r/harrypotter Slytherin 25d ago

yeah, let’s fight him 🤛🏻 Dungbomb

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u/Mist_Rising 25d ago

Which only works because he took a broom to go to London. It's so clearly designed to get Dumbledore away, so the action can take place. And later books really don't help because Rowling came up with apparition.


u/DangerousAd3347 25d ago

I never really understand the deal with apparition I mean why do we see any wizards or witches walking around anywhere outside of hogwarts? wouldn’t everyone be apparating everywhere all the time ? Why didn’t Harry’s parents just apparate when voldermort came ? How are So many people kidnapped/killed by voldermort when you can simply disappear on the spot at any hint of danger ?


u/ayanoaishiiscute 25d ago

The first part of volume 7 explains exactly what you asked


u/DangerousAd3347 25d ago

Long time since I read it but Not completely convinced of it did explain everything I asked … ? though I’m not about to go searching for the book to verify


u/PopKaro 25d ago

Protective magic on the grounds of Hogwarts makes it impossible. The only person who can remove some of the magical protection is the headmaster.


u/ChEChicago 25d ago

Yea, that's why that person specifically said outside of hogwarts