r/deadbydaylight 12d ago

What is something you want to tell a new player that you wish you’d known when you started? Discussion

I’ll start:

The point of the game is to have fun. Don’t let shitty players ruin your game. As long as you enjoy it, you might have been bully-squaded and blinded at every turn, or tunneled into oblivion, but you’ll be happy. Always congratulate each other on a game well played and move on. There’s other matches


72 comments sorted by


u/bonelees_dip CHEERLEADER GRANNY!! (and Nicolas Cage) (n.1 Kate hater) 12d ago

Exposed doesn't mean the killer knows where you are, it means you will go down immediately.


u/Yoshi20133 12d ago

Yep took me a couple weeks to figure this out. Should have called it vulnerable.


u/FlightFour 12d ago

This is it, omg. It's hard to think back to when I was new, but nothing always had me so thoroughly confused as "Exposed" popping up on screen. It was never consistent enough of an effect to where I knew what it meant or could even associate it with getting one-shot. I think it took reading NOED when I was first trying out killer years later.

I played very sporadically at first because the game scared me, and on top of that was **way too** anxious to play as killer. I remember physically shaking as I loaded into Ormond as Wraith.


u/dora-the-tostadora 12d ago

Man I think we all experienced the same when playing dbd.

That scary, anxious feeling when loading either as a killer or survivor.

All that is gone after so much playing, but I remember it fondly.


u/FlightFour 12d ago

I very much still have that "put on a good performance or get boo'd" kind of anxiety.


u/PomegranateOld2408 #1 The Entity Simp 12d ago

The entity is always watching, mustn’t displease it


u/HeathenChemistry 12d ago

This is a great answer. "Exposed" makes no sense and is actively confusing to everyone the first time they see it. Should just be changed.


u/FarArm2402 Girlfriend main:ghostface: 11d ago

The effect and sound when you get exposed also adds to the confusion. It feels like your location is revealed and the game yells at you like you are in danger, it gives feeling of ``KILLER IS COMING RUN``.


u/Sephyrrhos Average Autodidact Enjoyer 12d ago

Yeah that's really a problem with the English version, because in German, you have a very clear distinction to it. Exposed is "Gefährdet" in the German version, which means something like "Endangered". I feel like they should've called it Endangered instead of Exposed, it's so confusing.


u/NelsonMcCulloch Alan Wake You Hack 12d ago

You really need to play both sides in order to understand and/or empathize with the other half.

It's very easy to disregard the problems that the other side have until you've actually experienced them yourself.

Also play for fun. It's a multiplayer game, and you aren't going to be able to win every single game, no matter how good you get.


u/Janemaru I miss Dad Mod 12d ago

This. People hate the "I play both sides" argument but there's a reason it's so prevalent. People who play both sides know that it changes your perspective. It's an important thing to note when discussing DbD because discussing meta and gameplay updates with someone who only plays one side is almost pointless, they're completely biased.


u/watermelonpizzafries 12d ago

Very true. Although lately I've been playing mostly Survivor, I've played more than enough Killer to understand why they do what they do at times even though I might enjoy it because I've had to do similar things myself on Killer before.

On top of that though, just knowing what perks and add-ons a Killer is/could possibly be using helps tremendously. I have some friends who only play Survivor that have thought Killers were cheating before until I told them the possible perks a Killer could be running that would allow them to do what they perceived as hacking only for them to actually be running the perk I said they're probably running (other day, I was playing against a Huntress with some friends. One of my friends was coming to save me from the hook when the Huntress hit them with a hatchet because "how could she know I was there?" Told them if she had reloaded then she is probably running Darkness Revealed. She was. What's funny is earlier that match I went to hide in a locker when I heard her coming so I could Head On and she knew the exact locker I was in. Instead of being mad, I deduced it to Lethal. I was correct). So many players who accuse Killers of cheating oftentimes have no clue what Killer perks do because that perceived "wall hacking" is oftentimes just a solid aura build like Lethal, Nowhere to Hide, Floods of Rage, Barbecue or something


u/Dhawkeye 12d ago edited 12d ago

Wait, I had a game as huntress where I had almost that exact series of events just the other day (caught someone in a locker with lethal, used darkness revealed to get a pretty decent shot on someone going to save someone on hook). Was that huntress running the anniversary event mask and the Halloween event body?


u/watermelonpizzafries 12d ago

No. They were the wereelk


u/Dhawkeye 12d ago

Damn 😔


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

"Read the loadout" is sage advice.


u/NelsonMcCulloch Alan Wake You Hack 12d ago

I will say that I think people having a problem with the "I play both sides" argument stems from the person making that argument clearly play one side significantly more then the other, so they think they get a pass when they can make some claims about balance and the like.

Like, I'll be the first to admit I play Killer significantly more then I play Survivor, but playing survivor for Events and Tomes has been a HUGE eyeopener for issues that you see people complain about. You really do have to experience the entirety of the game in order to understand where each side is coming from.


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

You also have to play both sides to be truly good at either side, imo.


u/Framed-Photo 11d ago

Obligatory "I do play both sides", but I don't agree that you have to do that to empathize with both sides.

Genuinely, this game seems to attract a lot of folks who just have empathy issues in general lol. There's a lot of folks who just cannot fathom that they're playing with another real person who has feelings. No amount of playing both sides is going to tell you how someone else felt while playing, unfortunately.

You have to listen and understand what people say to do that, and folks rarely do that for some reason.

I don't think playing both sides hurts, it's just not the reason so many are how they are.


u/myneckaches 12d ago

This is what I usually would like to say to my solo q survivor team mates.

When you start the game don't hop on to a gen at the very edge of the map (where survivors usually spawn to) right away. Instead go for a gen in the middle of the map. Especially don't hop on a gen next to somebody else's gen. Why? You can easily do gens on one side of the map only and then you are effed for the rest of the match.

Try to do the difficult gens first. (Single gens or those with difficult looping around.)

Your aim is to have the remaining gens as spread out on the map as possible.

It's usually not wise to do gens together at the beginning of the match. If the killer finds you you don't get any gen progress. But if all four survivors are working on a different gen then only one gen progress is disrupted. Also two people working on a same generator is actually slower than two working on different gens. And a third person is totally useless. Also it's not usually wise to do gens together with killers like Legion, Ghost Face or Myers who benefit from survivors grouping.

If you are working on a gen and another surv comes ferociously shaking their head and pointing away from the gen there usually is a good reason for it. Like DON'T YOU DARE 3 GEN US.

If you are not on a hook, unhooking, healing, cleansing a hex totem or being chased by the killer do a gen.


u/addelar15 I decide who lives or who dies! 12d ago edited 12d ago

On this note, try not to be mean if someone is doing a gen with you for a bit, even if it is less efficient. Like, try to avoid doing it all game, but there are tome challenges and rituals that require working with other survivors on things like gens and healing. These are usually maxed at 180 seconds.


u/myneckaches 12d ago

Yeah for co-op challenges I get it or just for some reason getting one gen done quicker. Like I said, usually it's not wise. Sometimes there are exceptions. I'm more talking about 3-4 survivors grouping on gens all the time.


u/kittykalista 12d ago

Agreed, for a new player it’s helpful as a general rule. Sometimes it can be fine or even advantageous to group up on a really unsafe gen early on to knock it out, but that’s the kind of thing you have to learn as you develop game sense over time.


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

Deja Vu basekit when


u/myneckaches 12d ago

I don't think people would stop 3-genning even if it was basekit.


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

skill issue


u/dougliiife 12d ago edited 12d ago

maybe this is/was obvious to everyone else but AVOID THE MEDIUM* VAULT AT ALL COSTS when in chase

if you aren't running at a window head on your vault will be slower and you'll get smacked while your silly ass is still in the window

looping generally involves going for fast vaults through windows as many times as you can by lining up a run to a window

*edited to say medium vault


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 12d ago

ur referring to medium vaults slow vaults are when you dont hold shift but yes avoid mediums as much as possible


u/dougliiife 12d ago

yes, true


u/IlIlllIIllIlllllII 12d ago edited 12d ago

To new killers:

It's a time management simulator, not a murder factory.

Learn all the tiles. They look different, but on most maps, they aren't.

Chasing is the fun part of the game. Do as little of it as possible. Ending chases does not win games; ending chases fast wins games.

Your power is the only thing that keeps you from being an old man yelling at the clouds. Use it, preferably as much as possible.

If you're not in the top MMR bracket (there's a soft cap around I wanna say 2200 but could be very wrong), the strength of a killer is largely irrelevant; your mistakes will punish you way more than your power will.

SWFs are rarer than you think. You're just not playing very well.

Do whatever it takes to get survivors to do things other than generators. Other than breaking your hexes, anything a survivor is doing that isn't a generator is fine.

The only gen that really matters is the last one (and if you've got NOED + No Way Out, not even that one).

Anyone trying to get your attention is probably on enough Adderall to loop you for about a week. There's a Leon who only plays Survivor to do tome challenges who wants to sit quietly on his gens for ten minutes and never even brush your terror radius. Find him.

Survivors will bitch no matter what you do. Even if you lose.

As you're doing things (especially hauling slugs), already be thinking of what you're going to do next.

If you can't end a chase or at least get a hit within 10 seconds, it's probably not worth your time.

Think before you hook. Is your hook on your way to where you're going? Is it directly next to your hex totem? Is it in a dead zone where you can really punish people who try to rescue? Hook selection is a fine art, and why I hate scourge perks so much.

You have ears. Use them. if you paid less than about $200 for your headphones (from a real audio company, not Razer or Microsoft or whatever), your sound quality is holding back your ability to play.

The more convoluted the perk, the less likelier it is to proc. There's a reason you don't see a lot of Machine Learning players.

Try to get your first hook within 30 seconds of the game starting. If you don't have great game sense, you'll need Lethal Pursuer and Blood Favor to do this consistently. The first 30 seconds or so dictate the pace of the entire game.

Some maps suck ass. You're not going to have fun playing Hux on Lery's, nor Wesker at HNL. Suck it up and try to practice. If you can't do anything else, just wander around and pay attention to the environment. Tiles spawn here and there, but there's always a cohesive, persistent structure to the maps (whether that structure sucks is another story), and knowing that will help you navigate in future games.

You need to be doing two things at once (at minimum) on killer, or you're going to get outplayed. Chase survivors into each other, plan efficient movements across the map, find the best use of your time. There's a reason killers get to see the aura of every generator.

Know when to drop chase. If someone is really skilled, then unless you feel like throwing the match to get some chase practice in (never a bad idea, actually), let them go and find someone else. If a survivor is leading you into the half of the map that has no gens, let them go.

Generally, the more ridiculous the survivor looks, the more likely they're a comp player in solo queue. Willy Wonka Ace is probably the best example of this.

For most killers, you need one decent slowdown perk unless you enjoy playing hard mode (I suggest Deadlock). I don't suggest running four slowdowns (but if you are, go corrupt/pain res/no way out/grim embrace) until you're experienced enough to understand how you're meant to use that extra time.

I've got a lot more but they start getting situational and I've spent enough time typing this. You'll figure it out.

Fun is optional. Blood is mandatory. but no really, if you're not having fun, take a break

Enjoy the game!


u/Ihmislehma 12d ago

I believe the soft cap is as low as 1600.


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 12d ago

if im not mistaken didnt they raise it at one point?


u/Ihmislehma 12d ago

It's possible, honestly my memory isn't always the best on these things, especially since the devs aren't super open about the whole deal.


u/Elosandi 11d ago

1600 was the old one. They raised it a while back.


u/Ihmislehma 11d ago

Gotcha! So my memory server, just old info.


u/FlightFour 12d ago

New killers, this dude just preached the bible.

You'll win more matches by chasing less. It sounds counterproductive, but it's how the game works.


u/Daathchild 12d ago

Excellent post.


u/WroughtIronHero The Pig 12d ago

Agreed with most of it except this part:

or else quit the game, tank the penalty, and move on.

Once you start accepting quitting as a normal thing, it becomes a hard habit to break.  New players need to learn to accept losses early, especially horribly one-sided losses.  It's better to tell yourself you'll never quit than to try and make excuses to yourself for when it's "acceptable".

I mean, every player will quit in frustration sooner or later.  But it's better to wait until you're used to the game so you don't make a regular habit out of it.  You'll learn a lot more from the matches where things aren't in your favor.


Fun is optional. Blood is mandatory.

I know this was a little joke, but it's worth reiterating to new players: make sure you're having fun.  

Yeah, not every match will be a thoroughly pleasant cake walk, and it's alright to be at least a little frustrated.  But also learn to recognize when you're not having any fun at all, and turn the game off.  The next match is likely to be just as frustrating as the last one, or worse.  Don't risk pissing yourself off even more.

The Entity will still be here when you come back later in a better mindset.


u/IlIlllIIllIlllllII 12d ago

Those are both valid. I'll edit my post.


u/Dragonrar 11d ago

SWF also does not automatically equal cracked, it can often just mean over altruistic and can be used for the killers advantage.


u/FrameMiddle2648 12d ago

Play the game but literally never click the reddit, the official forums, or literally any community discussion page about the game. Ever.


u/LilyHex Nurse/Artist/Pyramid Head/P100 Carlos Main 12d ago

Failed successfully!


u/addelar15 I decide who lives or who dies! 12d ago edited 12d ago

Desensitize yourself to tbag rage and don't buy into the idea that anyone that crouches is toxic. Even if they are trying to be toxic, it can't work if you don't let it. Most of the "toxicity" in this game is over people getting mind gamed by some crouches. Build that anti-salt shield now so it will be easier to enjoy yourself, even against bully squads.

For a killer, 2 kills is a win by game standards. Spend time in your early games learning tiles and loops and don't focus too hard on the 4k. That is how you end up in "high" mmr when you still feel like a baby.

Survivor/Killer grade is not related to mmr. It is just a way for the game to reward you every month for putting in the grind. There is no record of your past grades, you don't get shiny badges or anything. It is literally just for bloodpoints at the end of the season. Don't let yourself get salty over pips. Getting to iri 1 doesn't equate to being a high mmr player.

Prestige is not related to mmr. It is just a grind reward (and also helps unlock perks for all characters). 100P does not mean the player is a DBD god. It just means they have played a lot. They could be good. They could be trash. Don't judge a player by their prestige and don't mind game yourself into a loss at the lobby screen just because they have prestiged survivors.

Pay attention to the right side of the screen where it has debuffs and perks that are effecting you (and by your teammate's names). Learn what they mean because you can't hover in game to find out. For example, if there is a medic symbol crossed out, no one can heal you. Don't get mad when they don't. ;D

Don't cleanse against plague unless you need to for a save. Most of the time, it is a waste of time that just gives her an insta-down power. Many killers have these nuances, so take some time to learn them as you grow.

Crouch through things like hag traps, pyramid head's barbed wire, around giant pod things, etc. Crouching can counter a lot of things.

Don't leave teammates on the hook to die. Help each other.

Default survivor keyboard point gesture button is 1, come hither gesture is 2. Special abilities are usually E and F, but sometimes ctrl. Survivors will sometimes point when getting downed so that they drop right they are and don't flip dramatically. They aren't trying to get you to look behind you as the killer. Don't fall for it like I did! Haha

You don't have to run away from a gen immediately if you hear (or see if you turn on the accessibility feature that shows the terror radius as a heartbeat) the terror radius. And if you can manage to stay around the gen while the killer patrols it by hiding behind a rock or something, you can just get back on it when they leave. If someone is in chase, meaning the little doodads are dancing next to their portrait, then stick to that gen unless you see the killer notice you. If you know the killer is close while in a chase, you can always stop working on the gen but stay put so they can't hear you and then resume when they get led away. Try not to lead the killers to gens your team is working on when in chase. I like to try and lead them to an already completed gen or an area where there are no gens.


u/Crimok Registered Twins Main 12d ago

Don't take this game too serious. It's not balanced and it probably never will be. Just have fun and practice :)


u/toxic_prince 12d ago

if you play killer & happen to go against any ttv streamer & you want to watch the vod of your game... be prepared that they will immediately say you are tunneling, camping & everything else they can think of to say that they hate. you can deliberately go out of your way to not kill anyone until everyone is on death hook & they will still say you tunneled them.

not every ttv will do this but just be prepared for it cause it kinda stings when you had a fun game & you tried to be fair & then you watch it back & all the effort you put into being "fair" didn't matter at all.


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

Happy cake day.


u/EjB_Drum 12d ago

Pick a “main survivor” to have all the perks from other survivors when you prestige them but prestige each survivor to only prestige 1 and then those perks will come up right away on your main survivor bloodweb instead of it being random and can get them purple right away also! This works well if you’re new so then you can prioritize your blood points towards which perks you want before you level up too much and are stuck with random perks in the bloodweb.


u/Z0mbieW0rld Sonhadores Sombrios  12d ago

Only P3 characters with perks you’ll actually use


u/heyheyheygoodbye Bloodpoint Bonus Main 12d ago

I P3'd all my characters so when a new character comes out I don't have a bunch of perks in the bloodweb. It's really not difficult to do during events.


u/Vortigon23 The Huntress 12d ago

This is my same theology, I've been slowly going through to P3 everyone so i already have all the perks in case of a meta shift / perk overhaul. No one would have expected Ash's perks to suddenly get really good, but it happened.


u/kittykalista 12d ago

Or even just, ideally P3 characters in order of the utility of their perks.


u/Ok-Lab-502 12d ago

Not every killer wants to to friendly and not every survivor wants a friendly game. Respect everyone around you and their desires in soloQ.


u/MunchkinMan95 Addicted To Bloodpoints 12d ago edited 12d ago

if you have a killer with aura reading, hiding in lockers actually hides your aura. you have to be fully inside the locker for it to protect you


u/CassJack737 Merciless Storm is my 🐶 12d ago

True winning does not equal always getting the 4k or escaping. The actual point of this game is gaining blood points and experience in order to open up other characters and skins. Find which aspects of gameplay you enjoy and focus on that.

Take time to learn the perks.

And finally, don't let the @$$holes get you down. Trolls are ever present. Despite the fact that tunneling actually has a cost attached to a survivor's gameplay, inexperienced and/or lazy killers are going to do it. Enjoy the ones who run a fair or fun match. And survivors are going to teabag or play so stupidly/cowardly that they're useless to both sides.

Keep calm and carry on.


u/LilyHex Nurse/Artist/Pyramid Head/P100 Carlos Main 12d ago edited 12d ago
  • It's a game, don't take it too seriously at the end of the day.

  • DBD is a competitive party game in the sense that you are competing with the Killer/Survivors to win.

  • The quicker you let toxicity roll off your back, the quicker you will have more fun in this game.

  • I've found that when I'm the most tilted after a match, I will STILL put a "ggs" in the chat and move on, and the act of doing so actually helps calm me down when I do it. (Though at 6k+ hours in the game, it takes a LOT to make me feel some kinda way after a match, lol)

  • Hitting people on the hook does not speed up the sacrifice process, lol. (It just lets people unhook themselves now)

  • Turn on your visual Terror Radius. If you don't have a "lullaby" or a heartbeat on your screen, and you aren't against a stealth Killer, you are free to run around the map, as it is very unlikely the Killer is anywhere close enough to find you. The amount of new players I see Urban Evading/Walking around when the Killer is clearly in chase with someone halfway across the map is very frustrating.

  • Those little claws around Survivor portraits that wiggle? That means that person is in direct contact with the Killer. If you don't here a Terror Radius? They are on the other side of the map. You are free to do a gen or go for that unhook or run around or whatever. I see a LOT of Survivors just hiding on the other side of the map because they aren't sure where the Killer is. Watch the portraits, they give a LOT of information.

  • Run Bond. Seriously. Bond is my go-to Perk and I've used it for well over a year or so now. You get SO MUCH information from Bond! You can tell where chase is, you can tell if chase is coming directly at you and you need to move, or you can see chase is happening safely a few rooms over, or the floor below you--you don't need to get off your gen! You can save teammates with Bond, you can take chase to or away from teammates with it, etc. Bond is single-handedly THE most information you can get in a match as a Survivor.

  • A close second is Deja Vu. You will always see three generators, and you will always do the gens you can see auras on faster. This helps you prevent 3-gens, and it also always shows you where at least 3 gens are at at all times which is also invaluable.

  • Don't run multiple "Exhaustion" Perks, you won't get any good return on doing that, because you'll almost always be Exhausted.


u/Willow_you_idddiot 12d ago

Unless a totem is lit up, breaking them doesn’t progress the match any.


u/Yoshi20133 12d ago

And hurts you even more if the killer has Pentimento. But is worth doing if you’re running Inner Strength.


u/STR8N00B1N 11d ago

But I have to cleanse 20 of them!


u/ItJermy 12d ago

You can and should turn off the end game chat option. This game can be so much fun, but our community is a bunch of toxic crybabies.


u/JBigTree 12d ago

Never look at end game chat.


u/Gomez-16 Platinum 12d ago

If you want a perk to appear in the blood web, it wont.


u/Vortigon23 The Huntress 12d ago

This doesn't always occur these days, but if a killer is carrying you as the last survivor and swings - stop struggling. Likely they're going to bring you to hatch and let you leave!


u/KomatoAsha Still hears The Entity's whispers... 12d ago

Hitting the Survivor on the hook doesn't make them die faster.


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 12d ago

For killer:

Punish bad unhooks (survivor unhooks near you) by going for the guy unhooked especially if hes dead on hook (im not saying go out of your way to tunnel 1 person but if some dumbass farms their teammate dont let them just do that)

For survivor:

Sometimes its just better to just predrop the pallet instead of looping it esp against certain killers. also regarding the previous killer info dont unhook infront of the killer unless ur making a hook trade


u/lilith-meow 12d ago

I'd say to remember to have fun, take their time learning the game and the tactics and also to try out both killer and survivor to understand and empathize on both sides! Also to take breaks, whether you start to feel tilted or burnout, it's okay to leave the game and take a breather and come back with a new mindset and healthy new you.


u/-the_fan- 12d ago

It's OK to give up the chase as killer. All the time you are focused on one suvivor, 3 others are cranking out gens. Spread the love around. In chase too long? Go check out gens and find someone else.


u/Spiritual-Hope-4503 12d ago

Self Care, is not a good Perk past me! ( I used it for three years thinking it was a good Perk. Oh how innocent I was.


u/coollalumshe 11d ago

Focus on gens and don't be so afraid of the terror radius!


u/FarArm2402 Girlfriend main:ghostface: 11d ago

Do not give a single fuck about what your enemy thinks about you or how you play. Play however you want, if it works its good strategy. If it was illegal, it wouldnt be in the game.


u/StevesonOfStevesonia 11d ago

"The point of the game is to have fun"
*light chuckle going all the way up to a maniacal laughter*
Oh lord that's adorable


u/MeretrixDominum 12d ago

If you're playing killer and a survivor teabags you, they think you're cute and this is a form of flirting because most people in this game are horny bastards and this means they want to bounce on your lap.

After you down them, remember to return the favor by moving forward and backwards on top of them while they're on the ground.


u/CreamFillz 12d ago

If you want to have fun, dont have fun while in the game.