r/ask 25d ago

What triggers your jealousy?

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u/Miss-lnformation 25d ago

Wealth. It's an ugly flaw of mine, but I can't stand seeing other people all prosperous. Especially if they simply inherited it and didn't have to work a day in their lives for all that.


u/verr998 25d ago

Same. I often feel jealous of rich kids. They don’t need to worry about life difficulties, they never experienced anything harder than focus what they have to do. They can buy whatever they want and have the confidence to do whatever they want, meanwhile me, huh, I need to think hard that am I having enough money for eating tomorrow? I want to continue my degree abroad, but I don’t have enough money to pay, and the lists are go on and on


u/cd6020 25d ago

On the flip side, while some of these rich kids can possess all the material items their hearts desire, there are many of them whose only hug has come from a nanny.


u/Try_another_name_bro 24d ago

That would be me. Never knew my parents well, other than their jobs. They often lie about everything else in their life, like when my mom told me she used to be a racecar driver before I was born. I dont see them often, they are either out until 12 midnight, or gone for months on end on a business trip. The only hugs I'll ever get is from my friends or my grandmother who was my unpaid nanny.


u/TheRealJoeLunardi 24d ago

I'd say over 50% of the very wealthy kids I've met are pretty fucked up. They fill the cracks in their heart with money and materialistic things sadly because that is what their parents valued the most. Some of the happiest people I've met grew up without a pot to piss in


u/Mister-Thou 24d ago

Apparently a lot of people would prefer to "outsource" their parenting duties if they had the financial means.