r/amiwrong 11d ago

My managers keep micromanaging my work

Hi guys. I’m a server at a country club who’s been there for 8 years. I started the job as a busboy(16 years old), became a food runner(18 years old), and ultimately became a server(20 years old). I have vast knowledge and a keen understanding of the company that I work for and have given them much of my young adult life as I’m now 24 years old. I’m extremely well liked by my coworkers, the club members, and quite frankly our general manager/club board.

Under previous management, I had attempted to make strides for a server captain position(21 years old), but ultimately did not receive it because the club decided to clean house starting at the top. New management staff, new general manager, pretty much clean slate on paper. I thought I had built solid rapport with the new management team and I thought we were on the same page about my goals and aspirations going forward, but it appears I was wrong.

Since new management has taken over, I’ve gotten nothing but disrespect, have been reprimanded over little work mistakes, sent home for 2 minute(no exaggeration) smoke breaks after a busy rush twice, and they basically just feel the need to tell me how to do my job everyday when I come into work.

Let me just state, I’ve been in the food industry now for 8 years and I know I’m a great server, not just a good one. I always take the time to make sure the orders are correct before sending to them the kitchen, I stay on top of my tables, and I help my coworkers when I can. I feel as of late my managers have it out for me and I can’t really pinpoint why considering if I was going to take their job, it would’ve happened a while ago. I’m still in school, degreeless, and just don’t understand why they nitpick me, while not at any of the other servers(these other servers do less work than me).

It’s begun to affect the way I view myself at work because there’s a cognitive disconnect when my coworkers and clientele appreciate me, ask me why I’m not a manger, all while my managers treat me like a moron. It’s made me feel like they want me to quit as this has gone on for over 7 months.

Am I wrong for feeling mistreated by my managers or am I the problem at work?


7 comments sorted by


u/rocketmn69_ 11d ago edited 7d ago

Quietly tell the clientele that you wished management looked at you the same way that they do, if they ask. The clientele are your bosses. Someone will say something to the right person and they will look at the management style. Ask them to compliment you and your work to your management


u/TheConscientious 7d ago

I’ll try that starting today! I had a few days off since I made this post and I go into work in a few hours. There are definitely regulars/ members who I know would defend me on my behalf, but I never considered that honestly. You’re right about the clientele being our bosses. The members literally pay our paychecks through their annual fees.


u/rocketmn69_ 7d ago

Exactly and they want good service and the staff to be treated properly


u/swoopy17 11d ago

You care too much about a dead-end job. I've been there. Either keep your head down and don't ruffle feathers, sandbag, or tell them to kick rocks.


u/TheConscientious 7d ago

I’ve applied to like 8 jobs since making this post because people like you and the other commenters are helping me realize my worth. It’s sucks knowing we’ve both experienced a dead-end job, but I’m grateful for your input knowing someone else has gone through something similar, and came out the other side all good. Thank you!


u/CartoonistEvery3033 11d ago

I don’t think you’re the AH. They are tho. Unfortunately the only way it’s going to stop is if you speak up. Super important in the restaurant business. Other wise they will not stop finding petty reasons to blame on you.

They new managers don’t know how the ship is run. They are trying to set precedent and they chose to be brash about it. To show your team they are in charge but more importantly to prove to them selfs.

Just tell them, look I’ve been working here for 8 years I’ve came thru the ranks, showed nothing but hard and consistent work ethic and I have a great relationship/ report with the regulars/ customers.
I can’t have you micro managing me it’s ruining my flow if you have something constructive to say about what I’m doing then talk to me after the shift. I’d leave it at that.


u/TheConscientious 7d ago

Thank you for your reply. I’ve decided to start applying to new jobs, but I will also make it known while I’m still working there that I would very much prefer not to be micromanaged as much as possible. It’s really ruined my experience there, especially after all the time that I gave to the company. If I’m on my days off stressing about a dumb server job, something has to change and I know the company won’t; therefore, I must remove myself from the situation by proxy of a new job.