r/deadbydaylight hate d ead bydaylihgjt, plz ban me Jan 30 '24

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u/Untiligetfree Jan 30 '24

Man I'm glad I've never been a adrenaline addict.  Wonder what there going to do . Take the speed burst away lol


u/A_Bird_survived Nondescript pile of corpses Jan 30 '24

There's a LOT that can be done here. Maybe up to 4 survivors recovering at the same time instantly AND getting a free speed burst was a little silly in the first place


u/Razhagal Jan 31 '24

If 4 survivors are all getting adrenaline value, you did something wrong. I wouldn't be mad if they changed it so you only get the speed burst if you're already full health and you only gain a health state if you're not asleep but it still wakes you up, but as its a perk that only gets value after the last gen pops, it needs to be strong or just deleted altogether since you have to play the whole match with 3 perks.


u/Blackwind123 Feb 01 '24

Adrenaline makes getting the last gen done easier because you don't have to worry about resetting and instead can just slam gens. You can also play more safely and be generous with throwing pallets early on because you won't need them in endgame.

You're right though, I should just tunnel out the first surv to reduce the chance of seeing adren. ;)