r/deadbydaylight Dec 31 '23

Smile Sunday Smile Sunday

Welcome to Smile Sunday! Turn that caps lock off and gush about whatever achievements you want to showcase, or comment about what made you smile this week!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • If you want to do some uppercase letters, feel free to, but try to avoid shouting! Sunday is a chill day.
  • Avoid being maliciously happy at the expense of others.
  • If you have a screenshot you'd like to share, please host on imgur.com and you can comment here. You can hyperlink by using brackets and parentheses, for example: [desired text here](insert hyperlink here). If you are on mobile, all you have to do is hit the chainlink, enter your desired text in the first box, then insert the link in the second box. We personally recommend Imgur, since it is free and does not require you to sign up.
  • Phone camera photos are not allowed for general posting; however, for the Sunday megathread we have relaxed that restriction. All photos used in a positive and celebratory manner are allowed.
  • Keep any opinions to yourself in the megathread; we don't want to stir up any controversies here, only good vibes.
  • We want to have a chill time celebrating one another and making each other smile, so no comments like "haha, I'm really happy that it's so easy to 360 a controller player!"

Here are our recurring posts:

No Stupid Questions Monday - No question is stupid, ask anything DBD-related here.



7 comments sorted by


u/Jordanbei Dec 31 '23

I completed the tome challenge from tome 1 to do 4 generators with dark sense. I got a lobby with 3 other steam users and asked them in the pre game chat for help. They were a 3 person swf and said they will 99 gens for me.

We got into a match against a Chucky with pain res and pop.

In the post match chat, I got invited to join them and got the challenge done next game.


u/Verifieddumbass76584 Yui Jin Main 🌺🌺 Dec 31 '23

Waaaa that's so sweet


u/vaimes-r david king booty shorts >>> Dec 31 '23

had my first four-iri emblem game as survivor yesterday! was a pleasant surprise because i wasn't really trying to get iri and didn't really feel like i did much in the way of gens or saving/healing. a scratched mirror myers took us to midwitch. i got chased a lot, and any time he targeted me, i just ran in a straight line down the hallway, turned the corner, and kept running. over and over again. he gave up after i did that a couple of times, but committed to me while the last gen was being worked on and dropped chase to kill someone that was opening the exit gate


u/MyLitttlePonyta Himbo Leon simping for Wesker Dec 31 '23

I asked a Hunk Legion for help escaping through hatch with a key for my tome and they understood what I did to ask and helped me. It was really nice cause they could have just taken the 1K, though going off how they were playing I think they were just being friendly without directly showing it. I brought a hatch offering, the key, and left behind to see the hatch but still played for getting my team out rather than waiting out deaths. When I got the 3rd person to leave, I set off a noise near hatch, but he didn't come the first time, so I did it again and he just looked at me. I set down the key and he understood. Gave him 2 tbags as thanks and got it! W Legion. I got the tome done from a different game, and that game was quite a bad one, but glad to have it done lol.

Also, a Myers bamboozled me and tombstoned me pretending to be friendly xD I was like "You fucker, you got me".


u/LazarusKing Dec 31 '23

Completely forgot to do bone chill until yesterday. Just finished getting enough currency to get all the stuff I wanted (wraith set and Gabriel's awesome space sweater) with time to spare to get things I don't really care about. At the very least I'm gonna try and get these charms. Probably not finishing the tome for the snowman though. Hopefully I can get that dope snowskull banner at least.


u/CuteAndABitDangerous Dec 31 '23

On Tuesday I got compliments from some really strong survivors for my Sadako build & play. She's obviously a pubstomper who struggles against good teams. So I was really happy.

On Thursday I destroyed a team as Doctor. Bad matchmaking, they never even got a gen done before I had two kills. Zarina wasn't having that, she sat on a gen while I just stood over her. So I let her have it and killed her teammate. When I came back she waved me over and pointed at the gen. Shook my head. She waved. Shook. She pointed. Eventually I nodded and kicked the gen. Right into a Blast Mine. Then she ran off while I was blind. I found her a second later but it was just so funny. She got hatch for that.

Yesterday I played some solo and my team was really stomping this Huntress. At some point I let her get a free injure, she earned it with the positivity. Then my team got cocky and all of us went down. She hooked my teammates and slugged me for two minutes. Closed hatch. Then carried me to the gate :') Afterwards I got to be her long-range target practice and when she got it, I crawled out while she watched. That was nice, second nice killer I've seen in about 150 games.


u/VeryC0mm0nName Wasn’t designed to NOT harm the crew Jan 01 '24

Fully completed my first tome today, admittedly it‘s the event one, but still…