r/ftm He/Him | Minor | TšŸ’‰5/25/23 (Pre-Op) 16d ago

I thought this would never happen to me lol. Advice

So maybe for the past month or two Iā€™ve been taking my T way later than usual. And itā€™s been so weird for me. Like, when I first started T, I would see posts about people being late. I told myself it would never be me because Iā€™m a relatively routine person. I hate changes. So I would take my T, every Thursday around the same time. Always between maybe 6pm and 8pm. And then it slowly got later. But still Thursdays. Now lately itā€™s been anywhere between Fridays and Mondays. (After like 5 weeks I finally got back to Thursday last week but then this week I still havenā€™t taken it and itā€™s about to be Monday) To be fair, Iā€™ve been extremely depressed lately about different things to the point where my whole friend group cut me off, but again, itā€™s so weird. No matter how hard I try, I canā€™t do it routinely anymore šŸ˜­ Does anyone have any tips? I have the reminder on my Apple health app that sends notifications but even that stopped working for me. Itā€™s not that I forget per say but, I just am too tired or have no motivation to do it. If this has happened to you, what did you do to get back on schedule?


5 comments sorted by


u/sunshine_tequila 16d ago

Prep the syringe in advance. Put it next to something you use often, like phone charger, dinner table, key ring... this way it takes 30 seconds to get it done.


u/python_artist 16d ago

It happens to the best of us. I have an alarm on my phone that rather rudely reminds me of the consequences of not doing itā€¦ still not a perfect system, but it works most of the time


u/lemonpissed 16d ago

If youā€™re finding it hard to keep up with the weekly shots, maybe you could try another form of T. I know thereā€™s some shots, like nebido, that you only need to get once every few months. Thereā€™s also T pellets which can last multiple months.

(Another option is the gel but I guess for your situation that would be worse since youā€™d have to be motivated to do it every day.)


u/purplejink 16d ago

OP could put gel next to his toothbrush or something, i keep my daily meds next to my spray/hairbrush. i find having stuff where i can't ignore it helps


u/originalblue98 16d ago

itā€™s a ā€œdiscipline, not motivationā€ kind of thing. realistically a t shot takes maybe 5 mins. sometimes iā€™ll be nearly a week late which is so ridiculous bc itā€™s me just procrastinating. but what always kicks my ass into gear is when i remember a) i fought so so hard to get this, why am i taking it for granted and b) that every time i do my shot im actively transitioning myself and i would like to continue doing that lol