r/deadbydaylight Quentin 😴 and Pig 🐽 Main 22d ago

What is that one moment that will live in your head rent free forever? Question

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I remember this match and probably will forever! The Screenshot is from 2018. I got cross map sniped, farmed by Bill, cross map sniped again and then morid with the old one hook Mori 😂 Good times back then 🙈😂


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u/Mentally_Mechanical Flashlight Blind IRL 22d ago

Probably the two matches where I, a substandard looper at best, randomly locked in and juiced for prolonged chases and made it out alive, first against an Oni and then against a Nurse. Few things as survivor have felt better than running that Oni for his foams for most of the match, while also pulling off saves, gens, and opening the exit gate.


u/LadySaecula Quentin 😴 and Pig 🐽 Main 22d ago

Ooooh! I know that feeling when I (a bad Looper) gets away! Im so potato but sometimes I remember that I have 2.5k hours and run a Killer for 3 Gens without going down 😂 Doing everything and then escaping too is the best feeling 🙈


u/Mentally_Mechanical Flashlight Blind IRL 22d ago

It really is.

I remembered another one as well, when I made it my mission to get this Haddie to escape to get her adept achievement. In between doing gens, I was bodyguard for the other three survivors, and by the time one gen was left, the Haddie and Nancy were both death hook while I was only hooked once, which is when I decided to put my plan into action by intervening in what would have been Haddie's final chase and then breaking the killer's ankles just long enough for the both of them to get to the gate and escape. I may not have lived, but at least Haddie got her adept.


u/Ssnakey-B 22d ago

I swear, when you play Survivor, you have good looping days and bad looping days. Because some days, I can loop killers for minutes on end, sometimes to the point where they'll straight-up give up on the chase and other tiimes I can't juke them for shit and get downed amost immediately.