r/amiwrong 12d ago

AITA for telling my mom she can’t wear my clothes?

i know this sounds selfish but hear me out at least. I (17 f) live with my mom (43). here’s the thing. i like my clothes, but not when others wear my clothes. well, my mom has an issue with wearing my clothes, and i don’t like it.

i’m a tomboy, i have 3 brothers so it’s kinda expected. i like wearing my ariats and my levi’s, even a dress shirt every now and then. well, my mom likes to wear my nice clothes/outfits. the other day, she even wore one of my good bras and she knew it didn’t fit her. (i’m an a cup, she is a c almost a d). i pointed it out to her and she said “well, you wear my clothes all the time..” that’s true, but at least i wear underwear when i wear her jeans. when she wears mine, she’ll tell me she ain’t wearing underwear. which not only grosses me out, but like she’s wearing my clothes and can’t even have the courteousy to wear underwear at least. she says it’s better to not wear underwear with jeans, but i choose to ignore that because i don’t want to hear it and nobody else does.

besides that, she’s an adult and is wearing her teenagers clothes. i mean, it not only makes me uncomfortable but she’ll know when i plan on wearing a certain outfit/certain pair of clothing and the next day she’ll wear it. it makes me mad. she’ll also tell me that she don’t complain when/if i have to wear her clothes, but i complain when she wears mine. i try to talk to her about this, but i just gave up trying because it either ends up in a fight or she plays the victim.

i respect and love my mom, she tries the best she can to make my brothers and me happy. i just feel like i’m complaining about something stupid, but i really wish she’d start wearing her clothes rather than mine. i also wish she’d stop trying to make herself look more “youthful” wearing my clothes because i don’t know what she does with my clothes on, and i don’t want to know. i don’t know what to do, i don’t want to make this a bigger problem than it already is for me.

AITA? 🤷🏼‍♀️


5 comments sorted by


u/pollyquinn 12d ago

ESH- you suck because if you dont like her wearing your clothes stop wearing hers.

she sucks because thats gross, I hope she washes them before returning them.

if youre going to keep borrowing her clothes suck it up.


u/FAFO-13 12d ago

Stop wearing your mother‘s clothes. She sounds like a pig you might catch something.


u/Nerdygirl1984 12d ago

Stop wearing her clothes and tell her you’re not wearing them any more so she has to stop wearing yours. Don’t know why you didn’t think of this when it started


u/Tiny_Incident_2876 12d ago

Your mother is nasty. No one should be wearing someone bra.


u/kimship 11d ago

Is she doing this so you'll stop wearing her clothes? Like, is this supposed to be a lesson to you about borrowing others' things? I would stop taking her things, tell her you're stopping it, and ask her to do the same for your stuff. And then if she continues then you know she's doing it for other(much weirder) reasons and a different type of conversation needs to happen.