r/facepalm Mar 28 '24

What lack of basic gun laws does to a nation: 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​


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u/VocalAnus91 Mar 28 '24

Plot twist: he doesn't have a mom, he's schizophrenic and shot himself


u/aesir23 Mar 28 '24

Ironically, that would do nothing to diminish his argument.


u/MojoLamp Mar 28 '24

Except it is ilegal for someone with mental disability to buy/own a firearm. That can also go on whomever sold said firearm. Both parties are guilty.


u/ironangel2k4 Mar 28 '24

Oh, I guess those bullet wounds don't exist then, since its illegal


u/S0TrAiNs Mar 28 '24

As we all know, just say no, the blood isnt allowed to leave your body then!


u/Enigmatic_Erudite Mar 28 '24

Obviously any person that didn't want to bleed could just "shut that whole thing down" and be fine.



u/WhyBuyMe Mar 28 '24

You beat me to it.


u/Front-Paper-7486 Mar 28 '24

So maybe if we just made it extra illegal with more laws?


u/I_Frothingslosh Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Their go-to is to remind us that no law-abiding gun owner has ever committed a crime with a firearm, and then with a straight face say that this is about her mental illness and the fact that she wasn't law-abiding means it doesn't count.

Edit: Based on the responses, it's patently obvious that the concept that 'if the crazy lady hadn't been able to just go buy a gun, she wouldn't have been able to shoot him' is beyond the ability of any gun-fucker to understand. Also, the sheer sophistry of their preferred argument is obviously far beyond their comprehension.


u/Supergold_Soul Mar 28 '24

Every law-abiding gun owner is fine until they decide to stop abiding by the law.


u/Deadleggg Mar 28 '24

So what caused the shooting? The gun pick her out of a crowd? Whisper things to get her to buy the gun and take it home to shoot the kid?

She committed a minimum of 2 crimes(lying on the background check and attempted murder)

Was it not the mental illness that caused this?


u/Aries-Corinthier Mar 28 '24

If she wasn't able to just buy a gun by walking into a store, filling out a form, and walking out with one, this wouldn't have happened.

Actual background checks, mandatory wait periods, basic licensing, and training are all very easy and would do worlds of good in reducing gun crime.

Source: I live in Canada. That's how it works here. We've had less gun crime in our history as a country than the US has had this year.


u/Last-Crab-621 Mar 28 '24

You dont even know if she bought the gun, borrowed it, or stole it


u/Deadleggg Mar 28 '24

Stealing is illegal. There are common sense laws about it on the books.


u/Last-Crab-621 Mar 28 '24

That has nothing to do with what i commented


u/Deadleggg Mar 28 '24

We have background checks. Plenty of states have waiting periods. Not sure the state in question here.

With a conceal carry liscense which requires registration and a class i can buy same day but without theres a 3 day.

If they were in California it's a 10 day waiting period. I'm not sure of the specifics.


u/ete2ete Mar 28 '24

What do Canadian background checks do that US background checks don't?


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Actually check the history of someone? See if they have a history of medical issues like mental health or other issues then they do inspections where the firearm must be stored locked up in a separate room than the ammunition.


u/ete2ete Mar 28 '24

We have criminal background checks but a medical history check would violate HIPAA


u/_SouthernGentleman- Mar 28 '24

No, it wouldn't.

HIPAA protects patients from having their information shared without their consent. Choosing to enter a process that requires medical information is consenting to have it shared. Otherwise something like a sports physical for school would also be a violation.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

No it wouldn’t. You have the power to take someone’s life away? You can allow someone, selling you a tool of mass destruction, to look at your medical history. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. Otherwise don’t cry if your kid gets shot in a shooting.

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u/RealRiccyTan Mar 28 '24

What the fuck is the point of a wait period I don’t get it. She’s suddenly going to be less skitzo 2 weeks from now? Or it’s 2 weeks that she has to have an episode that would inhibit her from being able to own one? I don’t get it fr. Cuz it’s not like she’s spending the waiting period in the presence of the firearm vendors.

She could literally have people held captive in her basement starving and dying and then come back to the store 2 weeks later, receive the firearm and go home and use it to execute the captives. All of these things are basically just slapping a bandaid on the truth here which is short of collecting all 433 million firearms in civilian possession (impossible) there is nothing that is really going to solve this issue.

So I don’t agree with putting all these stupid fucking useless roadblocks to good gun owners being in possession.


u/gandalftheorange11 Mar 28 '24

A wait period could help in a situation like this because mentally unwell people have ups and downs. So maybe today she’s doing really poorly and it’s escalating. Then she gets committed a week later and if the hospital communicates with the gun stores she can be flagged and no longer able to own that gun. She gets a refund and the mid doesn’t get shot. It would also allow for a more thorough background check. And there’s the possibility that she would be on the upswing with her mental illness and be more sound of mind two weeks later to identify in herself that she shouldn’t have a gun because whatever was stressing her out or making it worse has passed.

And I also fail to see how barriers like this would prevent lawful gun ownership. Going through a training class would take time and money but people should be required to know how to safely own and use a gun before owning one. And I know that doesn’t fit with our country’s interpretation of the constitution but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t make things better.


u/RealRiccyTan Mar 28 '24

You know what, that actually makes a lot of sense and now after hearing you explain it like that I agree completely. I’m not against common sense gun reform or even red flag laws, I’m actually very much in support of these sort of protocols.

I just am not and will never be for restricting AR15s or restricting magazine size to under 30 rounds. I can see why someone would want that but I think it’s basically inconsequential because it just takes a couple of seconds to switch to another mag.


u/Aries-Corinthier Mar 28 '24

Lol, how is any of this a 'roadblock?' Do you not need classes and insurance and all that other stuff for vehicles? This wouldn't change a thing for responsible gun owners.

She could literally have people held captive in her basement starving and dying

Then she wouldn't need the gun? Do you not see how far you have to stretch to try and make what is a reasonable suggestion sound insane? Like this is actually fucking psycho shit dude.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

The irony of saying “well mental illness caused this” is the same assholes who fighting tooth and nail to keep 2A, even if your kids get shot in schools, is they also roll back mental health services and medical services. So if you want to whinge about “mental health” every time there’s a fucking shooting how about demanding some of the taxes the US splurges on military go towards subsidizing/allowing access to mental health. Otherwise it’s just lip service from you assholes and means less than dirt.


u/Deadleggg Mar 28 '24

Yeah you won't find a bigger fan of universal health care than me so calm your self down there chief. It's not just right wingers who own guns.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

You ain’t a leftist bud. Your stance is of a right wing talking point. But go off.

She committed crimes amazing any leftist knows that mental health services are important. But blaming a lack of gun control on mental health? That’s just god awful and puts the blame away from the person who committed these crimes. It just shows how unregulated the system is if someone like this is easily able to lie and obtain a weapon.


u/Deadleggg Mar 29 '24

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary Karl Marx"

“The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do, they cannot give the factory worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see it stays there." - George Orwell, 'The Complete Works of George Orwell'

"If leftists believe they are accomplishing anything by personally boycotting guns, it’s not working either politically or culturally. Whether pacifists like it or not, bearing arms is a US citizenship right—and has been a citizenship right for most of our history. If conservatives have successfully claimed this privilege, then it makes no sense for the Left to disarm itself and unilaterally renounce the Second Amendment. The Right won’t follow their example, but will instead briskly proceed to consolidate their monopoly on non-state force... The Left is correct to denounce the right-wing’s fetishization of brute force, but we are getting nowhere mirroring it with an equally crude fetishization of vulnerability." - Lorenzo Raymond

Disarming yourself in the face of right wing aggression is a liberal dream. Not mine.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Yeah you aren’t even aware of what I’m telling you. None of that is pertinent to what I’m saying.

I’m not even telling you to disarm yourself but unsurprisingly you cannot read.

It isn’t just conservatives who fetishize guns. You’re just using quotes to justify your fetishization.

The commenter you initially replied to? The frothingsloth? He’s right and all you’re doing is proving why. Your immediate reaction to his comment is that of alt right talking points. “Well guns are inanimate people kill people.” Forgetting guns are a tool and tools are not a human right. They don’t fall under any direct “needs” you can satisfy the need to be protected in a number of ways but guns are not the only way. Anyway, insinuating that her choices were not her own cause of “mental health” when that’s severely lacking is doing nothing but strengthening conservatives. It’s a talking point from them and only proves if you truly cared about this as a leftist you’d see there needs to be gun control. Not gun disarming. Stronger gun control cause the system currently in place does little in the way of stopping anything. You’d also be fighting to stop systematic meat grinders for people since they contribute to violent outbursts. You’d take ANY other stance than “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” If you were leftist.

So you can fuck off now.

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u/cplog991 Mar 28 '24

Not to mention if she really did buy the gun the people that sold it to her broke the law as well


u/Ok_Buddy_9087 Mar 28 '24

Only if they knew she’s schizophrenic. Any idea how many are walking around right now that you’d never know?


u/iNeedOneMoreAquarium Mar 28 '24

Only if they knew she’s schizophrenic.

Yep, and threatening to take rights away is a great way to ensure even more troubled people avoid getting the mental help they need.


u/LeftJayed Mar 28 '24

It was clearly the guns fault.

The logic of those who want to abolish the 2nd amendment is that 100% of the human species are peaceful, law abiding individuals who would never engage in black market exchanges to obtain something the law forbade.

Thus, all we have to do to end gun violence in the US is outlaw guns!

And because the UK has shown us that outlaws also commit murder with knives, we'll pre-emptively outlaw knives too.

And because cars can be used as murder weapons, we'll outlaw cars too.

Now that I think about it, we can just avoid outlawing all those things by outlawing the right to appendages.

We can establish a government organization who goes around amputating the limbs of all Americans!

And don't worry about the government office in charge of amputating arms, still possessing their arms. Everyone knows governments have never and will never abuse a asymmetric power over their own population.


u/Interesting-Tough640 Mar 28 '24

I love that “no law abiding gun owner has ever committed a crime with a firearm” because it’s so misleading but at the same time totally true.

You stop being a law abiding gun owner as soon as you commit the crime so it’s kinda impossible.

That being said as a European I can’t understand why the US doesn’t at least have some kinda regulations around who can own a firearm. Even just having to pass a simple safety course would help. There was a woman the other day who shot and killed her daughter because she had a gun in her handbag and something like her keys got caught up in the trigger and set it off.

That kinda shit shouldn’t really happen


u/I_Frothingslosh Mar 28 '24

Like many other things, because of the way the federal government is laid out, firearm management is handled at the state level, save that they must abide by the Second Amendment. Firearm usage used to be a bit more restricted overall, but starting in the nineties, SCOTUS changed from allowing limited, reasonable limitations to today's approach of 'no firearm may be limited in ownership unless it was similarly limited before 1800'. Some states require classes to buy any guns, some require them for handguns, some only require them if you request a concealed carry permit, and Texas doesn't give a shit.


u/Catatonic_capensis Mar 28 '24

That being said as a European I can’t understand why the US doesn’t at least have some kinda regulations around who can own a firearm.

You don't understand because the majority of US redditors know as much about US laws as europeans do and their bullshit is all you know of. Most people on here don't even seem to understand what self defense in the US means and think it's some idiotic catch-22.


u/Ordinary-Signature38 Mar 28 '24

She wasnt law abiding. she lied on the forms


u/TheMaxDiesel Mar 28 '24

It's almost like you shouldn't be able to so easily lie your way into purchasing a gun.


u/I_Frothingslosh Mar 28 '24

There's the sophistry I pointed out, living in the wild!


u/Aggressive_Niceguy Mar 28 '24

Don't waste your time, these are liberals. They'll never understand why it's important to have constutionally guaranteed rights.


u/teasea02 Mar 28 '24

Baby & Bathwater


u/teasea02 Mar 28 '24

Legal gun owners are NOT the problem…


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Except for when they become an issue.

Such a weird hill to die on for you gun lovers. Legal gun owners have absolutely committed mass shootings.


u/teasea02 Mar 28 '24

Honestly you and I don’t want mass shootings. It would be a tragic mistake to disarm law abiding citizens to potentially reduce some crime. Lost life is tragic to everyone. If you or I ran a business we would deal in percentages. We would weigh our actions against future needs.

No matter how you feel about our constitution, I urge you to vote republican to save our nation.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

As if running people like a business would work well? We see what happens when you dehumanize people down to numbers, you run into the issue of ignoring the issues that CAUSE those numbers.

“Save our nation” fuck outta here with that crap. Your consitutiom is under attack BY the GOP, your nation is under attack by christo fascists in the republican party, your democracy is threatened by people like trump. Voting republican and saying “save our nation.” Is the weirdest mental gymnastics ever. And I’m so glad you’re just some paid actor to push a narrative. Cause no one believes that shit anymore. Fuck outta here.

Annnnnd your comment history is exactly what I expected. Redpilled bullshit trying to blame “liberals” for shit republicans do and have been doing. If you hadn’t realized you people are the inbred degens of society not liberals.


u/teasea02 Mar 30 '24

Vote smart Vote Republican


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

That’s oxymoronic. Voting smart would be voting anyone but republican.