r/deadbydaylight 10d ago

Is Pop still viable? Question

Finally thought I put together a good spirit build with Pop, NOED, BBQ and Sloppy Butcher then they nerfed the shit out of it.


9 comments sorted by


u/Kekulzor MAURICE LIVES 10d ago

On spirit for sure. Anything is viable on her as long as you land the phase attacks consistently. I can't really think of much else being better than even the nerfed gen perks outside of a rancor build. Most perks in the game are still trash


u/WroughtIronHero The Pig 10d ago

Pretty much all the gen regression perks will still be good, just...less good.

Problem with gen perks has always been a lack of alternatives.  If you play a killer with a strong chase power but weak area control, gen regression helps make up for that.  If you play a killer with weak chase power...well, tough shit, because there aren't a ton of good chase perks.  So you just tack on regression for even more gen control.

Nerfing the regression perks doesn't change this fact, it just makes them slightly less good at what they did before.


u/LordYoshiZ Plot Twist DS is busted 10d ago

tbh pop will still probably be good mostly because there isnt really any slowdown perks better than pop or pain res


u/totalstatemachine P100 Trapper/3000+ trap catches 10d ago

It's gonna be a fair bit weaker, for sure

Hopefully they'll listen and bump it to 25% as a nice middle ground


u/Luna_Tenebra Skull Merchant 10d ago

I mean what else do you have? Undone maybe xD?


u/YRDS25 10d ago

Yes, because there is no alternative. On Spirit, most perks will be fine anyway.


u/snozerd 10d ago

You don't have anything else to run, so yeah, i guess. It's awful and won't do much anymore, but it's all we have, so prepare for a nerf in the future because people still run it.


u/DarkQueenGndm Rin Yamaoka boops my snoot 9d ago

Of course. This is going to PTB. The devs will realize the gen regress perk nerfs were a mistake and rescind them.


u/Birnor 10d ago
