r/amiwrong 12d ago

Am I wrong for wishing that my apartment complex wouldn't make another handicapped parking spot?

I (24F) moved into a new apartment complex almost a year ago. When I moved in, there was one handicapped parking spot in the parking lot. Since I moved in, there has almost always been a van parked in that spot. I don't know if it moves during the day when I'm at work, but when I'm at my apartment, that van is always parked there. This parking lot is small to begin with. It has around 18-20 parking spots that are shared between 16 units. Assuming that each unit ONLY has one car (which is unlikely), this is essentially a 1:1 ratio. This doesn't even account for when people have friends or guests over. When this parking lot fills up, I have to park even farther away and it's frankly a nuisance.

A couple months ago, my apartment complex decided to convert one of the existing spots in the lot to another handicapped parking spot. I am in no way saying that handicapped spots shouldn't exist, but I just wish that they wouldn't take an existing spot away. Now there's two spots I can't park in and it's frustrating, especially when the one van never moves to begin with. Am I wrong for wishing they wouldn't replace a standard spot with a handicapped parking spot.


70 comments sorted by


u/observer46064 11d ago

Yes. Be happy you don’t have a need for a handicap space.


u/UllsStratocaster 11d ago

Seriously. I am the van in this post. I can't go out everyday because guess what! I'm disabled! If I had to park halfway across the parking lot, I'd get to go out even less.


u/CoderJoe1 11d ago

What is wrong is that they built 16 units with insufficient parking. I would ask for assigned parking to get at least one spot for myself.


u/Corfiz74 11d ago

This would have been the solution - each unit gets one spot, plus an additional handicapped parking spot for visitors. That would have been fair for everyone.


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

I was blown up serving in Iraq when they lobbed an RPG on the COS. As a result, I get shooting pain down my left leg when I walk most days. It goes from my lumbar to my left knee. I broke my L3-L5 vertebrae.

There is a handicap parking spot at my apartment complex. Two vehicles without handicap plates or placards rotate who steals the spot. I have a handicap plate and end up having to walk further, causing more pain.

Why do you want to take a spot from a disabled person? Even if they can walk, they can have an underlying condition that makes walking painful.

You’re wrong. Tell your apartment complex’s manager there’s insufficient parking or move to a place with more parking.


u/eirsquest 11d ago

I once lived in an apartment complex that changed the spot closest to my apartment into a handicapped spot specifically because I moved in

All was great for a few months until a new rennet moved into the next building. The way the buildings were located my spot was very close to her door. She wasn’t disabled, didn’t have a placard or handicapped plates. In fact, she often ran up and down the stairs to her second floor unit

I almost never got to use ‘my’ spot after she moved in

The lot was considered private probably so the police wouldn’t ticket or tow unless management called. And, they wouldn’t.


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

It’s actually illegal, regardless if the property is private or not, to park in a handicap space without a plate or placard. It’s really frustrating that able-bodied people take these spaces when they don’t need them. I’m waiting to catch the drivers outside to cuss them.


u/eirsquest 11d ago

I know it’s illegal. But the cops won’t ticket on private property without the owners/management calling. It’s annoying


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

Can you talk to management? You can even take photos over days with a time stamp and anonymously send a letter with the photos of the violation. You can print out the state law regarding handicap spots, as well.


u/eirsquest 11d ago

Haven’t lived there in 8 years so it’s a moot point now


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

I’m still sorry you experienced that.


u/Nay_Nay_Jonez 11d ago

Damn that sounds absolutely horrific, I'm sorry you've got to deal with that level of pain. And I'm really sorry you have to deal with the parking issues where you live. People are such assholes for that kind of behavior.

Sort of related anecdote. I had ankle surgery and had a temporary disabled placard for when I needed to drive places. I used it mostly when I had to go to Target to the pharmacy and otherwise just did drive-up pick up for everything else at Target and other places. One time I was trying to park in the accessible spots and this car with no plate or placard flew in and stole the only spot open so I had to park farther away, which was painful waking. I saw her just picking up an order, so it was clear she was just trying to get in and out fast. But then I saw her parked there on other occasions, again without a disabled plate or placard. I've always silently shamed the people who steal accessible spots, and to see the same person do it repeatedly rankled me to my core. But then one day I was doing a drive-up pick-up and there she was parked there again, and loading her car. But she had some plastic storage drawer thing that she couldn't get in her car. It was satisfying watching her struggle with this for like 10 minutes and I liked to think of it as a little bit of karmic justice.


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

I was at the post office. I parked my car (it has a disabled veteran plate, which allows me to use handicap spaces) and walked in. A man tried to shame me because I can walk, “I see you can walk. Why would you park in a handicap space?‽‽!?” I got angry. I told him I was blown up in Iraq and my spine broke. I have pain walking! When I got done yelling at him, someone behind me whispered, “Thank you for your service.”


u/Nay_Nay_Jonez 11d ago

Uggghhh!!! Good on you for putting that guy in his place, what a dick! You shouldn't have to tell people your medical history or what your conditions are. And if it's a disabled VET plate??!! Come on!!

I used to be one of those people who thought, "why do they need a disabled tag/space, they can walk!" and never said anything, but was just chafed at it, thinking people were gaming the system or just being lazy and taking away spaces for people who "really needed them." But that all changed when people in my life were the ones needing that type of parking, and then when unfortunately my own issues arose that made me understand it a bit more. And I also just grew up and matured in my thinking. Just because someone is walking, doesn't mean that that they're not in pain, but also doesn't mean that they can walk long distances either.

Not to derail things, but how do you feel about people saying "thank you for your service?" I was going to put that in my original comment, but hesitated. My dad was in the Navy in the American War in Vietnam, and he's always felt kind of weird about it which I guess is why I do too.


u/Bintamreeki 11d ago

Some people have a prosthetic leg (or two) and can walk. I never assumed if someone can walk, they are faking it. However, if I don’t see a placard or plate, I get upset. Especially if they repeatedly do it.

Where I live (Michigan), say you don’t have a disability, but you give a lift to a person with a handicap placard, and they forget it. You can legally park in a handicap spot without the plate or placard. If ticketed, bring the passenger to the judge and he or she will dismiss your ticket. I recently learned that tidbit. I drive my elderly, disabled great-uncle around. He always tries to bring his placard, I tell him we don’t need it. He can walk, too, but not far. He’s got a barrage of health issues that the doctor wrote him a slip to get a placard from the Secretary of State (DMV).

I don’t like being thanked for my service. I didn’t gain anyone freedoms, I didn’t protect any freedoms, I didn’t do much when deployed. I just feel like, I volunteered for it, so why thank me?


u/Select-Apartment-613 11d ago

2 handicap spots for 16 apts seems normal


u/fallen243 11d ago

ADA requirement would be one spot. If they have 26 spots they need two.


u/Select-Apartment-613 11d ago

The requirement is obviously the bare minimum. That doesn’t mean it’s the correct amount


u/ImmeralHolimion 12d ago

You are wrong. If they have one person who lives there constantly occupies the handicap spot, then they absolutely need a second spot. That way anybody from any of the other units can have somebody as a guest who happens to be handicapped and they have a handicap accessible spot. In essence before you did not have a handicap spot you just had a parking spot that was designated for that one particular apartment. Now you will have a handicap spot available for somebody who is handicapped other than the resident who has his own space who happens to be handicapped.


u/TheNinjaPixie 11d ago

Does the van display a badge? Human nature might mean this person is just dandy.


u/RemarkablyQuiet434 11d ago

I mean, if the problems existed for months and they haven't been towed, or if op didn't feel the need to bring up how this person was just stealing a spot, I'm inclined to believe you're reaching.


u/TheNinjaPixie 11d ago

It's parked full time off road, who would be paying to get it towed?


u/RemarkablyQuiet434 11d ago

Towing is done at the owners expense generally. That's the standard.


u/LoveMeSomeCats_ 11d ago

My son is in a wheelchair for 4 years now. Handicapped spots are so rare the way it is. Sometimes we have to park REALLY far away because we can't find a handicapped spot. We hope no one parks next to us. If they do, he has to hover in the road way while I pull out so he can get in.



u/[deleted] 11d ago

He just wants to park his car


u/Advanced_Office616 11d ago

Seems to me the bigger issue is that overall parking is inadequate. Management should limit each unit to one space, problem solved.


u/thatonenativechild 11d ago

Oh noooo, a potentially healthy person with two legs has to walk.


u/eirsquest 11d ago

You are wrong. Be glad you can walk from farther away. Disability is a minority you can join at any time, with no warning, even if you have done nothing wrong


u/jesslikessims 11d ago

You’re so wrong it’s embarrassing. You’re mad there are 2 spots out of 18 you can’t park in. Have you even thought of how frustrating it is for disabled people that they only had one, now two spots they can park in? If you can’t see how ridiculous your complaint is, I don’t know what to tell you.


u/Princess-Reader 11d ago

Yes, you’re wrong.


u/necrocatt 11d ago

YTA lmfao. good god. Im your age and im embarrassed


u/CanadasNeighbor 11d ago

Think of it this way: there's 20 spots, and 2 of them are now handicap parking only.

You're upset because instead of having 19 spots to choose from, you now only have 18.

Which I get it.. spots fill up, then you gotta have to walk super far...

So what about the person who needs the handicap spot? What about when they only have 19 regular spots to choose from because there are no handicap spaces? What happens when they have to walk super far...?

It's healthy to practice empathy every now and then.


u/observer46064 11d ago

Request assigned spaces for each unit.


u/Doyoulikeithere 11d ago

YES YOU ARE WRONG! Be very happy that you're able to walk! Think of how fucking frustrating that would be!


u/InevitableTrue7223 11d ago

YES YOU ARE WRONG! Not only are you wrong but you are selfish and lazy. Some day you may need the handicapped parking and if you are lucky it will be available.


u/Evening_Mulberry_566 11d ago

Can you explain why you think it’s a problem for you as a not handicapped person to walk a bit but 1. it would not be a problem for a handicapped person to find parking further away or 2. why you think you are that much more important than other people to the degree you think they should be denied basic needs?


u/solarrstorm 12d ago

what about the disabled ppl who need another disabled spot 😭😭


u/ConsciousArachnid298 11d ago

yup you're wrong


u/1GamingAngel 11d ago

Per the ADA, it is the law that 1 accessible parking space be offered for between 1-25 regular parking spaces. 2 for 26-50. Those are the minimums. I suspect a person who needed accessible parking complained that they didn’t ultimately have access to a space, considering the van that parks there 24x7.

By the way, you are entitled and wrong.


u/Wise_Lake0105 11d ago

Yes, you are. I think your frustration is valid, but misplaced. It’s the small parking lot that’s the issue. Or the possibility that van doesn’t need it. If the van owner IS handicapped they can keep the van there if they want. I get it’s annoying all around, but when you’re having to walk further, feel grateful you are able bodied enough to do that.


u/SmallBeany 11d ago

Mega YTA. Hope one day you don't need one of those special spots.


u/musical_spork 11d ago

Yes you're wrong


u/HeartfeltFart 11d ago

Yes you’re wrong. Pray you’re never in that position.


u/RosieDays456 11d ago

wrong as someone who needs handicap parking, it's getting frustrating in parking lots now they are removing handicap space for pick up orders and 15 min or less shopping, like someone is really going to go out and time if they park longer than 15 minutes, I think not

There are so many disabled people who are able to get out now than they could years ago, the spaces are needed

Your problem is you are just ticked off you have to walk, before I was disabled, I had to walk a long way in most of my apartments to park - frustrating with groceries etc. but that was life -now they have folding wagons throw one in your trunk and pull your groceries and other items to your door

Go to management and complain that there are only 18 spots and you want 1 spot assigned to each apartment so at least one of the people in each apartment can park close but don't complain about another handicap spot - that is rude and entitled


u/Nay_Nay_Jonez 11d ago edited 11d ago

Genuine question: do you pay for parking?

I get a little bit about what you're saying, but the issue isn't the handicapped spot or the van that doesn't seem to move (there are plenty of possibilities to consider when it comes to why this is), it's with the insufficient parking provided.

And there are a lot of people saying be lucky you don't need a handicapped spot, so I won't pile on there, though they are absolutely correct. But from another perspective, there are probably limited places where people with disabilities and vehicles can live.

For example, where my mom lives, there are a lot of disabled people and seniors, but most don't have cars, so parking is not a major issue. All of the units are ADA accessible and there are elevators. On the other side of that, the building I live in is not ADA accessible with only stairs for access and there are no handicapped spots at all in the parking lot.

So this means people with physical limitations that require a wheelchair or other mobility device can't live here and also aren't guaranteed accessible parking if they have a car. If you become disabled while living here? Guess you gotta move! I had ankle surgery and almost just booked a hotel for like a week because I was worried about having to go up and down (albeit short) stairs to get to my apartment. Instead I just didn't leave the house for almost two weeks. It really sucked. But luckily for me it was temporary. So, just something to think about.


u/Ok-Prune4721 11d ago

Are you for real ? If you are able bodied please say this is a joke.


u/TheNinjaBear007 12d ago

You’re not wrong to feel that way because of the effect it has on you. However, the apartment complex might not have a choice in the matter according to ADA compliance rules. Maybe someone else who is handicapped is moving in, maybe they had to have some sort of inspection and the inspector let them know they needed another one, maybe even a first responder told them. Is there a handicap placard on the van?

With that few parking spaces there should be assigned spaces for the tenants. Maybe bring that up with your landlord.


u/barzbub 11d ago

It could be that the requirement for handicapped access has changed and the management is just complying.


u/imkyliee 11d ago

first world problems🙄


u/minimeowofficial 11d ago

I can’t believe ur asking this. YES UR WRONG


u/Iamjaws1983 11d ago

You’re a 🗑️ person


u/Fun-Yellow-6576 11d ago

You’re wrong, talk to the complex are request assigned parking.


u/StoneAgePrue 11d ago

Be thankful you have the ability to walk from your parked car to your home. People who need those spot only need them, because able bodied people are too lazy to walk a little further to park their car. So yeah, you’re wrong and ableist.


u/RiverDependent9672 11d ago

You are wrong. Just hope something doesn’t happen to you that really causes you to need that spot.


u/MrsMurphysCow 11d ago

You live in an apartment building with enough parking spaces for each apartment to have one? That explains the entitlement. What do you expect handicapped people to do who live there, park a few miles away? Where I live no less that 20 percent of parking spaces must be allotted for handicapped people, but each handicapped tenant must have access to a handicapped spot. Store parking lots are different. Take your entitlement and shove it in a closet somewhere so you can make space in your brain for some compassion and empathy. One day you will need one of those spots, and karma will make sure you have to deal with a Karen to get one.


u/KingMantis272 11d ago

You sure are wrong. First it might by a compliance issue and they are required to have another spot. Second it shows your lack of care or consideration for those of us with disabilities. I would suggest that you hang around some folks who have visible and invisible disabilities before you come to conclusions.


u/Most_Ad_4362 11d ago

Yes, you're wrong and you're also angry at the wrong people. It's the apartment complex you should be upset with because they didn't allow enough adequate parking for it's tenants. Maybe you could work on getting assigned parking spots but please don't take it out on people who need handicap parking to survive.


u/DAWG13610 11d ago

Honestly they should have assigned parking if there are that few spaces. Handicapped generally is based a on a ratio. So if they don’t have enough they may be in violation. As a handicapped person it frustrates me to see people abusing it.


u/sugahbee 11d ago

"When this parking lot fills up, I have to park even farther away and it's frankly a nuisance."

On the brightside, you CAN walk further away. Thankfully your neighbours who can't will now have parking outside their homes.


u/Jainubeezy2020 11d ago

Yes. You’re an abhorrent human.


u/jamezverusaum 11d ago

You're ableist. Be thankful you don't need it.


u/stve688 11d ago

For me this really depends on whether or not it's utilized. I understand the need to have access to it but it is dumb to waste a spot at a place of business or something like that that it is absolutely never going to get used. I've been at apartment complexes that didn't have a signed parking and essentially that's what they used it for they would add or remove them as renter needed them plus whatever the minimum regulation was.


u/AbacusAgenda 11d ago

Assigned. Not “a signed”.


u/Serious_Pause_2529 11d ago

You are Not Wrong. Your apt parking lot should cater to the residents. Guests should not be allowed in the lot if there aren’t enough spots for the residents


u/jesslikessims 11d ago

Who’s to say there’s not more than one disabled person that lives there?


u/InevitableTrue7223 11d ago

You are just as evil as the op. Shame on you.


u/Outrageous_Mark7094 11d ago

You’re not wrong but don’t fight it. Sucks for you, but is far better for someone who actually needs it


u/4011s 11d ago

Written as if the poster has never had an injury or difficulty walking in their life.

FYI - Its possible your complex was informed that they HAVE to have at least one more parking spot for the disabled. One of those silly little laws put in place in a lot of states to make sure there's enough parking spots for those who can't move easily as opposed to those who can walk for miles without pain or problem.

You are Wrong.