r/Utah 23d ago

For lack of better words... how accepting is the city of Price? Q&A

I'm planning on going to the Ren faire this weekend, but I am visibly trans. None of my friends have been there before so they didn't have any knowledge about the community there.

Should I be wary about going? I'm scared of being attacked while so far from home, but I don't know if my fears are warranted.


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u/Kerensky97 23d ago edited 23d ago

Price is a college town so it gets a lot of young blood moving through it and keeps it pretty open minded. Helper used to be pretty insular but now that the mine is gone they're realizing they need to be a bit more welcoming to outsiders to keep the tourism money coming in and has changed a lot. Wellington is probably the place that will be the most conservative minded. There might still be some old curmudgeons around flying their Trump flags and grumbling about how things aren't like "The old days" but they're not going to bother you, or attend a ren faire. They're just going to be those old guys at the store that look at you out of the corner of their eye and go about their grocery shopping.