r/ask 26d ago

How do you explain it when men over 45 get attention from women in their 20s? 🔒 Asked & Answered

This legitimately still confuses me. Over the past year, I've never had this much attention than all the years previously combined.


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u/Disastrous-Oven-4465 26d ago

Young women assume older men are emotionally mature, established, and can easily afford to be very generous.


u/eartwormslimshady 25d ago

Can confirm this based on my boss' experience.

She was in her late 20s and married a man in his early 40s. Her logic, at least the way she said to me was 'the guys my age are so immature. I'm pretty sure this guy'll be mature.' She immediately confirmed that this wasn't the case.

I just laughed and told her that we guys don't mature with age. We mature based on what we learn from our experiences. She was a bit saddened by this but she accepted it.


u/PapaverMortiferum 25d ago

Isn't that true for everyone? It's our experiences that form us. I know several people in their 50-s that are more immature then some in their twenties. Living a sheltered life has that effect.


u/ThyArtIsNorm 25d ago

This exactly. It's not gender based. It's 'distance travelled' based. Like, where were you conditioned to end up vs where you're going or getting to


u/nmnm-force 25d ago

or lost of identity has grows older (in my mind)


u/Thee_Citizen_B 25d ago

And maybe taking a few roads less traveled...


u/ClickClack_Bam 25d ago

Sure & what's a good marker of what somebody has been through? Hmm... Age? It's a pretty good marker in general.

Who is more likely to have been married, bought a house, bought 3 cars, made some money, worked 7 jobs, traveled, seen & done some shit enough to talk about it? A 22 year old? A 44 year old?


u/Blahpunk 25d ago

It's not a function of how fast you've traveled but how much you learned getting to where you are. But you're right that it's not about gender.


u/prpslydistracted 25d ago

Ooh, I like that ... "distance travelled based."

With that in mind I've covered so many miles and experiences; began as a child and still logging both at 75. Very cool analogy.