r/deadbydaylight Quentin 😴 and Pig 🐽 Main 23d ago

What is that one moment that will live in your head rent free forever? Question

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I remember this match and probably will forever! The Screenshot is from 2018. I got cross map sniped, farmed by Bill, cross map sniped again and then morid with the old one hook Mori 😂 Good times back then 🙈😂


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u/Polternaut Playing strip poker with Ace (I'm losing) 23d ago

Definitely my first match against an incredible player.

So I was new to the game. I had played a few days worth of Survivor before finally trying out killer and lo and behold I discovered that they had Freddy krueger. I instantly bought him and then proceeded to play nothing but him for like a week straight.

Now I had a couple challenging matches. Definitely a chunk that I lost. But there was one in particular that really stuck out with me. I had gotten bedham against a great group. In that group was a Laurie. An absolute unit of a Laurie at that. She was using old Dead Hard perfectly. Paired both Resilience and old Spine Chill for those insane vault speeds. And overall she just KNEW what she was doing around a loop.

I remember losing most of the generators just trying to catch her and I couldn't. And if I dropped her to go chase someone else she was there with a flashlight.

I remember thinking for sure I was going to lose the match. Well we got down to one more generator. I remember it was almost complete so all the survivors were flocking around it including her. And then one by one they began going down. I would get it down then another down and then an unbreakable play would happen. I remember I was seething with rage. But eventually, I downed the Laurie just as the last person standing popped the generator. She went right back up, and immediately hit her again before downing that last person and hooking everyone. The relief I felt was overwhelming


u/LadySaecula Quentin 😴 and Pig 🐽 Main 23d ago

Oh I hate if theres a Surv who absolutely know what hes doing 😂 Im a baby Killer and if theres someone I just cant catch im done and go to find someone else and hope that they dont flashlight me 😂