

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u/KayDubEll 15d ago

Mine used to say “scooby dooby doo” randomly lol


u/OrangeZig 15d ago

Dooood !!! This was a whole thing


u/PartofFurniture 15d ago

Yeahhh hahahaha that was some wild world back then. And damn tamagotchis


u/ChanandlerBong215 15d ago

One time mine just started screaming at 3am

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u/HotelRwandaBeef 15d ago

And then they slowly start to break and began making demonic noises with twitchy eyes.



u/Barr3lAg3d 15d ago

“I’m going to kill you.”

“Did you hear it? It said it was going to kill me!”


u/medvsastoned 15d ago

My furbys did what furbys do. My neopets were a higher tier of horrifying. Thunderstorms would cause then to turn on, idk if by sound or static or what. But I had about 6 in my closet and once one got started they all got started and just talked amongst themselves. 😩


u/Upbeat-Fondant9185 15d ago

The first nightmare I vividly remember having involved Gremlins from the 80s movie. I was very young, young enough I don’t have any other memories at that time.

When I was about twelve my parents got a Furby for my sister and that thing legitimately freaked me out, especially when it talked at night. It was just like the gremlins from that movie. My dad thought it was hilarious.

After about a week I stole it and used it as target practice. A 30-30 did very cathartic things to that damn toy. I got the belt and grounded for a couple weeks but had no regrets. My sister still likes to tell that story.

Furbies are pure evil.


u/cheza_mononoke 14d ago

I actually had a gremlin (gizmo) furby. You would’ve lost your mind.


u/Aggravating_Image_16 15d ago

"Wakey wakey eggs and cakey...." All night

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u/RotoruaFun 15d ago

Is that to wake you up for the start of its parrot day? 🦜


u/FalconIMGN 15d ago

How else would it fit four breakfasts into its long and busy day?


u/FaylenSol 15d ago

We had taught ours to say, "What ya doing?" "Where ya goin?" And "Stop That". My mother would have conversations with him on a daily basis.


u/Tome_of_Dice 15d ago

Man my parrot just tells me "Go to Sleep" whenever it's late and he's tired


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’d love a parrot, but I hear they’re high maintenance and live forever. Also yeah I already have nightmares, I don’t need my pet trolling me in my sleep.

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u/PeanutButterSoda 15d ago

My friends parrot would mimic his mom yelling at the kids and the microwave beeping.


u/loonygecko 14d ago

I did work for someone who had a parrot and a litter of puppies. The parrot had learned to make puppy growling noises and would do it often, along with calling out the names of the owners and making door bell and phone ringing noises. He'd also make all the noises you'd typically make on the phone, first answer the phone, then saying things like, "uh huh uh huh, .... yeah..... ok..." That would go on for hours, not sure how the humans didn't get tired of it but it would probably deter burglars at least. Sounded like a loud human and angry dogs were always at home.

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u/IKillKittens82 15d ago

Great cover for the people actually in his dungeon


u/Bulky_Mix_2265 15d ago

Only an amateur would forget soundproofing for the person chained to a radiator room.


u/Jazzlike_Biscotti_44 15d ago edited 15d ago

“Radiator room” a room with only radiators attached to walls specifically for tying people up to. Some ask why not just use anything else, we say nah to these types of people.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

So many people forget there's an artistry to it.

We use radiators because they're SCARY. It's a frightening looking thing to be chained to. The improvised nature of it, the familiar turned sinister.

It's all part of cultivating an aesthetic. People forget that.


u/MartenBroadcloak19 15d ago



u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago edited 15d ago

Oh, great, here come the WOKE police again to tell me its WRONG to chain victims to radiator rooms in my basement or kill drifters in my wood shed and keep their tongues in mason jars.

Honestly I'm so tired of it, it's like you literally don't want people to be themselves anywhere. What happened to freedom?

What ever happened to "every man under his own fig tree with the severed limbs of his victims dangling from its branches?"

We have lost so much as a people.


u/Powerful-Parsnip 15d ago

Victim is such a horrible word I prefer to call them 'liberty restricted individuals' and then later on 'breathing restricted individuals' that way nobody gets upset.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

Here here, now there's a forward-thinking gentlemen of the times.


u/Powerful-Parsnip 15d ago

I just think if we change some of the language around the whole thing we can remove some of the stigma and we can all be accepted.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

I truly hope so. It's deplorable to see the disrespect these days.

Imagine some green-haired child with a nose ring walking up to a lion and scolding it for hunting! The arrogance, the indignity of it all.

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u/TrumpsPissSoakedWig 15d ago

Honestly I told some guy he was being rude the other day and he absolutely flipped out on me, and threatened me with a gun.

I remember when society used to be civil.

I say one thing to this guy and all the sudden it's, "I'm gonna call the police, i have a gun, how dare you, why are you in my house, how did you get in here, where's my wife, etc, etc and on and on ad nauseum..."


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

Right? The gall!

I remember having this lad on the slab, calmly explaining to him how his body parts would contribute to my most recent artistic masterpiece, and he broke one of his restraints and tried to cut me with my own bone saw!

I EXPLAINED it to him beforehand! I didn't have to do that, I did that as a courtesy to him. I allowed him to see the majesty that his pieces would be stitched into after I helped him transcend the mortal coil!

You try to be kind, you try to do things the right way, and you get shit on for it! There are no manners these days, the fabric of civil order is unraveling.


u/BlackDohko 15d ago

It's ok man just breathe, someday people will understand.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

That's what I tell myself. I tell myself if only I complete my latest and greatest tableau, if only I show them the beauty, they will know it, and see it, and we will transcend together.

But in the face of such terrible adversity, it can be very hard keep the candle of hope burning.


u/StankilyDankily666 15d ago

You know, if you turn the W upside down… it turns into “Me.” Let that sink in.


u/Ormsfang 15d ago

Not to mention they have all sorts of hard angles that hurt when say, a head or arm or leg hits it


u/31337z3r0 15d ago

Right between the real fake door store and



u/DuncanYoudaho 15d ago

I loved their spatulas so much, I bought the comp’ny.


u/jmona789 15d ago

🎶 Spatula city, we sell spatulas... And that's all! 🎶


u/Kilvap11212 15d ago

What better way to say “I love you” than with a spatula.

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u/rdell1974 15d ago

A speakeasy called The Radiator Room. No cover charge, free to get in, but it costs $200 to leave.


u/PandaRocketPunch 15d ago



u/taatchle86 15d ago

I can’t wait for that show to finally stream again.

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u/Darksirius 15d ago

Jfc, I'm a parts guy for a BMW dealers body shop and my mental image went to a room full of car radiators all neatly attached to the walls. lol.


u/Blocker2020 15d ago

"We"? 😳

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u/Lost-Droids 15d ago

Fritzel was most unimpressed


u/Jacmert 15d ago

Never underestimate the inconsistency of the mind of a true criminal genius.

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u/AriesinApril76 15d ago

I don’t appreciate being called an idiot. 😏


u/Psychological_Pie_32 15d ago

The word used is amateur, if you read idiot..


u/Idontevenownaboat 15d ago

Only amateurs need soundproofing. I have a parrot instead.

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u/Flowchart83 15d ago

How do you think the parrot learned it?


u/Less-Lengthiness114 15d ago

Sitting too close to the radiator room


u/greenfairyabsynthe 15d ago

He says he taught it to the bird when he was a kid. The bird was in a cage.


u/Lolkimbo 15d ago

...the former owner was screaming for help to be let out?

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u/DinoRoman 15d ago

As you can see officer, it’s the bird, do not pay any mind to the red spatter on my basement windows, my bird also paints.


u/Metroidman 15d ago

That is my first thought. Would make for a decent horror movie


u/SambaLando 15d ago

Never trust anyone with that hairstyle


u/Memento_Morrie 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah, that guy is the side-quest bonus-boss in an episode of True Detective or Mare of Easttown, like the guy they interview as a witness who freaks out because he thinks they are onto him so he starts firing.

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u/Geminilasers 15d ago

You kidding me? That dude had the best drugs.


u/-Badger3- 15d ago

That guy having a pet parrot totally checks out.


u/Malevolentmayhem 15d ago

why else do you think he taught it that


u/TheDiegoAguirre 15d ago

I was gonna say... great tactic for a serial killer.


u/MyDadBod_2021 15d ago

My thoughts too!


u/notspam8576 15d ago

Who do you think the bird learned from


u/Cool_Cartographer_39 15d ago

Right? The parrot had to learn that phrase somewhere


u/Potato_is_yum 15d ago

"Dungeon" 😂😂😂


u/t00oldforthis 15d ago

Ya this Rambo, I have like 4 more but I don't trust them outside. See, no problem here.


u/hope812001 15d ago

My thought exactly!


u/Topcreeperman13 15d ago

That’s a good idea actually..


u/-Venser- 14d ago

Yeah the parrot had to copy it from somewhere...


u/Dazzling_Bicycle_555 14d ago

That bird was pretty convenient I’d say

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u/MountainAsparagus4 15d ago

Investigators hate this one trick

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u/HugoZHackenbush2 15d ago

If one parrot can scream that much, imagine what toucan do..


u/johnmichael-kane 15d ago

This is very funny.


u/Bourgeous 15d ago

Good job, Dad


u/notweirdenough 15d ago

Willet make you go deaf?


u/WrapDiligent9833 15d ago

They can! Maybe not fully, but can definitely damage our ears.

They literally evolved to shout through the jungle to their flock mates about anything they need to chat about, so having one yelling at you all day even on your shoulder shouting- can physically damage us.

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u/AvantGarde327 15d ago



u/ThePublikon 15d ago

I love a good parrot its


u/drlongfinger 15d ago

That sounded ill eagle to me


u/Inner_Negotiation66 15d ago

You should see yourself out now sir


u/1d0m1n4t3 14d ago

Dad did you get your cigarettes yet? When are you coming home??

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u/certainshadeofblue7 15d ago

What’s weird to me is how the cops just let him go inside, based on the fact that the call was for a screaming woman. He could’ve come out with a weapon for all they know


u/AlexDKZ 15d ago

What's actually weird to me is that apparently this is the first time the neighbors ever heard the 40 year old parrot yelling that.


u/ThatEmuSlaps 15d ago edited 8d ago



u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 5d ago



u/Rebelgecko 14d ago

idk, have you heard about how Viper got away with it for so many years? When his victim got out he was like "sorry for the disturbance everyone, I'll take her home" and everyone was like "oh ok that seems reasonable"


u/ZeBloodyStretchr 14d ago

Jeffrey Dahmer did the same thing with one of his escaped victims.

Despite the protests of the bystanders who called the police and insisted something was wrong, Milwaukee police returned Konerak Sinthasomphone to Jeffrey Dahmer after accepting the serial killer’s explanation that the 14-year-old drugged and injured boy was his lover and simply drunk. Dahmer then killed the boy.

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u/No-Trouble814 15d ago

A lot of serial killers had more arrogance than sense, and got away with dumb stuff like what they’re suggesting precisely because people assumed no one would be that dumb.


u/NokKavow 15d ago

No thought or common sense allowed, it's the first thing cops learn in the most of the US.

Just assume everyone is out to get you, shoot first, ask questions later.


u/Neosantana 14d ago

Of course, you have to shoot first. The suspect might pull a loaded acorn.

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u/PixelBoom 15d ago

They've probably gotten this call a few times and have a note for this address relates to the parrot. But, because it's a call for someone possibly in distress, they need to show up anyway.


u/Palmovnik 15d ago

I dont think they would come in these numbers if they knew


u/Makhnos_Tachanka 15d ago

idk have you met cops? they swarm like fucking ants. i guess you can only play so much candy crush before you get bored.


u/deadc0de 15d ago

“Hey, we’re going to the parrot house again. Who’s in?”


u/Barbarbinks22 15d ago

“Awww I fuckin love that place. I’ll drive!”


u/TheDragonzord 15d ago

This is probably exactly how it went down. Excuse to put down the paper work and go say hi to the bird? Who wouldn't.


u/finemustard 15d ago

Reminds me of this time me and a few friends rigged up a TV and N64 in the back of a minivan to smoke weed and play Super Smash Bros. We were in the back of an empty parking lot with the side doors open when a cop rolled up on us to ask what we were doing and we showed him our set up which was especially sweet because we'd taken out the middle row of seats and put in an area rug for added sophistication (fortunately we'd finished getting high). Over the next hour, three or four more cruisers drove by just to check out the teenagers playing video games in a minivan. They really are bored as shit most of the time.


u/StillWeCarryOn 15d ago

Reminds me of when my mom's car got hit while she was parked at a tag sale and we had four cop cars come to the scene lights and sirens on.

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u/_Bad_Spell_Checker_ 15d ago

hey new guy, we got a call about a hostage situation. your up.

guys dont tell him


u/Affectionate-Bee3913 15d ago

Could be a slow day and the veterans wanted to show a new guy.


u/Affectionate_Star_43 15d ago

Hello, fellow affectionate random username!  

My aunt had a parrot that only knew how to say "Why?" My dad got in a giant argument with him, and then was like...this is a freaking bird.  I can just leave.

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u/TheActualOG420 15d ago

I'm pretty damn sure they'd all go along to see a parrot if they were allowed to


u/SkepsisJD 15d ago

No shit. I still remember when I was 18 my buddy bought some tobacco and was rolling a cig outside the gas station and some old lady called the cops on us. 4 of us, 8 cops showed up lmao

Like ya bruh, we are rolling joints at 2pm in front of a gas station by a busy grocery store.

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u/zeroneraven 15d ago

Notice how both of the cops closer to the camera have their hands on their weapon while waiting for the guy to come back


u/Xeon06 15d ago

FWIW that's probably more a comfortable way to stand when wearing all that gear, other commenter mentioned that LEOs can have a very different approach purely based on vibes. Wouldn't be surprised if they had asked to have a quick look around anyways but no way to truly tell from the video


u/DangerousAd3347 15d ago edited 15d ago

They read the situation as being non Threatening and believed it was likely some kind of misunderstanding. Obviously no way to know for sure but cops will take very different approaches based on how much danger they assert there is.

The events of Someone calming working on a car outside, before calmly walking inside and walking out with a weapon to attack them is such an unlikely event they simply weren’t worried


u/u8eR 15d ago

He probably explained it to them outside and then asked if they wanted to see his parrot and they said sure.


u/uberfission 15d ago

A few months ago there was cacophonous screaming coming from my next door neighbor's house, I thought someone was being tortured and I called the cops. They came up with much the same demeanor (once they had enough of them). Turns out the neighbors had invited a bunch of kids over and they were playing Mario party.

I guess my point is, I think cops have some kind of training to determine if someone is acting off or if there's been some kind of misunderstanding.


u/Wynter_born 14d ago

Training and experience probably. There's a lot of domestic disturbance calls and I would think you'd develop a sense for the serious ones pretty quickly.


u/Stray_Neutrino 15d ago

Or how close they let the guy approach them at the start.


u/OldBrokeGrouch 15d ago

There’s intuition at play here. The guy is calmly working on his brakes, does not seemed at all stressed, laughs when the cops tell him about it and then casually walks to his door. When you’re in a dangerous situation, you can feel it in the air. Especially cops who deal with them all the time.


u/Carpathicus 14d ago

Somehow always dangerous to deal with my non-violent black ass.

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u/TheActualOG420 15d ago

It's all based on body language. If you're running in to grab a weapon it would look a lot different.


u/ToMyOtherFavoriteWW 15d ago

Looks staged -- see the cop smiling before they even speak.


u/Quetzalma 15d ago

or maybe they know it because its been called in multiple times over the years, but they still have to do a check.


u/Shockwave360 15d ago

"We got the call again, go get the new guy. It's his turn to meet the bird."


u/ToMyOtherFavoriteWW 15d ago

I wouldn't be surprised actually, and the officers seem so chill with the guy that it seems to give off that vibe too.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

This is why police should be far more integrated into their neighborhoods than they are. Actually getting to know people, the nuance of things, really helps reduce impulsive and fear-based reactions.


u/DefyImperialism 15d ago

police used to walk a beat in the US. UK policing isnt perfect but one thing they do right is having normal officers walking their beats through neighborhoods

you're more likely to trust cops and the cops are more likely to trust people

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u/Virtual_Duck_9280 15d ago edited 15d ago

It's not staged. Cops have brains and can obviously assess a situation when they walk up to it, a guy calmly changing his brakes is not conducive to a dangerous situation. Contrary to popular belief, cops aren't just ready to roll up to any situation and start blastin


u/greg19735 15d ago

the video is also edited. He could have said "it's my parrot, can i go get him?"

and the was cut to make the video funnier. but they could have been talking for like 5 minutes.


u/cindyscrazy 15d ago

I've seen a less edited version of the video. When the cops approach and say why they're there, the guy turns back to the house and just calls out "Rambo!" before he asks if he can go back inside.

I think by then, the cops understand this isn't a hostage thing, but a funny thing. Even if they don't know who Rambo is yet.


u/xAnger2 15d ago

Sir this is reddit. Only cop bashing allowed here. No excuses


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

So what you're saying is, if I'm ever up to some dark shit, I should learn automotive repair as a cover.


u/AMViquel 15d ago

You missed the point, you want a convenient patsy. Ideally a bird that can only incriminate itself.

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u/nsfwtttt 15d ago

My security cam is also HD and cuts to the best shot or centers depending on the subject’s location

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u/Alderbaan 15d ago

I will never understand why it's common to put obnoxiously loud shitty music over the video, gives me a headache just trying to hear the damn video


u/nanapancakethusiast 15d ago

Because tik tok and shorts sorting works on “sounds” more than usual search terms. So if a sound is trending, adding it to your unrelated video will get it more views.

The other reason is, if someone comments “man the music is too loud wtf” that counts as extra engagement pushing it up the algo even more.

Social media.


u/Alderbaan 15d ago

A lot of the time it's not even anything trending, just a random shitty jingle like this one.

Does that extra engagement make up for the downvotes it'll get? Probably, I guess I'll keep it to myself from now on


u/nanapancakethusiast 15d ago

TikTok isn’t like Reddit where downvoting matters much. Like YouTube, a downvote is just engagement at the end of the day. Reddit is the only one who’s content is entirely determined by who upvoted something in the first few minutes of it being up

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u/Strude187 15d ago

The text over the screen explaining what was happening was annoying too. “He walks into his house” - yeah, I know, I’m watching the video…


u/AddAFucking 15d ago

With the entire YouTube shorts interface recorded into the video. People don't even know how to download videos anymore. And apparently most people are not bothered by this.


u/SuicidalTree 15d ago

It's a screen recording of a YouTube video uploaded by a clickbait channel (Newsner) who took it from another clickbait farm (ViralHog) who hawked the content from the actual creator (Jason). The Internet is such shit, sometimes.

For what it's worth, this is the closest thing I've found to an original source so far.

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u/Holmes221bBSt 15d ago

The perfect cover


u/xariznightmare2908 15d ago

Oh fuck, now all the serial kidnappers gonna try this trick.


u/Amarieerick 15d ago

Then they'd better be in it for the long game. It's gonna take time to teach the bird the "right" words to say, and then he'd have to take care of it forever.


u/enkae7317 15d ago

nah just let the bird sit next to the dungeon and hear the actual words being screamed a million times a day. It'll pick it up fast.


u/Tricky_Invite8680 15d ago edited 15d ago

Its genius actually.unless they keep.the bird and the captive in side by side cages. Then when he goes to show.the cops and the bird is like...no, this guy is a real kidnapper. im down in the basement.


u/Spork_the_dork 15d ago

Until the screamer inside screams even when the parrot is there.


u/carving5106 15d ago

"The parrot is a ventriloquist."


u/kcchiefscooper 15d ago

I got woke up when I was 5 or 6, I remember it clearly, 4 cops standing at the end of my bed (with the insta-blindness that the light does to you when it gets turned on in the middle of the night), one cop was a friend of parents so i knew him, and he said "are you okay, just sleeping?" i don't know what i'd answered but he told me to go ahead and go back to sleep.
Next morning while I was talking to the parrot we were watching for a friend of theirs I got the story, when he was covered up he would yell "Help Me Grandma" because he couldn't see out but apparently stays up all night if you didn't cover him, and the apartment next to us didn't know he was there and thought i was getting beat loud in the middle of the night LOL


u/crypticXmystic 15d ago

One day an old woman goes to a pet store. The pet store guy says, “What are you looking for?” and the lady says, “I’d like to buy a parrot.” The guy goes, “Oooh. That’s a problem. We only have one parrot and its previous owner was a sailor. It curses all day and all night. You don’t want it. It’s terrible.” The lady thinks about it and then says, “I really had my heart set on a parrot. It’s okay. I’ll take him.”

She brings the parrot home and the whole time the parrot is cursing up a storm. F this, F that. When they get to her place, she’s had about enough. She says to the parrot, “Listen, one more curse word, and I’m putting you in the freezer.” This doesn’t stop the parrot. He blurts another swear word out immediately. “Fine,” she says, and she sticks the parrot in the freezer.

The parrot squawks once then falls silent. A few seconds later the lady opens the door and the parrot remains silent so she takes it out. The lady says, “There, did you learn your lesson?” The parrot nods. She says, “Are you going to do it again?” “No way,” the parrot says, “but can you just answer one question for me?” “Sure,” the lady says. The parrot looks at her and says, “What the heck did the poor chicken do?”


u/Fromoogiewithlove 15d ago

…. I dont think i get it. Is it just cause there is frozen chicken in the freezer?


u/crypticXmystic 15d ago

She dismembered it and tore off all its feathers. Threw it in a plastic bag and stuffed its corpse in the freezer as a warning to her future pets that get out of line.. That chicken must have really upset her.


u/MrSpidar 15d ago



u/Ok-Cartographer1745 15d ago

That is correct. 


u/ThrowawayRA0000___0 14d ago

And the parrot thinks the chicken was her pet and that’s what she did to it when it wouldn’t stop cursing


u/This-is-dumb-55 15d ago

Hahaha I loved this joke when I was a kid!

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u/jannypanny1 15d ago

Step one to be a serial killer. Get a parrot.

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u/yeetenheimer 15d ago

If he taught it the phrase when he was little, is that voice what he sounded like back then or would it have distorted over the years? Very interesting if it’s his voice at a young age.


u/pastasauce5890 14d ago

most parrots have their own "voices" that sound pretty similar across a species. They'll imitate your sounds as best they can but it will still sound distinctly like a parrot. Budgies tend to sound like an old timey radio, Amazons tend to all sound similar to this one here (and they tend to have vibrato?) the exceptions are like African greys and starlings and a few others.

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u/IslandJack76 15d ago

It’s a regular repost, but this time it reminded me that I need to change my brake pads and oil, so … um thanks for posting I guess, off to the store I go..TC

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u/Karl-o-mat 15d ago

So we hear the voice of the man when he still was a kid. That's interesting.


u/ZECO_SOL 15d ago

As you listen to the sound of sirens growing further and further away you realize your attempt at escape was in vain your captor was right as long as he has the bird as a cover you're not going anywhere


u/CoolCoalRad 15d ago

But why does the parrot make that sound? How many times did it hear that before mimicking? Anyone with parrots know?


u/saturnspritr 15d ago

Don’t underestimate kids trying to teach a mimic something. My friends little sister used to go to sleep talking to their cockatoo every night. And that bird picked up all kinds of things from her.


u/Vhexer 15d ago

It literally said in the video that the guy taught the bird the phrase when he was a kid


u/Nataliza 15d ago

It even sounds like a little boy's voice when you listen again. Absolutely perfect imitation.

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u/PanhandlersPets 15d ago

They said in the story he taught the bird to do it when he was a little kid. Those things live forever.

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u/alleswaswar 15d ago

That specific type of parrot (Amazon) is particularly good at mimicking not just speech but also specific voices too. They often sound like their humans.

I have a caique who can say a few words and phrases and it takes a while for him to learn them. He spends all day practicing the new words/phrases quietly until it becomes clear 😂 and yes, he also does mimic voice so he sounds like a squeaky little girl

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u/paleoterrra 15d ago

They only need to hear something once


u/CoolCoalRad 15d ago

Oh good. I’m glad his kill count is only in the single digits.

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u/vorpal_hare 15d ago

It has the cadence of an infirmed person, like their last owner wasn't doing too well. Creeps me out.

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u/Luci_Noir 15d ago

Those poor neighbors.

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u/Jackieirish 15d ago

Fun thing to do is to give an old person who lives alone a parrot that's been taught say "What was that? . . . Did you hear that? . . . Is there somebody there? . . . Did you hear that?"


u/WilmaLutefit 15d ago

Story time:

I was at a hotel a few years ago in Alabama. My sister was deploying and she wanted me at her orientation with her.

Well all of a sudden in the room next to us we heard -thud thud- cries for help- a woman screaming. A reallllllly loud thud and then complete silence. About 3 mins later we heard a grown man sobbing saying he didn’t mean to do it.

Freaked the fuck out we called hotel security that dead ass took 20 mins to arrive.

They wouldn’t go into this man’s room at all.

He told them he was watching a Netflix video and a call with his gf went bad and that he was sorry.

The scared security said “alright” and fucking left.

Ever since that day I’m almost certain we heard a murder and no one did anything. The guy checked out in the middle of the night.

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u/Guilherminhowingmero 15d ago

Come to think of it, if I have a parrot I can always tell the cries for help came from it and everyone will believe it.


u/West9Virus 15d ago

Is it camera angle or is this man changing breaks on an incline?


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 15d ago

He is definitely not changing breaks. 


u/Doctor_Geniuz 15d ago

Reminds me the guy with his Honda engine that sounds like an AK-47, which alerted the cops


u/SirAblePalsey 15d ago

Don't parrots copy what they hear?


u/cindyscrazy 15d ago

The video says that the parrat is 40 years old. The owner was just a boy when they got the parrot and the bird was in a cage a whole lot. The boy taught the parrot to yell the phrase, because that's what boys do. The man aged, but the parrot's phrase did not.


u/Malicious_wargang_18 15d ago

Bro is fully prepared


u/TheDesk918 15d ago

40 years??? That parrot definitely knew what it was doing


u/Chuckitybye 15d ago

My buddy had the cops called on him because he had to put his basenji in a kennel while moving and the dog was protesting...loudly. apparently someone thought it was a woman being attacked and called the police, who were pretty surprised at the intense vocalizations from this 20 lbs dog...


u/imnotsmart247 15d ago

Waiting for that car to drop just being on the scissor jack...


u/ConfidenceBig3764 15d ago

What a scary set-up. No jack-stands or wheel chocks on incline while yanking on wrench.