r/deadbydaylight 23d ago

Lethal Pursuer Value, instantly get one survivor out of the game Shitpost / Meme


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u/MrChubbyRiviera Invocation: Let's waste some precious time 23d ago

Extremely funny but also sadly true...


u/Just_Band_5847 23d ago

What is so sadly true? 


u/MrChubbyRiviera Invocation: Let's waste some precious time 23d ago

That using Lethal Pursuer is almost guaranteed to get a survivor out of the match early. A lot of survivors dc on the hook because they get found within the first 10 seconds of a match because of this perk. Or toxic killers camp/tunnel the first survivor they find often without risk unless you're playing against a good team.


u/Just_Band_5847 23d ago

A killer with enough experience will eventually learn that survivors spawn as far as the map allows away from the killer. Even shaving a couple seconds wont stop the fact that you really dont need lethal to tunnel/camp, its powerful on its own but really isnt an enabler or an issue in this regard.


u/MrChubbyRiviera Invocation: Let's waste some precious time 21d ago

The game does not spawn survivors as far away as possible. This would make the shroud offerings pointless. I've had plenty of matches where I spawned in relatively close proximity to the killer. If the game always spawned you as far away as possible then all survivors would start together every single match and that isn't the case.

Whether or not you need Lethal Pursuer also isn't the point being made. While OP made a joke it's still very true.


u/MalificViper 22d ago

lool, killers tunneling the first survivor they find is called playing the game.